Home Other Description of the PixelMon server. Description of the server PixelMon Pokemon server version 1.1 3

Description of the PixelMon server. Description of the server PixelMon Pokemon server version 1.1 3

As everyone knows, the most rated and favorite game among users, Minecraft, has the opportunity to play with gamers like you on the appropriate servers. Separate mods are also offered for users, their main goal is to give specific opportunities to players, with possible additional, colorful design of locations.

Such a server, as with the Pixelmon mod, gives users quite a lot of opportunities with a non-standard design of the old and beloved Pokemon cartoon in childhood. This mod includes the presence of any of your old cartoon characters, and these are about 80 different types of little Pokemon that ended up in the cubic world of pixels.

In this mod, you can choose your character from your favorite cartoon series and upgrade his abilities and skills in order to be able to fight with the leaders of the game, who are not deprived of the opportunity to pursue you.

At higher levels of development, you will be able to deliver powerful blows for superior victory over various mobs. But do not forget that they will also make an invasion in the form of attacks on you at one of the most inopportune moments, for example, when you are restoring your health.

Hixelmon is a reality filled with amazing creatures - Pokemon and various interesting additions. The ability to tame and control Pokemon. Each Pokemon has its own characteristics and appearance. Upgrade your Pokemon, increasing their level and strength. Battle your Pokemon with other players! Look for new interesting Pokemon! All this is waiting for you on our Hixelmon server!
The main mods and addons of our server

Minecraft version :1.7.10 Complexity: Low, PvE mode Animal protection: Enabled in private Card size: 5000x5000 Regeneration of worlds: Scheduled. Last wipe: 09/29/2016

Pixelmon is a mod for Pokemon - creatures with amazing abilities. Thanks to this modification, you can catch any of the 204 Pokemon, train them, improve them, and then send them into battle with other characters. Collect the coolest Pokemon collection ever!

Biomes O’ Plenty - The world of Minecraft will be simply magnificent. Here you will find a variety of new biomes that are modeled after real natural areas!

Wild Caves - There are many biomes located on the surface of the simple Minecraft world. However, the dungeons lack variety and this sometimes gets boring. Now each dungeon will have its own mobs, resources and design. This is simply amazing.

Coral Reef - The mod will add very beautiful coral reefs to the generation of the Minecraft world.

Carpenter’s Blocks - Will add basic decorative blocks, the texture and relief of which can be changed, thereby obtaining a large number of different combinations.

Iron Chest is an indispensable mod at the beginning of the game, when you do not yet have Applied Energistics digital chests. Iron, gold and diamond chests are several times larger in volume than classic wooden ones.

HarvestCraft - An extensive mod that will add a large number of different products and tools for cooking.

Welcome to the continuation of the Pokemon mod - Pixelmon for Minecraft 1.11.2 / 1.10.2. Do you know about Pokemon? For your information (in case you don't know), Pokemon is a worldwide bestseller about powerful mystical creatures who are tamed to be friends with humans. They are varied in shape, size and strength, and man has used Pokemon to battle each other to be the best trainer!

Pokemon mod for Minecraft always more popular than toys or cartoons. There is no denying that Pokemon is a legendary cartoon and game, an ever-lasting figure in the gaming world. Almost every gamer spent his childhood with Pokemon. They were willing to spend hundreds of hours searching for the most powerful beings and turning them into even greater beings.

Thanks to the Minecraft community's unlimited creativity and openness Minecraft, Pixelmon was created as a memory of childhood with Pokemon. However, Pixelmon was disabled in August 2017 at the request of the Pokemon Company. As a result, Pixelmon Reborn is created to replace the old Pixelmon with more frequent updates and new Pokemon, while maintaining the old Pixelmon mechanics.

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