Home Programs Permanent item in the virtuemart cart. Joomla VirtueMart: installation and configuration of an online store

Permanent item in the virtuemart cart. Joomla VirtueMart: installation and configuration of an online store

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Autosave cart for a user in VirtueMart 3

Compatible with Joomla 2.5/3 + VirtueMart 3.*

ionCube support is not required. There are no licenses, knockers or third-party code in the plugin. Installation on various domains is possible without restrictions.

After installing the plugin, the cart is automatically saved with a link to the user. That is, when a user logs in to the site, he will see in the cart those items that he added to the cart during his last visit to the site. For unauthorized users, nothing changes.

The archive contains a whole package of three plugins, installed in one archive. The plugin for saving the cart (stt_cartusave), the plugin for restoring the saved cart after user authorization (sttcartlogin) and the plugin for clearing the cart after placing an order (stt_cartudel). The package is installed in the standard way - through the extension manager. The sttcartlogin plugin in the plugin manager should be at the end of the list of plugins, filtered by type "user"

This is a version of autosave that is tied to an authorized user. No matter what computer/phone/tablet the user accesses your website on, he will see saved items in the cart. In order for everything to be synchronized, after adding all the products, you need to go to the cart. If your store allows unauthorized users to enter, then there may be problems. For example, a buyer added goods to the cart, and then decided to log in, and it may happen that all the goods from the cart disappear, and those that he took last time (i.e., saved earlier) appear.

Possibility to set whether it is worth merging saved carts and allowing adding the id of a certain product to the saved cart

(Cmsmart One Page Checkout for Virtuemart)

The basket of goods for virtuemart is perhaps the most important part that plays a role in the speed and convenience of the purchase. Cart constructor component from Netbase allows you to turn your cart into not only a one-page design, but also a work of art. The standard shopping cart is a sad phenomenon in online commerce; after examining the reports from some companies, it was possible to establish that more than 60% of orders are not completed due to the long structure of Virtuemart and the confusion in its actions. That's why this component not only represents the ability to design your own cart style, but also create everything on one Checkout page.

In this solution there is no binding or license to a domain name, so installation can be carried out on an unlimited number of your sites.

If you just want a no-frills, one-page shopping cart, you can use another cheaper component.

Now, by preventing even a relatively small percentage of these abandoned orders, you will significantly increase your revenue and profit. Everything you need is loaded onto the page automatically. If the client is ultimately satisfied with the price and delivery costs, he will make a purchase quickly without additional manipulations. This final stage is the most important part of an online business because many companies lose big clients during this step. Which makes it very fast for customers shopping in your store on Virtuemart sub-powered by Joomla.

One of the biggest benefits of one page checkout is the option for guest login. Because many times customers don't want to create an account and log in, they just want to log into the site as a "guest" and make their purchase anonymously. This option is then much easier for shoppers to complete their purchases quickly and easily, without the need to log in or create an account. But for regular authorization, you no longer need to go somewhere from the cart, now the authorization form works as a pop-up window and can also be customized, which makes it similar to magento one-page carts.

The component is fully responsive, just imagine, it is statistically proven that more than 50% of traffic to e-commerce sites comes from smartphones and tablets, this is more important than ever, so your online store on Virtuemart will have a shopping cart that easily works on all devices and convenient.

A store owner will increase his income by up to 70% when using a one-page design with a component and a plugin One page checkout for Virtuemart from Netbase and cmsmart. Russifier has been added to the component ( installed as usual, through the extension manager)

Since the first release of this package, it has brought satisfaction and happiness to over 6,000 customers.

Smartphones and tablets are the most common devices today because over 50% of traffic comes from them, it is more important than ever that your online store has a one page checkout with 100% responsive design.


I came across a pressing question.
How to simplify the cart in virtuemart (in my case Virtiemart 2.0.16 Joomla 2.5.8) i.e. bring it closer to the following requirements (registration during checkout): Select a product -> go in and see it in the cart -> place an order with minimal fields to fill in (full name, country, region, city, zip code, delivery address, tel) -> select a payment option and delivery -> we confirm the order -> me and the client receive notifications in the boxes (me about placing an order, the client his order with the details of my current account (by default) and the amount. Otherwise, that basket functionality during checkout will scare away 90% of customers. “shipping address” and “issue an invoice” “agreement to terms and conditions” and “use shipping address as payment address” horror….

Now I will tell you how I solved the task set for myself.

In my case, it was impossible to delete the “Issue an invoice” block, because the client will not be able to change the data when ordering. Therefore, we delete the “Delivery address” block
1. During checkout, select the registration option in the store settings.
2. Remove “Delivery address” with the checkbox “Use delivery address as billing address”
Path: /folder with your site/components/com_virtuemart/views/cart/tmp file: default_pricelist.php

Let's remove this code:

cart->STaddress[‘fields’])) (
if (!class_exists('VmHtml')) (
require(JPATH_VM_ADMINISTRATOR . DS . 'helpers' . DS . 'html.php');
echo VmHtml::checkbox ('STsameAsBTjs', $this->cart->STsameAsBT) . ”; ?>

cart->STaddress[‘fields’] as $item) (
if (!empty($item[‘value’])) (

lists['current_id'], $this->useXHTML, $this->useSSL) ?>”>

2. Remove the checkbox about agreement with the terms of service.

The most common thing on the Internet is the following:

Folder with the siteadministratorcomponentscom_virtuemartviewsuserfieldstmplFile: default.php
find the 103rd line $coreField = (in_array($row->name, $this->lists[‘coreFields’])); put two slashes in front of it //$coreField = (in_array($row->name, $this->lists[‘coreFields’]));
save, then go to the admin panel in Custom Fields and see that your “I agree to the Terms of Service” field is no longer blocked, disable it and that’s it.

Another option.

1) open the file Folder with site/administrator/components/com_virtuemart/models/userfields.php
2) find the getCoreFields() method

3) comment, ‘agreed’. We get the method in the following form
function getCoreFields())(
return array('name','username', 'email', 'password', 'password2' , 'agreed'); )
function getCoreFields())( return array(‘name’,’username’, ‘email’, ‘password’, ‘password2′/* , ‘agreed’*/); )
4) go to the VitrueMart admin panel Components -> VirtueMart -> Settings -> Fields filled in by the user and remove the option from published, from required, etc.
Also, don’t forget to remove the fields you don’t need to fill out in the registration form when placing your order.
3. Rename “Invoice” and “Address 1″
And we change the “Terms of Service” (in my case, I needed this, because the store’s work is limited to the region and I published a “reminder” for clients) Path: /Folder with the site/language/ru-RU/
File: ru-RU.com_virtuemart.ini

After Russification, we follow the indicated path, find the necessary lines by searching and change them.
For some, when renaming the “Address 1” field, 0 appears in the data entry line. This is related to the database tables, who knows, go to the database and edit the table.
How to do this without going into the database and admin panel:
We do not touch the name of the field in the admin panel, but find the desired name in the file with languages ​​and rename it.

Here's what I removed/changed from the standard cart.

You can remove delivery and payment in a simple way: for a simplified version of the store, and in particular placing an order, you can create one delivery and payment option, then set the automatic selection of delivery and payment (there will be no options for selection during checkout). If you have any questions, write to the administration of this site

It is located in the e-Commerce -> Shopping Cart section

The archive com_virtuemart.2.0.24_extract_first.targz.zip consists of 3 files - the Virtuemart component itself, extensions for it and a readmy file.

First, install the component - com_virtuemart.2.0.24.tar.gz, then extensions to it - com_virtuemart.2.0.24_ext_aio.tar.gz

After installing the component, you are prompted to go to the store or install demo data. Let's consider the option without installing demo data. We installed Virtuemart then its extensions, now you need to download the Virtuemart language pack..

Go to the Russian translation page and download the installation package with language files. Then we install them through the standard Joomla installation.

Let's create a menu item for the Virtuemart main page, call it Product Catalog or Store, something like that..)

We will remove unnecessary VirtueMart modules from publication.

That's it, we have installed Virtuemart, now let's move on to its initial configuration..

Let's create a vmfiles folder one level above the site.

Let’s immediately decide which countries the store will work with; this can be done in the Settings section. For example, if we leave Russia, we will remove all other countries from publication. You can also limit the list of areas.

You can quickly remove from publication as follows: select a list size of 400 at the bottom of the page so that all countries are displayed on the page, mark all countries and uncheck the Russian Federation (Russian Federation) [Regions] entry. Now click the remove from publication button.

We do the same for the Currencies menu item. We leave the Russian ruble if the store does not provide additional currency.

Now let's go to the Store - store section, here we will fill in information about the store and select the store currency.

On the Seller tab:

Store Name, Company Name, Store Description, Meta Information

  • Currency Russian ruble
  • List of currencies Russian ruble

On the Additional Information tab, fill in the required fields; they are marked with an asterisk.

Let's go to the Options section - Options, Store tab.

If you do not intend to use the recycle bin, then check the box next to Use as a directory

Languages ​​supported by the store Russian

Appearance.. you can first disable all interface options, such as Show link for printing and the like. Then, if necessary, you can turn it on.

Appearance customization is divided into

  • general setup
  • and setting up the home page.

If the manufacturer directory will not be used, then it is better to uncheck Show manufacturers.

For the main page you can disable

  • Show recommended products
  • Show top 10 products
  • Show Recently Viewed Products
  • Show recently added products

Everyone will decide for themselves. For example, recommended products can be displayed using the module..

Price formation.

Prices can be displayed or not..

If you display prices at a minimum, you can remove all options on this page and leave only the Final price. You can also turn off the caption for it.

If we have not disabled the cart functionality on the Store tab of the Settings section, you can now configure the behavior of the cart on the Checkout tab.

You can leave everything as is or remove Registration during checkout - login and registration will be done through the Joomla interface. Try both options to decide which is best for you..

Sorting Settings tab.

Let's leave two fields Name and Price for sorting.

We will leave the SEO tab unchanged.


  • Delivery method
  • and Payment method.

This is the Store section in the menu on the left.

Let's create a delivery method and call it Pickup.

Let's create a payment method and name it Payment in store.

Almost everything for the initial setup remains to be set in the Settings section - Fields, user-filled fields that the user will fill in when placing an order.

A one-page checkout component that every online store on Virtuemart versions 2.0.x and 3.x should have. If you care about the convenience and speed of placing an order in your online store, if you don’t want to lose your customers because of this, then you JUST MUST install this software on your site. It's no secret that the standard ordering page in the second version of Virtuemart can confuse anyone, even the most advanced online buyer. This situation arose due to an ill-considered sequence of actions on the part of the developers, which led to many unnecessary movements on the part of the buyer. OnePage CheckOut from Rupostel is free from all these shortcomings and displays the order form on one page

Has no restrictions or licenses!

So, let me explain a little how it works:

  1. The user (aka the buyer) selects a product in your store, indicates the quantity, parameters (if any) and puts it in the virtual cart.
  2. The buyer clicks on a link or "Show Cart" button from anywhere on your site and is taken to the checkout page.
  3. On the order page, he will see the contents of his cart, where he can also edit the number of products in it or delete unnecessary products, a registration form and a login form (if it is displayed in the settings).
  4. Closer to the bottom of the page, he will see the “Place an order” button, when clicked, the registration itself will take place without unnecessary questions and filling out incomprehensible additional fields.

It should be noted that this component uses:

  • fields filled in by the user
  • delivery methods
  • Payment Methods

Created and configured in Virtuemart itself. That is, you will need minimal configuration of the component in order to put it into action.

The appearance of the output is customized using templates. The program already contains 4 templates, two of which are suitable for “responsive” design.

Not related to the One Page Checkout for VirtueMart plugin from LineLab. This is a completely different and simpler solution. We can say the best analogue of an inconvenient plugin.

Works equally well on both versions of Joomla 2.5 and 3.x, as well as Virtuemart 2 and 3

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