Home Office equipment What tanks will be withdrawn? Which premium tank to choose in World of Tanks? Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

What tanks will be withdrawn? Which premium tank to choose in World of Tanks? Why you shouldn't pay special attention to this

In the World of Tanks game, the most important thing is the tanks. Here are presented real-life combat vehicles, each of which has its own unique history. This is partly why this game is so popular in the world. Every player finds a good tank for himself in World of Tanks and calls it ideal. But in this review we will look at the most attractive cars that are fun to play and fight for the victory of your team.

It is quite difficult to select the 10 best World of Tanks tanks. After all, each car is good in its own way. Some tanks will be very fast, some will be powerful, and some will combine both high speed and power. And what criteria are used to determine the efficiency of the unit? However, each level has its own most successful combat vehicles, which we will try to highlight.

Let us immediately note that we will begin our review of good tanks in World of Tanks right from the fifth level, since below this level frivolous combat vehicles are used. They can hardly be called effective and interesting. In the WOT game, serious battles begin from the fifth level and above.

Level 5

To summarize, there are only 3 best tanks in World of Tanks at level 5. The first of them is the Soviet KV-1 unit. This is a fairly well-known Soviet machine, which had great success on the battlefields against Nazi Germany. This tank has a solid historical component, powerful all-round armor and versatile weapons. All this gave the tank a serious reputation in the game. Almost every older generation gamer considers it their duty to buy this tank and upgrade it to the maximum.

The second best tank in World of Tanks 2017 is also the Soviet T-34. It also has a rich history. It is believed that the T-34 combat vehicles changed the course of the war. In the game, this tank is valued for its high maneuverability, as well as for its 57 mm ZiS-4 gun, which easily penetrates armor but causes little damage. In the WOT game there are two popular development branches for medium and heavy tanks. At the fifth level, gamers have the opportunity to purchase similar combat vehicles.

There is also a cool one, but it’s quite difficult to get. In the game, users call it an “imba,” that is, a machine that is out of balance. Has all-round armor. It can barely be penetrated by a level 5 cannon. Even “sixes” often cannot damage the armor of the KV-220 tank.

Level 5 Bonus

A bonus at the fifth level is the T67 combat vehicle - this is an American anti-tank self-propelled gun with high speed of movement, stealth, low silhouette, and most importantly, high armor penetration. The unit easily destroys tanks of its level with one shot.

Level 6

At the sixth level, the best tanks in World of Tanks are represented by one Soviet and two British combat vehicles. It’s worth starting with the legendary T-34-85, monuments to which are in many Russian cities.

The T-34-85 is a Soviet medium tank that has maneuverability and a good gun that can penetrate tough armor. High accuracy, rate of fire, and maneuverability make the unit popular. His demand is also explained by his rich combat history, but this does not play a role in his fighting qualities, which are at their best. With the right tactics, positioning, and ammo, many experienced players have won victories in this Tier 6 tank against more powerful Tier 8 tanks.

The second good tank in World of Tanks at level 6 is the English Cromwell. The car is good for extras. Unlike the Soviet T-34-85, the British Cromwell has no armor at all, which is why the vehicle has enormous speed and a high-speed gun. All this gives a significant advantage to the player who, without any problems, “shines” enemy tanks for his team.

The third tank of the level is the Sherman Firefly. This combat vehicle has a cool OQF 17-pdr Gun Mk. VII, which allows you to effectively fight even against older tanks of the 8th level.

Level 6 Bonus

The bonus at this level is the Soviet KV-2 tank with very powerful armor and an M-10 152 mm cannon. This vehicle is capable of fighting even with level 10 units, not to mention combat vehicles of its own level. However, getting this tank is quite difficult. Therefore, it is extremely rare in the game, which cannot be said about the T-34-85. This is one of the most popular models, which is in the arsenal of almost every player.

Level 7

According to many gamers, the seventh level of the game is the most balanced. Consequently, it is difficult to single out equipment that would have significant advantages over other combat vehicles.

The first good tank in World of Tanks at level seven is the IS or IS-2. Both cars are almost identical to each other. Therefore, we will add them to this list. The IS is one of the most popular tanks in the game and is quite famous due to its powerful gun, mobility and armored turret. If such a tank of the seventh level finds itself in a battle with equal vehicles and tanks of a lower level, then the allied team has an easy time - the IS always goes straight into battle. And often this ends well. If the IS gets into battle with tanks of a higher level, then shooting from cover is a good tactic that also brings results.

The second unit is the Tiger I. This German heavy tank took part in World War II. It also has a rich history, and in-game its execution is simply amazing. The vehicle has 1500 hit points and is equipped with a Kw.K gun. 43 L/71. Playing on such a tank is pleasant and fun. But if a vehicle gets into battle with tanks of a higher level, then tactics need to be developed as for anti-tank artillery.

The third best vehicle is the T29 heavy tank with powerful armor that sometimes even level 9 vehicles cannot penetrate. Of course, it has its advantages, but there are also weaknesses. A good balance between armor, mobility and damage makes this vehicle almost universal and convenient for use on the battlefield, which explains the popularity of the tank.

Premium tank level 7

At level 7, the best premium tank in World of Tanks is the so-called “Gatling gun”, or “flea” - this is the German E-25 anti-tank self-propelled gun. It's a very small car and hard to get into. It causes a lot of problems for clumsy and “blind” vehicles such as Soviet TT tanks. The E-25 does little damage. However, the rate of fire and accuracy infuriate opponents who fall under the gun of this “flea.” Unfortunately, this car has become so popular that it is no longer even on sale. However, there are no fewer of them on the battlefield, because those players who managed to buy it or win it for completing tasks actively use it to “farm” money.

The seventh level is so rich in cool tanks that the following vehicles are worth highlighting separately:

  1. T-34-1.
  2. Spähpanzer SP I C.
  3. LTTB.
  4. M41 Walker Bulldog.

All these models should also be on this list.

Level 8

At this level, there are already quite serious tanks that take part in company battles, global maps, and fortified areas.

In World of Tanks, the best Tier 8 tank is the IS-3. This vehicle is ideal for all of the above battle modes due to its frontal armor on the turret and hull, high-quality gun, low silhouette and mobility. All this makes such a tank successful on the battlefield.

In second place is the FCM 50t - a very difficult machine to play on which beginners will constantly lose. It is a slow and large tank without armor that is easy to destroy. However, experienced players set records with this tank again and again. As an analogue, we can offer AMX Chasseur de chars. This car has even weaker armor. However, the camouflage factor of this tank is high, making it difficult to detect. The model also has a very high speed, which is guaranteed by the Maybach HL 295 F engine with 1200 horsepower. Among the best medium tanks in World of Tanks, the AMX Chasseur de chars deserves attention first of all. You just need to know how to play it, and such a machine cannot be recommended for combat to a beginner.

The AMX 50100 is the next best Tier 8 tank and is often found in company battles and fortified areas. Such a combat vehicle is capable of destroying any tank of its class in 1-2 shots and quickly “escaping” from the scene of the crime. This is exactly how most players try to use the machine. The tank's biggest drawback is its long reload time, lasting 50 seconds. During this time, the tank is “meat” for the enemy. The second weak point is the lack of armor. However, this is typical for many French cars.

Level 8 Bonus

Bonus tanks of the eighth level are the British-made Charioteer tank destroyer and the Japanese medium tank STA 1. These are hidden combat vehicles that are perfectly camouflaged. Therefore, it is appropriate to use them as support for allied tanks that are fighting on the main battlefield.

Level 9

The improved tank VK 45.02 (P) Ausf is an imba (that is, an unbalanced vehicle), which, with its new durable armor, represents one of the best tanks at later levels. The technique perfectly holds back the enemy’s onslaught and can be at the forefront of the attack. However, it is important for her not to “glow”. After all, the sides of the tank are very weak, and a shell hit from the side will be fraught with bad consequences. But mobility partly solves this problem.

The second model is the German medium tank E 50. This is a universal vehicle that can suddenly open up in an unexpected area of ​​the map, coming from behind enemy lines. It can also be used as a heavy tank for frontal attack. Thanks to high mobility and a powerful, accurate gun, playing the “epis” (as this model is called by players) is a lot of fun. This machine gives the player many options for fighting, and he himself decides which tactics to choose. This opens up great opportunities for an experienced gamer, but even a beginner will find it quite pleasant to drive this tank. However, if a player has reached level 9, then he can hardly be called a beginner.

M103 is the third best heavy tank of tier 9. This American example has high armor at the front, which can withstand hits from large calibers. Therefore, it is appropriate to use it in battle as the main penetrating force. And if the map allows, then due to its good mobility the tank allows you to play “cat and mouse” with enemies.

Level 9 Bonus

The bonus vehicle at level 9 is the Soviet medium tank T-54. The developers deteriorated this vehicle several times, reducing the thickness of the hull armor. However, this tank is still very popular and a worthy contender for the title of best. High speed, low silhouette and mobility - these are the advantages of the car.

Level 10

At the last, 10th, level there are the best tanks, which are to some extent the result of the technical development of each nation. All cars of this level have their own “chips” and have good characteristics. Naturally, there are even imbats such as ART-SAU, PT 10 and Waffenträger auf which must be replaced.

In general, it is almost impossible to single out the best World of Tanks tier 10 tank. After all, we are always talking about extremes. There are huge “cast iron walls” that are difficult to break through, there are powerful drum heavy vehicles, as well as diverse medium tanks. Consequently, the player will have to make a choice and determine for himself which tank is better in World of Tanks. After all, the excellent balancing of the game does not allow us to identify the best car, which would be superior to others in all (or at least half) of the parameters. Therefore, among the “dozens” it is impossible to single out just one tank.


Each player determines the best combat vehicle for himself to the best of his abilities and playing style. Some people like to butt heads with heavy tanks, while others prefer to quickly move around the map in order to find targets for their team. The developers very carefully worked out the characteristics of all combat vehicles in the game and eliminated situations where most players choose the same unit, forgetting about the others.

It is complex and multifaceted, so it is not always easy for beginners to understand all its intricacies.

What should you do first?

First you need to learn all the classes of equipment and understand how each of them should behave on the battlefield. In total, there are five classes of vehicles in the World of Tanks game, each of which is suitable for a specific combat style.

Heavy tanks (TT). The most armored vehicles in the game have the greatest safety margin and do not have much mobility. TTs perform best at close ranges. TTs are the main striking force of your team, as strong armor and good weapons are never superfluous. Tanks of this class are great for beginners, as they can forgive even the most stupid mistakes, thanks to their armor and durability.

Medium tanks (MT). Fast vehicles capable of changing flanks at lightning speed. The ST's guns don't do much damage, but their rate of fire is very high. Continuous shooting is the main guarantee of victory for the ST. Tanks of this class easily hit everyone else's vulnerable sides and stern, can knock vehicles off their tracks and easily destroy them. The ST platoon is the most formidable force in the team, capable of not only pushing through an entire direction, but also intercepting light tanks, capturing or defending a base, and destroying artillery.

Light tanks (LT). The most mobile vehicles in the game, they are small in size and have the best visibility among all classes. The main task of the LT is to destroy enemy artillery, slow tanks and tank destroyers. In addition to these tasks, light tanks perform a number of others, such as highlighting enemies to allies so that they deal damage. LTs have a small margin of safety, rather mediocre weapons, and they have no armor at all. It should be said that LTs are the most difficult class in the game, so it is not recommended for beginners to upgrade them; LTs do not forgive players’ mistakes.

Tank destroyer. This class of equipment is designed for shooting from a long distance. Most tank destroyers do not have a turret, which makes them vulnerable in close combat. However, they have excellent camouflage and powerful weapons with high accuracy, armor penetration, and damage.

Self-propelled guns. Artillery or self-propelled guns is a support class that deals damage to the enemy in an arc - “from above”. Artillery has the least strength, it has no armor at all, and no turret. It is only effective when it is not visible to the enemy, because one shot can end the game for an artilleryman. The guns of the self-propelled guns are monstrous; they fire mainly land mines, which, if penetrated, can destroy a tank with one shot.

Which tanks to upgrade first?

Having understood the gameplay, you can start choosing a branch for pumping. Any professional player will say that for beginners there is no better branch than the Soviet TT branch. Why? Let's find out!

Already at level 5, players receive the KV-1 - one of the most powerful vehicles at the level, with the best all-round armor at the level, low speed and powerful guns, with high one-time damage. Many opponents simply do not penetrate the KV-1, so newcomers live on it for quite a long time, which allows them to bring more benefit to the team. Tanks up to level 5 are nothing special, but higher levels are more interesting.

After KV-1 you should download . This is a very dynamic vehicle, with average armor, an excellent weapon with good alpha and high damage per minute. At level 7 there is a legend - IS. The brave “heavy” has the coolest weapon in terms of damage, which is capable of destroying 390 points of strength on average in one shot. And the IS’s armor allows it to withstand the shots of its “classmates”, and gives it the opportunity to ricochet from more serious enemies. The speed of the IS is also not lame. It is followed by one of the most popular tanks in the game - the IS-3. This war chariot has one of the best weapons at level 8, with the same alpha, great penetration, and its armor and good speed allow it to play with even level 10 tanks.

Now let's move on to the “top cars”. At level 9, T-10 is conveniently located. This tank has the best speed indicators at the level (among TTs), an excellent weapon with one-time damage of 440 units, excellent armor penetration and a heavily armored turret. The IS-7, a true World of Tanks legend, is considered the crowning achievement of the development of Soviet TTs. The IS-7 is famous for its incredible armor, capable of holding guns of any caliber in the game in its forehead. The sides of the tank are protected by screens capable of reflecting all shells that hit them. The speed of the IS-7 is not bad (55 km/h), but it is difficult to accelerate. The tank’s gun is not its strongest point, but the one-time damage is impressive – 490 units.

What should beginners not do?

Ride the LT. This class of equipment is not suitable for beginners, because in order to “play” successfully, you will need to study the map in detail, as well as the characteristics of other tanks, so as not to die in the first minutes of the battle. When playing on LT, you need to quickly assess the situation on the battlefield so as not to fall into the enemy’s sights. Speed ​​and visibility are the main advantages of LT, and not all beginners are able to use them correctly.

Gstupid "tanking". Under no circumstances should you turn your stern or sides towards the enemy; always hold the tanks with your forehead - that’s where the armor is strongest. You should also not show the track rollers to your enemies, because they can be easily knocked down, and you will not be able to move for some time, which will make you vulnerable.

"Support" of allies. You should never prevent your allies from fighting, running away from opponents, pushing other tanks into the water, etc., because your allies can behave the same way. You should always focus your attention on your enemies, and not harm your allies.

"There is safety in numbers…". You need to learn this rule; you should never go into battle alone if no one is covering you. Even the most formidable tank in the game is not capable of killing a crowd of agile opponents.

As a result, we figured out what kind of tanks there are in the World of Tanks game and how to behave with them. Remember also that you can find an individual approach to each situation; you can play unconventionally on each tank. If you are a beginner, download TT USSR - they are your key to simple learning and gaining experience. Don’t interfere with your allies’ play, and act collectively, then you shouldn’t have any problems when starting.

Good luck on the battlefields!

List of World of Tanks developers' plans for the end of 2017 and 2018.

Wheeled vehicles and ATGMs will be added to the game. HD maps will appear in the sandbox, as will the ability to paint tanks. Preferential tanks will be removed from WOT, and it has been decided not to change premium tanks at least in 2017. We will talk about these and other plans to change the game below.

World of Tanks plans for the end of 2017 and all of 2018

The developers' latest plans to change World of Tanks in 2017-2018 have become known. Here's what's in store for the game in the near future:

  • Preferential tanks and preferential battles are considered a bad idea. The developers are in the process of reversing these changes and are considering compensating players.
  • For 2018, World of Tanks is preparing a Marathon and an interesting event. Detailed information will be published in the news on the website at the end of November - beginning of December 2017.
  • Game boosters will be replaced. The time limit will be removed and a limit on the number of battles will be added.
  • Tank painting and other customization will appear in the sandbox.
  • There are a lot of complaints from World of Tanks players about the changes to premium tanks. Planned changes to premium tanks have been postponed to 2018. In particular, it was decided not to touch the Soviet level 8 TT KV-5 at all, although the need for its changes is included in the WOT change plan for 2017.
  • In special modes, vehicles with ATGMs will appear as the main weapon. It was decided not to add ATGMs to random World of Tanks battles/combat vehicles, limiting the possibility of their use only to special battles. (Wotanks comment: In the game, 97% of all battles are carried out in the "Random Battle" mode.)
  • Italian tanks are already preparing to be introduced into the game as one full-fledged development branch. The release of the nation Italy in World of Tanks is scheduled for the second quarter of 2018.
  • Combat vehicles on wheels will appear in World of Tanks in 2018. This issue has been finally resolved. The number of wheeled vehicles planned for introduction into the game amounts to two dozen.
  • Work is underway to change clan battles. A task plan has already been written for developers with the necessary tasks to change this game mode.
  • HD maps will appear in the sandbox at the end of 2017 - beginning of 2018, and possibly earlier, in

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