Home Office equipment How to turn on a split system without a remote control. How to turn off an air conditioner without a remote control

How to turn on a split system without a remote control. How to turn off an air conditioner without a remote control

How to turn on the air conditioner automatically? Most often, this question arises in several cases:

  • after a long period of inactivity;
  • if the remote control is broken (lost).

Let's look at situations in order when owners cannot figure out how to turn on the air conditioner on their own.

How to turn on an air conditioner without a remote control

Sometimes the remote control disappears somewhere, the batteries run out, or the remote control is broken. There is always a button to turn on the air conditioner! And it is located on the front part of the internal module under the curtains. The air conditioner switch is covered by a small cover made of the same plastic as the body. It needs to be carefully picked up and lifted.

The manual control panel is detected. The button can be illuminated. If the air conditioner is working properly, it lights up with a red or green indicator. The switch is called operation or on\off.

Press down on it and do not let go of your finger for a couple of seconds. You will hear a characteristic sound when the air conditioner is turned on. It means the air conditioner is turning on. If you want to start heating, you need to quickly press the button again.

The air conditioner starts automatically. And you can make changes to it only using the remote control.

How to turn on the air conditioner after a long period of inactivity

There is a certain procedure that you can perform yourself after a long period of inactivity or transportation.

Step-by-step instructions for turning on the air conditioner in the cold after inactivity:

  • Make sure that the temperature outside is above zero;
  • Turn off the air conditioner;
  • Check whether the external unit is dry and whether the radiator grille is intact;
  • Check the condition of the filters in the indoor module, clean them if necessary;
  • Check the condition of the remote control batteries;
  • Turn on the power, the sound when the air conditioner is turned on will notify you that it is starting;
  • If the room temperature is above 20 degrees, set the “cold” mode to the lowest temperature and the highest speed of rotation of the fan blades;
  • When really, really cold air comes out of the case, leave it running for a quarter of an hour, and in the meantime check the operation of the curtain and fan speeds;
  • Turn off using the remote control. Now the air conditioner can be used as usual.

If 10 minutes after the air conditioner automatically turns on, it is not cold, the air is blowing weakly or is noisy, you need to call the service department.

The air conditioner switching circuit is very simple; even inexperienced users can handle it. However, if during the test you have the slightest doubt about the operation of the device, immediately turn it off and call the experts.

Greetings to all visitors to the Air Conditioner website! Today I will tell you how to turn on the air conditioner without the remote control. It happens when you need to turn on the air conditioner, but the remote control is not at hand, or it is broken (the batteries are dead). A similar situation happens when moving - they call a repairman, he arrives at a half-empty apartment, but the remote control has already been taken away or it got lost during the move (usually people don’t think that before removing the device they will need to turn it on). To start the air conditioner you can use auxiliary button!

On the internal block of almost every wall-mounted split system there is one “magic” button, which is provided for such cases. It is located either on the visible part of the housing or under the “service” cover (under the one where the filters are located).

Often, this backup button can be used to enable two modes: “auto” mode and “cool” mode. Usually on the first short press buttons, the air conditioner starts automatically. If press the button a second time, then the cooling mode is activated. Pressing the button a third time, you turn off the air conditioner. Those. Function switching occurs cyclically. There is no need to hold this button for several seconds. First, try to switch with simple short presses (if the unit does not respond to short presses, then try holding the button while pressing).

In automatic mode, the “split” can be started in both heat and cold mode; depending on the temperature, it independently determines the mode. In forced cooling mode, it will only work on cold. IF THE TEMPERATURE IN THE ROOM IS SUFFICIENTLY LOW, THEN IT WILL NOT COOL!

It happens that when you press a button, a single mode is simply turned on/off (this can be either automatic mode or cooling mode).

What needs to be done to turn on the split system without a remote control

It is clear that to turn off the air conditioner you need to press the button again (probably twice). The only thing about turning it off is that it may not turn off right away - you still have to work for a few minutes to dry it out (up to 20 minutes). Afterwards you can disconnect the “condenser” from the power supply.

The downside of this inclusion is that it is impossible to regulate anything else. You select only the mode, and the air conditioner itself selects the optimal temperature and shaft speed.

In this way, you can turn on the air conditioner in a hotel if the owners are being cunning (to save electricity), claiming that the remote control is lost. True, in this case it will not be possible to set the most comfortable conditions for you, but, nevertheless, you can escape the heat. Under such circumstances, I do not recommend completely relying on the device’s algorithms. You can catch a cold while you sleep! Ask questions in the comments!

Air conditioning today is perhaps an integral part of the interior of any office, house, or apartment. It allows you to maintain optimal indoor climate conditions necessary for human life in different seasons of the year. As a rule, air conditioning systems are turned on using a special remote control, but there are times when at the most necessary moment this very remote control is not at hand.


  • Carefully inspect the air conditioner and check if there is wiring for it. There are cases that when the old owners move out of their offices, they leave only a box in the room, and the necessary wires are removed or torn. If you are sure that your air conditioner is fully operational, perform the following steps.
  • Inspect the front of the air conditioner panel. Find a small straight plastic cover just below the curtains of the device that matches the color of the air conditioner itself. Take it from both sides (from different sides) with your fingers and gently lift it to the top. To do this, you need to press it a little and pull it up.
  • Examine the panel under the raised cover and find the button there. The button, depending on the model and manufacturer, can be located on the right or left. Often it has a backlight indicator. If there is a backlight, then when the air conditioner is operating, it will glow green or orange. Under the button, as a rule, there is an inscription either on off or operation.
  • Press the detected button and hold for a few seconds. The air conditioner should work. Check what kind of air is blowing from the curtains. If it is cold and you want warm, press the button again, but do not hold it with your finger.
  • You should know that using the front panel of the air conditioner you can turn on the device only in automatic mode, but to change the temperature you need a remote control.
  • When you press the ON\OFF button on the remote control for the General Climate GC-S09HR air conditioner, all the remote control indicators light up for 1 second - the air conditioner does not turn on.

    The OPERAION light on the air conditioner itself blinks SLOWLY. What could be the problem? I changed the batteries. And is it possible to turn on the air conditioner manually?

    Inna  There is a small hole on the remote control for a toothpick “CHEK”, press it, point the remote control at the controller and use small arrows to scroll through the codes, on the fixed codes the controller will purr and blink.

    Polina  It’s cold outside, so it won’t turn on...

    Tags: How to turn on General Climate air conditioner without remote control

    How can you turn on and off an air conditioner without a remote control? Contents... How to turn on the air conditioner automatically? Most often this...

    Air conditioner and its remote control, breakdown?

    Please help me figure out the air conditioner and its remote control.
    ELCO air conditioner in a rented apartment, in the sense that there are no instructions for it. The remote control works, the air conditioner works, but the remote control does not control the air conditioner. The air conditioner itself has two buttons and a certain combination of these buttons turns the air conditioner on and off. I cannot understand what these two buttons mean, since the air conditioner hangs quite high - I can reach the buttons, but I can’t read what is written on them. The problem is that without the remote control I can’t change either the temperature or the operating modes of the air conditioner. The remote control flashes and displays the temperature and modes on the display as usual, but the signal does not reach the air conditioner. I have a feeling that the remote control has lost contact with the air conditioner, as if by my manipulations in the buttons of the air conditioner and the remote control, it was as if I had blocked the reception of signals from the remote control at the air conditioner.
    If anyone has encountered something similar, please help me figure it out.
    P.S. I changed the batteries in the remote control and turned off the air conditioner from the outlet.

    How to turn on an air conditioner without a remote control - YouTube

    How to turn on an air conditioner without a remote control. The main disadvantage is that the air conditioner will work in autonomous mode.

    Climate systems help create any optimal temperature in a room, but not all users know the basic rules of how to use an air conditioner so as not to harm the health of themselves and everyone living in the house. Let's consider how and what mode to turn on the air conditioner so that the room temperature is optimal.

    Device classification

    All air conditioners are divided into the following main types:

    • window models - installed in a window opening;
    • wall-mounted version - consists of two blocks, the evaporator is located indoors, and the remote one is located outside;
    • floor-mounted models - installation on the floor, with hot air exhausted through a window;
    • combined class.

    In addition, experts divide split systems according to functional features:

    • cooling only;
    • cold/warm;
    • work at low and fairly high temperatures;
    • various additional features.

    The latter option may include functions such as ionization, humidification, aromatization and air purification.

    There are special rules on the basis of which the air conditioner is operated at home.

    How to turn on the air conditioner

    Using the air conditioner cooling the air inside your home is considered the main task for this household appliance, but there are split products that can work in two forms: cold and heat. There is no difference in their installation, except for small nuances: air conditioners are installed only on the walls of the house, and modern models of split systems can also be installed in ceilings.

    Many users ask the age-old question: how to set up the air conditioner yourself? The instructions explain the basic principles of how to properly operate an air conditioner of a certain model after installation. Customize your product using remote control We will tell you in detail how to handle it correctly a little later.

    Cooling mode

    We use this function all the time at home when it’s hot, so let’s look at this process in more detail.

    To turn on the air conditioner when cold, just press key with a snowflake image, then select the optimal temperature to which you want to cool the air in the room. When the desired microclimate is achieved, the remote unit turns off automatically, and the evaporator unit continues its work - maintaining the parameters set by the user.

    A cold air stream leaves the evaporator and fills the entire space, displacing warmer air, which is sucked into the system and cooled. As soon as the temperature rises a couple of degrees, the outdoor unit starts working again to lower it to the optimal option, which you set using the remote control on the air conditioner.

    1. Not in an apartment cool the air below 16 degrees. It should be remembered that when the device is operating at full power, there is a risk of catching a cold.
    2. The difference between the temperature of the external and internal air should not exceed 5 degrees.
    3. Do not turn on the product in the cold when the outside temperature is less than 12 degrees.
    4. All models of modern climate control devices are configured to save energy, converter products are especially distinguished by this - they automatically select the operating mode.
    5. All air conditioners should not be turned on at all when the outside temperature is below 0 degrees.

    Many models of split units, according to manufacturers, can operate at 20 degrees below zero, heating the room, but they must be turned off in severe frosts so as not to break the fan. This equipment must be used especially carefully during sudden thaws.

    Heating mode

    Modern climate systems can supply not only cooled air, but also heat to the apartment. To do this, take the PU and follow the prompts.

    1. Press the Start or On/Off key, then button labeled Heat.
    2. If there is no such thing, then it is present Mode key or another, above which there are symbols: a snowflake, a sun, a raindrop and a fan. Switch modes until the desired symbol appears on the display.
    3. By clicking on + or – or the up/down arrows, you need to set the required temperature. Its value should be 5 degrees higher than what is currently in the room.

    Initially the fan turns on, and then the heating mode. After a maximum of 10 minutes, the product will begin to pump warm air into the room. If the control unit does not have the buttons described above, you are out of luck; this air conditioner model cannot operate in warm mode.

    There are split systems where you first need to make all the settings, and then press the start button.

    During settings, any model must respond to your actions: emit sound signals, blink LEDs. When purchasing a product, you need to familiarize yourself with all its characteristics so as not to rack your brains later.

    Correct use of PU

    These remote devices are included with each model. Today, many different variations have been released, but the inscriptions and functions on the buttons are similar. Most users do not read the instructions, but only use the start button and temperature settings. But there are many other keys on the remote control. Let's talk about them names and main functions.

    1. Power, in some control units on/off - turns the product on/off.
    2. Mode: pressing it once, you switch the device to automatic air supply mode, twice - the product will work in cool mode.
    3. Swing: Turns on the oscillating movement of the blinds to disperse the air flow throughout the space.
    4. Dry, which means dry - the device operates at medium speed.
    5. Fan (fan, fan) - the air conditioner works slower or faster.
    6. Turbo: maximum speed and performance.
    7. Temp: cold/heat temperature adjustment key.
    8. Smart Saver (smart saving) - when the optimal temperature is reached, the product turns off and operates in fan mode.
    9. Auto Clean: all parts of the device are disinfected and dried. By pressing this key once every three days (the product operates for no more than half an hour), you allow it to independently get rid of excess moisture.
    10. Sleep: switches the air conditioner to semi-sleep mode, cold air spreads across the ceiling, use it at night.
    11. On Timer: Turn on the timer.
    12. Off Timer: turn off the time.
    13. Clean Air: process of ionization of air flow.
    14. Ok: key to confirm the selected parameters.
    15. Cancel: Cancels the selected command.
    16. Reset: Reset all settings.
    17. Lock: lock the buttons (child lock).

    Nuances of operation

    Modern models of air conditioners are quite complex household appliances, the setup of which requires compliance with basic rules.

    1. It must be clearly select the power of the product depending on the volume of the room: in regions with very hot climates it is necessary to install systems with greater power and improved cooling characteristics.
    2. Always correlate the operating mode of the product with the weather conditions outside.
    3. In order to prevent the occurrence of any colds, it is necessary to fine-tune the equipment in cold mode.
    4. Carry out regular maintenance - these measures will allow you to ensure normal operation of the product and a safe and comfortable microclimate for the whole family.
    5. Installation, maintenance and repair of equipment should only be done by professionals.

    Climate systems can be installed in any premises, regardless of their configuration and dimensions, because modern technology copes with the task without any problems. The user must only follow all the rules and recommendations stated in this article.

    Air conditioning is a popular and practical device that makes people's lives comfortable. It is worth noting that not everyone can afford such luxury, because the price of a high-quality air conditioner cannot be low. But the advantage is that once you spend money on an air conditioner and its installation, the device will last for many years.

    The air conditioner can supply both cold and warm air

    When purchasing a design, be sure to consult with the seller and find out how to set the air conditioner to cold or warm air.

    Is it worth saving on installing an air conditioner?

    When purchasing this equipment, you need to understand that an air conditioner is a complex device and should only be installed by professionals. After all, if even the slightest errors are made during installation, the device will not perform its functions 100%, and the service life itself will be significantly reduced. There are several requirements in order to extend the service life:

    • correct installation;
    • careful operation;
    • timely cleaning of filters.

    By fulfilling the above conditions, it will be possible to avoid equipment breakdown and repair. Although installation is expensive, customers will be confident that there should be no problems during operation.

    Currently, there are a sufficient number of split systems (air conditioners), but the settings have general similarities. If desired, you can choose a device whose characteristics best suit the interior and personal requirements of the customer.

    The settings are similar for different air conditioner models

    Controlling the system using the remote control

    The mode-switching remote control comes complete with the system itself. And it’s easy to control, the air conditioning is marked on the panel with the image of a snowflake, and the heating is marked with the image of the sun. By following the instructions, you can easily set the air conditioner to heat or switch to hotter or colder air. For those who cannot find the instructions and are wondering: “how to turn on the air conditioner for heat?” There are some small recommendations.

    1. Find the (On/Off) button and click on it.
    2. The device must have a HEAT or MODE button, by pressing which you can select the HEAT mode.
    3. After this, a window should appear with the inscription HEAT or the sun.
    4. If the button has an image of the sun, then pressing it will turn on the heating.
    5. And by pressing the button with a drawn snowflake, on the contrary, the room will be cooled.
    6. Also on the control panel there are temperature arrows (up and down) and thanks to them you can set the desired temperature.
    7. The air will begin to heat up after 5–10 minutes.

    If the air still does not begin to heat up, then either the settings were made incorrectly or a breakdown occurred. Also, the device may not support the “heating” function.

    ON/OFF button turns the air conditioner on and off

    How to turn on the air conditioner without using the remote control

    Everyone loses their TV remote from time to time, especially if there are small children in the house. And if the search is unsuccessful, then all manipulations have to be done manually. The situation with the air conditioner remote control is even worse, because it is 2 times smaller in size than a television remote control. Therefore, this particular gadget is “hard to find and easy to lose.” And this suggests that you can’t do without manual configuration. You need to know how the heating air conditioner works and how to set it manually. We offer a list of steps to manually turn on the air conditioner for heating:

    1. The first step is to check the functionality of the split system. If the wires are in order and there are no visual disturbances, then you can proceed to the next stage.
    2. A plastic cover is attached to the front of the air conditioner. It is rectangular and small in size. You need to put a little pressure on the lid and, grasping it on both sides, slowly lift it up.
    3. There is a button under the cover. It can be on the left or right side. When the device is turned on, it will glow either green or orange.
    4. If the air conditioner needs to be turned on or off, the button must be pressed and held for 3-4 seconds.
    5. But if you need to make a switch - change the cooling mode to the heater or vice versa, then you do not need to hold the button. You should press and release sharply.

    The downside is that air conditioners are installed quite high and it is not always possible to “conquer the heights of space”, and the temperature cannot be changed manually; for this you need a remote control. If the remote control is simply broken or lost so that it is impossible to find, then you can buy a new one, but before you go and buy a new gadget, do not forget to look at the model and brand of the split system.

    The remote control is easily lost, and it becomes necessary to manually control the device

    Basic operating modes of a split system

    Basically, air conditioners have 5 operating modes:


    According to statistics, this mode is in greatest demand among all others. Almost everyone has heard about this mode. Thanks to cooling, the room is cool and comfortable on hot days. This is a godsend not only for residential premises, but also for shops, offices and other premises. Some people, when buying an air conditioner, do not know about the existence of other modes. But after consulting with the seller and learning about other functions, they are delighted.


    An air conditioner operating in the “drying” mode has a beneficial effect on various rooms with high humidity. With this mode, air humidity is significantly reduced without changing the temperature in the room.


    Turning on the “ventilation” mode does not heat the air, nor does it reduce the air temperature and humidity. The mode promotes air circulation in the room. When installing special filters, the air is purified. A very useful device, because you can ventilate the room using an air conditioner, without the usual opening of windows.


    During automatic mode, the air conditioner regulates the set air temperature in the room. Namely: a person sets a certain temperature, and the split system regulates it. There is no need to configure anything else, since the device itself will maintain the specified characteristics.

    If the room is cold, the device will begin to heat the air, and if the temperature is higher than the specified one, it will cool down to the desired level.


    The principle of operation of an air conditioner in heating mode is simple - the air temperature in the room is heated to a set temperature. But since this mode is used in cold weather, there are a number of nuances that need to be considered in more detail.

    The air conditioner heats the air and can be used for heating

    Air conditioner in heating mode

    Before turning on the device for heating mode, you must make sure that the heating operation of the air conditioner is supported. If there is no documentation left for the air conditioner, then you need to find a description of this air conditioner model on the Internet, where everything will be described in detail. Also, the air temperature outside must correspond to the parameters specified in the operating instructions.

    In each split system, the principle of operation of the air conditioner for heating is different. This refers to the temperature level at which the device can be turned on. The most common air conditioner can be turned on at temperatures up to 5 degrees Celsius. But there are also new models in which heating by air conditioning is allowed at a temperature of -25 degrees Celsius.

    Do not forget that if the heating in the apartment does not work in winter, then the split system switched on for heating will not be able to heat the room to the required level.

    When you turn on the “heating” mode, cold air first comes in, but after 5-10 minutes it begins to heat up. Not everyone knows about this feature and therefore begins to intensively press the “heating mode” button. But such maneuvers harm the device. To avoid such misunderstandings, after turning on the heating mode, you need to wait 5 to 10 minutes. This time will be enough to warm up the indoor unit and after that the air will begin to warm up.

    In addition, the external unit of the split system has a peculiarity - at low temperatures it begins to freeze. And then automatic defrosting starts. The principle of operation is that the fans stop within ten minutes, and melt water comes out through a special tube.

    In this article you will learn more about the main characteristics of all home air conditioners, learn how to turn the air conditioner on cold or in another mode. Also here are some recommendations for the operation of such climate systems.

    First, it should be noted that there are the following types of air conditioners:

    • operating only in cooling mode;
    • operating in cooling and heating mode.

    Now let's look at each type separately.

    Refrigerated air conditioners

    Those options that produce only cold have now lost their former positions, but, nevertheless, they are available for sale, and no one is going to stop their production yet. Air conditioners of this kind can be used in your own home, where a heating system is already installed, which is quite sufficient and can be turned on at any time, or in server rooms, where only one single function is required - cooling.

    In such cases, there is no need to overpay money for functions that you will not use in the future, and the cost of such models is much lower in comparison with an analogue that also has a heating function. Therefore, when purchasing, you should take into account that an air conditioner with a cooling function cannot be altered in the future, i.e. It will be impossible to add new functions to it.

    Air conditioners with cooling and heating

    These models are very popular among consumers due to their versatility and the fact that they are much easier to find in stores, but there are also people who are guided only by the fact that everyone takes them. And installations operating only in cooling mode are very rarely ordered by companies that sell climate control equipment; it is extremely difficult to sell them. As for models that support both cooling and heating, their popularity is also explained by the fact that they significantly save energy when compared to conventional heaters.

    Let's compare an air conditioner and a classic heater of the same power. As for the air conditioner, consuming 0.75 kW of energy, it will output 2.4 kW of energy.

    This is explained by the fact that the energy consumed is used to maintain the operation of the fans of both the external and indoor units, the compressor and the light bulbs.

    And thus, the energy used for heating is obtained as a result of the transfer of thermal energy itself, and it turns out to be many times greater. This is a huge advantage over a heater, which converts electricity into heat with significant losses. The heating function will not be superfluous in the off-season, when it is cold outside and the heating system is turned off.

    Heating in winter

    Before buying an air conditioner, you need to determine exactly whether the heating function will be used during the off-season period or in winter too. The whole problem is that air conditioning is not a complete replacement for heating, but it can be used as an additional source of heat. That is why many manufacturers produce systems that can operate down to 0-minus 7 degrees (the air temperature where the outdoor unit is located) or up to 15-25 degrees below zero.

    Therefore, it is very important to maintain the temperature regime so that you do not have to pay for expensive repairs in the future. Despite the fact that heating air conditioners can operate at temperatures as low as minus 15 degrees, it is still worth asking the seller about the technical characteristics or looking at the included instructions.

    Cooling in winter

    If you have ever encountered server rooms, then you should know that the temperature of many of them in winter reaches values ​​that are contraindicated for them. It is for this reason that the installation of air conditioners is necessary here. But here, as an addition, you will also need to purchase a winter kit, represented by a pressure switch, and some heating elements are also needed.

    The pressure switch is responsible for regulating the speed of fan speed in the outdoor unit, thus increasing or decreasing the pressure inside the condenser. As for the heating element for the compressor crankcase, which has a built-in sensor, at a certain temperature it starts or turns it off. At temperatures below zero, it heats the crankcase so that when the system is turned on, water hammer does not occur and the compressor valves do not break. If the drainage goes outside, then you also need a heating element to heat it, since at low temperatures the drainage tube will freeze, which means that water from the indoor unit will begin to pour into the room, so the heating element is placed inside the tube for heating. If you only need all of the above options in winter, then you can install a seasonal switch - a kind of sensor that, at a certain temperature, will turn on or not turn on additional options.

    “I take it because everyone takes it”

    This position is far from the right choice. It was already said above that if you have no plans to use the air conditioner as a heater, then you can safely go to the store and buy a system with only a cooling mode. It is no worse than the “cold and heat” system. They are all assembled from the same material, by the same specialists and on the same equipment.

    Cold mode

    Now you will learn how to turn on the air conditioner when it is cold. The main operating mode of a home air conditioner is the cooling mode, which serves to lower the temperature in the room. This mode has a considerable number of settings, which can be adjusted using the buttons on the control panel.

    To begin, click on the button with a snowflake or with the inscription cool, then set the required temperature that the air conditioner needs to maintain. For example, if the room temperature is 28 degrees, and you want to reduce it to 22, then use the remote control to set the value to 22, and the air conditioner will strive to reach it as much as possible. In this case, the outdoor and indoor units are turned on simultaneously. Cold air will come from the unit located in the room, and as soon as the temperature value is below the set one, the outdoor unit will turn off, and the indoor unit will continue to blow, but will no longer cool. And as soon as the temperature becomes higher than that indicated on the remote control, the outdoor unit will turn on again and the indoor unit will begin to cool again.

    Thus, the external unit will either work or turn off when the temperature deviates by 2 degrees from the set one.

    Auto mode detection function

    Automatic modes are used to switch the air conditioner into cooling or heating mode depending on the temperature in the room. Auto mode starts if the system is started not from the control panel, but manually by pressing the button on the air conditioner itself, which is usually located under the front panel of the indoor unit.

    Let's say the temperature is set to 26 degrees and if the room temperature is higher, the cooling mode will be turned on. But if the temperature is below 26 degrees, then the air conditioner will switch to heating mode. Some models provide a function to change this value. In order to activate automatic mode, you need to press the Auto button on the remote control.

    Optimal setting function

    As it was found out, you can catch a cold in the summer not from the air conditioner itself, but from hypothermia of the body caused by incorrect settings of the system. Health care workers and manufacturers of climate control equipment advise setting up the optimal air conditioner mode and give the following recommendations.

    1. Almost all air conditioners intended for home use are equipped with a mode in which the flow of cold air is directed exclusively to the ceiling level, and warm air - to the floor level along the wall. Using this mode is the most optimal.
    2. If you still like the manual mode, then for it you should set the horizontal blinds in the maximum permissible upper position, using the swing and flap buttons. As for vertical blinds, they must be directed in the direction opposite to you.
    3. If possible, you should not set the cooling temperature below 22 degrees, which will make it possible to avoid sudden changes in temperature and also increase the service life of the compressor in the air conditioner.
    4. During extreme heat, it is not advisable to open windows wide, thereby creating strong drafts, and never sit directly under a cold stream. This is a sure way to catch a cold!

    Remember that colds do not occur due to the air conditioner, but only due to its incorrect operation. And here you should adhere to two recommendations: do not create sudden changes in temperature and avoid drafts.

    Using this manual, you will learn how to turn on and properly configure a household air conditioner. Any home air conditioner remote control has 5 main buttons. Let's arrange them in order of decreasing importance in use:

    • “on/off” button - turns the air conditioner on and off;
    • “temp” buttons (“up”, “down” or “+”, “-”) - increase and decrease the required temperature;
    • “fan” button (“fan speed”) – adjusting the air supply speed (shaft rotation speed);
    • “swing” button - changing the position of the blinds (direction of air supply);
    • “mode” button – switching modes: cold, heat, dehumidification, ventilation, auto;

    Air Conditioner Operating Manual

    Let's say we have never used an air conditioner, or have just installed it, or do not know what mode it is set in (heat, cold, etc.) In order to check the functionality of the device, you can follow the following instructions.

    Turn on the air conditioner for cooling:

    1. Turn on “power” air conditioner (turn on the machine or “plug” the plug into the socket). In this case, a sound signal should sound from the indoor unit. We wait for the blinds to close.
    2. Press the “on/off” button. The indoor unit's shutters should open.
    3. Click on the “mode” button so many times until we switch to cooling mode (look at the remote control display). A “snowflake” or an indicator opposite the inscription “cool” should light up on it.
    4. Using the “up”, “down” or “+”, “-” buttons set the temperature(look at the numbers on the remote control). We set the temperature that we want to maintain in the room (the higher the number, the warmer the room). Read more. For example, we set it to 25. This means that the air conditioner itself will continue to maintain the temperature in the room +25˚C.

    When setting up some air conditioners, this figure may change after a couple of seconds (showing the current temperature in the room);

    1. Next, if necessary, change the shaft rotation speed with the “fan” button;
    2. We can adjust the direction of air flow using the “swing” button.

    You should know it:

    • The air conditioner will not cool if the room temperature has reached the set temperature;
    • When using the remote control, always point it at the air conditioner.

    Free tip: If you use your air conditioner, don't turn it off at night or when you get cold. It is better to set the optimal temperature. So you will be comfortable, and the air conditioner will work in its normal mode. For example, at night you can increase the set temperature by 1-2 degrees.

    Read the next article.

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