Home Computers Is it possible to set up a router without a computer? We set up a Tp-Link Wi-Fi router from a tablet or smartphone. Wireless Wi-Fi Internet in a village (village) in a private house

Is it possible to set up a router without a computer? We set up a Tp-Link Wi-Fi router from a tablet or smartphone. Wireless Wi-Fi Internet in a village (village) in a private house

Do you already have a laptop or are you just planning to buy one? Then it is advisable to think about connecting to the Internet, otherwise you will not be able to fully use the equipment. Downloading programs, updates, anti-virus databases, as well as movies and music is impossible without it. There are many ways to connect to the global network. Wired and wireless access is possible. Some of them do not require costs, while others require the purchase of auxiliary equipment. Let's look at how to connect a laptop to the Internet using all existing methods.

A modern laptop and a global network are one whole

Wired connection

Wired access is considered the most reliable and stable, and at the same time the least expensive. Just plug the cable into the connector on your laptop and make simple settings. Several technologies are used: optical cable and ADSL operating via telephone.


There are also several types of Internet connection. Each of them has slightly different settings.

Dynamic and static IP address

With a static IP, you need to enter the IP address, as well as the subnet mask, gateway and DNS server into the network card settings manually. With dynamic IP, all data is assigned by the operator, and you do not need to make additional settings.

A yellow sign should light up at the bottom of the screen when the cable is connected. Right-click and go to Network and Sharing Center - Change adapter settings. You will see an icon that says Ethernet or Local Area Network. Double click on the icon - Internet version 4 - Properties.

If the operator provides a dynamic address, specify automatic IP and DNS acquisition. When static, enter all the data specified in the contract. Click OK. Now the Internet will work and the yellow exclamation mark will disappear.

With this type, you only need to know your login and password. In the Network and Control Center, click on Create and configure a new connection - Internet connection - High-speed (with PPPoE). Type the username and password from the service agreement and come up with a name. If you enter all the data correctly, the connection will be established in a couple of seconds.

Subsequently, to connect, click on the network icon at the bottom of the screen and click “High-speed connection”. When using Windows 10, you will be redirected to the Dialer menu, where you can connect, change or delete the connection.


Some providers, for example, Beeline, connect their subscribers using VPN technology using the L2TP or PPTP standard. In the menu for creating a new connection, select Connect to a workplace - Use my Internet connection - Internet address, enter the data from the contract. Come up with a name, for example, the name of the provider, and click “Create”.

Now go to the menu for changing adapter parameters. Right-click on the name of your connection (the adapter will be called WAN miniport) - Properties - in “VPN Type” select the parameters recommended by the provider. We will connect from the networks menu by clicking on the name. If you have Windows 10, you will be redirected to the connection menu.

ADSL modem

ADSL access is not so popular. The signal comes from the telephone line, while the phone itself continues to work as usual. Connect the phone and modem to the splitter, which distributes the signal from the line, the modem with the second connector to the laptop, and then configure the connection on the computer. The procedure is no different from cable Internet.

The service provider will indicate the connection through which they provide wired Internet. Most often this is static IP or PPPoE. Use the previous paragraph to configure the modem.

Wireless connection

To get wireless access, you need to purchase a Wi-Fi router. Plug it into a power outlet, plug the Internet cable into the designated connector (it always differs in color). Next, enter the settings interface via Wi-Fi or cable. Information about login parameters is indicated on the router itself or in its instructions. Enter the IP address, login and password.

When you first connect, you will be prompted for a quick setup. Select your city and provider name and enter your connection details. If your provider is not in the list, check with them for the type of connection, select it in the network settings, enter the data, save and connect.

On your laptop, check for drivers for the Wi-Fi wireless module. This can be done through Device Manager. If the module works correctly, its name will be displayed in full. If the drivers are missing or installed incorrectly, there will be a yellow exclamation mark next to the name “Wireless Adapter”. You will need to download the driver for the Wi-Fi wireless module from the laptop manufacturer's website.

The Wi-Fi adapter must be turned on; it can be activated by pressing the key combination FN + F1–F12. More details can be found in the instructions for the laptop. In the right corner of the bottom of the screen you will see an Internet icon in the form of an antenna with a yellow star. Click on it, select your wireless network from the available connections, enter the password and click “Connect”.

mobile connection

When you do not have the opportunity to connect to a landline Internet, you can take advantage of the offer of mobile operators. The quality of these services is at a high level. In many cities, access speed is equal to home Internet. You can connect via a 3G modem, a mobile 3G router, and also use your phone as an access point.

3G modem

It looks like a flash drive into which a SIM card is inserted. When you connect for the first time, the system launches a program to set up the connection. If you purchased a modem from an operator’s official communication store, it will have a proprietary look and settings for working on the network of that particular company. With rare exceptions, you will not have to manually configure the settings. You will need to select a tariff, use the menu to activate the SIM card and the balance on it and connect. Subsequently, it will be enough to insert the modem into the laptop and click the “Connect” button in the program menu.

3G router

In terms of functionality, this is an ordinary router, but instead of a cable, a SIM card is inserted into it. Considering that most models have a built-in battery, you can distribute mobile Internet via Wi-Fi without being tied to a power cord. After inserting the SIM card, carry out the setup procedure as a regular router via the web interface.

Phone as access point

Another simple option is to use an Android or iOS phone as a modem. Just activate the item in the menu. You can read more about this method in our article “How to connect your tablet to the Internet.” However, please note that the phone's battery depletes very quickly. Therefore, it is advisable to connect it to a power source or connect it via USB.


Now you are familiar with all the ways to connect the Internet on your laptop. Setting it up via cable, Wi-Fi or modem is not difficult at all. All service providers try to make life as easy as possible for their users. Even if something doesn’t work out, you can call technical support.

What technology do you use to connect to the Internet? Share your experience in the comments.

Living in a private home may impose some restrictions on communication with the World Wide Web, i.e., on connecting to the Internet. We will consider options for bringing the Internet to a private home from Rostelecom, one of the largest Russian communication service providers.

You can currently connect the Internet from Rostelecom to a private home in one of the following ways:

  • using the “technical reserve” of your home telephone;
  • by “optics” - optical communication line;
  • connect via a fixed wireless connection point via Wi-Fi;
  • using a mobile or satellite connection.

Rostelecom PJSC itself does not currently provide satellite Internet services for a private home, which are especially in demand in remote areas. One of its subsidiaries, RTKomm, operates in this niche. It is advisable to resort to this connection method only in cases where other methods are much more expensive than the cost of equipment for satellite communications - it is about 30,000 rubles, although there are discounted promotions.

Let's figure out how to install Internet from Rostelecom into a private home.

PON (fiber optic)

Fiber optics is one of the most optimal ways to bring Internet from Rostelecom to a private home. Technically, the method is the encoding of data with a light flux, which can transmit large amounts of information at very high speeds - up to 1 Gbit/sec.

The optical cable is not connected directly to the user's computer. You will need a special set-top box-decoder that “switches” the connection to a regular twisted pair cable (Ethernet cable). It is through it that the connection to the Internet is made either directly from a PC or home router.

How much does it cost to install fiber optics from Rostelecom to a home? The optical cable itself is expensive and installation is complicated. Special equipment is required for cutting and splicing cables, which cannot but affect the cost of connecting with fiber optics. The ability to extend optical fiber to a private home at Rostelecom directly depends on the distance to the nearest stationary optical router. The price ultimately depends on the same distance. But the quality of communication will be impeccable.

ADSL (telephone line)

How to connect the Internet in a private home using a telephone if the budget does not allow using the technology described above? A good option is ADSL technology, which was used in the 2000s and has still not lost its usefulness.

To do this, you will need to bring a phone from Rostelecom into the house. This means stationary. Communication using ADSL technology occurs via a telephone cable, while the telephone line itself is not busy. It's all about the difference in frequencies - a telephone conversation is conducted at low frequencies, while connecting to the Internet is carried out at high frequencies. You will have to purchase a frequency divider - a splitter (costs about 200-300 rubles) and an ADSL router, which can also be a Wi-Fi router. It is better to purchase the latter from the provider company itself, otherwise you will have to tinker with the settings. Its cost, depending on the brand, is 2-3 thousand rubles. The splitter can be included.

Internet brought into the house using this technology can provide speeds of up to 24 Mbit/sec. In practice it is usually less, 8-10 Mbit/s. This depends on the fact that the speed depends on the length of the telephone line and its quality, as well as the capabilities of the operator himself. The Internet can come into the house through wires laid in the 60s, but be prepared for frequent connection problems, especially in the rain.
However, if complaints are received frequently, the provider’s employees quickly eliminate problem areas on the line, and communication is established.


Rostelecom provides the private sector (villages with a population of up to 500 people) with wireless Internet by installing Wi-Fi routers there. Communication is available on any device that can connect to a Wi-Fi network. This was done under the government “Program for Eliminating the Digital Divide”, so currently such communication is free, but the speed is limited to 10 Mbit/s, sometimes less. The list of sites that can be accessed is limited to 2,000 different government portals.

Using wireless Internet technology, Rostelecom also connects a separate house, but this is a paid service. There are no restrictions on sites, except those established by law. It’s called “Internet at Home,” and you can apply for it on the company’s official website.

Mobile Internet

Mobile Internet from Rostelecom for a private home may be a good option for people who primarily use tablets and/or smartphones. Not long ago, this company joined the ranks of providers providing 3G standard communication services. Rostelecom offers users a range of tariffs from which you can choose whatever you like - to surf the Internet all day long or to connect at home periodically to check email. The volumes of traffic provided range from 70 MB to 25 GB per month - according to everyone’s needs.

Cost of services

The price of connection and the price of use are two different things. It is impossible to say for sure how much it costs to install Internet in a private home. The cost of connection is determined individually in each specific case. It depends on many factors, primarily on the location of your home and the chosen connection method.

There is one tariff for ADSL Internet - 349 rubles/month (the rate may change over time). The main direction of development is optical fiber. The price of “optical” Internet from Rostelecom for the home depends on the selected speed - from 99 rubles/month for the “minimum wage” to 890 rubles/month for unlimited at a speed of 200 Mbit/sec. Additional services are available for a fee - parental controls, antivirus, etc.

How to leave a request and connect?

The easiest way to apply for an Internet connection, as well as other communication services, is on the official portal of the provider. Enough:

  1. Select a region from the list.
  2. Go to the “Internet” subsection.
  3. Check out the options and click on the one you like the most.

The system will display an online application dialog. You must fill it out, indicating your contacts, address and full name, and click the “Connect” button. After some time, the company manager will call you.
If this method is inconvenient for you for some reason, you can leave a request for connection at any office of the company.

For a very long time, I was going to write this instruction, but it still didn’t work out. And now, the long-awaited moment has finally arrived :)

In this article, I will tell you and show everything in detail in pictures how to set up a Wi-Fi router without a computer. Having only the router itself and the tablet. Well, or a smartphone. Moreover, it doesn’t matter what operating system your tablet (smartphone) runs on. It could be Android, iOS, or Windows Phone. Can be configured from iPad or iPhone.

I was often asked in the comments whether it is possible to set up a router with only a phone or tablet. What to do if there is no computer, laptop, netbook, etc. in the house. It’s not difficult to imagine a case when you don’t have a computer, but there are many mobile devices that can connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi. And you decided to buy a router to distribute the Internet to your devices.

But here a problem arises: “How can I configure this router if I don’t have a laptop. For example, there is only a tablet. Where can I find instructions, and is it even possible to do this?” Yes, you can. I'll tell you now. You can, of course, borrow a laptop, for example from friends, and configure it according to these instructions “ “. But this is not at all necessary.

What do we need?

We need the router itself, and some kind of mobile device that can connect to a wireless network. From which we will carry out the configuration. Well, the Internet should be in your home, I think this is understandable.

I checked everything and everything works. I will show the whole process using the same router as an example Tp-Link WR841N, and tablet ASUS MeMO Pad FHD 10, which runs on Android. You may have another device, such as a smartphone. It’s just much more convenient on a tablet due to the larger screen.

As for the router itself, it can be anyone, not necessarily Tp-Link. If you have, for example, Asus, D-Link, ZyXEL, etc., then only the control panel will be different. And so, in general, everything will be the same as in this instruction.

Preparation: connecting the router

First of all, I recommend doing a full reset on your router. It doesn’t matter whether it’s new from the store or has already worked somewhere, the settings need to be cleared. Perhaps it has already been configured, and we do not need any old settings. Because of them, many problems can arise. Therefore, look at the article ““, and do as it is written there. Done? Great, let's continue. If something doesn’t work out, we continue the same way, let’s hope that there are no settings that we don’t need.

We screw the antenna to the router (if they are removable), then connect the power cable and plug it into the outlet. We connect the network cable and the Internet to the blue WAN connector. Which was brought into your home by the provider (it would be good to be sure that the Internet is working and paid for. Otherwise, problems may arise during the setup process, and you will think that the router or the setup method is to blame).

Connected, the indicators blinked, everything is fine. If, after connecting to the network, the indicators on the router do not light up, then it is possible that it is turned off by a button, which may be on the body of the router itself. Check it out.

Now we pick up a tablet, smartphone, phone (whatever you have), and move on to the next point of our instructions.

Let's start setting up the router from the tablet

By default, Wi-Fi protection is not installed and your network is open. Now we will connect the tablet to it (this is in my case, when I continue to write a tablet, I will have to enter the device from which we are setting up).

Go to network connection settings (we need to turn on Wi-Fi).

Here, attention! It will have a standard name and will be open. It is important to choose our network. If in doubt, simply unplug your router (turn Wi-Fi off and on on the device itself), and see if the network disappears. If yes, then this means this is your network, select it.

A window will appear. Just click Connect.

If everything is fine, the status “ Connected“, and an icon with network divisions will appear at the top.

That's it, our tablet is connected to our wireless network. You can start setting up.

Setting up a router via a browser on a tablet

We need to launch any browser. It's definitely on your device. It could be Google Chrome, or some other standard one.

In the browser, click on the address bar with your finger and enter the IP address of our router. Usually this , or . You can see this address, and the standard login/password, at the bottom of your router. They should be indicated there.

So, we type this address in the browser, on the tablet, and press the button Go(open, etc.) .

A window will appear asking for your login and password. Enter the standard ones, usually admin and admin, and click To come in.

So we got into the settings of our new router. Half the work has already been done :)

Set parameters for connecting to the Internet

First of all, we need to configure the router to work with your ISP. So that he can connect to the Internet and distribute it via Wi-Fi. To do this, we need to know the parameters that your provider gave you. Need to know the technology it uses (Static IP, Dynamic IP, PPPoE, L2TP), and depending on the technology, the necessary parameters. You can check all this data with the provider’s support. At the same time, check whether your provider binds by MAC address.

Attention! If your provider binds by MAC address, then you need to call your provider's support and ask them to bind the Internet to the router's MAC address. You can see the router's MAC address on the sticker below.

This is the most important point. If you make a mistake here, your devices will be .

These parameters must be set on the tab NetworkWAN. Against WAN Connection Type select the required technology. And based on a certain technology, we set all the necessary parameters: name, login, static IP, or DNS.

Then, when all the settings are specified and checked, press the button Save to save settings.

Pay special attention to the settings that I wrote about above. As I said, they are the most important.

Setting up a Wi-Fi network

Opposite the point Wireless Network Name, set the name of your Wi-Fi network (write only in English letters, numbers are fine). This name will appear on all devices.

Against Region, indicate the country where you live.

If a window appears, just click Ok.

Installing protection on a wireless network

Open the item WirelessWireless Security.

Choose WPA/WPA2 – Personal(Recommended).

Opposite the point PSK Password create and write down a password. This will be used to connect to your Wi-Fi. Use English letters and numbers. Make your password at least 8 characters long. Stick to letter case, it matters.

Be sure to write down the password on a piece of paper and put it in a safe place so as not to forget. Otherwise you will have to reset all settings and configure again.

Changing the password to access settings

We need to change the standard admin and admin, which are used to enter the router settings. So that no one but us can access the settings.

Go to the tab System ToolsPassword.

Set a standard username and password. And below, enter your new data. I left the username as admin, I came up with my own password.

Write down this password so you don’t forget.

After pressing the button Save, a window will appear again asking for your login and password. You need to provide new information (which you indicated above), and press the button To come in.

We will be taken to the control panel again.

The setup is almost complete. All that remains is to reboot our router.

To do this, go to the menu item System ToolsReboot, and click on the “ Reboot“.

The reboot status will appear.

After the reboot process is completed, the tablet will most likely display an error that it is impossible to open the address This is normal. Our tablet will simply disconnect from the router and will no longer be able to connect automatically (in the future, it will connect automatically). Since we installed protection on the network, and after a reboot, it already worked.

It is necessary to reconnect the tablet to our network by entering a password. So that you can already use the Internet.

To do this, open the quick access to settings panel again and click on the network settings icon.

Turn on Wi-Fi and select our network. It will already have the name that we specified during the setup process.

Enter the Wi-Fi password (which we also specified during the setup process), and press Connect.

All is ready! Go to the browser and open the site!

You can connect other devices to the network!

For example, or may occur. I also wrote about this.


It was a huge article, a lot of screenshots, but there was no other way. I tried to make the article as clear and simple as possible.

As you can see, you can configure the router without a computer, but simply from a mobile phone or tablet. I think you can even set it up from a TV. And there is nothing complicated about it. The main thing is to follow the instructions and check the settings that you specify, so that there are no problems later.

If you have any questions, comments, or suggestions, I will be happy to hear them in the comments!

Also on the site:

Is it possible to set up a router without a computer? Setting up a Tp-Link Wi-Fi router from a tablet or smartphone updated: February 7, 2018 by: admin

You will need

  • Computer, service agreement, software, necessary equipment (depending on the chosen connection method).


Satellite Internet connection requires a large one-time financial requirement. Purchasing all the necessary equipment will cost a tidy sum. Many companies providing this type of connection can only provide incoming traffic. Although recently operators have appeared that provide communication in both directions. You will have to spend a little more time searching for them. But the connection speed is extremely high. And you can get access to the Internet even in corners remote from cities, the main thing is that the signal from the satellite reaches you.

A fiber optic connection will cost you much less. Make sure that you are in the service area of ​​the selected provider and that your computer has a network card. Specialists will connect the cable to it. The rest is usually located in the attic and all apartments in your house are connected to it. You choose the connection speed yourself, based on the tariff plans offered by the operator. Payment will depend on your choice. This type of connection is also pleasant because companies often hold promotions where you can connect to the service for mere pennies. And tariffs are regularly updated, become cheaper, and you can always change them if your preferences change.

The most comfortable way to connect to the network in terms of movement is through cellular operators. They cost , the software is installed quite simply, no complex settings are required. Modems are very small in size, no larger than a regular flash card. This modem is very convenient to carry with you along with a laptop or other portable computer. You will be able to stay anywhere and have access to the Internet if your operator’s network operates in this area. You can choose a tariff based on how much time you spend in. A tariff plan may suit you, or, on the contrary, it will be more convenient for you to pay for incoming traffic by megabytes. Connection speeds are becoming faster as technology develops. They are being implemented gradually, so in some places the speed may be low (from 256 kbps), while in others it can reach several Mbps.

We must not forget about wi-fi. You can install an access point at your home. And you can use this type of Internet connection in some public places: airports, train stations, cafes, cinemas, libraries, etc.

Nowadays it is impossible to imagine life without Wi-fi. Most of us use several devices to access the Internet, often simultaneously. Downloading a movie, choosing something in an online store and at the same time chatting with friends via messenger is a common thing. How would we manage without Wi-fi? No way! Connect to the Internet wirelessly via Wifire and forget about all the inconveniences of wired Internet access.

It's no secret that wired Internet is significantly inferior in comfort to connecting via Wi-Fi. Let's look at the main advantages of wireless Internet.

  • Access to the network within the range of the router (up to 50 meters indoors)
  • Ability to connect multiple devices simultaneously (PC, laptop, smartphone)
  • Convenience - Internet without unnecessary wires

Connect to the Internet wirelessly at speeds from 50 to 300 Mbit/s and get access to the network anywhere in your apartment! We offer high speed and connection stability, competitive rates and technical support 24 hours 7 days a week. To connect to the Internet wirelessly at home, you can buy or rent a high-speed router. When connecting to the Internet wirelessly, use , and also combine tariffs and save with Wifire!

How to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi?

What is needed to connect home Internet wirelessly in Moscow? Just choose a tariff, a router and leave a request. We offer two equipment options.

Router "Wifire S1010 NBN" and "Wifire S1500 NBN". Excellent technical characteristics, cloud storage via USB, operation in the 2.4 and 5 GHz band and affordable price - these are some of the main advantages of Wifire equipment.

You can buy or rent a router – from only 55 rubles/month. Our specialists will provide Internet access, professionally set up Wi-Fi equipment and advise you on any questions. Internet without wires is fast, inexpensive and convenient!

Connect the Internet wirelessly in your apartment and take advantage of the following benefits:

  • Speed ​​from 50 to 300 Mbit/s
  • Tariffs from 400 rub/month
  • Powerful routers - you can buy or rent for only 55 rubles/month
  • Attractive Service Packages and Digital TV
  • Antivirus for all devices
  • High-quality technical support

Enjoy the benefits of using the Internet wirelessly from a reliable provider! Connect all home devices to the same network - the speed and stability of the connection will always remain stable. Add a digital TV package to your Internet and watch your favorite shows in excellent quality without interference! More than 180 channels for children and adults, channels in HD format.

We have already connected more than 944 thousand clients to the Internet and other services. Leave a request and our specialists will contact you as soon as possible.

Question answer

How to connect to the Internet via Wi-Fi, and how much will it cost?

Choose a tariff and leave a request on the website or by phone - we will do the rest ourselves. The cost of connection depends on the speed, as well as the availability of additional services.

Why should I choose Wifire internet?

We offer competitive prices and high connection speeds, 24/7 technical support, and are constantly working to improve the quality of services. In addition, our company has been awarded many prestigious awards in the telecommunications industry.

Tariffs and services of Net By Net Holding LLC may be changed by the operator. Full up-to-date information about tariffs and services is in the “tariffs” section or by calling the phone number listed on the website.

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