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Fallout mutants. Fallout monsters


2052: War for Resources

Due to the reduction in supplies of Oil and other resources, modern nations are making futile attempts to take possession of the last reserves of natural resources. Many third world countries go bankrupt and civil war begins to spread like a plague. The UN ceases to exist. The US is closing its borders to immigrants. Europe and the Middle East are starting a bloody war. Neighbor kills neighbor. The tension reaches the limit.

2053: New Plague

As many nations prepare for war, society begins to suffer from a new, highly transmissible virus that spreads throughout the world in a matter of days. There are rumors that the virus is of artificial origin. The first national quarantine in US history comes into effect. Scientists are looking for a cure.

2054: Shelters

A local atomic bombing in the Middle East revives the threat of Nuclear War throughout the world. The United States begins an ambitious project code-named "Asylum"("Safehouse"), which continues to develop at a rapid pace due to the remarkable success in the field of construction technology.

2057: FEV-1

A small group of Southern California scientists begins creating their own virus that would serve as a vaccine against the New Plague. It was originally planned that this virus, when it entered the body, was supposed to destroy all other viruses without causing any harm to the host. During testing on laboratory animals, it was discovered that the virus also causes stimulation of the growth of brain cells, as well as muscle mass of the experimental subjects. Prolonged exposure led to even greater growth. This virus was named FEV-1 or Forced Evolving Virus- 1. Among other things, scientists also noticed that exposure to the virus can lead to unpredictable side effects under the influence of a strong radioactive background.

Anchorage Front. The United States is launching an armed attack on the territory of Alaska it recently occupied. Alaska's oil pipelines are no longer supplying the United States with their fuel. A lot of military equipment becomes completely useless without fuel.

All over the world, transport ceases to function. Fuel is becoming too valuable to waste on cars. Gasoline is no longer sold. The production of electric cars begins, but due to a lack of energy resources, factories are unable to meet the demand for their products. The US economy is close to complete collapse.

Completion of the "Shelter" project. Autonomous underground structures are able to offer their protection to 1000 people for up to 10 years. Training warning sirens are installed throughout the country.

Due to excessive demand for electricity, a nuclear reactor in New York is reaching a near-critical state. The approach of a catastrophe leads to rationing of electricity.

The United States begins a long and bloody war with China.

The government will relocate the FEV project to a new secret base in Southwestern California. The goal of the project is to make the virus safe for human use.

2075: Playing God

Scientists working on FEV are beginning to test the virus in humans. The experiments are carried out in small, isolated cities in North America. The population is massively exposed to FEV. Subjects recover from all illnesses (such as cancer) in a matter of hours. Two months later the situation changes somewhat. Test subjects experience abnormal growth of brain tissue, which leads to insanity in most cases, as well as unusual body deformities, infertility, and leprosy.

The virus, carried by white blood cells, penetrates the victim's DNA, thereby leading to unpredictable mutations. Scientists begin work on FEV-2.

2076: Panic

Information about FEV somehow penetrates the walls of secret laboratories. Information about the virus is gradually reaching the media, the world community is panickingly trying to understand the goals pursued by the United States, putting forward various theories, starting with the creation of an army of super-soldiers and ending with the cultivation of a super-race.

2077: Armageddon

No one knows for sure who pressed the button first. On October 23, 2077, tens of twenty kiloton nuclear warheads were fired at US strategic targets.

Considering the alarm to be a training alarm, many citizens of the country ignored the air attack sirens. Those few who were lucky enough to reach the shelter in time were sealed behind the massive doors of the shelters for many years. The Americans, unable to stop the hail of missiles, strike back at the enemy. Other countries, having discovered US warheads in their airspace, launch their own in response. For two hours, the surface of our planet is under continuous nuclear bombardment. The consequences turned out to be much more dire than anyone could have imagined. The earth's crust has undergone severe deformation. California disappeared from the face of the earth, exposing its mountain ranges. A huge part of the land was flooded and finally went under water. A week after the explosions, black rain fell. Almost all plants and animals died. However, this is not the last blow that our world had to endure. The military base where the FEV-1 research took place was also completely destroyed, while the canisters with the virus were still on its territory. The tanks are damaged, and their contents immediately enter the atmosphere.

While the virus continues to spread throughout the world, radiation contributes to its further development and reproduction. Within a month, all open bodies of water on earth were contaminated with FEV. Be that as it may, the secret base containing FEV-2 samples remains unharmed and becomes something of a Vault, the inhabitants of which (Soldiers and Scientists) continue to fulfill their pre-war duties.

2080: First consequences

The effect of the virus first appears on survivors outside the Vaults. Literally all forms of life on the planet, from animals to humans, undergo mutations. Creatures that survived the mutation process were forever changed by the virus. New biological species appear every hour.

2082: Returning to Research

Five years after Armageddon, the world is slowly beginning to calm down. However, background radiation and general surface contamination remain fatal to humans. Meanwhile, deep in the depths of a secret Military base, a search group of scientists has shouldered a new mission - to help humanity survive the apocalypse. They began work on a new type of FEV, a type that was supposed to change the further development of humanity forever. They were able to make a person stronger, smarter, and immune to disease. They could change anything in order to adapt humanity to this new world. They considered themselves the saviors of the human race. The scientists separated from the soldiers and began to implement their crazy plans under the cover of complete secrecy.

2088: Uprising

The soldiers at the military base began to notice that their ranks were gradually thinning. And then the fateful day came - one of the soldiers snuck into the scientists’ private laboratories and learned the whole truth about the experiments taking place there. The soldiers were used as subjects to test a new evolving virus. Many test subjects were dead or near death. The remaining soldiers, aware of what could happen to them and, perhaps, subsequently to all of humanity, take up arms. During a large-scale shootout, they destroy all the scientists. During the battle, one of the canisters containing the virus was damaged. Fearing infection, the soldiers seal the scientific complex.

A month later, the survivors realized that simply sealing half the base was not enough to prevent infection. So they decide to seal the base completely. Since the level of radioactive contamination outside had reached an acceptable level for life, the soldiers were not afraid to go outside to meet the new world face to face. When leaving, they took with them everything they could carry, from weapons to password keys to the base, so that no one else could open it and spread the deadly virus.

2089: Fortress in the Wasteland

The soldiers turned out to be strong. They headed south from their old haunt until they reached a small concrete structure that survived the initial blast wave with virtually no consequences. Over the next year they made the place their new home.

One day, a gang of marauders attacked the base. Despite the fact that the soldiers remained completely unharmed after the battle, they realized the need for additional protection. They began to rebuild their house into a large fortress. After many months of reinforcement with metal and concrete, their new fort was more ready than ever to face roving bands of marauders and wild animals.

2090: Brotherhood of Steel

The soldiers began to call themselves "Brotherhood of Steel"(Brotherhood of Steel). The Brotherhood begins to isolate itself more and more from the outside world. They refuse to accept outsiders into their ranks. They believe that they are the last bastion of true humanity, and therefore continue to isolate themselves from the other, less "pure" inhabitants of the wasteland.

2134: Conflict in the Brotherhood

44 years later, the Brotherhood began to worship their old technology. Taking as a basis the scattered knowledge of the past, they continued to create objects and weapons that had once been wiped off the face of the earth.

Two generations after the founding of the Brotherhood of Steel, some of its members began to question the leadership's isolationist policies. Such ideas were completely rejected Ruling Council(Ruling Council). Friction continued and even led to bloodshed, after which all disloyalists were expelled from the Fortress. They headed east and built a small farming town to support trade with neighboring communities. Unbeknownst to the Fortress Brothers, this group took with them into exile metal boxes containing password keys to a forgotten military base.

2138: Rise of the Mutants

The mutants who survived the wasteland unite into a huge army. Their leader is similar to an ordinary person, but due to mutated DNA, he is less susceptible to aging and radiation. A horde of mutants under his leadership sweeps through small settlements like a tornado, taking with them everything that can be carried away and destroying everything that cannot.

Eventually, the mutants reach the newly built village of the former Brothers of Steel. The town was unable to cope with a threat of this size. Mutants captured the city, robbed it and burned it to the ground. The mutant leader discovers incredible weapons and armor in the village. He decides to go to the West in search of the temple to which these people belonged.

Having reached Talon Fortress(Fortress Claw), The Mutant Leader gives the attack signal. This time the Brotherhood was not caught by surprise. After losing two-thirds of their army, the mutants begin to retreat back into the wasteland. They take with them a prisoner captured during the shootout. After torture and interrogation, the prisoner reveals the contents of a sacred container that was found by mutants in a recently robbed village. The keys were supposed to open "an ancient empire where god and man once became one."

2139: Overlord

After many months of searching, the mutants find the location of the Forgotten Base. Using password keys, they open the database. While the majority of the horde is busy searching for weapons and food, the Leader and several of his minions head to the sealed scientific laboratories. There they discover several large canisters. The prisoner explained that their contents "have divine destructive power." Eager to find out the secret, the mutants open one of the canisters and watch in horror as the liquid begins to spray and settle on them. Falling to their knees and clutching their throats, the mutants die one after another in terrible agony. All but one. Submerged in the liquid, the Leader undergoes a transformation - his senses become heightened, and his mind is filled with dreams of the future. Now he looks at the world with wide open eyes, thirsty for knowledge.

He forces the other mutants from his squad into the room. When everyone is inside, he opens another canister, spraying everyone present with its contents. Most die immediately, like the others, but one in five, apparently, experiences the same thing as himself. All who survived undergo irreversible changes.

The liquid infected with the virus becomes a real drug for mutants. After weeks of prolonged exposure, physical changes gave way to mental ones. Each mutant increases in size and gains incredible muscle mass. At the same time, there is increased aggressiveness and bloodthirstiness.

The Leader's dreams become more intense and he begins to go crazy. He literally sees himself in reality as the ruler of all creatures living on the surface of the Earth. He vows to make his dreams come true. Taking a new name "Lord"(Master), he takes the first steps towards fulfilling his own prophecy.

2140: New recruits

The Overlord, thanks to his growing intelligence, discovers a connection between supermutations and purebred creatures. The more the experimental object is subjected to preliminary mutation, the less chance that further transformation will be successful. The Mutant Leader is also aware of the nature of his mutated followers. He calls this condition "The Gift", which makes anyone strong, resilient and ferocious, while at the same time subjecting the nervous system to incredible shock.

Unlike the ageless Overlord, the lifespan of his followers has been greatly reduced; most will die of old age less than 20 years after the transformation. They also become sterile, making it impossible for them to continue their own species. To achieve his dream of world domination, the Overlord needs to find a large number of “Untouched” people as quickly as possible.

The Overlord and his gang of super mutants are again starting raids on settlements, only now they are not limited to robbery alone - their new goal is to take hostages. The prisoners are taken back to base and exposed to the virus. The survivors join the ranks of the Overlord's army. Thanks to the high-tech weapons and armor found at the base, his squad becomes incredibly dangerous for small and scattered settlements.

Over the next twelve years, the Overlord and his ever-growing army pose a pervasive threat to all inhabitants of the wasteland.

2152: God of Darkness

A disgusting cult of people worshiping the god of war and death arose in the ruins of a city under the control of the Overlord. On the day of their religious holiday, the priests of the cult pray and make sacrifices to their god. The Overlord and a squad of mutants burst into the ceremony. Instead of fleeing in fear, the cult's followers kneel and begin to worship the Overlord and his minions. Like Cortez, the Overlord takes advantage of the situation. Claiming that he is their god of war, he demands their complete obedience. Having seen the one they believed in in the flesh, the cultists swear allegiance to their god.

Instead of throwing them in Tanks(Vats), the Lord is preparing a different fate for them. They must become his spies, his eyes and ears in all human settlements.

Over the course of several years, the cult's followers infiltrate post-nuclear human society and, as a manifestation of their good intentions, bring with them to scattered cities small technological trinkets, which the Overlord himself generously supplies them with, using the vast stocks of warehouses of his secret base. Over time, the cultists penetrate almost all cities, slowly gaining followers, spreading their distorted worldview, regularly notifying the Overlord about their successes. When the Overlord's mutants arrive in the next city, the cult followers do everything possible to ensure that the entire city arsenal is destroyed and the people are taken by surprise.

The Lord's army began to grow rapidly. Cultists who have proven themselves well in the eyes of the Overlord are rewarded with what they all strive for - becoming Super Mutants.

2155: Vault Discovery

A caravan of travelers was ambushed by the Overlord's detachment. These travelers wore strange clothes and spoke with unusual accents. Moreover, they were equipped with new technologies and, apparently, were absolutely not subject to any preliminary mutations.

The Lord expresses a desire to personally interrogate these people. They claim to have emerged from the ruins of a large city in the West. They also mention something about the shelters they lived in. The Overlord, intrigued by this discovery, gathers a large detachment of Mutants and cultists and heads to the mentioned ruins. Upon arrival, even the Lord could not contain his surprise at the devastation he saw: the ruins of destroyed buildings stretched for many miles around. Apparently, people and mutants still lived here.

The followers of the cult, who have retained their human form, penetrate the ruins of the city and soon discover the location of the Vault that strangers told about. It had been open for some time, but most of its inhabitants continued to use it as a safe shelter. The Overlord and his followers raid the discovered Vault, taking many prisoners and killing many more. Inside the Overlord's Vault, another incredible discovery awaits: there are other Vaults located underground or under the thickness of the mountain rocks - it is likely that many of them are still inhabited.

The Overlord establishes a new base in the captured shelter. He intends to discover other hidden Vaults and "Enlighten" their inhabitants, thereby increasing his growing army. Above the entrance to his new base stands a Gothic-style cathedral, virtually untouched by the war. Inside the Citadel, cultists establish their own base, spreading the word of their bloody god among the vagabonds and gangs living in the ruins of the city once known as Los Angeles. Followers of the cult become known as Children of the Citadel(Children of Citadel).

2156: Conquests

The records discovered by the Overlord in his new base contain information about the location of three other shelters. Although records mention the existence of many more Vaults, their coordinates remain either uncertain or indecipherable. Having gathered his troops, the Overlord moves to a new shelter.

The discovered Vault was still closed, and its massive doors were tightly sealed. Using a new type of explosive, the Mutants managed to burn a hole in the door of the Vault. Finding themselves in a trap, its inhabitants take up arms and give the raiders a fitting rebuff. The number of people killed on both sides is quite high, but, nevertheless, the Mutants are stronger. The surviving people were sent to the main base for further transformation. The refuge is plundered and left to be torn to pieces by the desert.

The second Vault found appeared to have been recently opened, but several of its inhabitants were still living inside. They give up without a fight (those who left the Vault subsequently became the founders Huba/Hub).

The third Vault was located in the far south, where the Mutants had never been before. The coordinates indicated in the records led to the ruins of a small town inhabited by vile mutants and other strange creatures. When ghouls(ghouls) see the Lord and his squad for the first time, they attack them with significant forces. However, realizing the short-sightedness of such a decision, they retreat, suffering more and more losses. Meanwhile, the Overlord and his squad discover the desired Shelter under the city itself. However, hopes were not justified: it was completely abandoned and burned out decades ago. In a fit of rage, the Overlord orders his rampaging Mutants to kill everything they see. The violence only stops when the self-proclaimed ruler of this city, "Necropolis"(Necropolis), expresses his desire to speak with the Overlord. The Overlord threatens to destroy the entire city if the location of the residents of the Vault is not revealed to him. With reluctance, he realizes that these radiation-damaged ghouls are the descendants of the people he is looking for. The Overlord decides to leave the ruins of the city alone under one condition: if at least someone is seen leaving the newly discovered shelter, this must be immediately reported to the Overlord under pain of complete destruction. The mutant leader decides to leave a small garrison in the area to serve as an outpost.

After all this, the Overlord returns to his base in Los Angeles. His best commander is sent to a secret base to guard the Tanks.

2161: Today

The lieutenant, who was ordered to guard the Tanks with the virus, resorts to more secretive methods of “recruiting” new recruits for his army. Now Mutants attack only caravans coming from the Hub, as well as other small groups of travelers whose disappearances look less suspicious. Caravan routes are regularly delivered to the Lieutenant by the Children of the Citadel, who have managed to build a small temple in the Hub. Soon the Mutants also build a secret fortress nearby. From here they equip their raiding forces.

Meanwhile, in the depths of his base, the Overlord continues to rummage through computer archives, makes drawings and plans, and waits. He feels that the time for the fulfillment of his prophecy has almost come. All you need is a sign...

The world of Wasteland has always been dangerous. What two hundred years ago, what now: super mutants, centaurs, wild ghouls, raiders... No one promised the native of Vault 101 an easy life behind the massive iron gates.

But everyone who stands in your way to the final battles has both strengths and weaknesses. Their knowledge is the key to survival in this aggressive world.


Wild animals will come across our path when the hero’s strength is still small. Sort of like “practice on cats,” the developers tell us. We will meet such cute creatures as mole rats, fire ants, dogs, radscorpions, and other products of radiation mutations. Some creatures are similar - we will look at them together, while the rest will deserve a closer dissection.

Mole rats and wild dogs

On the roof of this monument there is a Galaxy News plate. Now Three Dog is broadcasting throughout the Wasteland.

You will probably encounter these two examples of Wasteland fauna first if, after leaving the Vault, you head towards Megaton. During the day they swarm around the northern wall, and at night they scatter in all directions. Mole rats are also found in subway stations and in sewers (their nest is in the Warm Sewers, we will visit there as part of the task “Wasteland Survival Guide”), and dogs roam around the ruins of Washington, mainly near the Lincoln Monument and the Galaxy News building "; several were tamed by raiders.

They are similar in combat. Unless the mole rat has a harmful (usually for itself) habit of attacking in a jump, and the dogs are trying to surround it with a pack. For both of them, one 44-caliber bullet to the head is usually enough. Keep in mind that several mole rats are not dangerous, but three dogs are already a nuisance. It is better to avoid large flocks, unless you have a couple of mines lying around in the pockets of your wide trousers. The dogs do not shine with intelligence, and it is quite possible to lure them into ticking rounds.

On hard difficulty: Mole rats are still weak, but you’ll have to tinker with the dogs. They can simply bite the unlucky adventurer, and he won’t have time to say a word. The well-known 44 is suitable against single individuals, but flocks will need to be lured to pre-set mines from a long distance.

Radscorpions and their giant cousins

We know these mutants from the village of Shady Sands, where they were methodically destroyed for the benefit of the village. Or they didn’t destroy, but blew up the entrance to their lair.

Scorpios roam the central part of the map, usually alone. A small cluster can be found near the settlement of Herdersheid, in the southwest. I advise you to avoid this place, because scorpions are difficult opponents, fortunately at least they have lost the ability to poison.

Problems occur due to natural armor. Shooting the body at point-blank range with a combat shotgun does very little damage. The only more or less vulnerable place is the sting. From the bodies of both individuals you can take a poisonous gland, which is needed to make a silent dart thrower.

On hard difficulty: alas, my favorite mines performed poorly. But you can use the following trick: usually there are mountains near the habitats of scorpions, by climbing which you can shoot at the slow creatures without loss. Grenades will work too.


A mason made from fugitive slaves still managed to put Abraham Lincoln's head in place. Vivat!

These individuals, new to the world of Fallout, appeared to be crabs. Under the influence of radiation and FEV (forced evolutionary virus, also known as FEV), they did not mutate much, retaining both their shells and most of their habits - although they greatly increased in size.

The Swampmen's Lair in the Wasteland - Anchorage Memorial near the Warm Sewers. However, they surprisingly quickly coped with the development of the surrounding world, and, as a result, they can be found almost everywhere where there is water. Most often, bogworts are found in caves, but I also saw a few in Shelters.

In the Wasteland there is a chance to come across three types of bogworts, each stronger than the other. Regular mutants attack with a running start and swing their claws, hunters there are tentacles. King does not try to get closer: in his arsenal there is a sonic cry; but he can also wave his claws on occasion. All have one thing in common: most of the body is well protected. Only the muzzle is vulnerable, but due to the characteristics of the swamp creatures, it is difficult to hit it. Take it out on the kings - they cannot withstand melee attacks, and in general they are much weaker than their relatives.

On a note: The aggressiveness of the former crabs can be turned to your advantage if you stock up on a sufficient number of mines - any except pulse ones. Practice shows that swampers most often approach in one straight line, that is, if we lay out mines in advance, the mutant will not reach us. However, such tactics are not suitable for a king.

On hard difficulty: The same mines will do, and if someone survives, we finish them off with a shotgun.


Compared to other animals, ants They are relatively rare in the Wasteland. Their fire variety It's worth considering in more detail.

We will first encounter them in the village of Gradich, during the quest “They!” (“Those!”). An abandoned village can become the grave of an inattentive hero, because there are a lot of ants there, and they like to attack in large flocks. A stream of fire in the face is very, you know, unpleasant.

Some buildings have already completely collapsed. Others, on the contrary, still look viable.

Nothing really protects you from this scourge. Even a person from the Vault wearing the power armor of the Enclave may well end up dead when facing a crowd of fire ants. The point is not only that fire burns armor, but also the most disgusting property of these individuals - the habit of shooting at us in the torso. As you know, a character who receives heavy damage in this area falls to the ground and spends several seconds getting up. At the same time, several more ants fall down, the hero falls again, and this continues until his inglorious death.

However, there is a fairly effective way to deal with them. You need to shoot at the “antennas”, after which the ants begin to attack their own. It is difficult to get into the antennae, but believe me, the result is worth it.

On hard difficulty: This is where the fauna of the Wasteland will more than make up for the hero for all previous playthroughs! Forget about mines and close-range combat: almost the only method is to run in circles and shoot at the mustache.

Animals that we will not consider in a separate chapter are - dutni And yao-gai, but only because of their similarity to other specimens of the species. The former are unstable to any type of damage, the latter really do not like fire and shotgun blasts in the face. And it’s time for us to move on to a much more dangerous and larger group - mutants.


We will encounter these comrades everywhere. Anyone who starts looting in the outskirts of the Capitol will quickly be discouraged from doing so super mutants. A traveler looking for a prototype of medical power armor in the village of Old Olney will undoubtedly come across death claws, and they rush at metro lovers wild ghouls. Those who like to play in The Pitt add-on will be warmly welcomed troggy.

There are a great variety of mutants in the game, and almost every species is unique. And we will start, of course, with our old enemies...

Super Mutants

Sonora Cruz and the “Regulators” are almost the only law enforcement institution in the Wasteland.

When two hundred years ago, the modest scientist Richard Gray set off on a journey with the merchant Harold, he, of course, could not imagine that it was because of him that the world of the Wasteland would be replenished with a whole army of evil creatures. But after visiting the Mariposa military base (or rather, falling into a vat with an experimental version of FEV), his views on the world radically changed, which, according to the newly-minted Overlord, should have been united under the auspices of Unity. We know what happened next.

It is surprising that two hundred years after the death of their creator and a peaceful life in cities with people, entire hordes of super mutants retained their belligerence and equipment. However, in Fallout 3 we are faced not with the mutants of the “Overlord Spill”, but with a new breed bred in the depths of Vault 87. They run not only there, but have managed to settle throughout the Wasteland.

Super mutants are divided into four groups: ordinary, beasts, masters and hippos. The first ones usually go with wooden planks or hunting rifles (at most, they will get an assault rifle somewhere) and from the moment you have a more or less worthwhile weapon, they do not pose any danger. The beasts wear armor, and this is quite unpleasant: among other things, the effectiveness of headshots is greatly reduced. Here it is better to stock up on a combat shotgun or laser rifle.

The craftsmen wear old army uniforms - they can be easily identified by their army pilot's cap. Their main weapons are Chinese machine guns ( Very serious damage), but they will not disdain heavy weapons. It's best to shoot guns; without it the master is not dangerous.

And finally, hippos are found in strictly defined locations and are usually armed with giant clubs. Of course, we won’t be able to take it, but usually on the body of each hippopotamus there is quite good loot: from numerous caps to nuclear charges. One accurate shot from the Fat Man is guaranteed to wipe out the monster from the face of the earth.

Fox, hero of the Wasteland. The most useful companion in the game.

Here is a list of locations where they hide:

    Evergreen Mills, sitting in a cage.

    The Galaxy News building, during one of the mini-tasks.

    The Galaxy News building, during the main story.

    Tacoma Motors parking lot.

    Capitol, western entrance.

On hard difficulty: It’s best to take advantage of the natural stupidity of ordinary mutants: mines are still just as effective. If you encounter a patrol of monsters right in the Wasteland, try throwing grenades at them or using a sniper rifle. In any case, do not get close to them!

It’s more difficult with beasts and masters. Fox will be very useful here: while he is portraying Alexander Matrosov, we can outflank the monsters, and there will be nothing to prevent a fair reprisal. If you don’t have a green goodie on your team, then you need at least a bunch of grenades or a rocket launcher. Well, the hippos will need two shells from Fat Man.


Having lost their fighting acumen in Fallout 2, these mutated chameleons are once again aggressive and strong. Most often they can be found in the village of Old Olney, but the Enclave also loves to carry a few with them. The mutants also have their own lair, but the remnants of the US government, after our heroes visit Raven Rock, will organize a massive purge there.

The famous "Fat Man". Beware, Deathclaws!

Case from practice: a shot from a rather battered Fat Man did 600 points of damage, I was wearing power armor. The deathclaw not only survived the “artillery salvo”, but cut me to pieces while the hero took out a combat shotgun.

The main advice is to stay away from them. From their paws and several parts you can make a special glove for close combat. This glove is very dangerous, but there are problems with repairs - of course, because to do this you need to kill another “chameleon”.

This is interesting: The prototype medical power armor that lies in the sewers of Old Olney is worth the effort to find it. Not only does it gradually produce Med-X, it is also the only armor in the game that speaks to the hero.

On hard difficulty: Before you ride into Old Olney on a white horse, ask yourself two questions. First: do I really need this glove? And second: which funeral agency to choose?

No seriously. The most acceptable method is to climb onto the roof of one of the houses and methodically cover the ground with shells from the Fat Man. You can try to find a barricade in the west of the village - it also gives you a head start in time, enough for at least one claw.


An amazing example of a floating weapon. Attacks anyone who tries to bring him down to the ground.

The remnants of the once great army of the Overlord. In the first Fallout, their role was limited to accompanying super mutants on patrols and missions, as well as guarding the final frontiers of the Cathedral. They do almost the same thing here.

The greatest concentration of centaurs is in the center of the southeastern part of the Wasteland, near clusters of super mutants. They are kind of “watchdogs” for their fellow creatures, alerting them to danger. In this regard, it is quite rare to see a lone centaur in the Wasteland, and if he appears on the horizon, then most likely a patrol of super mutants is also somewhere nearby. Five to six centaurs can be found in Vault 87.

For a wanderer of initial levels, a centaur is a rather unpleasant opponent, but by the sixth level of experience he will no longer be dangerous. It attacks from a long distance (the centaur's spitting slightly gives off radiation), but at the same time slowly approaches - which gives us an excellent opportunity to fire at him while he clumsily moves his legs.

And yet - a big, heavy, clumsy centaur asks: “A grenade for me, a grenade!” Mines, if available, will also do. You can collect explosive devices in huge quantities in the town of Minefield, which is in the north of Megaton. We will be taken there during the task “Wasteland Survival Guide”.

On hard difficulty: the same thing is used.

Wild ghouls

These cute guys were born because the door to Vault 12 did not close at one time, leaving the population alone with atomic bombs. That’s when the first ghouls arose, not yet wild, but not very friendly - remember the ominous Set and the schism in Necropolis.

Many of the undead were so distorted by radiation that they lost all ability to think - they settled in metro stations and old factories. However, they have retained at least some remnants of reason - the wild ones do not attack their “civilized” brothers.

Vault-Tec dolls are the delight of the “power player.” But finding them is a separate problem.

On a note: To prevent them from touching us, we need to complete the task “Tenpenny Tower” in favor of the ghouls. Their leader Roy will give us a mask that imitates a face distorted by radiation, and the savages will not pay attention to us.

The main method of fighting wild ghouls is to fire a shotgun blast at any part of the body. Regular ones die immediately, but the “tramp” variety may require several shots. In addition, our old friends got into this company - glowing ghouls. They have mutated so much under the influence of radiation that they themselves emit it. It’s better to go out against these with something more powerful: for example, a combat shotgun or a Chinese machine gun.

On hard difficulty: mines, mines and more mines. The combination of a combat shotgun and several ticking bombs works perfectly under any conditions.

The inhabitants of The Pitt, troggs, for obvious reasons, threaten only those who like to walk around Pittsburgh. These are, so to speak, “wild ghouls 2.0” - they look like people and look just as scary. You need to use a shotgun against them, and if you suddenly don’t have one, then an auto-axe will do. Be patient: sometimes entire groups of Troggs can be killed using a sneak attack.


The first mechanism we will meet in the Wasteland will be protectron- the weakest of the entire group of robots. It fires from a laser pistol and easily switches itself off after five or six shots from any energy weapon. The old Rob-Co plant has a lot of protectrons, but they can be disabled using the central computer.

It is important: All robots have a combat limiter on their back. We turn it off - the mechanism rushes towards its own.

Robot brands "Mr. Brave" guard military warehouses and small army caches. They are already much stronger than the same protectrons and can shower an unwary traveler with a stream of fire, and, on occasion, shoot with plasma cartridges, as if from a rifle. In addition, their armor is quite strong, and not every weapon can penetrate it - a plasma rifle works best. Until plasma appears, a shotgun will do. The main thing is to come closer. And, by the way, shooting at the sensor module, contrary to expectations, does not give anything significant.

The security robot is already sparkling, and I’m catching my breath - he made me run!

Wordsworth is the best
robot butler of all possible.

Our old friends "Robobrains" migrated to Fallout 3 with a minimum of changes. A few shots to the head - and that’s it, there’s no guard. It usually fires from a laser pistol.

And finally, security robots armed with a machine gun or energy and heavy weapons (varies from model to model). Even a traveler of the twentieth level is not always able to cope with them. But our favorite Fox copes with them in such a way that it’s a pleasure to watch.

On hard difficulty: there are two options. Either after the laser gun appears on the scene, we hastily raise the energy weapon skill, or take the ability that allows us to disable robots if we successfully sneak up. It will pay for itself: if it is quite possible to break through the protectrons and “brain robots”, then it is very difficult to destroy the guards and “Braves” in a fair fight. Pulse grenades and mines are also a way out, albeit not as effective.

The only thing left beyond the scope of a detailed analysis are the turrets, but they are usually disabled from the nearest terminal when the “Science” skill is developed. It's time to move on to the largest and most dangerous group...


There are a great many Homo sapiens in the game, and almost every type of enemy is unique. For example, clones from Vault 106 carry .44-caliber revolvers, and raiders Grenade launchers are found quite often.

For the first time, a person will have to be killed in Vault 101. And it will be Vault guard, preventing us from escaping from the Overseer’s power. They are armed with rubber clubs (be careful - there were also 10mm pistols) and wear very good armor - an excellent help at the beginning of the game.

After we enter the vast wasteland (and there’s no need to talk about The Pitt), raiders will attack us with alarming frequency. In most cases, they are moderately protected and armed (at most, they will bother to rob an army warehouse and get an assault rifle from there), but there are also examples with a grenade launcher - these must be feared like fire. The weakest point is the head. A shot from a sniper rifle or a burst from a machine gun is guaranteed to kill a bandit.

Moira Brown, a wonderful mechanic. Her “Wasteland Survival Guide” has already been published, and the girl whiles away the time with crazy experiments.

In abandoned Vaults we will meet crazy survivors And Gary's clones. The first ones carry lead pipes and are in poor health, but the second ones have a 44-caliber revolver, and the conversation with them should be short.

Sooner or later we will face soldiers, scientists and officers of the Enclave. Battles with them must be taken seriously - the soldiers carry plasma and laser rifles, and are dressed in Tesla armor or Enclave power armor. The best weapon against them is the same plasma rifle, but your favorite combat shotgun is also surprisingly effective. If you're a fan of light weapons, don't miss the Lincoln Rifle at the History Museum; it often outperforms all energy weapons with its guaranteed 50 points of damage. The only thing better than it is the unique “Reservist Rifle”, which has an increased chance of a critical hit. Such methods are also suitable against the Brotherhood of Steel.

The officers fire plasma pistols, but often miss. Scientists most often simply run away from us, because they do not know how to defend themselves. All of them will spread across the Wasteland after our hero visits Raven Rock. I recommend holding off on this - running into checkpoints and patrols of the remnants of the US government is unpleasant for your health.

And finally, mercenaries of the company "Claw" attack a character with high karma and meet at the Capitol, where they wage an endless war with super mutants. However, their base is Fort Bannister, where they are simply swarming. Each is clad in decent Talon combat armor, and is usually armed with good light weapons - assault rifles and combat shotguns. A fight with them in the early stages can end in disaster, but closer to the last level of experience they will no longer be able to cause significant harm. Their opposition is "Regulators"- not much different.

Rocopolis on the map...

And "live".

But not everyone knows that there is a city in Fallout 3. Look at the pictures: here is its approximate location. Yes, yes, the door is located just behind these rocks.

But inside there is a surprise: instead of a destroyed city, what awaits us is... a single cave. Read the raiders' notes (“We're done here. We're moving forward”) and look at Dashwood's long-dead servant, the ghoul Argyle. By the way, don’t forget to say “thank you” to him for the melee doll that lies very close by.

But what happened to the city? Has time really eroded its remains so much that only this cave remains? Players all over the world are wondering what happened in Rockopolis - this is truly the mystery of the Wasteland. No weaker than the bubbles in Nuka Cola!

Our analysis of all the living dangers of the Wasteland is now complete. I hope that the knowledge gained will save the hero’s life more than once on the way to a happy ending. Good luck with your game in the endless expanses of scorched lands!

The legend of the Wendigo is very old. Long ago, the Algonquin Indian tribes roamed the Atlantic coast of the United States and Canada. It was from the Algonquin Indians that the myth about the Wendigo - half-man, half-monster - came from. The Wendigo also resembled a zombie, primarily due to its addiction to human flesh. That is why, according to the Indians, a person should never eat human flesh: otherwise he will turn into a wendigo! Scientists believe that the legend of the Wendigo was invented by people who wanted to stop cannibalism on their territory. But the Indians who truly believe in monsters consider wendigos to be a reality.


An incredibly tall creature with huge, parchment-like wings and red glowing eyes is an undoubted property of horror films and urban legends. But for many West Virginians, it is an undeniable truth. Thus, on November 15, 1966, West Virginia resident Roger Scarberry from Mason County stated that when he was driving with friends through a quiet rural area, the Mothman flew onto the road from the roof of an old dilapidated factory and for a long time chased their car at a run, without even getting up. air, but not falling behind. His friends, fully grown and at the same time sober gentlemen, readily confirmed this story. And they are not the only West Virginians who have seen the Mothman: many have seen him here. At the same time, he himself is considered harmless, but his appearance, residents of the state believe, predicts disasters, natural disasters and death. That is why meeting him is considered a bad sign - you can’t imagine anything worse.

Some believe that the creature identified as the "Scorching Beast" in the trailer is the mutated Mothman. However, in the documentary about the making of Fallout 76, an insect-like creature is seen. According to the developers, they intend to introduce the monster in stages - at first it will simply pursue, and only then it will challenge directly.

Grafton Monster

Back in the 60s of the last century, residents of the town of Grafton never stopped talking about the terrible monster that became the local Bigfoot. About three meters high, covered with slime and pale skin.

According to some reports, the monster has no head, others claimed that its head is fused with the body, so that it is not visible in the silhouette. Judging by Bethesda's footage, the monster doesn't really have a head or facial features, which makes it look creepy.

They say that when a low whistle is heard, the Grafton Monster is eating meat.

Flatwoods Monster

The Flatwoods Monster, also known as the Braxton County Monster or the Flatwoods Ghost, is an unknown creature, possibly a cryptid or alien, that was allegedly sighted in the town of Flatwoods in Braxton County, West Virginia, United States, on September 12, 1952. Stories about this creature are an example of a so-called close encounter. It has a certain popularity in Japan, where it is called the “three-meter alien.”

White creature

This monster has the legs and tail of a raccoon, the horns of a goat, the wool of a sheep, and is accompanied by the acrid smell of sulfur. You can meet him in the forest and on the banks of rivers. Eyewitnesses say that the monster has four eyes and screams.


These ferocious mutants gather in packs and can watch for you on the street or in a tunnel. A single guard isn't much of a threat to a trained Spartan, but their sentries will immediately call for reinforcements if you don't finish them off quickly and quietly.


At first glance, they resemble people. However, as soon as you get closer, you will encounter dangerous aggressive creatures that will immediately attack you.

They usually gather in flocks and live in dark places and abandoned buildings. In their habits they resemble monkeys and often use various debris as primitive weapons.

Keep your distance from them and kill them without making too much noise, so that the whole flock does not attack you at the same time.


Metro residents know very well that demons - huge winged creatures - are one of the deadliest creatures in this world. They resemble huge birds of prey, hunt alone and are capable of lifting any prey into the air. If you notice a demon, it is better to stay away from it, choose your road carefully and do not leave cover so that it does not grab you.


The appearance of which is more like a leech. Features are a pipe-like mouth and a huge predilection for corpses, which they not only feed on, but also make their shelters in them. The shrimp themselves can be found everywhere near puddles or ponds. They pose no danger to the player.

But the Mutant Shrimp is a larger and more dangerous individual. The top of this shrimp is covered with a shell that prevents it from causing much damage, but the face and belly remain completely unprotected. These creatures have special orange sinuses in the mouth area, with the help of which they spit poisonous mucus, which not only slowly poisons, but will also seriously stain your favorite gas mask. They live in rivers and swamps, as well as in the waters of the metro itself. They will rarely attack first unless provoked.

When fighting a shrimp, the main thing is to make a shot before it spits its mucus at you. When fighting a pack of mutants, you can completely lose the purity of your gas mask and this means that you become disoriented in space.
Can eat you if you fall underwater.


The wild packs of wolves living in the far corners of Russia practically did not mutate, since those regions were not affected by nuclear weapons, unlike St. Petersburg and Nizhny Novgorod. Also, based on some novels, this type of wolf lives in Poland.

The gameplay video shows that a pack of wild wolves wanders into one of the abandoned villages. One of the animals, deciding to feast on the corpse, who, after Artyom’s shot, keeps the corpse company.


These bears are so affected by radiation that they have grown to gigantic sizes, almost ceasing to look like themselves before the Nuclear War. They live in some regions of post-nuclear Russia, such as Moscow, Murmansk and Saratov regions.

The bear is very similar to its relative from the second part of the game. Here the mutant appears as a mutated brown bear, as evident by its coloring. The mutant, unlike the Moscow bear, has fur.

In the battle with him, Artyom uses both regular and explosive crossbow bolts. As a result, the mutant remains alive, almost falling into a cliff. The bear attacks with a run, biting and striking with its paws. The main principle of fighting with him is saving ammo. If such an opportunity exists, it is worth shooting with army cartridges. Mines that stun the mutant are especially effective against it.

Siege runner

One of the most mythical creatures of post-nuclear St. Petersburg, about whom no one can really tell anything, since everyone who met him went to the next world. Survivors describe it as a huge, at least three meters tall, humanoid creature with a small head, gray skin and arms of different lengths. The siege runner is the most dangerous mutant in St. Petersburg, has enormous strength and vitality, and can search for a trace in a person’s brain waves. He never rushes after his victim, because thanks to his intelligence he calculates the enemy’s steps in advance. In battle he is extremely calm, he fights both physically, literally tearing enemies to pieces, and psychologically - he deflects bullets, drives him crazy and makes them go straight to him. He relies on his own strength and on ordinary mutants, whose primitive brains he easily subjugates to himself.

The exact habitat is unknown, but as a rational creature, it is completely unrestricted in movement and devoid of instinctive fears of changing the environment. The blockade runner does not show aggression underground for no particular reason, although he is strong enough to wipe out several stations from the face of the earth. There is a widespread belief among metro residents that the Blockader is not a mutant, but something much more ancient and terrible, that he was awakened by a nuclear war.


This intelligent biological creature is a moving giant ovipositor holding onto the fuel rods of a nuclear reactor. It has an odd color. The most dominant colors can be identified as gray, red, pink and brown. It is dangerous for humans because biomass bacteria release toxic substances, depriving a person of reason. He wants to come closer to the biomass, to plunge into it. Biomass cannot be destroyed by any type of weapon except flamethrowers.

“Why do people ALWAYS FIGHT?!”
Unknown super mutant

Albert Einstein wittily noted that in the fourth world war, people will fight with sticks and stones. The great physicist, however, did not specify who exactly we will have to deal with in this unattractive future scenario. The creators of post-apocalyptic worlds suggest to the father of the theory of relativity that by that time man will no longer be the only intelligent being on the planet.

On October 23, 2077, after a severe energy crisis and a string of international conflicts, the Earth turned into a nuclear Hell. Most of humanity died within a matter of hours - only a lucky few managed to survive, at least in the United States, who took refuge in time in pre-prepared Shelters. When, after many months, or even years, the survivors dared to appear on the surface again, an unfamiliar, not at all hospitable world awaited them. The United States turned into a wasteland scorched by radiation, where unprecedented dangers awaited around every turn.

see also

On the other side of death

Most of the people who did not have time to hide in the Shelters became victims of the Great War - those who did not die in the first hours due to a nuclear strike were killed by radiation. However, there were also people on whom it had an unexpected impact. Some of them survived and, having undergone a painful transformation, turned into terribly deformed creatures, most reminiscent of the living dead: decaying flesh, lost hair, cadaverous spots and unnatural thinness. For this they were called ghouls.

What turns a person into a ghoul? There is no consensus on this matter even among the creators of Fallout. So, if the main inspirer of the universe, Tim Kane, believed that the whole point was only in the unexplored properties of radiation and the genetic characteristics of people who had undergone transformation, then his colleagues Chris Taylor and Chris Avellone were of the opinion that it could not have happened without a virus of man-made evolution. Today you consider Kane's version to be canonical.

Ghouls are not afraid of radiation, and some of them absorb so much radiation that they begin to glow in the dark.

Along with ugliness, the poor creatures got sterility, but there were some advantages - ghouls can boast of an extraordinary ability to regenerate and an enviable life expectancy. Suffice it to say that even in the twenty-third century you can still meet ghouls who remember the fateful October 2077.

Are those who have undergone such a metamorphosis lucky? It’s impossible to say for sure. Many ghouls retained their minds and personalities, continuing to live almost as if nothing had happened. When people who had waited out the Great War in shelters began to get out, few of them were happy to be next to monsters that seemed to have stepped out of the pages of horror novels. In the social structure of the new society, ghouls got one of the lower steps. As a result, many ghouls prefer to avoid human settlements, and those who do live near mere mortals tend to be cynical and suspicious. However, as among ordinary people, among them you can meet both inveterate scoundrels and the most worthy individuals.

However, not only the repulsive appearance became the reason for distrust, and often hatred towards ghouls on the part of people. A significant part of the mutants suffered not only their bodies, but also their minds, as a result of which wild ghouls appeared. These mindless creatures are driven only by hunger. They do not disdain carrion and are ready to rush at literally anything that moves - with the exception of their relatives, which allows them to gather in flocks. A lone wild ghoul is almost harmless, but in large numbers they pose a serious threat.

Ghouls take great offense when you call them "zombies".

Call Mulder!

As if the inhabitants of the American wastelands were not enough of their earthly monsters, aliens also showed up to visit them. Small, gray-skinned aliens dressed in silver spacesuits have been visiting Earth since at least the mid-twentieth century. Their goals remain a mystery, but what is known for certain is that they abducted people and conducted experiments on them, trying to develop a hybrid life form. It can also be said with the highest degree of probability that strangers do not have the slightest sympathy for earthlings, and a meeting with them will inevitably lead to battle. Technologically, aliens are far ahead of people - not surprising for creatures that can travel over cosmic distances. Their equipment is very rare and perhaps the most valuable loot that can be found in the wastelands.

When size matters

The last years before the start of the Great War on both sides of the Atlantic were marked by a fierce arms race - including biological ones. One of the main achievements of American scientists was the man-made evolution virus (FEV), which significantly increased the strength and intelligence of those who were exposed to it, and also protected them from any other infections. The outbreak of conflict prevented the development from being completed, but samples of FEV were preserved at the Mariposa military base.

Mariposa did not remain abandoned for long: already at the beginning of the twenty-second century, an expedition led by Dr. Richard Gray reached it. The base's security systems destroyed most of the group, and Gray himself bathed in a tank with FEV, which caused a rapid mutation. In the monstrous clot of biomass into which Gray had turned, there was almost nothing human left, but the physical deformity was compensated by an intellect that had developed to unprecedented heights. He began to call himself the Creator (in the original - Master) and set out to breed a race of superhumans capable of withstanding the numerous dangers of the new world.

Mariposa is home to creatures that are without a doubt among the most dangerous creatures to inhabit the Fallout universe. Tenacious, fast, strong giants became ideal soldiers for the army of the Creator, who intended to reshape all of humanity in the image and likeness of super mutants.

In addition to ordinary super mutants, the Creator bred Nightkins - a kind of intellectual elite of the new race. Thanks to this status, they received camouflage devices known as stealth boys. The ability to sneak up on an enemy unnoticed made them even more dangerous opponents, but the device also had an unpleasant property - its frequent use has a very negative effect on the mind.

More about Nightkin

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The Creator was the main villain in the original Fallout. According to the “official” ending, the hero managed to thwart the plans of an insidious mutant who was striving for world domination.

Super mutants, left without leadership, settled in the wastelands and began to look for a place in the Sun. Some turned into bandits, others simply went wild, and others tried to live like civilized beings and founded their own settlements.

Marcus is a rare example of a peace-loving super mutant.

However, even before the Creator and even before the start of the Great War, the American government gave the go-ahead for testing FEV on humans - with the goal of creating super-soldiers. The victims of the inhumane experiment took refuge in Vault No. 87, located near Washington, and after a few weeks began to mutate. American scientists clearly lacked the skill of the Creator - Washington super mutants turned out to be extremely stupid, although they often even surpass their Western counterparts in strength and size.

Note to the traveler. The head is the weak point of super mutants, not only in a figurative sense. Usually, a couple of well-aimed shots, for example, from a sniper rifle, are enough, and the giant will no longer pose a threat.

Very often, next to super mutants you can find centaurs - another terrible creation of the Creator. Continuing to study FEV, he combined the DNA of humans and animals, creating all sorts of hybrids. Despite the presence of human traits, they are not superior in intelligence to an ordinary wild animal, although they are many times more dangerous - they emit radiation and accurately spit poisonous saliva.

Super mutants never retreat.

Deathclaws are another crazy creation of human hands, however, unlike all other mutants, they were created before the Great War. Taking a simple African chameleon as a basis, American scientists managed to create deadly three-meter humanoid predators that were designed to replace ordinary soldiers in particularly dangerous missions. The war thwarted the plans of the American military, and the death claws were left to their own devices and soon went wild. It is perhaps not surprising that creatures created for the purpose of killing have become some of the most fearsome inhabitants of the wasteland.

Note to the traveler. Death claws are practically invincible in close combat, and avoiding it is not easy - the creatures are too fast. The most reliable way to deal with a monster is to lure it into a previously prepared minefield and, when it loses mobility, calmly shoot it from a safe distance.

Pinocchio in reverse

Along with Richard Gray, the merchant Harold survived the first expedition to Mariposa, but he, naturally, did not remain the same. Under the influence of FEV, he suffered an unusual mutation: at first he simply began to look like a ghoul, but then a small plant sprouted on his head, and by the end of the twenty-third century he himself turned into a sentient tree, becoming the heart of probably the only healthy green forest in the entire continent.

Nature Strikes Back

People, in the end, are to blame for what happened to them, but while they were holed up in shelters, flora and fauna innocently suffered from radiation. When homo sapiens again climbed onto the earth's surface, nature met him fully armed.

Insects were the most susceptible to radiation. For the most part, they haven't changed that much. They just grew to such a size that you have to fight them not with a fly swatter, but with large-caliber weapons. Giant flies, mantises, tarantulas and ants, not without reason, consider the wasteland to be their territory, and their main argument is quantity. Like their tiny ancestors, mutated insects are social creatures, and if one ant, even if it is the size of a dog, is not so difficult to defeat, then a couple or three can already pose a serious threat.

In Fallout 2, a radscorpion appeared that not only could speak, but also played chess well.
Occasionally, Yao-Gai can be trained. Bogworts are only slightly taller than the average person.

Radscorpions are very dangerous even individually: under the influence of radiation they not only grew larger, but also became even more poisonous, and their chitinous shell serves as very good protection against bladed weapons and ordinary bullets.
Among reptiles and mammals, such significant mutations are much less common. The geckos have grown considerably - some of them have even learned to exhale jets of fire - and the rats themselves can now chase not only cats, but also dogs.

But all this trifle pales in comparison to the yao-gai - extremely aggressive descendants of black bears, somewhat subtly reminiscent of werewolves from modern horror films. Although the Yao-Gai have clearly lost weight compared to their clubfooted ancestors, their bear-like strength and agility, rare for such massive creatures, remained with them, which allows them to be considered one of the most dangerous predators of the wastelands - directly behind the fangs of death.
Much more significant metamorphoses occurred with crabs and turtles. Their descendants, called swampers, not only increased in size, but also acquired a humanoid body structure, as well as the rudiments of intelligence. Fortunately, they have retained their affinity for the water element and therefore it is quite easy to avoid meeting these extremely tenacious creatures.

Note to the traveler. The armor of the marshmen reliably protects almost all the vital organs of the marshmen - even with the help of a rocket launcher or energy weapon it is extremely difficult to hit them. Only their head is more or less vulnerable, but it is so small that it is not easy to hit it.

Perhaps the only harmless and useful creature in this company is the two-headed Brahmin cow. However, useful is an understatement. The entire post-nuclear society rests on the Brahmins: their meat and milk are used for food, many useful little things are made from their bones, clothes and shoes are made from their skins, and finally, they themselves are used as draft animals. Without the Brahmins, the life of a person in the twenty-third century would be much more difficult.

Little Raccoon

Of course, not all the creatures and monsters invented by Fallout designers ended up in the games of the series. Perhaps the strangest of the creatures should be recognized as the s’lanterns - intelligent upright walking raccoons created with the help of FEV shortly before the war. The developers planned to include an entire settlement of s’lanterns in the original Fallout, but, fortunately, they came to their senses in time, realizing that talking raccoons had no place in a gloomy post-apocalyptic world.

Steel Brothers

In the wastelands, eyebot is one of the few sources of fresh news.

Liberty Prime lay under the Pentagon for two hundred years until it was discovered by the capital's Brotherhood of Steel.

Despite all the problems and conflicts that befell humanity in the middle of the twenty-first century and ultimately led to the nuclear Apocalypse, progress has not stopped. Perhaps the main achievement of science in the twenty-first century was the creation of robots that have found application in various spheres of human life - primarily, of course, in the defense industry. Many robots were destroyed during the nuclear bombing, but the survivors adapted perfectly to the new conditions - radiation is practically not scary for them. Almost all of them continue to follow the programs laid down in them hundreds of years ago, although the lion's share of them have long lost their meaning.

Typically, robots, even those created for military purposes, do not show aggression towards humans unless they are provoked and no attempt is made to disrupt their program. The latter, however, is easy to do by accident - after all, many robots continue to perform security functions or military tasks.

Apart from Mr. Handy and Mister Gutsy, the most common models in the wasteland are eyebot and protectron. The first - a small flying robot - performs the functions of a mobile radio. The latter were created as bodyguards, but in the post-war years they found many new uses.

There are many combat robots in the wastelands, but the right to be called the most impressive achievement of pre-war robotics rightfully deserved is the twelve-meter humanoid giant Liberty Prime, which was supposed to become a secret weapon of the United States, but was never put into action.

Note to the traveler. Robots for the most part are perfectly protected against firearms and especially bladed weapons. The most effective means of fighting robots is a variety of pulse weapons, but if these are not at hand, then explosives will do.

Of course, even the most advanced robots are limited by software. To avoid this problem, the robobrain series was developed - a symbiosis of a machine and an organic brain. These robots, like all others, were forced to follow a preset program, but at the same time they had creativity and the ability to think analytically, which significantly expanded their capabilities.

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More than two centuries have passed since the Great War, and civilization is gradually beginning to get back on its feet - in particular, new inventions are appearing. A mysterious organization known as the Institute has created the first prototypes of androids, which are indistinguishable from living people in appearance. Some of them, however, have already acquired free will and, without saying goodbye, left their creators.


There are countless monsters born from a nuclear war that changed the world forever. But, as before the Great War, man remains the most dangerous predator on the planet, and the New California Republic, the Brotherhood of Steel, Caesar's Legions or the Raiders do not quarrel with any monster as fiercely as they do with each other. Some things never change...

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