Home Computers How can you strengthen your cell phone signal? Weak antenna signal on Android

How can you strengthen your cell phone signal? Weak antenna signal on Android

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Dense urban development, terrain, power lines and distance from transmission towers greatly affect the quality of signal reception, which can disappear at the most inopportune moment.

And today I want to talk about several ways to strengthen cellular communication on your phone with your own hands and how much they really help. But before you perform any actions with your device, you need to make sure that it is working properly.

After all, poor reception may be the result of a faulty radio module, unreliable contact with the internal antenna, or a broken firmware.

Making sure that your smartphone is working is very simple. It is enough to compare its reception level with another one that is obviously working, not necessarily of the same model.

If it is very different, then most likely the mobile phone is faulty and it needs a direct trip to a repair shop. But there is no need to rush. I had a similar situation with Lenovo 316i, when the level bars on the display constantly disappeared, while other mobile phones worked fine. For some reason I blamed the buggy software.

And, of course, I tried to reflash it, but the result did not change. Having studied a considerable number of forums, I was inclined to conclude that the cause of poor reception may be poor contact at the junction of the antenna and the motherboard.

This is a common disease of Chinese gadgets. The next step I decided to take was disassembling it.

And in fact, upon opening the case, I discovered that the middle spring tongue on the board was slightly bent down and did not contact the antenna, which was a flexible cable glued to the cover.

Armed with tweezers, I bent it up a little, screwed everything back, put the SIM cards and battery in place and pressed the power button. After the system booted, all four bars appeared in the status line and this time they did not disappear.

Thus, having the skills and certain knowledge, I myself managed to repair my mobile phone. But let's now talk about methods by which you can significantly improve the quality of communication.

Software method for boosting cellular signal

This time we won’t disassemble anything, but install a special MTK Engineering Mode application on Android, with which we will enter the engineering menu and change some parameters there. It is free and can be downloaded from the Play Market. Please note that it is only suitable for devices running on a MediaTek processor. You can find out which processor you have using the CPU-Z program, which you can download, again, from the Play Market. So, click on the program shortcut and immediately find yourself in such a menu.

Go to the MTK Settings tab

As a result, we will see on the display this window with settings, where we uncheck all the boxes. We leave only

  • EGSM900;
  • DCS1800;
  • WCDMA-GSM-900.

Thus, we turn off unnecessary frequencies that are not used in our country.

We perform the same operation with SIM2.

Then go to “Select a network” where we select the GSM only item. This is the 2G communication standard, which originally appeared during the construction of telecommunication networks.

It has wide coverage across the country and handles voice calls very well. Select this tab if you do not use 3G Internet.

After these manipulations, your handset will work longer by disabling scanning of unnecessary frequencies and keep the radio signal more stable, since it will not jump between WCDMA and GSM standards.

Connecting a homemade antenna

Previously, cell phones had an external radio antenna or a connector under a plug located on the back of the case, into which any piece of wire could be plugged, which significantly enhanced reception.

Nowadays, everyone has modern smartphones, to which, apart from charging and headphones, you can’t connect anything else. But, if you take it apart, then inside, on the board, you can see a small golden cylindrical connector with a hole in the middle.

It is intended for network diagnostics and is used only in service centers. But, if you insert a small piece (no more than 5 cm) of thin insulated wire into it, you can observe a noticeable increase in the signal level.

Only in this case it is necessary to comply with some conditions. The wiring should not bend anywhere or touch live parts. You can carefully lay it inside the case, between the battery and the cover.

Again, this method is not suitable for everyone, since most devices are non-separable or do not have such a connector.

Repeater installation

This option is ideal for use in a country house or village, where, as a rule, the quality of communication is poor due to the remoteness of the towers.

Its operating principle is to capture electromagnetic waves, pre-amplify them and transmit them to the user’s phone. The system consists of a repeater unit, external and internal antennas. The disadvantage of this equipment is the expensive price of the device, the complexity of installation, configuration and a short range. But you can try to build a homemade installation yourself to amplify the signal.

To do this, we need a metal rod about 50 cm long, a coaxial cable, a piece of foil measuring approximately 100 by 40 mm, glued to plastic or plywood. It will be better if you have foil-coated textolite.

So, we bend our rod in the shape of a diamond and solder a cable to it, the other end of which is soldered to the foil.

Example of connecting a cable to a rod

We install our diamond on the roof of the house or on a pole, preferably higher.

Now let's check the amplifier. To do this, we place the phone close to the plywood and notice how much the signal quality has improved.

sticker sticker

Often on sale you can find a universal compact antenna amplifier, which is a thin self-adhesive plate with a special geometric pattern of metal tracks, which, according to the manufacturer, reduces the amount of interference and allows you to significantly strengthen the signal where there is practically no cellular communication.

The sticker is glued to the inside of the phone, under the battery. But in my opinion, there is no point in buying it. You can just as easily put a piece of foil under the battery and the effect will be the same.

Now, with the help of such simple manipulations, you can use your own hands, using inexpensive materials, to strengthen the weak cellular signal on your phone.

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Is it necessary to purchase an expensive gadget when you can get by with a device assembled from improvised materials?

Those who have at least an initial level of knowledge in the field of cellular communications will be able to cope on their own. To do this, you need components and tools, as well as a diagram of the device.

And you can assemble a simple cellular communication amplifier on your own. What is required for this will be discussed below.

Antennas for amplifying cellular communications

They are one of the simplest devices that allow you to achieve a high-quality signal at any object.

There are two main groups of antennas:

  1. External;
  2. Internal.

The former are usually installed on the roof of a building and are capable of providing coverage over large areas. The antenna transmits the signal received from the base station through a cable to the amplifier. This guarantees good communication quality even in areas where it was previously impossible.

What elements does the signal amplification system consist of?

It is possible to ensure reliable communication in places that are difficult to reach for a radio signal, but this will require special equipment. Various devices collected into a single system allow you to achieve high signal quality and forget about its sudden loss forever. It is often called a cellular booster. However, in reality it is a complex consisting of the following elements:

  • A repeater or two-way amplifier, which is an intermediate link;
  • External and internal antennas that pick up the station signal and distribute it indoors;
  • Power divider or wire splitter;
  • N-connectors;
  • Coaxial cable with a resistance of 50 Ohms.

All devices included in the system are divided into two groups:

  1. Active;
  2. Passive.

The first includes devices that require a connection to a power source to operate - this is a repeater, connectors. Antennas, divider and cable are called passive. Each system is designed for a specific object and therefore may have a different number of amplifiers and internal antennas. The best option is considered to be one that uses a cable of minimal length, since every extra meter of it is a loss in signal quality. This must be taken into account when assembling a cellular signal amplifier with your own hands.

Since all the elements are interconnected, it is recommended to install the equipment before finishing, so as not to spoil the interior.

Repeater operating principle

Equipment of this class is in some way a repeater. It processes received signals and sends them to the base station tower if it is an outgoing call. When a subscriber is dialed, the repeater performs the same function, only the connection is made with the user’s gadget.

Let's watch the video, the simplest way to strengthen the signal:

Signal reception and transmission is carried out by antennas. The simplest cellular network signal booster can be assembled with your own hands. The outdoor antenna receives or sends it to the station, and the indoor antenna is responsible for expanding the coverage area indoors.

How to make a cellular booster with your own hands

Using such a device allows you to achieve high-quality communication in almost any corner of the facility. A repeater is especially necessary in areas with poor signal or where there is no signal. The advantages of using the system include the following:

  1. Strengthening the signal in places where there are frequent interruptions in mobile communications;
  2. Removing interference;
  3. Increased message clarity;
  4. Reduced radiation levels;
  5. Longer phone battery life.

But since such equipment is not cheap, many decide to make it themselves.

Let's watch the video, the stages of making it yourself:

In order to assemble a cellular communication amplifier on your own, you will need components that need to be connected into a single system. How to do this will be discussed further.

What is needed for assembly

If you decide to make the simplest device, namely an antenna, then you will need:

  • Wire, but not copper (length 30-40 cm);
  • Connection block;
  • Cable (up to 10 m);
  • Fasteners (for mounting connecting blocks);
  • Polymer pipe (20 cm);
  • Plastic.

Since during the work you will have to connect individual elements, it is worth having electrical tape on hand. After all the components have been found and prepared, you can begin assembling the cellular signal amplifier with your own hands.

A piece of wire must be bent in the middle by 90°, so that the end result is a rhombus. To do this, retreat 9 cm from the center in both directions. Then, at the mark, the wire is again bent to the same angle. As a result of the manipulations performed, you get a rhombus. The ends are bent inward and a block is connected to them. Install it so that future connections can be made through it. To do this, cut along one side of the polymer pipe and make a hole on the opposite side.

Watch the video and make an amplifier from cans:

After the antenna assembly stage has been completed, we begin to connect the coaxial cable. At one of its ends, the outer insulation is removed and the outer and inner conductors are connected to the contacts of the connecting block. As a result, the cable becomes an extension of the antenna.

After this, all that remains is to install the device on the roof of the house or attach it to a pole and point it towards the base station of the cellular operator. The last step in making a simple amplifier with your own hands is to connect the other end of the cable to a plastic plate. And you can start testing.

If everything was done correctly, then as soon as you bring your mobile phone to the amplifier, the signal indicator will increase by 2 or 3 bars.

Selecting a repeater installation location

But it’s not enough just to assemble a cellular communication amplifier, you also need to install it correctly. The efficiency of such equipment is directly dependent on its location, as well as the antennas included in the system. Therefore, before proceeding with installation, you must make sure that the signal level is sufficient. The easiest way to find out is by making a call from your phone where you plan to install the antenna. You can also determine the signal level by the indicator on the gadget’s display.

Antenna installation

But besides this, there are other restrictions. For example, the place to install the amplifier should not be closer than a meter to heating appliances.

After planning the location of all components, begin laying the coaxial cable. But before turning on the repeater, you need to make sure that all connectors are intact and clean. Do not turn on the device if it is not connected to an external antenna, as it may be damaged. If you need to disconnect the RF cables, be sure to turn off the power.

There are also restrictions in temperature conditions. If for an external antenna it ranges from -40 to +50°C, then for the repeater itself it is limited only to positive temperatures. In addition, the repeater can only be installed in a heated room.

We must remember! An incorrectly assembled system can emit interference, which affects the operation of nearby stations. Therefore, you should not install it without examining the site and determining the location for all the blocks.

Amplifier settings

In order to obtain a stable and sufficiently strong communication signal at a specific facility, it is necessary to correctly perform all commissioning work. They consist of adjusting the quality of voice messages and eliminating self-excitation of the device.

We watch the video, what to do if the signal is bad, we look at the solutions:

The first thing to start with is to make sure that all connections are intact. The power adapter and antennas are connected to the high-frequency connectors. If power surges frequently occur in the network, then it is necessary to use a surge protector.

The next step is to adjust the gain. It must be at least 15 dB. The repeater can be configured manually or automatically. In the first case, adjustment is carried out using the potentiometer knob and changing the position of the external and internal antennas.

Automatic tuning involves setting the gain level so that maximum output power is obtained. In this case, the device will independently adapt to the traffic of the operator’s base station.

Quite often, Internet access is provided by a USB modem. Such a device is quite convenient, takes up little space and allows you to have access to the World Wide Web not only within the city, but also on vacation, at the dacha or on vacation. You will need a PC or laptop. The main thing is that the signal quality is distinguished by the stability and stability of the connection. However, often this important communication parameter does not meet the necessary requirements. As a result, a weak signal interferes with or completely limits Internet access.

What to do in this case? Let's start in order.

First, let's figure out what affects the signal level and connection quality, thereby predetermining the effective operation of the modem?

The first is the distance to the nearest cell tower. Secondly, there are other wireless devices nearby that may cause interference. Nearby industrial enterprises, most of which use communication jammers, may also be affected. Thirdly, this is the isolation of the room. It’s one thing when the signal passes through wooden walls, thin plasterboard structures, and quite another if there are massive concrete partitions along its path. Fourthly, this is the location of the modem itself. 3G and 4G signals are much stronger near windows or on the upper floors of a room.

Atmospheric precipitation can also reduce the data transfer rate: rain, snow, hail, fog, etc. Even the topography of the surrounding area affects it: mountains, hills, tall trees, etc. We must not forget about the software of the computer or laptop itself. The RAM may be overloaded or the hard drive may contain a large number of system errors, viruses, etc. Less commonly, problems with signal transmission are explained by problems at the base station tower. For example, slot occupancy, i.e. a large number of currently connected subscribers.

From all of the above, we conclude that the quality of the modem’s 3G and 4G signal depends on a large number of factors. Not everything can be influenced by the user. However, by eliminating at least most of them, you can significantly improve data transfer speeds.

How to determine your data transfer speed?

Modem speed can be easily determined using special online tests. You will need a computer, browser and Internet access.

One of the simplest is considered to be the resource http://speed.yorest.ru/ Its operating principle is that you download a small file, and at the same time the site analyzes the data transfer speed. Here you can independently select testing parameters and the size of the control packet (200 KB, 1000 KB, 3 MB). It is best to focus on the largest document. The test takes longer, but its results are much more accurate.

A popular worldwide resource for testing Internet speed is http://www.speedtest.net. By the way, its interface is the most attractive and informative. When you enter this site, the nearest test server is automatically selected, which speeds up the procedure and has a positive effect on the accuracy of the results. When testing the data transfer speed on a 3G or 4G modem, be prepared for about 20 MB to be taken away from your traffic.

This online service displays not only the speed of transmission and reception of information, but also analyzes ping. This value is displayed in milliseconds and shows the server's response time to your request. Ping is a fairly important indicator. Especially if you use programs like Skype or like online games.

If, using such tests, it is revealed that the speed of data transmission and reception is less than 80% of that stated in the contract with the provider, then you need to contact support. If the speed fully corresponds to the promised indicators, but working with web pages seems painfully long to you, then you should think about a more expensive tariff.

How to find out your base station?

The problem of constant interruptions in the operation of a 3G or 4G modem is most often associated with a weak signal level. Some users identify the cause of low Internet speed in a simple way. If the data transfer speed is constantly low, regardless of the time of day, then the reason is the distance from the tower. If the speed improves at night and in the morning, then this is an overload of the base station (BS).

Basically, a poor 3G or 4G signal is associated with a large distance from the BS to the user. Therefore, it is important to find out its position, which will allow you to make special amplifiers or simply place the modem in that part of the room that is as close as possible to the BS. Advanced users, knowing the numbers of various BSs, will be able to configure the modem so that it connects not only to the nearest tower, but also to the one that has more free radio channels, thereby significantly improving the speed of the Internet connection.

The online resource http://cellidfinder.com will help you find your BS. You only need to know 4 parameters:

  • The operator's country code (MCC). For Russia it is equal to 250.
  • The unique code of the operator itself, called MNC (Mobile Network Code).
  • Local Area Code or LAC. This is a kind of unification of several base stations within one territory, which are serviced by one controller.
  • The last parameter is CellID (CID). This is the identification number of the sector where the BS is located.

How can you find out all these parameters? To do this, you can use the Netmonitor application or the web resource of the same name. By the way, on this site you can find a map where the majority of BSs in the central part of Russia, owned by the most popular telecom operators, are presented.

We find out all the necessary values ​​through the netmonitor and enter them in a special search window on the main page of http://cellidfinder.com. Next, check the boxes next to “Google data”, “Yandex data” and “Averaging”. Thus, the accuracy of determining coordinates increases. Click the “Find” button. We look at the marked places on the map with the location of the BS.

Ways to strengthen the modem signal

The most popular include:

  • Installing a PC or laptop with a modem near a window;
  • Using a USB extension cable and placing the modem on a windowsill or even outside;
  • Creating a reflector, i.e. a device that amplifies the signal (some craftsmen make it from pots and colanders, others use sound speakers and frequency resonance);
  • Use of a factory 3G or 4G signal amplifier (average cost 1000-2000 rubles).

Each of these methods can improve signal quality by 10-30%. A complete lack of result cannot be ruled out. For example, a long USB extension cable can cause the modem to lack power and become completely unable to be detected by the computer.

An effective but expensive solution is a repeater. This is a 3G or 4G signal amplifier. Its undoubted advantage is that it increases the speed of data transfer and processing not only of a specific modem, but also of several devices. When it operates within a radius of up to 50 m, cellular communications will also work better. We recommend purchasing a repeater to improve the signal in basements or basements.

An effective and cost-effective way to boost the modem signal is a special antenna, which is not at all difficult to make yourself. Let's look at a few examples.

We assemble an antenna to strengthen the modem signal with our own hands

  • At home, you can simply boost the 3g or 4g signal with your own hands. Especially often, these homemade antennas are used at the dacha or in a country house to enhance the signal level of cellular communications, including for Internet reception. The simplest antenna can be made in a few minutes. A small winding of copper wire is taken, which is wrapped several times around the modem, and brought closer to the window or outside the room by 40-80 cm. The number of turns must be selected based on the thickness of the device. The main thing is to wrap the part in which the SIM card is located. You can put a tin can on the end of the wire. Is this design effective? Quite. Expect an increase of 5-10%.
  • For another simple antenna you will need an empty metal coffee can. A hole is made in the side right in the center into which we fix the modem. Ideally, the outer part of the device protrudes by about half or a little less. Then we connect the modem via a USB extension cable and, using trial and error, find a good place with the best signal.
  • Quite often, to amplify the modem signal, they create a loop antenna that has a zigzag shape and resembles 2 diamonds made of copper wire. Both have one point of contact with each other, consisting of two corners. It turns out to be an unrounded “eight”. On the Internet, this design is better known as the Kharchenko antenna. Next, a high-frequency cable is soldered to it (as for TV). It is best to solder part of the wire onto a connector - it will look like a plug. The other end of the cable is stripped so that it can be used to wrap the modem itself (5-6 turns). To increase efficiency, it is worth equipping the antenna with a reflector - a plate made of metal or foil. We fix the structure as high as possible, for example, on the roof or the top floor.

Reasons for a weak 3G signal

All cases of weak or uncertain 3G signal reception can be divided into two large groups. The first and most obvious is the user’s distance from the base station (tower) of the cellular operator. The second case is a decrease in the quality of indoor communication.

Most often, this problem occurs outside cities: in rural areas, in dachas and in other places located on the border of 3G coverage. In addition to the distance to the tower, the landscape also plays a negative role: changes in height, forests and other obstacles reduce the quality of the signal, so that it reaches the user in a significantly weakened form.

In turn, direct visibility of the base station or long flat areas of the landscape are factors favorable for the propagation of radio waves. For example, a forest belt reduces the quality of the signal, but the presence of a lake, river or field behind it is much preferable to a continuous forest stretching all the way to the tower.

Reinforced concrete structures and walls, ceilings and even window glass have an extremely negative impact on signal strength. As a result, even in the city center, the connection can easily weaken or disappear completely if you go down to an underground parking lot or enter an office building. Even if mobile devices pick up 3G perfectly well outdoors and show all five bars, in buildings and indoors the quality of communication may be unsatisfactory.

In all of the above cases, additional signal amplification is required to ensure a stable connection and increase Internet speed. It is important to remember only one thing: in order to amplify the signal, it must be present at least at a minimum level in the planned location of the antenna installation. It is impossible to strengthen a signal that does not exist, and you need to start preparing to strengthen the connection by finding the place of the most reliable reception.

Frequencies and standards of 3G communication

Before you start boosting your mobile connection, you need to understand what kind of signal you plan to boost. All radio equipment - from simple antennas to repeaters and boosters - is designed for specific frequency ranges. Some devices support more bands, others less. There is usually no need to amplify all existing radio frequencies: it is unreasonably expensive and simply unnecessary. It is much more effective to find out which frequency ranges you need for your work. This will allow you not to buy universal expensive equipment and limit yourself to specialized devices that are suitable specifically for your case.

The vast majority of 3G base stations in Russia operate in the 2100 MHz frequency range. The 3G standard corresponding to this range is usually called UMTS-2100. Both voice communications and mobile Internet are transmitted over 3G networks, so boosting the 2100 MHz frequency range is most often the optimal solution.

Since modern smartphones automatically select the preferred communication standard, in situations where 3G signal reception is uncertain, they often “jump” between 2G and 3G modes. This behavior leads to interruptions in voice communications and unstable Internet operation. Typically, your phone can prevent switching by manually selecting one specific standard, but this comes with additional inconvenience. For example, by choosing a high-quality GSM (2G), you deprive yourself of 3G Internet, and vice versa, by choosing an unstable 3G, you risk experiencing interruptions in conversations.

Installing an amplification system allows you to solve all these problems at once and ensures reliable operation of both voice communications and 3G Internet.

Ways to boost 3G signal

Depending on whether you only need to improve the quality of 3G Internet or whether you also need to strengthen voice communications, different approaches are used.

When a 3G connection is used only to access the Internet, the best solution is to install an external antenna connected to a WiFi router or modem. This is the most economical and simple option, which does not require the purchase of expensive amplifiers and is ideal for a summer house or country house.

However, this method has a number of significant limitations. Firstly, a router and modem provide access to the Internet for smartphones, tablets and computers, but do not enhance the voice communication itself. Thus, if there are problems with voice communication in your location, too, installing a router will not solve them.

Secondly, modems and routers require a separate SIM card. Using a modem, you can connect one device with a USB port to the mobile Internet; using a router, you can organize a WiFi network to connect several wireless devices. However, a third party walking in from the street will not be able to connect from their smartphone to their operator's 3G Internet: you will first have to provide them with access to WiFi.

When you need to provide access to 3G Internet directly from mobile devices or improve the quality of voice communications, you cannot avoid installing an amplification system with a repeater and an internal antenna.

Below we will look at both methods in detail.

Gain using a router/modem and external antenna

To boost your 3G Internet, just install an external antenna and connect it to a compatible router or modem. The antenna is placed at the point of the most reliable signal reception, preferably in the direct line of sight of the base station. For suburban areas this is the roof of a house or a special mast. In the city, it is enough to take the antenna outside: it can be mounted on a balcony or on the external wall of a building.

The antenna itself amplifies the signal and transmits it via wire to the router or modem. To connect devices, coaxial cables are used, for example, or. You can also purchase with soldered connectors in our online store. It is advisable that the cable length does not exceed 5–10 meters. To connect antennas, N-type or SMA connectors are most often used.

3G routers have a slot for a SIM card and, as a rule, are not much different in configuration from ordinary home routers for wired Internet. Most 3G routers on sale today support WiFi and allow you to set up a wireless local network. We recommend to our clients a 3G/4G router, which has proven itself to be a reliable and inexpensive solution for home and office.

Huawei e5172s-515 3G/4G router with WiFi support, one SIM card slot and one LAN port for Ethernet connection

Astra 3G panel antenna with 17 dB gain

A more budget-friendly option is a set of a regular home router with a USB port and a compatible 3G modem. Setting up the modem after connecting to the router occurs automatically and does not require user intervention. In the GSM-Repiters.RU store you can purchase kits that have been tested for compatibility, for example.

If a modem is used, special adapters are added to the circuit -.

Pigtails - adapters for connecting antennas to modems with CRC9 (left) and TS9 (right) connectors

Selecting and installing an external antenna

The cellular signal is vertically polarized, and if the antenna is positioned incorrectly, the quality of the connection will be greatly affected. As a rule, a polarization indicator (usually an arrow) is placed on the antenna body, according to which it should be positioned in space. If there is no arrow, the polarization indicator can be the name of the antenna (the inscription must be readable).

For installation, it is best to use, which will simplify further adjustment and adjustment of the antenna. The antenna itself should be directed towards the base station of the cellular operator. You can find out which operators work in your location using our website.

You can determine the exact location of the nearest tower by installing the OpenSignal or Netmonitor application on your smartphone. Also, some modems, for example, can display the signal level in decibels.

The Huawei e3372 web interface allows you to view the current signal level in decibels (dBm)

OpenSignal and Netmonitor applications

OpenSignal and Netmonitor are smartphone apps that allow you to view the current signal strength in decibels (dB) and quickly locate the nearest base station. Data about mobile operator towers is replenished by users themselves, so the database is always up to date. OpenSignal is available for Android and iOS operating systems, Netmonitor is only for Android.

Signal strength is measured in decibels: the closer the indicator is to 0, the better the connection. For example, -50 dB means a strong signal, and -110 dB means a very weak signal.

OpenSignal has a user-friendly interface and automatically shows the direction of a nearby base station using a compass. The Netmonitor application contains more settings and is intended for advanced users. Both OpenSignal and Netmonitor have a mode for displaying base stations on Google Maps.

OpenSignal (left) and Netmonitor (right) help determine signal strength and location of the nearest base station

We recommend using OpenSignal and Netmonitor to determine the signal strength and adjust the antenna. Knowing the signal strength in decibels and the location of the tower, it is easier to avoid mistakes when installing and configuring it.

Amplification using a repeater

Active signal amplification is often required using a special device - a repeater. The fact is that the amplification of 3G Internet described above using a router and an external antenna is convenient, but not universal. In particular, this option is not suitable for people who need to strengthen their voice communication, as well as in cases where it is necessary to provide access to a 3G connection to all nearby users. In addition, the antenna gain may not be sufficient for stable operation when the source signal is very weak.

In these cases, it is necessary to install an amplification system with a repeater. The operating principle of such a system is quite simple: an external antenna picks up the signal and transmits it via cable to a repeater, which amplifies it. The amplified signal is transmitted to the internal antenna, which distributes it throughout the room. The outgoing stream is amplified in a similar way: the signal from the subscriber arrives at the internal antenna, is amplified by the repeater, transmitted to the external antenna and radiated towards the base station.

The coverage area of ​​a repeater directly depends on its power. For domestic use, in most cases, a repeater with a power of 50 mW with a gain of 65 dB is sufficient. An excellent solution in terms of price and quality ratio is a repeater from a well-known domestic manufacturer. To cover a large area of ​​a home and/or with a weak input signal, more powerful devices are used, such as (75 dB, 200 mW) or (80 dB, 500 mW).

Repeater Baltic Signal BS-3G-65 with a frequency range of 2100 MHz and a gain of 65 dB

Repeaters also vary in the frequency ranges they support. To boost 3G, you just need to purchase an amplifier that supports the 2100 MHz band, but in some cases it makes sense to think about buying a multi-band repeater.

For example, using a repeater with frequency bands of 900 and 2100 MHz will simultaneously improve GSM (2G) and 3G, while a dual-band model of 2100 and 2600 MHz will provide support for 3G and 4G. The most expensive repeaters allow you to simultaneously strengthen all used cellular communication standards. Our store consultants will be happy to help you choose the right repeater model for you.

Internal antenna VITA-5

Installation example of Nika-3 ceiling antenna

For all their versatility, repeaters also have several limitations. The main one is due to the fact that the external antenna is pointed at the tower of a specific cellular operator, and if the towers of other operators are in the opposite direction, their signal will not be amplified. In such a situation, to strengthen the signal of several operators, you will have to install several directional antennas connected to the repeater through a splitter.

The second limitation is related to the “side effects” of analog amplification. The radio signal always contains a certain percentage of interference, which is also amplified by the repeater. With a weak signal, the amount of interference can be significant, which will lead to a noisy broadcast at the output. The gain will still occur, but the quality and speed of communication may be lower than originally predicted.


Let's summarize and briefly talk about 3G signal amplification once again:

  • It is impossible to amplify a signal that does not exist. To amplify any signal, it must be captured by technology.
  • The main reasons for a weak cellular signal are distance from the base station and various obstacles in the path of the radio wave.
  • In Russia, 3G communications in the vast majority of cases operate in the 2100 MHz band. All 3G booster equipment must support this frequency range.
  • You can strengthen only mobile Internet or mobile Internet together with voice communications. To amplify only the Internet, an external antenna and a 3G router or modem are enough. To also enhance 3G voice communication, you will need an amplification system with a repeater.
  • The external antenna must be pointed towards the cellular operator tower. To find out the tower location, use the OpenSignal and Netmonitor smartphone apps. When installing the antenna, ensure its polarization.
  • Antennas are connected to devices using special connectors. To connect to the repeater, an N-type connector is used, to the router - SMA, to modems - CRC9/TS9. To connect the antenna to the modem, you will also need a special adapter - a pigtail.
  • The 3G repeater performs the function of amplifying the signal coming from an external antenna and transmits the amplified signal to the internal antenna located indoors.
  • Repeaters can be single-band or multi-band. To strengthen 3G communication, a single-band repeater supporting the UMTS-2100 standard is sufficient. Multi-band repeaters allow you to simultaneously strengthen several communication standards and create a foundation for the future (for example, provide 4G support).

Many people face the problem of a weak cellular signal, including residents of country houses, villages, apartments on the first floors of houses or offices located on the lower ground floors, etc. In this article we will describe in detail ways to strengthen the cellular signal.

The most effective way to increase the quality of cellular communication is to use. But everything is not so simple here and we should start with theory.
In Russia, GSM mobile operators operate on two frequencies: 900 and 1800 MHz. Why do you need to use two frequencies? Each frequency has its pros and cons. In particular, the 900 MHz frequency penetrates buildings quite well and has a greater range than 1800 MHz, but supports fewer subscribers (fewer channels), so this frequency has become widespread in villages and villages. This is where it is necessary to spread over large areas. The 1800 MHz frequency has a smaller radius, but is capable of working with a large number of subscribers, which is important for cities. But this is in theory, in reality, in a city, a frequency of 900 MHz can be used as a backup channel, and 1800 MHz can also be found in a village (in particular, the TELE2 operator operates on a frequency of 1800 MHz). But for the most part, in villages and villages the frequency of 900 MHz is used (except for TELE2, they do not have a license to operate in the frequency of 900 MHz), and in cities - 1800 MHz. You can contact those. mobile operator support and find out what frequency they operate on in your region.
Now that you have figured out what frequency the operators in your region use, you can begin to strengthen your cellular communications. For this you will need , and . The GSM amplifier must be selected based on the frequency used by operators in your region, if it is 900 MHz, then the GSM repeater should operate at 900 MHz, if 1800, then 1800 MHz. There are repeaters that amplify two frequencies at once, but they are quite expensive. Outdoor antennas for amplifying cellular communications are either directional or omnidirectional. The most “strong” ones are considered directional, but in this case they require adjustment, i.e. you need to know where the cell phone towers are and turn it in that direction. Internal antennas can also be either omnidirectional or directional; their choice depends on the configuration of the interior and the location where you want to receive a good signal. As for cables, you can use both 50 Ohm and 75 Ohm cables; with a length of 10-20 meters there is no big difference in their use, but there is a difference in price.

The classic version looks like this:
An outdoor GSM antenna is placed on the street; if it is directional, then it is directed towards the operator’s towers. The antenna should be located as high as possible, away from other antennas (television, satellite and others). A cable comes from it and connects to the GSM repeater. The second antenna is located indoors in such a way as to cover the entire required area. In this case, the relative position of the internal and external antennas must be such that there is no self-excitation of the amplifier, i.e. such a situation in which the signal from the internal antenna is picked up by the external antenna, amplified, fed to the internal antenna, and so on. To do this, it is necessary to place the antennas at the maximum distance from each other and preferably point them in different directions.

Is repeater radiation harmful to health?

Quite the contrary. A repeater installed in a room with a poor signal reduces harmful radiation, because a mobile phone does not need to radiate at full power in order to “reach” the telecom operator’s base station.

The radiation power of the repeater is about 10 mW. The phone, having detected the repeater, switches to low radiation power, since it will need to connect to the repeater, which is located at a distance of several meters.
Thus, using a repeater reduces the harmful effects of the phone, and also increases the battery life of the phone.

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