Home Computers How to make a creeping line. DIY LED advertising ticker How to make a ticker from LEDs

How to make a creeping line. DIY LED advertising ticker How to make a ticker from LEDs

If you look closely, there are a lot of different colorful moving advertisements around. It is installed on buildings, billboards, office and cafe windows, and some attach it directly to car windows. All this depends on the focus of the advertisement. Its dimensions also differ significantly from each other. But at the heart of them all is an LED ticker.

Thanks to movable letters, constantly moving one after another, you can convey something important to the consumer or attract them to a particular establishment.

The production of LED tickers is attributed to residents and craftsmen of the Celestial Empire, but it turned out that almost anyone can make it at home. The main thing is to have everything you need and an irresistible desire to create.

To make everything work out

If you put together the following devices, you get an LED ticker. It’s not that difficult to do it with your own hands. The main thing is to carefully follow the assembly instructions. What do we need?

  • Motherboard, or, in other words, controller.
  • for creeping lines.
  • Several power supplies.
  • Wires and power cables.
  • Magnets.
  • Aluminum profile.
  • Aluminum corner.
  • Wires 2-1.5 mm.
  • Screws, screws and sealant.

Tools you should have on hand:

  • Pruning saw.
  • Electric drill.
  • Screwdriver.

What is it for?

  • for creeping lines - they directly carry information. They come in several types in different colors: white, red, blue, green and multi-colored. They are also distinguished by the steps between pixels. And the type of protection: moisture resistant and interior.
  • Power supplies - designed to convert voltage from 220 V to 5 volts.
  • Wires are needed to connect power supplies and modules to each other.
  • The cables are designed to transmit a signal from the motherboard (controller) to the LEDs.
  • Wires 2-1.5 mm are designed to transmit converted electrical current from block to module and from module to module.
  • Magnets are necessary for various assemblies of tickers.
  • Aluminum profiles and corners, after their assembly and connection, form the body of the LED display.

Size matters

Considering what the LED ticker is intended for, its size is important. It depends on the aluminum profile from which the body will be made. It comes in three types:

  • Narrow aluminum profile - optimal for automotive advertising.
  • Medium aluminum profile - designed for assembling scoreboards up to 6 meters in size.
  • Wide aluminum profile - designed for buildings over 6 meters, their size can last indefinitely.

Step-by-step string assembly

If all instructions and requirements have been followed, you should get a working LED ticker. As it turns out, assembling it with your own hands is not that difficult!

Types of programming and purpose

Thanks to the ability to program a ticker, it can carry almost any information.

  • In buses and stops, show the route, arrival and departure times.
  • In cafes and restaurants, advertise the menu or dish of the day.
  • In banks and exchange kiosks, display exchange rates for everyone to see.
  • In any public places, gently and unobtrusively advertise various things and services.
  • They are also ideal for indicating the current time and ambient temperature. But for this you need to build a clock and (temperature sensor) into it.

Programs may also differ from each other in the speed of reproduction of a given text, the way letters appear, and much more. When programming LED displays, 30 types of various effects can be used.

And in conclusion

As one of the greats said: “Everything ingenious is simple!”

And from the above material and equipment, an excellent LED ticker is obtained. Creating it with your own hands is not so difficult; almost anyone can cope with this task. The main thing is to follow the instructions and take your time.

And the fact that it is made independently has a number of advantages and disadvantages:

You can choose the color yourself;

Find the optimal size;

Program as you wish;

And prove to yourself that anything is possible.

An LED board can decorate a design and make advertising dynamic and concise. A store or office sign will attract the attention of potential visitors and provide information about discounts, promotions, etc.

This video tutorial shows how to make such an advertisement. You will get a real creeping line, which is used on outdoor commercial advertising. It will be based on 2 matrix modules. Also Arduino nano, crown holder, battery and switch. You can buy all spare parts in this Chinese store.

What should be done

Let's connect two LED modules with hot glue. We will attach the remaining elements to the back. We will attach the Arduino so that you can program it without taking it off. We'll attach a button on top.

We solder two modules through jumpers. We will also solder the Arduino to the input and button. Let's make a lid from a corner with our own hands.

Electronic part

How to upload a sketch to Arduino:
driver https://goo.gl/24cFBZ.
sketch https://goo.gl/hxfJnu
library https://goo.gl/4GnOLq
library https://goo.gl/8XaOzI

You need to download and install two libraries. And you can change the number of matrices that are used. In this case, there are 8 matrices, each of them has 8x8 LEDs (64 pieces). They will be placed to line up line by line.

The resulting product does not yet display a line in Russian, but on the Internet you will find tips on how to set up the Cyrillic alphabet.

Assembling a ticker based on an LED matrix and Arduino is a simple task that can be done even at home. To make letters move on an LED display, you don’t need to be a programmer or have in-depth knowledge of electronics. In this article we will look at how to assemble a ticker from ready-made LED matrices and an Arduino Nano.

What will you need?

To implement the idea you will need very few details:

  • two LED modules consisting of four 8 by 8 pixel matrices;
  • holder for “Krone” size battery;
  • 9 volt battery (CR-9V, ER-9V or their equivalents);
  • two-pin switch;
  • connecting wires;
  • Arduino Nano board;
  • hot melt adhesive.


On the printed circuit board of the LED module used there are 4 matrices measuring 8 by 8 pixels. Each LED display is controlled by an integrated circuit (IC) MAX7219. This IC is a controller for controlling LED displays, matrices with a common cathode and discrete LEDs in an amount of up to 64 pcs.

For a more comfortable perception of information displayed on the LED display, it is recommended to install several modules. To do this, they are combined into sequentially connected groups, that is, the output of the first module (out) is connected to the input of the second module (in). This assembly consists of two modules (16 matrices), the length of which is quite enough for easy reading of entire sentences.


The matrix module may have a pin connection or contacts on the board in the form of printed conductors. The way they are connected depends on this. In the first case, to obtain reliable electrical contact, a harness of wiring with connectors is used, and in the second, jumpers will have to be installed and soldered.

But first you need to combine both modules into a single whole using hot glue. Thermoplastic adhesive does not conduct electric current, which means it can be safely applied to a printed circuit board. Glue is applied to the ends of both boards, pressed and left for several minutes. After hardening, the output contacts of the first block are connected to the input contacts of the second block according to the following diagram:

  • VCC - VCC
  • GND - GND
  • D IN – D OUT
  • CS–CS

On the back side of the printed circuit board, an Arduino Nano, a battery compartment and a switch are attached using hot glue. The parts are arranged in such a way that they can be used conveniently.
At the next stage, the Arduino is connected to the LED module by connecting the wires to the input of the first matrix. Depending on the module version, the operation is performed through a detachable connection or by soldering according to the diagram below:

  • VCC - 5V
  • GND - GND
  • D IN – PIN 11
  • CS – PIN 10
  • CLK - PIN 13.

At the final stage of assembly, you need to connect the battery power. To do this, the negative pin (black wire) from the crown compartment is connected to the GND pin of the Arduino. The positive contact (red wire) is connected to the switch, and then to pin No. 30 of the Arduino, designed to supply supply voltage from an unregulated source. In test mode, a do-it-yourself ticker can be powered via micro USB from a computer.
Having ensured the reliability of the fastenings and the quality of the electrical connections, proceed to assembling the housing. It can be made from an aluminum or plastic profile, since the circuit elements do not heat up. The color, dimensions, degree of protection and fastening of the case depend on the future purpose of the device. In the simplest case, a protective screen made of a construction plastic corner profile with a cutout for a switch is suitable.

Programming the ticker

The running line from Arduino and LED modules controlled by MAX7219 is almost ready. It's time to move on to the final program part. The computer must have software installed for the Arduino used and a driver for it. Next, you need to download two libraries and a sketch (a special program that will be loaded and executed by the Arduino processor). The libraries are installed with the Arduino IDE closed in the “Documents – Arduino – Libraries” folder. Then they download and run the sketch and check the presence of libraries and the correctness of other data.

Sketch setup:

  • “number of horizontal displays” indicate the number of lines, in our case 1;
  • “number of vertical displays” indicate the number of matrices, in our case 8;
  • “string tape” indicates the inscription displayed on the display;
  • "int wait" specifies the output speed in milliseconds.

After checking the entered data, all you have to do is click on the “download” button. Then disconnect from the PC, insert the battery and start the device.

In conclusion, I would like to add that a do-it-yourself ticker can be assembled quite quickly even without Arduino skills. Therefore, there is no need to be afraid of this intricate board. It is also worth noting that you can make the creeping line longer by increasing the number of LED matrices.

Read also

Just a couple of years ago, LED structures seemed like a miracle of technology, and few people understood how they even worked. However, over the past time, new technologies for manufacturing such screens have appeared: matrices, types of controllers and circuits, and housings have changed. Today, the production of LED screens is available to everyone, at least as a form of entertainment. But how to make a ticker?

Let's start with the fact that in any case you will need materials for work, which are best purchased at the start-up production facility or from official suppliers. This way you will receive a guarantee on all components and will not waste your money and time in vain. Moreover, by working with official suppliers, you can set up your own business or open a franchise production. Then you will have access to special prices and working conditions. But before purchasing parts, you need to understand the principle of how to make a ticker yourself.

Have you ever put together puzzles? If yes, then you can handle this too.

How to make a ticker from LEDs?

A running LED line is a device that consists of separate, independent structural blocks. Each block consists of several diodes connected to each other and controlled by a controller. The joint operation of several units is achieved by connecting them using loops into a single system and powered by the unit. The integrity of the structure is maintained by a closed profile: the external protection unit. You need to know all this in order to imagine how to make a creeping line from LEDs.

In addition to the parts listed, you will also need:

  • Wires;
  • Magnet;
  • Corners;
  • Sealant;
  • Screws and self-tapping screws;
  • Special tools: hammer drill, screwdriver or screwdriver.

The result you want to achieve is of great importance for production. Therefore, the first step is to decide what kind of screen you want to make. You need to know its size, color, pitch and pixel brightness where it will be used. LED screens for outdoor use are usually brighter, and their resolution is lower than their indoor counterparts. It is important to remember the need to further strengthen and protect the body.

How to make an LED ticker?

Select the diodes you need, paying attention to their color, size, and power. Lay them out on a horizontal surface according to the numbering or signs. It is important to count from left to right. Using special pins, connect each module to a common system of wires and cables. How to make the LED ticker work? Connect all contacts to the block and seal the seams. At this point, work with the module board can be considered completed, but the device is not ready yet. Now it's time to encase it.

When we walk along the city streets, we are surrounded by numerous bright moving advertising structures. They are installed both on buildings, advertising media, window openings of offices and cafes, and simply attached to car windows. They can also differ greatly in size from each other. However, there is one thing that unites them all - their basis is a running LED line.

Thanks to a design such as a ticker board, a lot of information can be conveyed to consumers. For the first time, the inhabitants of the Middle Kingdom were able to answer the question of how to collect it. And today anyone can make an LED ticker with their own hands. An important rule: prepare in advance everything you need for work.

The scoreboard can be assembled on your own from the modules and various devices listed below. But when assembling, be careful and follow the instructions.

What will you need?

Assembling a ticker is only possible if you have at hand:

  • motherboard - also called a controller;
  • several LED modules;
  • a pair of power supplies;
  • magnets;
  • profile and corners made of aluminum;
  • 2mm wires;
  • screws with self-tapping screws and sealant;
  • saw, drill, screwdriver.

Purpose of LED modules

The LED display is considered a carrier of information. There are several varieties depending on the color palette:

  1. white;
  2. red;
  3. blue;
  4. green;
  5. from several colors.

They are also distinguished by steps among pixels. Power supplies play an important role - they convert the voltage from 220 V to 5 volts. Wires are required to connect the power supply to the module. Assembly of the ticker is possible only with the help of magnets. Profiles with aluminum corners after their assembly are the body of the LED display.

Considering the purpose of the LED panel, its size is also important. Depending on the dimensions of the case, they are divided into the following categories:

  1. Narrow ones are an excellent solution for advertising on cars.
  2. Medium - used to assemble a scoreboard with your own hands up to 6 m in size.
  3. Wide - widely used for hulls over 6 m; their sizes can be any.

Types of LED panels

String assembly process

Let's look at the detailed process of building a ticker:

  • We place the modules on the table in the direction from left to right. We connect them to each other with wires along with power cables. The modules have corresponding sockets for wires.
  • Then we connect the module using guides. Place the guides on the modules and tighten the bolts.
  • We connect the power supply to the controller with a 1.5 mm wire. It also has a hole for attaching a cable and wires.
  • The motherboard is connected to the module via a cable.
  • One power supply with a power of 40 amperes will be enough for 8 modules.
  • Then you need to seal everything. We lubricate the joints between the modules with sealant. Such work must be done very carefully. As a result, you should have a sealed working LED ticker from digital modules.

LED panel on the car

At this stage, look at the instructions for assembling the ticker body:

  • Using different profile sizes, you can get a body of any shape you like, in which you can subsequently place an LED panel with a ticker.
  • We cut the aluminum profile according to certain dimensions, but reduce the length by a few millimeters. Using the corners we assemble the body of our device.
  • We put the prepared crawl line, made by ourselves, into the aluminum case. We make a hole in the case to bring out the power wires and USB output.
  • We cut out the required back panel from any metal sheet. Using self-tapping screws and a screwdriver, we attach the housing to the base. We seal all joints with sealant.
  • At the end, you need to program the LED crawling LED line. The program for them varies in complexity. These manipulations can be performed on any software.

If you took into account all the tips and strictly followed the instructions for installing the LED ticker, then everything should work out for you.

Where is the ticker used?

The LED ticker, thanks to its design features, allows it to be installed both indoors and outdoors. The product is capable of operating in a standalone state, in which it does not even need to be connected to a PC. Assembling an LED ticker on your own is very popular today.

It is indispensable for advertising various products and services. As everyone knows, a moving object attracts much more attention than a stationary one, and when using an electronic sign you will have both a static and dynamic advertising structure. You can choose the layout of the creeping line individually; you can also choose the text design style based on your own preferences.

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