Home Computers Freelancing VKontakte. Working as a VK group administrator as a way to earn money

Freelancing VKontakte. Working as a VK group administrator as a way to earn money

Hello, dear readers and guests.

For those who have not yet worked with exchanges and do not know where to start, I advise you to read my previous article, in which I talk in more detail about.

Exchanges and freelance sites by category

The best freelance exchanges

Here are the most popular sites among freelancers and clients, where you can find tasks in all possible ways:

  • fl.ru is the No. 1 freelance exchange in Russia and the CIS. More suitable for professionals with a good portfolio and experience; it’s difficult for beginners to get into it. To fully operate, you need to pay your account monthly.
  • weblancer.net is, in my opinion, the second most popular site for freelancers and offering their services. Currently there are more than 3 thousand open orders.
  • work-zilla.com is an exchange for beginners, you can find thousands of different simple tasks and try your hand at freelancing. Read.
  • freelancejob.ru – remote work for professional freelancers with a good portfolio.
  • kwork.ru - the site allows you to offer and sell your services at a single price of 500 rubles.
  • moguza.ru is a cool service where you can post your service offers (for example, I can make a website for 1000 rubles!) and start making money on what you know how to do.

Exchanges for copywriters and rewriters

If you can write and know how to type on a keyboard, then on these exchanges you can easily find tasks for writing texts, selling articles, translations, etc.

  • etxt.ru is a popular remote work exchange for copywriters, rewriters and translators. Order and sell articles on any topic. Check out the details.
  • text.ru is a large service for copywriters and rewriters. There is also an article store and various scripts for checking texts. Read.
  • textsale.ru is a website for selling texts, there is a rating of popular topics on which you can write articles and sell them at competitive prices.
  • advego.ru is the No. 1 content exchange. Many different tasks for text authors, there is a store for buying and selling articles.
  • copylancer.ru— rewriting and copywriting exchange with low prices for articles.
  • turbotext.ru— a relatively young project, orders for copywriting, rewriting, naming and other micro-tasks. See.
  • qcomment.ru— a service with microtasks, you can earn money by writing comments.
  • textbroker.ru- a bureau of professional copywriters, here you can sell texts from 100 rubles per 1000 characters.
  • contentmonster.ru— a very popular exchange, there are a lot of orders. To become a performer, you need to pass a test in the Russian language. Also on the site you can study several courses on copywriting for free. See.
  • smart-copywriting.com— on this exchange there are 16 types of specialization, orders for articles, poetry, naming, resumes, etc.
  • miratext.ru— a simple and very convenient copywriting exchange. The main types of orders are copywriting, text rewriting, articles in a foreign language.
  • snipercontent.ru— a site that brings together webmasters and copywriters.
  • fll.ru is a service for posting tasks and searching for remote work in the field of writing texts.
  • neotext.ru— content exchange and article store.

Websites for 1C specialists and programmers

I didn’t find many specialized sites for IT specialists and programmers. Later, when we look at these professions in more detail, I will give many more examples of various forums and portals where you can find good remote work for programmers.

  • 1clancer.ru— an exchange for programmers and 1C specialists from all CIS countries.
  • devhuman.com— a service for IT specialists, programmers, startupers and other specialists that allows you to quickly create a team for your project.
  • modber.ru— another site for 1C professionals.

In this post, I would like to look at three problems that can be encountered from time to time in freelance work:
- lack of interesting orders and pleasant clients;
- loss of money when you cannot do work outside your specialty;
- loss of money when you cannot take another order and there is no one to transfer it to.

I will try to describe these problems and propose solutions to them. So, let's go.

I think all freelancers want to work only with interesting orders and pleasant customers to work with. But for most, excellent clients, like New Year's gifts, are rare. Therefore, you don’t have to choose, because everyone always needs money.

Most likely, you are familiar with the thought: “If I refuse all uninteresting projects and difficult customers, then I may not earn so much money per month.” It is for this reason that we very often work:

  • on routine projects;
  • over orders where the client does not need the best solution, but only speed of execution;
  • with other people’s “source codes”, which you can’t work with without swearing and it’s easier to just give up and do it all over again.
Many will agree that it is better not to work with such orders at all. I also share this opinion. But how to maintain a constant standard of living is already a question.

Ask yourself questions. What if you're not the only one looking for orders? How much would this increase your efficiency and quality of projects?

Let's now consider another situation. A client comes to you and needs a range of services. Let's say a turnkey site. And you only do website design and cannot take on the entire project. Most likely, such an order will not be received.

Or let's take another example. You have already done, for example, a website design for a client, but he still needs to make a logo (layout, corporate identity, etc.), but you don’t understand this. Those. a potential order that is very easy to obtain (the client already trusts you) floats past you.

What if you personally knew experts in other fields to whom you could confidently delegate this project for some percentage of the budget?

Let's look at the last example. I think many people have had crazy rushes when you are already doing two, three or four projects at the same time, and several more clients are asking you. And you would be happy to take them, but you can no longer physically complete them, even if you work 24 hours a day for several months.

Clients go to others, and you realize with regret that you have lost potential profit, say, by $1000 - $5000. I think few people enjoy losing that kind of money.

What to do in these cases?

I decided to create something like an association of freelancers that would help its members cope with these problems.

What are the benefits of participating in such a community:

  1. In addition to you, other community members will also work on finding orders.
  2. You will be able to receive clients from other participants who, for some reason, are not able to complete this project.
  3. You will be able to transfer orders that you yourself cannot make to other community members and receive a percentage of the budget amount for this.
  4. You will be able to carry out projects that require not just one specialist, but an entire team.
  5. In part, this will help solve the problem of finding interesting projects and pleasant customers.

If you are interested in taking part in such an association, write to me by email [email protected]

If you have thoughts or questions on the topic, ask them in the comments. I hope that together we can help each other.

The social network VKontakte is, without exaggeration, the largest and most popular network in the post-Soviet space. It’s not just schoolchildren and students who sit here for hours; Adults and working people also spend a lot of time on VK. And it is not always spent on mindlessly scrolling through the news feed and liking cats.

Some manage to make money by running VK communities, others are happy to draw various useful information from these same communities.

Today the site decided to suggest you several useful public pages where you can find useful information, inspiration, and even find a job suitable for a freelancer.

The first public page organized by the administration of the site Kadrof.ru is called “ Freelancers Club ».

According to the public administration, the community was created for the purpose of exchanging experiences, searching for remote work or performers, and for active communication between freelancers.

What else can you find here:

Latest news from the world of remote work;

Posts with interesting solutions;

Analysis of copywriter mistakes;

Discussion of hot and pressing topics;

Useful tips and consultations.

In general, a very useful public page for freelancers of all stripes, namely those who cannot imagine their life without the work they adore.

Next I would like to talk about publics, whose activities are aimed at finding work and performers. Essentially, these communities are mini remote labor exchanges, each with its own number of subscribers and focus. You can see advertisements for vacancies that move from public to public - it’s up to you to decide whether to respond to them.

Vacancies presented in the group are added by the community administrator himself. The group resembles a bulletin board, and customers need to be contacted using the contacts indicated in the message. It’s not entirely convenient, but it wouldn’t hurt to have such a vacancy feed at hand - what if it comes in handy?

Here everything is much more serious. This group can be called a full-fledged exchange - there is even a secure transaction thought out here! It, in essence, is a communication between the customer and the contractor with the participation of a third party, for which the group then takes 5% of the order. An employer can post a vacancy here by offering news. The freelancer can contact the customer in a comment to the post or in a DM, or at the specified contacts.

There are also more highly specialized public exchanges on VKontakte. For example, for designers -

But here, unfortunately, you can not so much find a job as admire advertisements for finding orders or selling articles. This group can be a kind of chest of copywriters/rewriters for the customer. Choose - I don’t want to.

Community Copywriter Copywriting Copywriting This is a group of people who promote websites. But here you can find a lot of interesting and useful things - tips on how to write a sales text, tips on SEO, website promotion and much more. You can bookmark the group and read it sometimes – there’s really a lot of useful material!

Well, we are all about copywriters and rewriters. VK has a lot of useful things for programmers too! The largest thematic community is Typical programmer. There are tips for beginners, solutions to interesting problems, useful tips, news, and discussions - all the most interesting and fresh things for programmers of all stripes.

Another bonus for website developers.

Nowadays, many websites are developed using the WordPress engine. If you also have to work with this CMS, then in the group of the same name WordPress you will find a lot of interesting and useful things for yourself, as well as answers to all the questions that arise when working with the engine. This group is a kind of call center for web developers.

Web Design Workshop This group contains a lot of interesting things from the Runet and beyond, which can serve as both an example and inspiration for a web designer. New ideas, innovative solutions, tools and news - all in one place.

And a few other useful things...

Many people dream of working remotely. But not everyone has one. Some people don’t even realize that being an administrator of VKontakte communities is also a job that can bring in quite a decent income. The VK administrator creates content, it arouses interest among most people and makes the public popular. VKontakte group administrator vacancies are available on freelance exchanges and online remote work sites.

Today we will tell you about this method of earning money, where to find vacancies and much more.

What is the job of a VK administrator?

Typically, a VK administrator performs the functions of both a moderator and an editor. If an editor is needed, the admin looks for one on his own. This is a remote job that values ​​independence, skill, and skill. But the administrator's salary will be higher.

Almost everything depends on the work of the administrator, even the income of the community.

If we talk about what exactly an admin should do, then his responsibilities include:

  • Perform the duties of a moderator (if there is none) - monitor order in the comments, remove spam and insults, block violators, etc.
  • Perform the duties of an editor (if there is none) - search, format and publish posts. This is one of the most important aspects of an administrator's job. Since the interest in your public and audience involvement will depend on the quality of the content.
  • Community appearance. The admin is responsible for how the group looks, even if the design was not developed by him, but by a hired specialist. After all, it is management that sets the direction for the designer, approves and accepts the work.
  • Communicate with your audience, study their interests and problems. Every leader should know who his target audience is.
  • Promote the group by gaining the total number of participants and coverage. Every administrator should know at least the basics of promotion and methods.
  • Work with advertisers and partners, negotiate, agree on the placement of advertising posts, etc.

As you can see, this profession has a lot of responsibilities. And these are just the main ones. In each specific community, you, as an admin, may be required to do anything, including mastery of Photoshop.

Who is suitable for working as a VKontakte administrator?

Since this job is remote, it is suitable for anyone who wants to work from home. You don't have to get up every morning and go to the office or business. All you need is a computer or laptop and internet access.

You don't even have to get up in the morning.

Administrators have a flexible work schedule, so you can work at any time of the day or night.

Fortunately, there are now a large number of services that help you plan publications for days, or even weeks, in advance.

Therefore, it is not at all necessary to be online every few hours (depending on the publication schedule of the public).

As a result, who is this profession suitable for:

  • For those who want to work from home (remotely);
  • For those who want to have a free schedule and not depend on anyone (or at least minimize this dependence).

What is the salary: how much money do VK admins receive?

One of the most common questions regarding the administration of VK communities is how much does an admin earn?

In fact, the numbers are very different. It all depends on your experience and professionalism. For running a group for a medium-sized business, you will receive approximately 4000-6000 rubles. This is for maintaining and promoting just one public page.

The requirements and responsibilities assigned to the administrator also play an important role. After all, as we have already said, each community is individual and has its own goals.

Some novice admins work for free at first. They gain experience, since often this is what is needed to work on a large project. Some people work for a low cost (about 1000 rubles per month) for the same reasons.

If you are a fairly professional administrator, with good work experience, as well as the ability to introduce and develop a group, then your salary can reach up to 5-6 thousand rubles per month.

Having not one, but several communities, you can earn 30 or 60 thousand rubles a month. And all this at home.

In addition, having various skills and abilities (for example, targeting or visual design of communities), you can earn additional income by providing your services separately to other publics.

Where can I find VKontakte administrator vacancies?

If you really set out to start making money by administering VK public pages, then you should know that finding such a job is not entirely easy.

Experience in leading groups and the presence of already promoted public pages are valued here.

Unfortunately, the competition here is very high, and there are a lot of people willing to take such a position. Many people want to work remotely.

But if you are a really good specialist in this field, then competition is not scary for you.

You can find a job as a VK community administrator:

  1. On various freelance exchanges. They don’t post vacancies on such sites very often, but they still do it sometimes. Therefore, if you are really interested in this work, then periodically check the exchanges for such orders.
  2. On sites where people are looking for work.
    Sites like Avito and HH.ru also sometimes post vacancies for a VK public administrator. Similar to exchanges, such sites should be constantly monitored.
  3. On one's own
    This method requires a lot of time, but the result can be appropriate. You need to manually search for various groups and publics and propose your candidacy to them. Be prepared to be rejected over and over again.

Build your portfolio, write a competent and original message and start sending it out. The newsletter can be carried out in different ways: in “Suggest news”, in a comment, in a DM to admins, etc.

This method can even be classified as spam, so be careful not to get banned.

Where can I find a VK administrator?

If you are the owner of a community and are looking for a good employee to join your team, then all the same methods will help you find him:

Freelance exchanges

Leave an application on various exchanges, get acquainted with all the candidates and make the right choice.

Online sites for searching and offering jobs

Similar to the exchanges, post vacancies on various job sites, and then review the incoming applications and choose a good specialist.

Independently monitor various services and groups related to the administration of VK groups

Depending on your goals, choose a person with the appropriate skills. Always proceed from the circumstances in which you find yourself. Perhaps your budget is limited and a young specialist with no experience who will work for free or at a low cost will suit you.

Pros and cons of working as an admin

Drawing a brief line under all of the above, let's highlight the main advantages and disadvantages of working as a VK group administrator.

  1. Work from home;
  2. Free schedule;
  3. Availability of a large number of different services to help administer groups;
  4. Constant development and communication with people;
  5. If there are many groups under your leadership, then the end result is a solid income.
  1. High competition;
  2. Few vacancies;
  3. Getting into a good community requires experience;
  4. If you manage 1-2 public sites, then the salary will be small.

Bottom line

Today we talked about the now popular profession - VKontakte community administrator. As you can see, this is not as simple a job as it might seem at first glance. If you are interested in this prospect, then acquire the necessary skills and knowledge, gain experience (for example, in your own group) and go for it! We hope the article was useful to you.

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