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Mass Effect 4 will be released. When will Mass Effect Andromeda be released? Creation and interesting facts

Although Shepard’s story has come to an end, information has leaked on the Internet that the new start of the game “Mass Effect 4” will apparently consist of a fourth season. So, the priests no longer want the world to be completely destroyed. And a new hero will appear on the stage. So, all events will develop in the constellation Andromeda, and the main role was given to a fighter from the elite unit N7.

Most fans of role-playing computer games are eagerly awaiting the release of this new game. It is currently being developed by BioWare and Electronic, but they are hiding everything under a thick veil of secrecy. Some experts are speculating about the release of the game, suggesting its appearance at the end of 2015, while others argue that it could be 2020. To accurately develop a game of this scale requires a fairly long period of time.

So, despite all the prerequisites, everyone knows that the fourth series of the game is in development, but still, there is already some information about it that will be of interest to all fans of this bestseller.

And so, Captain Shepard again sets off on amazing adventures, but no one yet knows whether he will go at all. After all, it seems like he finished his trilogy. But, nevertheless, he can act as a player who must complete his mission, consisting of three parts with a continuation. And all the actions will take place in the territory of the universe, which has expanded quite well. To make it easier to travel through the expanded universe, the creators decided that they needed to bring the mako all-terrain vehicle back into the game. Thanks to it, players will be able to travel long distances, explore various territories throughout space, and also explore new discovered planets.

Also, Captain Shepard will receive an updated spaceship, game tasks will become more varied, and the game will receive a more optimal richness. It will be possible to participate in the game as a duet, but the choice of a partner must be made before starting the task.

The game will be available on platforms such as Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC. And all gamers will be able to continue playing this amazing game.


As the creators suggest, due to the increased scale of the universe, they do not know where the new series of the game will start from. Therefore, they will hope for the help of fans, who should tell them all the ideas they have in their arsenal.

The boundless expanses of the Universe, the alluring depths of space, the mesmerizing gaze of the stars. All this, combined with shootouts, customization, vehicles and a good role-playing component, promises to make any game a masterpiece. And this one, from BioWare, will soon appear on our shelves, but the release date of “Mass Effect 4” is not yet known for certain.

All the best for children

The new part in the Mass Effect universe, subtitled Andromeda, will absorb all the best that was in the previous parts. Thus, the new brainchild of BioWare promises to become one of the best electronic games in the world, if only the developers keep their promises.

At the official announcement in June 2015, the developers did not say what date the release date of “Mass Effect 4” would fall on. However, they told a lot of new and interesting things. In particular, the exact subtitle of the new part has become known. Previously, the video game was named Next or simply designated by the number "4".

The platforms for which the new game in the series is being developed have also become known. New generations of PlayStation 4 and Xbox One consoles will be involved here, and, of course, personal computers. But nothing was said about the release of the project to other game consoles of the previous generation.

New heroes

Quite little is known about the details, as well as what release date for “Mass Effect 4” is expected. At one of the conferences, the developers still paid a little attention to the fans and shared that the new part of the series will have a completely new protagonist. So you can’t even hope for the return of everyone’s favorite Jack Sheppard.

They also disappointed fans by not expecting any of the main characters from the previous trilogy. But it was stated that it is possible that minor characters will appear, who will appear in the background and remind of old times, linking all four parts of the project together.

New story - new world

The release date of "Mass Effect 4" is not known for certain, but one thing has become clear - the new game will unfold in a completely new region of space. Moreover, until the summer of 2015, it was not disclosed exactly which one. But at the 2015 E3 exhibition, the developers announced that the action would unfold in Hence the name of the fourth part.

The first details of the plot were also reported - people, trying to develop new territories, encounter an indigenous race. This confrontation, which develops into an armed conflict, will be the core of the game.

We can only hope that the developers will present players with a truly exciting world. If you look through a telescope, it becomes clear that there are about hundreds of clusters of solar systems. It is clear that such a huge world simply will not be realized, so there are rumors that Helios will be presented.

Game process

Very, very little is known about what kind of gameplay the game "Mass Effect 4" will present to us. Only one thing can be said for sure - shootouts and a role-playing component will remain in order to correspond to the genre. It was also said that players will be given the opportunity to explore the planets of solar systems. To do this, they will have at their disposal the Mako armored car that returned from the first part. But unlike its prototype, it will become more dynamic and maneuverable, and in return it will lose the ability to fire.

Some details about the new starship are also known. His name is now “Storm”. In addition to the main character, it will have six new crew members, two of whom can be taken on missions. In addition, the ability to create strike squads controlled by artificial intelligence to carry out side missions is expected to be introduced.

Almost nothing is known about the actual confrontation between people and the alien race. In "Mass Effect 4", a review of which you are reading, the main character may seek the salvation of humanity in the technologies of a very ancient but powerful civilization - Remnant. The struggle between the heroes of the game may unfold over these technologies.

Is it worth the wait?

Mass Effect 4 is definitely worth the wait. System requirements have not yet been officially announced, but you can expect them to be at a high level. If the developers implement at least part of the entire Helios cluster, then the world will become 4 times larger than the Universe of the previous parts. In addition, it was announced that new motion capture technology would be used to create videos, which would make the graphics even better and the requirements even stricter. But there is still time for an update. According to rumors, the game should be expected at the end of 2016 or beginning of 2017.

When in 2007 the BioWare company released its new project to the world, then only exclusive for PC and Xbox, no one even doubted that something worth attention would come out. Almost from the very beginning of its existence, the Mass Effect game won the unfailing love of fans, and just a year later, it migrated to personal computers, consolidating its popularity with the resulting DLC. Although there were not many of them (only 2), this only warmed up the interest of the public, who literally demanded a continuation (since this was only the beginning of the legendary trilogy). The Mass Effect game was given a well-deserved second place in the ranking of the best RPGs of 2008 and eighth among all games released this year, regardless of genre.

As the developers themselves later admitted, from the very beginning of the creation of the project, the initial task was precisely to satisfy the player’s desires as much as possible, filling it all with a unique scenario and ideas that were first embodied in Mass Effect. You, a member of the elite squad "SPECTRE", captain of a personal spaceship (Normandy SR1, starting from the second part of SR2) with advanced technologies and a task that determined the fate of the entire Galaxy. Playing as a certain Captain Shepard, the player must independently determine his past, decide what to do in the present and how exactly the story will end. All player saves are carried over to the next game, all actions have their impact, and relationships with the crew can ultimately play a key role. To say about the plot that it is excellent or, roughly speaking, “punch-crushing” means to say nothing, because it is not without reason that there have been rumors about the desire to make a film based on the game for a long time and not just rumors, even though filming has been suspended for now.

Captain Shepard is a hero who fought the enemy on his own, a man who defeated death, learned the side of the enemy and eventually won back the earth.

When to expect Mass Effect 4: Andromeda

Mass Effect 4: Andromeda – when to expect the release date

Nevertheless, as they say, it’s not a sin to continue any good story. As soon as the developers from BioWare finally decided on a new chapter in the world of Mass Effect, the news about this immediately spread around the world, because players are faced with not just a small project in the general universe of the game, but a full-fledged trilogy with new heroes and adventures. Mass Effect 4, or, as it is correctly called “Mass Effect Andromeda,” promises to be no less interesting and the location of the action clearly confirms this (the Andromeda Galaxy, where no man has ever been, and only our hero, will be one of the first). However, BioWare never announced the exact release date for the fourth game in the main Mass Effect series, indicating only the approximate period of the as-yet unplanned premiere.

According to BioWare representatives themselves, we will see the first game of the planned trilogy in the fourth quarter of 2016, but how much this forecast can be trusted remains a mystery.
It should be noted that Chris Wynn, senior director of development for the game “Mass Effect Andromeda,” said last year that the main development of the game has already been completed, it is already in playable form and all that remains is to polish the entire project, complete the cut scenes, and complete dubbing of all dialogues. That is why the game makers from BioWare have more than enough time to complete the game exactly on time.

Mass Effect 4 Andromeda - trailer

A trailer published at E3 in 2015 gives some idea of ​​the future game.

Our forecast – is it possible to postpone the premiere?

There is indeed a possibility of postponing the premiere, because Mass Effect Andromeda is not just another game in the series, it is the beginning of a new story, and BioWare’s desire to release it with the highest quality and thoughtfulness would look more than logical. It should be noted that the release of the studio's previous project, namely "Dragon Age: Inquisition", was also postponed by exactly one year, which gives reason to believe in the possibility of setting a new premiere date, but let's hope that this time the studio will cope without such a delay.

The fourth part of the series will again take us to the distant future, where people have already successfully conquered space. BioWare studio has announced the release date of Mass Effect Andromeda - an anticipated event for all who are fans of this game in the action role-playing genre. Quite “lifting” system requirements will allow many to appreciate the new brainchild of Canadians.

For the first time, information about the continuation of “Mass Effect” appeared in 2012 - then fans were asked to choose for themselves at what time the actions would develop. Two years later, the new part was officially announced, planning the release of Mass Effect 4 on PC for March 2017. It is also developed for the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One platforms.

What can players expect?

When Mass Effect 4 is released, you will notice that the developers have decided that the plot of “Andromeda” will not intersect with the events that the previous parts were devoted to. The reason lies in the fact that that story received a logical ending, so the additions do not make sense. Captain Shepard will not be in the new Mass Effect, and not all of the other characters will be seen, and then only in episodes.

The action will take place in the neighboring galaxy, which gave the game its name. This is a completely new location, where the player will certainly have not only friends, but also enemies. We will have to do research, and of course there will be a lot of travel in outer space. Your ship will need to hire crew members with different skills. When going into battle in Mass Effect, you can take some of them with you, which has a positive effect on the variety of storylines, and besides, it will be easier to complete the mission with assistants.

The characters belong to different races, have different worldviews and have their own secrets. The player can try to establish contact with one or another crew member, which will allow him to interact with them in different ways, even to the point of entering into a romantic relationship with someone.

In the fourth part of “Mass Effect”, according to the description, the armed all-terrain vehicle “Mako” will appear again - players remember it from the first game, where it could be controlled both in individual tasks and as part of story missions. Leaving the game mechanics the same, the developers reworked the physics of the car, improving the handling of the all-terrain vehicle. Frostbite 3 was chosen as the graphics engine.

The main character of the game

In the third part, players learned the story of Captain Shepard and his team. They were asked to independently choose how to finish the game; four options were available:

  • character death;
  • the character survives;
  • the character destroys everything;
  • the character gives hope to the galaxy.

Any decision available directly affected both the main character and the world around him. Captain Shepard himself was a character who was loved by players and appreciated by game critics, so it is not surprising that we would like to see him in the sequel. However, the information that the hero will appear in the fourth “Mass Effect” was refuted by the developers. Therefore, the fourth part of 4 will be released with other active characters, its own plot and a new story - we can only hope that it will be no less interesting.

If there is a fourth part, and it definitely will be since the guys from Bioware officially announced it, it will most likely develop in the Mass Effect universe, if not, then it will no longer be worthy of bearing this name and the number 4 after it. If it’s all like this in the Mass Effect universe, then the developers will have to work hard, not so much on the plot, but on how to “write” all the consequences of our actions in the main trilogy, even if the game takes place many hundreds of years later. Well, for example, somewhere in the salarian archives it will be written about Mordin Solus, who gave his life to cure the genophage, etc. Everything depends on the player’s decisions earlier. As for the plot. I dare to suggest this option.
----Some time after the victory over the reapers (whatever it was), everything returned to normal. The quarians received a place in the citadel's polity, as did the krogans. A huge army of reapers, which were renamed “SOC” - “Special Response Army of the Citadel” under the leadership of the Shep-catalyst, was switched off until the last resort. The Leviathans simply disappeared. But a few years later, some semblance of a civil war began for unclear reasons, entire colonies rebelled and attacked everyone. Troops were sent to all systems under the council's authority. After the disappearance of the 5th Alliance fleet under the command of the admiral (let's say Ashley Williams, since Hackett retired) behind the Veil of Perseus, the council declared a state of emergency and salarian and asari troops were sent to the Veil of Perseus where they stumbled upon what was left of the 5th th fleet and an army of an enemy unknown to them, which, under the leadership of the Leviathans, was amassing near the relay. The troops of the asari and salarians engage in battle with the enemy, as a result of which they retreat literally a few minutes later, and Shep-catalyst, by order of the council, blocks the relay leading to the Veil of Perseus. And the newly arrived race, together with the Leviathans, begins to move at full speed towards the nearest system without the help of a relay. This is where it all begins.

The 4th part should be more intense in battles both on the ground and in outer space. To create a new race that was brought by leviathans from another galaxy in order to try to capture the Milky Way, this race should be much cooler than the reapers. The actions of the 4th part can be done, say, 20-30 years after the events of the 3rd part. So that you can meet all the familiar characters. I personally am ready to wait at least 5 years, the main thing is that the developers take their time and do everything correctly. Maybe someday they will make an optimal ending with Shepard surviving, who, with the help of the Forge, was able to subjugate the Catalyst himself and the Reapers with him. And so on. I don’t hide the fact that I’m an ardent fan...I would even say a nerd for the Mass Effect series. So if anyone wants to talk about this, write [email protected]. I'm waiting))))))

If anyone is interested, here is a topic with my version of the ending of the 3rd and the beginning of the 4th part separately.

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