Home Computers How to hold a prize draw (competition with a gift) for reposting? Promotions on VKontakte. VK prize draw: key rules, features

How to hold a prize draw (competition with a gift) for reposting? Promotions on VKontakte. VK prize draw: key rules, features

You create an entry in your community, where you publish a photo with a gift and describe the conditions for receiving it. A prerequisite is to join your community and repost (click on the “tell friends” button) under the entry with this promotion (in VK). Without this, there is no point in holding this competition. Other conditions are at your discretion. You also choose the number of winners. Usually this is 1 person. The period is also at your discretion, I did it for 1 month. Here is an example text:

Where can I get non-standard characters in the form of VKontakte emoticons?

In this text, for example, non-standard digit-symbols 1 and 2 are used. They cannot be found among the standard symbols. And I found them in this group.

Use them or not, decide for yourself. 🙂 But definitely, pranks decorated with emoticons look more attractive.

What do you need?

  1. Choose a prize that you will give to one of those who repost your post (it does not have to be any product, it can be 100 rubles to the phone account). I recommend giving only what you actually have in stock, and so that the picture does not differ from what you will actually give. It is advisable to entrust the image to an experienced designer, it needs to be attractive :) Here are examples of images that I made in Photoshop:

  2. Set the promotion period and write the text of the draw with all the conditions. You can copy them from others. Here are 3 links to communities where only giveaways are published:
  3. After the publication of our action, unfortunately, crowds of people wishing to participate will not come to us. And all because they simply don’t know about it yet. Your task now is to notify as many VKontakte users as possible. To do this, you need to select a public or group and buy advertising there for this post. What matters here is whether you work with all of Russia or only in your city. Based on this, you select a group to buy advertising. Nowadays there are many groups and public pages where they post only such information. Some do it for free, others pay. The cost is different everywhere. I even remember in my experience there was a community to which you pay money, give the drawing text and image, they post it on their site and choose the winner themselves. Since the message about the giveaway was posted in their community, they had to order another advertisement in another group to repost this post from their community. Otherwise I would just order advertising for this post from my community. It turned out that in this way I promoted not only this competition, but their public. I still recommend that you do not buy in communities where only sweepstakes are published, since you will notice that after the winner is determined, your group will be unsubscribed en masse. Where then should you place it, you ask? If you work only in your city, then I can recommend news communities in your city.
  4. Next, you will need to choose a winner. I use - Random.app / Prize draws.
    I have already told you how to choose the winner. It is advisable to make a video. I usually do this using Qip Shot. You can download it from here: https://welcome.qip.ru/shot
    Using it, you can take both video and screen photos (screenshots). You can capture the entire screen or a specific area. You can also add arrows, frames, text, etc. to the screenshot.
  5. Here are 2 examples of videos shot using it. In the video, the winner is first selected, and then his presence in the group is checked.
    Video #1
    Video No. 2
  6. Well, the last step is presenting a gift to the winner. If he lives in another city, you will have to send it by mail or transport company at your own expense.

Cost of organizing the competition

  • 1000 rub. — approximate value of the prize (may be higher or lower).
  • 300 rub. - the work of a designer.
  • 1200 rub. — approximate advertising budget if you buy advertising for 600 rubles. 2 times: after the publication of the drawing and in the middle of the term. The more you spend on advertising, the better.
  • 400 rub. — the approximate cost of delivery by mail or shopping center to another city.

Total: 2900 rub. Afterwards, I advise you to be sure to measure the number of people who have joined your community. Once you know this number, you can divide it by expenses and see how much 1 subscriber cost you. 🙂 That’s all, if you have any questions, write in the comments. Bye everyone! 🙂

The opportunity to win a prize is one of the best incentives to purchase a product. It's no surprise that prize draws are increasingly being used as part of the marketing strategy of various brands. The vast majority of such events are carried out according to the principle “buy a product, register a promotional code from the packaging (as an option - labels or lids are sent) and win.” It would seem that everything is simple. However, before holding the event, the organizer must take into account several important points.

To organize the draw you need:

  • Think over the mechanics of determining the winners. Prizes can be won by every participant, the one who sends the largest number of codes (labels, caps, etc.), every Nth participant, etc.
  • Provide a prize fund.
  • Think in advance about the mechanism for participants to receive winnings.

    Raffle prizes

    So, if you plan to transfer bonuses to a participant’s mobile phone account, you need an agreement on cooperation with mobile operators, as well as a software solution that allows you to automatically transfer funds.

  • Clarify all the nuances related to legislation. Make sure that the event you are hosting is not subject to the Law on Lotteries and, therefore, does not require state registration.
  • Write down simple and understandable rules of the promotion, from which the mechanics of participation, selection of winners and receipt of prizes become clear. Ambiguous wording or understatement may cause buyers to doubt their participation in such an event.
  • Provide ways to timely inform participants about the progress of the action and its results.

As you can see, holding a prize draw is not the easiest task. In addition to the preliminary study of all stages of the action, their high-quality implementation is necessary. All this requires time and human resources.

Is it possible to simplify the process of organizing and conducting an event without loss of quality? Yes, if you use iActions - a convenient tool for implementing interactive marketing activities. We offer you a universal option for holding prize draws - using promotional codes placed on the packaging of your product. By registering a code, the participant receives a guaranteed bonus or the opportunity to win one of the valuable prizes.

During the implementation of your project, we will carry out all the necessary work: from developing the mechanics of the promotion and generating unique codes to sending prizes to the winners. You don’t have to delve into the legal subtleties - they have already been taken into account by our specialists. Negotiations with mobile operators will also not be necessary - the capabilities of iActions will allow you not only to quickly transfer cash rewards to the participants’ mobile phone accounts, but also to receive all incoming requests through several channels at once - SMS, hotline and promotional website. On the promotional site, in addition to the ability to register a code, participants have access to detailed rules for the promotion, as well as a personal account with the ability to track their achievements.

The ability to combine all the mechanics of a promotion in one tool, simplicity and ease of use, an individual approach to each client - all this makes iActions the best choice for organizing and conducting prize draws.

Natalya Kharkova, Leading lawyer of the contract department of the law firm "Business Consulting", Moscow

How to hold a prize draw and avoid a fine of several hundred thousand rubles

3 rules for conducting a prize draw: how not to receive a fine of several hundred rubles

Why is it now dangerous to mention the word “lottery” when conducting marketing campaigns?

Is it possible to determine the winner of the promotion randomly and set limits on the number of prizes?

In this article I will tell you how to conduct a prize draw correctly and not receive a fine of 300 thousand rubles for it.

To increase demand for their products, companies hold various competitions, sweepstakes, games, quizzes, but in essence they are all lotteries. An unpleasant surprise for business came from Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 28, 2013 (amending the Law “On Lotteries”), which actually imposed a ban on organizing such events from January 1, 2014. If previously any company could hold an incentive lottery, having previously notified the tax office, now only the state has this right. Lotteries can be all-Russian and international, as well as draw and non-draw. In the first case, the prize fund is played out between all participants at the same time after the distribution of lottery tickets; in the second, information that allows determining the winnings is included in lottery tickets (including electronic ones) at the stage of their production (creation).

If you want to hold a lottery. First, you need to choose a lottery organizer (this role may be played by any federal executive body), submit an application to participate in the competition (there may be several applicants) and wait for the results. If the decision is positive, your company will receive the status of a lottery operator. Please note that companies that meet certain requirements are allowed to participate in the competition, for example, they have no debts to the budget.

Prize draw: how to organize it correctly?

One more nuance: the company that wins the competition undertakes to transfer to the state 10% of the difference between the revenue received and the winnings paid. This money will be used to finance socially significant facilities and events. To ensure that funds are received, the organizer often requires the operator to provide an irrevocable bank guarantee valid for at least five years.

How to hold a draw? To avoid dealing with government agencies, it is better to hold sweepstakes or promotions. The main thing is that this marketing ploy is not regarded as a lottery. Otherwise, the company will be fined 200-300 thousand rubles. for holding a promotional event without permission from the Government of the Russian Federation. Signs of a lottery (according to the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 138-FZ “On Lotteries”): purchasing a ticket for money; drawing a prize using special equipment (lottery machines); formation of a prize fund from proceeds received from ticket sales; random way to determine the winners. Therefore, when conducting a promotion, your marketers must exclude these criteria, since the presence of at least one of them will lead to it being recognized as a lottery. You can do this as follows:

collect requests from customers for free, for example, using your company’s website or SMS messages;

if you need to draw a ticket to determine the winner, use a regular vase for this;

form the prize fund from your own funds, and not from money from ticket sales;

establish an algorithm for determining the winners.

At the same time, it is possible that even if you have fulfilled all the requirements, you will still have to defend your position in court. The following methods will help you increase your chances of winning.

Rules for the prize draw: how not to come to the attention of inspectors

Method 1. To avoid the factor of chance, give prizes to everyone who applied to participate in the promotion. In this case, your client does not risk anything: receiving a prize does not depend on the will of fate, but only on his actions aimed at receiving the winnings (for example, by filling out an application on the website). True, the question remains open about what prize the participant will receive: the main one, an incentive one, or one of several (receipt of the main prize can be regarded as something that happened by chance). It is also worth noting that you cannot limit the number of prizes. Phrases such as “the number of prizes is limited” or “the prize will be awarded to the first five applicants” will also be considered a violation. To avoid such incidents, it is better to write in the conditions as follows: “prizes are distributed according to the approved methodology”, “prizes are awarded on the basis of objectively obtained data”, that is, immediately exclude the factor of chance. Here, for example, is how the Yves Rocher Vostok company tried to bypass the rule of chance when determining the winners of the holiday promotion “City of Flowers for You”: “1st, 2000th, 4000th, 6000th, 8000th and 10,000th - participants of the promotion who have placed an order for products are entitled to receive a prize from the organizer of the promotion. Participants of the promotion who are entitled to receive a prize become the winners of the promotion.”

Method 2: Form a jury to select the winners. You can give prizes to those who cope best with a creative task (for example, who speaks most effectively about their love for a product, writes the most romantic letter, comes up with the most original use of packaging, etc.). Then the final result will depend not on chance, but on the creative abilities of the participant, which must be assessed by a competent jury.

How to conduct a prize draw correctly: a practitioner explains

Maxim Ryabyko, Head of the legal department of the Eksmo publishing house, Moscow

The main task is to exclude any signs of a lottery from the incentive event. To do this, in my opinion, it is important to follow three rules for the prize draw:

the winner must be determined by the commission members according to specific criteria;

participation must be free or accompanied by the purchase of the advertised product;

a person’s right to participate in the competition must be given by an application, for example, posted and filled out on the organizer’s website.

I also recommend indicating the following in the rules of the competition: the procedure for participation, criteria for selecting the winner, conditions for summing up the results and announcing the results. For example, our publishing house helps organize a culinary competition for the Tomatogusto company.

It will be won by the person who submits the most original recipe (no product purchase required). A special commission will select the winner among ten finalists. Prizes will be provided either by the sponsors of the culinary portal or by the organizers themselves. Gifts include a trip to Spain for a tomato battle, a juicer and a coffee maker (for first, second and third places, respectively). At the same time, there is a special clause in the conditions that, by sending an application, the participant simultaneously agrees with the rules of the competition, that is, enters into an agreement to participate in it.

Method 3: Publicly promise to present an award. If you offered consolation prizes to each consumer who purchased a certain number of goods or sent the required number of barcodes, then give them out, for example, at points of sale (see Prize or gift?). This type of shares is regulated by Chapter 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and not by Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003. The downside in this case may be the low cost of the prizes awarded. A successful example of such a marketing move is the experience of the Coca-Cola company, which offers its consumers to exchange caps with points for a New Year's toy.

How to hold a draw: a prize or a gift?

To avoid being subject to restrictions, replace the word “prize” with the word “gift”, indicating the conditions for receiving it. For example, one of the companies offers gifts to the first five customers who make the largest purchases, or the first five customers who pay for goods on the 5th of the month at all fifth cash registers in the network. In this case, all gifts are paid from the profits of previous periods.

Date of the Draw and determination of the Winners of the Draw: June 1, 2016 1.6.4. Deadline for distribution of Raffle Prizes: from June 02, 2016 to June 08, 2016 inclusive. 1.7. The procedure for conducting the Draw and determining the Winners of the Draw (10 people): The Draw is carried out without the use of special equipment. To conduct the Draw, barcodes are required in accordance with paragraph.

9 nuances about prize draws

2.3 of these Rules are uploaded into the electronic program “Random” (random number selection generator). The Winner of the Raffle, who is entitled to receive a Prize (hereinafter referred to as the “Winner of the Raffle”), is a participant in the Raffle, whose number (barcode) is randomly selected by the program “Random”. » the following algorithm for conducting the Draw and determining the Winner of the Draw.

Lakoff / how to hold a prize draw and


Tax Code of the Russian Federation, the value of gifts received by taxpayers from organizations or individual entrepreneurs, as well as the value of any winnings and prizes received in competitions, games and other events for the purpose of advertising goods (works, services), if they do not exceed 4,000 rubles, are exempt from taxation. As for income tax, since the organization does not generate income from the gratuitous transfer of prizes to individuals, in connection with such a transaction there is no tax base for income tax.

An organization has the right to take into account when taxing profits the costs of purchasing valuable prizes on the basis of paragraphs.
28 clause 1 art. 264

How to hold a prize draw and not get fined: 3 rules

First, you need to choose a lottery organizer (this role may be played by any federal executive body), submit an application to participate in the competition (there may be several applicants) and wait for the results.

If the decision is positive, your company will receive the status of a lottery operator.

Please note that companies that meet certain requirements are allowed to participate in the competition, for example, they have no debts to the budget.

One more nuance: the company that wins the competition undertakes to transfer to the state 10% of the difference between the revenue received and the winnings paid.
This money will be used to finance socially significant facilities and events.


To ensure that funds are received, the organizer often requires the operator to provide an irrevocable bank guarantee valid for at least five years.

Prize draw: how to organize it correctly?

When absolutely all participants who applied for participation in the promotion receive a prize.

In this case, the participant does not risk anything; receiving a prize does not depend on the “will of fate,” but only on his physical efforts.

Often, organizers, wanting to attract a wider range of participants, offer several prize options and it is good if the participant has the opportunity to freely choose a prize.

It happens that the type of prize is determined by a drawing (it is necessary to erase the protective layer of the card, the prize is assigned by the program, pulled out by the player from the bag, etc.).

etc.) - and again the fragile line between the usual distribution of prizes and a stimulating lottery is broken.

Development of marketing campaigns: how to avoid getting fined

This type of shares is regulated by Chapter 56 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, and not by Federal Law No. 138-FZ of November 11, 2003. The downside in this case may be the low cost of the prizes awarded.

A successful example of such a marketing move is the experience of the Coca-Cola company, which offers its consumers to exchange caps with points for a New Year's toy.

In this case, all gifts are paid from the profits of previous periods.

Gift drawing: how not to “win” a fine? (I.V. Styufeeva)

Thus, the following should be excluded from the terms of the promotion: - purchasing a ticket for money; - drawing a prize using special equipment; - forming a prize fund from the proceeds received from the sale of tickets; - a random method of determining winners. In accordance with the explanations of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation, presented in letter dated 04/07/2014 N D09i-451 “On carrying out incentive activities”, carrying out incentive activities is the subject of regulatory legal regulation of the Federal Law dated 03/13/2006 N 38-FZ “On Advertising” (hereinafter referred to as the Law on Advertising) (see.

also letter of the Federal Tax Service of Russia dated 04/21/2014 N ED-4-2/7598). Thus, holding an incentive promotion in the form of a drawing of any prizes or gift certificates, the condition for participation in which is the purchase of goods, is carried out on the basis of the provisions of the Law on Advertising .As stated in paragraph 1 of Art.

How to organize a lottery

In the last issue of the newspaper we published an article “Detective Story, or Kislovodsk and the Law,” where we talked about the state of affairs with gambling in the city. In particular, the article mentioned an establishment called “Lottery World”, where risk-takers can test their luck using slot machines.

It would seem that a lottery and gambling are different things, the first is allowed on the territory of Russia and the region, the second is prosecuted by law. There is a clear discrepancy between the name and the actual activities of the establishment. Keeping in mind the promise given in the article, we explain to readers (as well as representatives of law enforcement agencies) the difference between gambling and a lottery.

Federal Law No. 138-F3 of November 11, 2003 “On Lotteries” (hereinafter referred to as the Law or Law on Lotteries), which came into force on January 1, 2004, does not deny the essence of the lottery as a game of chance, but there are still differences.

Signs of a lottery

Signs of gambling

The procedure for generating winnings

Winnings are generated by prize fund, created by the lottery organizer

Winnings in the form of a prize fund are formed before the lottery is held, and its amount is known in advance

Winnings are generated by participants' funds gambling

The winnings are generated during the gambling game, and its amount is unknown in advance

Using lottery tickets

The lottery is conducted on the basis of a strict reporting form - lottery ticket

A lottery ticket certifies the right to play and determines the winner

Winnings are issued at the location indicated on the lottery ticket

The game of chance is played by depositing cash or use them cash equivalent

To obtain the right to play and determine the winner, a lottery ticket is not required

Winnings are issued at the venue of the games

Pursued goals

The goal is to draw a pre-known prize fund

The purpose of a gambling establishment is to carry out entrepreneurial activities, that is generating income from players


The lottery is held in specific day and is limited to a certain period

The lottery is conducted according to predetermined rules that cannot be changed

Required application special lottery equipment

The game of chance is played Anytime after a player contacts a gambling establishment. The duration is not limited

The game of chance is played according to the rules established by the gambling establishment, which may change before the start of the game.

Applicable any gambling equipment

So, based on the above differences, we can make the assumption that holding any lotteries in the “Lottery World” is out of the question, since there are signs of a gambling establishment: they do not issue lottery tickets or receipts, there is no prize fund, and there are no dates either. , income for the owner of the establishment comes from the players’ money.

The only question that remains is: are the city authorities satisfied with the sign, but no one is interested in the content?

The number of projects carried out by Lioncom in 223 cities of Ukraine has already exceeded the thousand mark, so we are no longer able to keep all the accumulated knowledge within ourselves, and we will be happy to share our experience.

Today we will talk about the prize draw, the rules for holding it and the mistakes that are usually made at events.

This article will be useful, first of all, to the hosts and coordinators of holiday giveaways.

RULE 1. Always-Always-Always conduct only fair draws.

Believe me, a reputation earned over the years can be irretrievably lost in an instant. And for what? Not a single TV, car or even a certificate with an impressive number of zeros is worth a stain on your reputation and an end to your career! If you accept this simple truth, you will be able to be proud of your own work and the work of your clients, and in addition will receive a bonus to your karma!

After talking about morality, Lioncom offers to work on mistakes together so that the priceless pranks won’t be excruciatingly painful.

RULE 2. Preparation and planning

Before the start of the drawing, it is necessary to organize the site so that the gathered guests do not interfere with the passage to the store, so as not to create obstacles to the normal functioning of the client’s main activity. In addition, it is necessary to think about how the winners will get on stage so that there is no unnecessary fuss in the process.

It is also necessary to instruct an assistant to record the details of all winners. This may seem like an unnecessary manifestation of bureaucracy to you, but believe me, this is a necessity that can help you out in case of omissions with the client or any disagreements when providing a report on the drawing. And then you will be very grateful to this article for its advice and to that fragile girl with a piece of paper and a pen for her simple work.

RULE 3. Transparency of the draw

Do not use a cardboard box, hat or bag to determine the winner. The lottery machine should always be transparent!

This is not just a prank tool, it is a symbol of justice. Don’t give the audience any reason to doubt that their win or loss is the dictates of fate. Let them hope for Fortune’s favor, squeeze the rabbit’s feet tighter and not take their eyes off the mesmerizing dance of pieces of paper inside the lottery machine.

RULE 4. Be honest, but don't trumpet it.

If you are the host of a prank, just forget, erase from your vocabulary the phrases “everything is fair with us!”, “no deception” and the like. It's just a taboo prank.

Remember the phrase “sleight of hand and no fraud”? We agree that she simply emits the smell of deception. Nothing causes more mistrust than a call for trust. Remember: customer trust is presumed, but its status is so precarious that it can be shaken by a slight blow of the autumn wind. They don’t believe so much as they doubt. You can't dispel the fog, but you can illuminate the road with a flashlight!

The work of the presenter during the prize draw is a piece of jewelery work. So don't forget white gloves, tweezers and confidence!

We must leave the right to doubt to the participants of the draw! After all, rights and freedoms are protected by the International Convention and the Constitution of Ukraine!

So “doubters” are not a problem! You need to focus your attention on the “lottery atheists.” To all non-believing Thomases who are telling you that this is all a scam, mentally suggest visiting a speech therapist, and publicly try to kindly and correctly ridicule their position.

You can tell a story from your own practice. In general, it is useful to have a couple of life stories in your arsenal for all occasions (and it doesn’t matter whether they are real or fictitious, the main thing is that they are from the heart). If you don’t have one yet, we’ll share with you one of our golden reserves.

“Once, at the opening of an ATB store in Poltava, a customer filed a police report against me because it was carried out dishonestly: she wanted to win a TV, but she won a microwave! :-)" - Anton Sadykov.

RULE 5. Give the right to decide the destinies of children

Never remove forms from the lottery machine yourself. The leader is not trusted. He is perceived as an interested person. Each participant in the drawing knows that the presenter was paid money, this is his job and it is unlikely that he has a good goal to distribute all the prizes to ordinary people like them. But you never know, maybe the leaders are also a magician, or worse, a former thimble-maker with the notorious “dexterous hands.”

Ideally, you need to find a little immaculate angel with an unblemished reputation among those present and entrust this mission to him. Children are our everything! Features during the prize draw.

RULE 6. Show results

Here you need to take into account the scale of the draw: with a small number of guests, the questionnaire can be handed over, but if the results are announced from the stage, you need to make sure there is a screen on which the winning questionnaires will be projected.

RULE 7. Learn to keep secrets.

When making the contents of the questionnaire public, do not forget that the client's personal information must remain protected. So, when showing the profile to the public, the presenter must hide all information that is classified as “top secret”, such as mobile phone number, passport series and number, and so on.

RULE 8. Neutralize threats

At every holiday there is a small percentage of people who are ready at any moment to stir up a scandal from scratch, start a fight or do their share of destruction. We have seen all this repeatedly at openings across the country.

Your task is to identify among those present those who trust you least, or rather, those who disbelieve the most. It is necessary to create a commission from these people, which will become, in the eyes of the audience (primarily, in their own eyes), the guarantee of the fairness of the draw.

Remember one thing, these “scandals” do not want honesty and truthfulness, but attention - so give them attention by winning them over to your side.

Be sure to talk to each of them on stage and find out why they don't believe in honesty. It doesn’t matter what they answer - this will be their finest hour when all the attention is on them.

Being directly near the lottery drum, these people will no longer be able to disturb you.

RULE 9. Follow the rules, but be flexible

The presenter must be primarily on the buyer’s side and treat emerging situations with understanding. The human factor plays a decisive role in the results of the draw: there is a possibility of misunderstanding the conditions, missing some little detail or forgetting something. For example, if the winner left his passport at home, but at the same time he has a license or a foreign passport, the presenter must accept them, because these documents confirm the identity of the citizen in accordance with the legislation of Ukraine. We must be able to forgive mistakes of our clients, but we should not forget that all these concessions take place only in the absence of gross violations, within the error determined by common sense.

Secondly, you need to remember the interests of the other participants. The leader’s flexibility should not be evidence of his weakness; you should not be led by the shouts and cheers of the crowd, as this potentially entails a loss of a sense of control over the situation. It’s worth listening to the lines of the famous song and “don’t bend to the changing world.”

RULE 10. Resolve any controversial situations that arise!

The probability of a perfect draw tends to zero. During its implementation, as a rule, a lot of small difficulties arise, and sometimes serious problems.

The host of the drawing is not just a cheerful guy handing out prizes, he is the main responsible person in whose hands the power and levers of control over the process are concentrated. Of course, we are holding a draw on democratic grounds: the public is the people in whose name all this action is taking place. However, in the event of a “state of emergency” being declared, the reins of government and the right to command are transferred on an absolute scale to the leader.

And here it’s up to you to rule the roost. You are the Supreme Judge in all matters. And of course, you listen to all sides of the conflict, listen to the opinion of the jury (represented by the commission), but the decision is yours. And it must be rational, fair and unshakable.

RULE 11. Show the “main” at the very beginning

Before the start of the drawing, if there is a coordinator or other responsible person present at it, introduce it to the public, inform that it is this person who will make decisions in controversial situations. Such a gesture will automatically increase the authority of this person in the eyes of the participants. And you will be able to prevent questions like “who else is this?” and “why should we even listen to this blonde?”

RULE 12. Follow the timing of the event

The drawing should be carried out optimally quickly: not hastily, slowly, but quickly. Delaying it won't do any good. No matter how paradoxical it may sound, the more gifts are played, the more negativity accumulates. With each disappointment, the internal indignation of the participants increases, but there are always many times more losers than winners.

The ideal timing of the drawing is within one hour, during which 10, maximum 15 prizes and gifts are drawn. If there are more prizes, then it is worth considering a package drawing system: put several gifts up for grabs at the same time, pull out the corresponding number of questionnaires and invite several winners to the stage. This will increase your productivity and prevent the event from becoming monotonous. And the drawing will go faster, and the winners will have more fun taking photos in the company of other lucky winners.

And remember:


Presenter at the opening of Ringo's store

We will talk about holding a competition with a prize-gift on social media. networks, or rather, about a competition for reposting or liking VKontakte.

Here are some tips for those who want to run an effective and reliable prize draw.

1) Simple and clear terms

The conditions for participation in the drawing must be stated clearly and understandably. They must be unambiguous and not mislead participants.

2) Correct formatting of the post about the competition

The type of post is not only important for attracting attention. If this is the post that participants in the giveaway should repost or like, you need to make sure that it looks good in the form of a repost. Spend a couple of minutes making a test repost. Make sure that the name of the prize, conditions of participation, picture or photo are immediately visible in the repost.

The picture of the prize is very important - it must be bright, clear and of good quality. If you have minimal knowledge of graphic editors, you can place an inscription about the draw and the name of the group on it.
Use emoticons to visually highlight the main points of the post and divide it into blocks.

Here's an example of a well-designed post:

3) Advertise the competition

Find VKontakte groups that collect similar pranks and ask them to post.

You can also conduct a paid advertising campaign and place advertisements for the draw in communities and groups on VKontakte with an audience of interest using the convenient Sociate service.

4) Follow the competition

It is important to know how the competition works and not to leave everything to chance. Practice shows that a third of participants do not comply with the conditions of the competition, without knowing it. For example, they repost, but forget to join the group. At the same time, they are sure that they are already participating in the drawing and have done everything as required.

Let participants see for themselves that all necessary actions have been completed: by adding a competition to our catalog, you will get access to a statistics page where you can see how many people joined the group, which of them reposted, and who did not fulfill the necessary conditions. It looks like this.

Use this information to run a giveaway. Just copy the link to the statistics and show it to the participants of the drawing.

This way people can immediately see what still needs to be done. This allows you not only to increase loyalty to your group and get rid of unpleasant questions after the competition, but to increase the number of participants, and therefore subscribers.

5) Particular attention is paid to determining the winner.

The time has come to sum up the results and choose the winner of the prize.

Try our free Random Winner app

  • How to hold a prize draw and avoid a fine of several hundred thousand rubles
  • 3 rules for conducting a prize draw: how not to receive a fine of several hundred rubles
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In this article I will tell you, how to hold a draw prizes correctly and not receive a fine of 300 thousand rubles for this.

To increase demand for their products, companies hold various competitions, sweepstakes, games, quizzes, but in essence they are all lotteries. An unpleasant surprise for business came from Federal Law No. 416-FZ of December 28, 2013 (amending the Law “On Lotteries”), which actually imposed a ban on organizing such events from January 1, 2014. If previously any company could hold an incentive lottery, having previously notified the tax office, now only the state has this right. Lotteries can be all-Russian and international, as well as draw and non-draw. In the first case, the prize fund is played out between all participants at the same time after the distribution of lottery tickets; in the second, information that allows determining the winnings is included in lottery tickets (including electronic ones) at the stage of their production (creation).

If you want to run a lottery. First, you need to select a lottery organizer (this role may be played by any federal executive body), submit an application to participate in the competition (there may be several applicants) and wait for the results. If the decision is positive, your company will receive the status of a lottery operator. Please note that companies that meet certain requirements are allowed to participate in the competition, for example, they have no debts to the budget. One more nuance: the company that wins the competition undertakes to transfer to the state 10% of the difference between the revenue received and the winnings paid. This money will be used to finance socially significant facilities and events. To ensure that funds are received, the organizer often requires the operator to provide an irrevocable bank guarantee valid for at least five years.

How to hold a draw? To avoid dealing with government agencies, it is better to hold sweepstakes or promotions. The main thing is that this marketing ploy is not regarded as a lottery. Otherwise, the company will be fined 200–300 thousand rubles. for holding a promotional event without permission from the Government of the Russian Federation.

Signs of a lottery (according to the Federal Law of November 11, 2003 No. 138-FZ “On Lotteries”): purchasing a ticket for money; drawing a prize using special equipment (lottery machines); formation of a prize fund from proceeds received from ticket sales; random way to determine the winners. Therefore, when conducting a promotion, your marketers must exclude these criteria, since the presence of at least one of them will lead to it being recognized as a lottery.

The American company HubSpot found out which first sentences do not inspire the reader, but, on the contrary, force them to delete the letter.

In our article we have collected 5 such phrases and ways to correct mistakes.

You can do this as follows:

  • collect requests from customers for free, for example, using your company’s website or SMS messages;
  • if you need to draw a ticket to determine the winner, use a regular vase for this;
  • form the prize fund from your own funds, and not from money from ticket sales ;
  • establish an algorithm for determining the winners.

At the same time, it is possible that even after fulfilling all the requirements, you will still have to defend your position in court. The following methods will help you increase your chances of winning.

Rules for the prize draw: how not to come to the attention of inspectors

Method 1.To avoid the factor of chance, give prizes to everyone who applied to participate in the promotion. In this case, your client does not risk anything: receiving a prize does not depend on the will of fate, but only on his actions aimed at receiving the winnings (for example, by filling out an application on the website). True, the question remains open about what prize the participant will receive: the main one, an incentive one, or one of several (receipt of the main prize can be regarded as something that happened by chance). It is also worth noting that you cannot limit the number of prizes. Phrases like "the number of prizes is limited" or “the prize will be awarded to the first five applicants” will also be considered a violation. To avoid such incidents, it is better to write in the conditions as follows: “prizes are distributed according to the approved methodology”, “prizes are awarded based on objectively obtained data”, that is, immediately eliminate the factor of chance. Here, for example, is how the Yves Rocher Vostok company tried to bypass the rule of chance when determining the winners of the holiday promotion “City of Flowers for You”: “1st, 2000th, 4000th, 6000th, 8000th and 10,000th - participants of the promotion who have placed an order for products are entitled to receive a prize from the organizer of the promotion. Participants of the promotion who are entitled to receive a prize become the winners of the promotion.”

Method 2.Form a jury to select the winners. You can give prizes to those who cope best with a creative task (for example, who speaks most effectively about their love for a product, writes the most romantic letter, comes up with the most original use of packaging, etc.). Then the final result will depend not on chance, but on the creative abilities of the participant, which must be assessed by a competent jury.

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Prize or gift ?

To avoid being subject to restrictions, replace the word “prize” with the word “gift”, indicating the conditions for receiving it. For example, one of the companies offers gifts to the first five customers who make the largest purchases, or the first five customers who pay for goods on the 5th of the month at all fifth cash registers in the network. In this case, all gifts are paid from the profits of previous periods.

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