Home Office equipment OneDrive review: advantages, disadvantages, what kind of program it is. What is Microsoft OneDrive and how to use it How to delete data from the Windows Phone cloud

OneDrive review: advantages, disadvantages, what kind of program it is. What is Microsoft OneDrive and how to use it How to delete data from the Windows Phone cloud

Designed for safe and secure storage of all kinds of files: documents, music, images, videos and others. If you have the Internet, it may be easy to access them. OneDrive is accessible from a computer, smartphone or tablet and other devices.

Sign in to OneDrive web service

In order to enter the service you must:

Sign in to OneDrive through the app

Right there on the website, for more convenient work with the service, you can download the OneDrive client program and enter the storage through it:

  1. On the left panel, at the bottom, click on the inscription “Get OneDrive client”.
  2. Click the “Download OneDrive” heading for the required OS.
  3. The client installation file will automatically download. Click on the download panel. We confirm the amendments are made on the computer “Yes”.
  4. You will see the client downloading to your PC.
  5. Click on the “Get Started” button.
  6. Enter the required data. Click “Login”.
  7. In the “Your OneDrive Folder” window, click “Change” and select the folder location, “OK” and “Next” again.
  8. Select synchronization. By clicking on the “Finish” button, the OneDrive folder on your computer will open. The contents of this folder will undoubtedly be mechanically synchronized with the virtual service when connected to the Internet.
  9. You can get to work.

Advice! To manage the OneDrive client from Windows OS, an icon is installed in the warnings section. When you click on this icon, a pop-up menu of the software appears, allowing you to call up the settings.

Now you have learned how to log into OneDrive in Russian. It's simple, all you need is attentiveness and punctuality. By connecting OneDrive (read about disabling it), you simultaneously get the ability to work online with documents in the main office programs, both in a text editor and in a spreadsheet processor. It is possible to create presentations and work in a notepad. Successful work and nice rest!

There is probably no need to say that the developer of Windows operating systems, Microsoft Corporation, is trying to constantly improve its software products. So many users, starting with OS versions 8 and 8.1, have encountered the OneDrive service. What it is will now be discussed. Moreover, many people know this service from previous versions of Windows, where it was called a little differently.

OneDrive: what is it?

So, first, let's look at what this service (or service, if you prefer) is. To understand the interpretation of OneDrive (what kind of program it is), you should have at least a superficial understanding of the so-called “cloud storage” that has been gaining popularity recently. But, in essence, OneDrive is just that.

True, unlike other similar services, this service has a number of quite interesting features. But first things first.

History of origin and development

In general, the OneDrive cloud as an independent service appeared in February 2014 after the renaming of the almost similar SkyDrive service (it was launched back in 2007), which initially belonged to the range of online services provided to users of Windows operating systems by Microsoft Corporation, formerly known as called Windows Live.

What’s most interesting is that the renaming of the service was just the result of a lawsuit by the British company British Sky Broadcasting Group. But he himself remained virtually unchanged in terms of functionality.

Key features of OneDrive

Now more about the capabilities of OneDrive. What is this program and what is it for? As mentioned above, this is precisely “cloud storage”, which on a remote server previously provided users of systems, starting with Vista, 7 GB of free storage space for storing files, then, however, the volume was reduced to 1 GB.

But a little later, 15 GB on the remote server became available to users, and 25 GB to registered G8 users (those who have a Microsoft account and use official system update packages). Today, 50 GB is available for storing personal information after registration. And, as stated, this is not the limit.

The fact is that you can buy the space you need by paying a certain amount for its use. In this regard, Microsoft did not change its principles. However, this situation is observed today with almost all “cloud” services, which first provide users with a minimum amount of space on a remote server, and then, if there is not enough space, they offer to pay to increase it. True, here the question of the appropriateness of the purchase arises, especially if the user uses the service only to work with office documents or pictures. Naturally, if you put a video there (and even the highest resolution), there certainly won’t be enough space. However, this is a problem for each individual user.

Storing information and working with documents

As for the main functionality, OneDrive storage, as well as any other service of this type, allows you to upload files of any type to a remote server (this will not surprise anyone now).

But what really pleases users who use this service on a daily basis is that the procedure for uploading files to the server, again, compared to other storage facilities (if the corresponding client is not installed), is simplified as much as possible. The fact is that OneDrive’s own client is already integrated into the system, or more precisely, into the standard Windows Explorer. As is already clear, you can simply copy or drag the desired objects into the service area in Explorer. The download will happen almost instantly (provided, of course, that you have an uninterrupted Internet connection).

Moreover, the OneDrive cloud itself has a number of other interesting functions. It turns out that using this service, you can not only exchange office documents between users connected to the service and who have shared access to certain folders. Thanks to support for Office Web Apps, directly when working with the OneDrive application, you can view most known formats corresponding to office programs (Word, Excel, Power Point, etc.). In addition, there is support for viewing PDF and ODF documents, although, unfortunately, the search function is completely absent.

An equally interesting opportunity is the creation of office documents online. Moreover, if the OneDrive folder has a shared attribute for several users, editing such documents can be done by all users.

Separately, it is worth noting the presence of synchronization between the Hotmail mail service and the Bing search engine. In the second case, you can even save your Bing search history to the storage.

Synchronization with operating systems other than desktop versions of Windows

Now regarding the other, no less interesting side of OneDrive. What this is in terms of synchronization with other systems is not difficult to understand if you take into account the fact that access to the storage can be obtained even from mobile systems Android, iOS, MeeGo, Symbian and, naturally, from Windows Phone, not counting full support access even from Xbox consoles.

The only thing that is required is to install a special client, have an Internet connection at the time of access, and log in using your own username and password. It is thanks to this approach that Microsoft has managed to significantly increase the number of cloud users.

However, not all owners of desktop Windows systems like using this service. Firstly, it constantly hangs in startup and even when the service is turned off, it synchronizes files and folders with the storage. And secondly, disk space is clearly reduced from this. That is why a legitimate question arises: how to disable OneDrive in the system? There is no talk yet about deleting the program, although this can be done.

How to disable OneDrive in Windows by editing Group Policy

When it comes to disabling this service, there are several basic methods you can use. Each of them works, in general, the same way, but first we’ll focus on using editing Group Policy settings. For example, let's take Windows 8, although in the same “top ten” the actions will be absolutely identical.

To do this, in the “Run” menu, use the gpedit.msc command or call the computer configuration from the main menu, where in the root settings we go first to administrative templates, and then to system components. There you simply select the OneDrive section. When you open the settings, a window will appear in which you must select a ban on saving files in the cloud, and then confirm your choice.

Disabling OneDrive through the registry

Now let's see how to disable OneDrive using the registry. This is done just as easily. First, we access the editor using the regedit command, entered either in the “Run” menu or by calling it via the Win + R keys.

Now at the end on the right we use RMB (right click) and create a DWORD parameter, call it DisableFileSync, open it and set the value to “1”. All that remains is to exit and reboot the system.

Reset settings directly in OneDrive

In order not to delve into the system settings, and even more so in the system registry, you can do it even simpler.

We go into the computer settings, select the OneDrive section, and then go directly to the file storage. There is a default document saving line. We just turn the switch to the off position, that's all.

for and is it worth doing?

For many users, simply turning off is not enough. Let's see how to remove OneDrive. But it’s worth saying right away that this service cannot be restored. You can install it again only when you reinstall Windows. Removal steps are recommended only if this service is not really used on the local computer or is simply not needed.

So how do you remove OneDrive? This is not so easy to do, but it is possible. First, you should end the process, not from the Task Manager, but from the command line, where you enter the combination taskkill /f /im OneDrive.exe. Now, if you have a 32-bit system, from the same command line we use %SystemRoot%\System32\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall, and for systems with 64-bit architecture - %SystemRoot%\SysWOW64\OneDriveSetup.exe /uninstall. After this, we reboot the terminal, and the storage problem disappears.

You can also delete the directory with files to clear disk space. The default OneDrive folder is located at C:\Users\, followed by the username and the OneDrive subkey. By the way, this can be done by simply disabling the service, without even using its complete removal.


Here, in fact, is all the basic information regarding the OneDrive service. We have more or less figured out what it is. In general capabilities and functions, I think, everything is clear. But regarding the issue of disabling or deleting a service, it is still recommended to disable it and not delete it. But you never know what situation might arise when you need quick access to cloud storage, and with the least amount of time?

So think a hundred times before making a final decision, because there is only one way to restore the service - a complete reinstallation of the system. And no amount of rollback to the checkpoint will help here. On the other hand, if you use any official client for access not from Windows, but from some other device, then, in general, there is no need to keep such a service on your computer.

Cloud information storage technologies entered our lives several years ago. However, many users of even the most modern operating system still Windows 10 have a vague idea of ​​why all these clouds are needed and, most importantly, how to use them. There are many myths about online cloud storage. One of them claims that storing data in the cloud is extremely dangerous. They say data can be stolen by ill-wishers, and there is also the possibility of its complete loss. Of course, there is no smoke without fire, but I am still not a supporter of dramatizing this situation. Firstly, all computer technologies carry the potential danger of sudden failure and data loss, but for some reason people do not stop using computers or throw them in the trash because of this. Secondly, the theft of personal information from the cloud (such as private photos, music, videos and programs) is, in principle, of little interest to anyone. Of course, if you are a large entrepreneur and are going to store trade secrets in the cloud on Windows 10, then you should think about possible intrigues from competitors. If a personal archive is stored there, it is difficult to imagine that it will be useful to someone enough for people to start hacking protection systems developed by the world's largest companies.

Benefits of Cloud Storage

Personally, I have been storing my entire computer archive in cloud storage for several years now. First on the “seven”, and after the release on Windows 10. I have never lost anything or experienced technical problems. But many times I thought about the advantages of such information storage:

Note! Cloud storage folders can be safely located on regular hard drives (HDD), but not on solid-state drives (SSD). The rewriting resource of an SSD is limited (information can be erased and written a certain number of times). It is better not to place clouds on such storages.

How the cloud works on Windows 10

Some people believe that computer clouds are something extremely serious and as nebulous as natural clouds. In fact, cloud storage technology can be described very simply and understandably even for the most inexperienced users.

Cloud storage does not mean that the files are not on your Windows 10 computer and are stored somewhere far away, in some incomprehensible cloud. All your documents, audio recordings and videos, first of all, are located in a separate folder on the selected partition of the computer’s hard drive. The essence of the cloud is that we simply save any image, text document, program or video there, and their copies are automatically sent for storage to a remote server (cloud).

This synchronization of our files with cloud storage does not happen on its own. To make this possible, a special program is installed on the computer, which automatically monitors changes in “its” folder and writes them to the cloud. In the event that the operating system is completely reinstalled or the hard drive is replaced, then the same program writes all our files from the cloud storage back to the computer. All that is needed for such a program to work is to have your own account in the appropriate cloud storage service. That is, you don’t need to do anything manually. If you delete a file from a cloud folder on your computer, it disappears from the cloud; if you create it, it appears there.

OneDrive is the standard free cloud storage for Windows 10

The Windows 10 operating system, like the G8, already has pre-installed free cloud. It's called OneDrive and will fully satisfy the requirements of unpretentious users. If you have a few important documents, a few hundred songs and the same number of photos, then 5GB (that’s how much is provided for cloud storage in OneDrive) is enough for you. If your storage needs exceed these 5 gigabytes, then there are two options left: either buy additional space or look for other clouds.

For reference, at the time of editing this article (December 2017), expanding cloud storage from Microsoft to 50 gigabytes costs 140 rubles per month. In my opinion, very expensive for such a small space. Moreover, there are services where the same 50 GB can be obtained absolutely free (I will talk about this below). By the way, previously the creators of Windows were more generous and gave 15GB for free. Now they have become more tight-fisted. This is understandable: OneDrive is pre-installed storage and it’s easier for people to buy the additional space they need in an already mastered program than to look for alternative options. Free 5 GB here acts as a kind of commercial bait: they allow you to attract users, but often are not able to fully satisfy their needs.

I confess, I use One Drive. I keep a small number of the most important and frequently used documents there. My other larger personal files are located on other clouds. I think the main advantages of the cloud from Microsoft are that this program is already preinstalled in the Windows 10 operating system and yet it was developed by the company that created this operating system itself. However, it’s unlikely that it will ever occur to me to buy additional space in OneDrive.

Since OneDrive is installed by default in Windows 10, it would be ridiculous not to use it. It may only contain 5 GB of data, but it is already installed on the system.

All you need to store files on OneDrive is to have a Microsoft account. If you don't have it, it's worth it start. Then launch the OneDrive program (can be found through a search in the Control Panel) and log in to it using your account information. After this, a folder with the appropriate name (OneDrive) will appear on your computer. Now everything you put into it will automatically synchronize with Microsoft servers. The location of the synchronization folder can be changed in the program settings. For example, I transfer it to a second hard drive.

By the way, OneDrive can be easily installed in Windows 7. To do this, you need download from the official website.

Other cloud storage options for Windows 10

Below we will look at the most famous, reliable and authoritative cloud storage systems. There are a lot of clouds in the world now. Rumor has it that the Chinese even have a service with free space of 1 terabyte (although the Russian version never appeared there). But I will tell you about those services that I have worked with myself and that I trust. Of course, they are all fully compatible with Windows 10.

Google Drive - 15 GB free

A good alternative to cloud storage from Microsoft is the brainchild of their main competitor - cloud storage called Google Drive. I consider the advantages of this cloud:

  • Belonging to a large international company allows you not to worry about the security of your files.
  • Free space for data storage in Google Drive is 15 gigabytes. Very good, especially considering that this volume is three times larger than in OneDrive.

There are also some disadvantages: you will have to install this cloud storage yourself. However, it is not at all difficult. Enough to have create an account with Google and install on a computer running Windows 10 program to synchronize data with the cloud from Google.

Dropbox - free from 2 to 16 gigabytes of cloud storage

In fact, Dropbox was once a pioneer in the field of cloud storage. That's why I'm mentioning him on this list. So to speak, as a sign of respect for their past achievements in the field of free cloud storage. A few years ago, this cloud was the most famous and in demand. But today their free plan is unlikely to interest even a slightly sophisticated user.

A newbie here is now offered only 2 GB of free storage. This space can be expanded up to 16 gigabytes, receiving 500 MB for each person invited to the system. It is clear that assembling a team of 34 people is not easy - convincing people to join Dropbox will be difficult in the presence of such a competitor as Google Drive, which without any extra effort gives 15 gigabytes for free. In general, I personally don’t take Dropbox seriously for free storage.

To be fair, I note that for paid storage, this service is, if not the best, then one of the best. For example, in a paid account, if necessary, there is ability to restore previous versions of a file for a period of up to 30 days. I deleted the file and then needed it - please get it back and sign for it. Sometimes this is important, but personally I am not ready to pay for it. Moreover, the minimum cost of the tariff plan is $8.25 per month for 1 TB of storage (you can’t get a smaller amount for money here).

Yandex.Disk - free 10 gigabytes forever

If the user is an ardent patriot or categorically does not like Google, which offers 15 gigs of cloud storage for free, he can take advantage of the offer from Yandex. She offers forever 10 GB of free cloud any Internet user who has an account with her.

An additional 10 gigabytes here will cost 30 rubles monthly. If you need 100 gigabytes, then it will cost 80 rubles per month (let me remind you that One Drive asks 140 rubles for half the volume - 50GB). 1 TB costs 200 rubles monthly at Yandex (several times cheaper than Dropbox). The program is also fully compatible with Windows 10 and earlier versions of Microsoft OS. From time to time, Yandex comes up with interesting ways to increase your storage completely free of charge and permanently. For example, not long ago 30 GB were given for connecting auto-upload of photos from your phone to the Yandex cloud. Disk. In this case, you could turn on the function, get a bonus and immediately turn it off again. I myself successfully took advantage of this offer on two accounts at once. Messages about such promotions are usually sent to existing users of the service by email, so it makes sense to register there. If you already have an account on Yandex, then you have 10 GB of disk space there by default.

Cloud from Mail.ru - 8 gigabytes for free

The Mail.ru company provided the largest free disk space for cloud storage of all Russian services - 25 gigabytes. First they lowered it to 16 GB. Now it's only 8 GB. Personally, I have an absolutely subjective bias towards this entire Internet company and do not take their (spam) services seriously. That is why I will limit myself to mentioning this cloud and referring to it. official site without any details. The cloud is exclusively for avid Mail.ru fans.

Free 50 GB cloud for Windows 10!

I would not rush into purchasing paid cloud storage plans, if your needs do not exceed 50 gigabytes of files. The fact is that relatively recently (in January 2013) a new, very high-quality and professional storage facility called Mega . It was created by the famous Kim Dotcom, founder of the once famous free file upload resource Mega Upload. This citizen of the world is supported by the fact that the US authorities are extremely unhappy with him and are actively looking for him. He and his team, as I understand it, registered the Mega service in the New Zealand domain zone precisely for security reasons from attacks by American authorities. Mega has a unique data encryption mechanism directly in the user's browser. With this technology, even the creator of the service will not be able to decrypt your files without a password, which, by the way, must be stored especially carefully here, because precisely because of the high security Mega cloud storage password cannot be recovered: forgot your password - forget about your files on the Mega cloud forever.

Again, I’ll tell you about my experience. I have already mentioned that I store the most important and “light” personal files on the free OneDrive cloud, which is installed by default in Windows 10. For larger files, I use Yandex.Disk storage. And not at all because I’m a big fan of domestic software. It’s just that they gave me 200 gigabytes of storage completely free of charge because of one technical glitch on their part. It would be a sin not to take advantage of such a tempting offer without an expiration date. If I didn’t have this option, then I personally would use storage for storing large files Mega. Out of curiosity, I tested this service for three months and was very pleased.

How to create free cloud storage in Windows 10 using Mega as an example

Since the most best free cloud storage, in my opinion, due to the large space of 50 gigabytes is Mega, then I will describe in detail the installation and configuration of this particular program in Windows 10. In fact, it is no more difficult to understand all other clouds: all cloud storages work according to the same algorithm: first an account is created, then an application (program) for synchronization is installed on the computer. Don't be surprised that the images in the instructions will be slightly different from what is currently on the Mega website. This article would have been written in the spring of 2016, but in general nothing significant has changed there, so I haven’t changed the pictures yet.

So, to get a free cloud with a capacity of 50 gigabytes, first go to Mega official website and register in the system. All you need for this is your first name, last name, email address and password.

We fill in this data and in the letter that arrives in the mail, click “ Activate Account» (activate account).

After that, on the newly opened page, enter your password and thereby finally confirm your account.

Then, within a few seconds, your personal opening and closing key is generated in the browser. Then a window appears asking you to select a tariff plan. Of course we choose free with 50 GB space and unlimited data transfer. By unlimited transmission we mean the volume of traffic. At the same time, the maximum speed on the free plan is limited after downloading/uploading more than a certain amount of data per month (like 100 GB). This is a common practice on all not only free, but also paid clouds. For me personally, this is not a problem at all - on the contrary: reducing the synchronization speed allows you to spend less computer resources. This limitation may pose a problem only for those who host large files on the cloud for mass public downloading.

The picture shows the rates for spring 2016. Interestingly, at the moment (December 2017) on the last three, the volume has been doubled.

We will skip learning the web interface of the Mega cloud storage - if you wish, you can master it yourself in your free time. Now it’s enough to know that you can manage all your files in the cloud through a browser. For example, when you don’t have your own computer at hand, this is how you can log into your Mega account from someone else’s PC and download the necessary files.

We are now interested in how to organize synchronization of the cloud with your Windows 10 system. To do this, you need to download the program. Go to the Menu, select “Applications” → “Synchronization Applications”.

Download and run the MEGAsyncSetup.exe program. I won’t describe how to install it, since everything is very clear there.

After installation, leave a checkmark on the Run program item and it will automatically start working. A round red icon with a white letter M will appear in the tray on the right. Now we need to log in by entering our e-mail and password.

After this, you need to choose what to synchronize. Select "Full synchronization". This does not mean that all files from the computer will fly to the cloud, but it means only one thing: all folders and files that you put in the Mega folder will be synchronized with the cloud.

In the next step, we can change where the Mega folder will be located on the computer. Personally, I prefer to store it directly in the root of drive D. To do this, I first create a folder on the disk called MEGA, and then find and select it using the “Edit” button. You can select any other location and create your own folder in it. After this, in the program you need to click “Forward” and then “Finish”.

That's all. Now you have as much as 50 gigabytes of free cloud storage for your files on Windows 10. If, like me, you also use the OneDrive cloud, then the total cloud space will be 55 GB.

One drive is a built-in cloud service from Microsoft; it is included in the standard system software starting with eight. This service allows the user store system data on the Internet, you can also move the most important files and data there, which will allow you to access them from anywhere and save them from the danger of loss.

You can use this technology as an additional flash drive for storing and transmitting information. The settings can be made in such a way that the data will be available to everyone or no one except the user.

History of origin

For a wide range technology became available since 2008 in Windows 8, only it was then called SkyDrive (sky drive). Since then, the application has been frequently modified; it has become possible to add photos and your own tags to them. In 2010, Office Web Apps was added, which is now known as online office, allowing work with documents online online. In 2011, the developers radically changed the interface and increased the size of downloaded files to 100 MB.

In 2013, there was a dispute over the word sky in the name with one of the British companies; as a result of the trial, the name of the project was changed to the one by which we now know it, and in Windows 10 the component began to be called onedrive.

Application Features

Perhaps, main feature This service can be called complete synchronization of all devices. Yes, you will have to install additional applications on some of them, but it's worth it. The user will be able to create, view and edit documents from any of their devices. The same can be done with pictures and other files. For some people, it will be very convenient to take a photo on your phone, save it in the cloud, and then immediately open it on your computer, without any wires or transferring it from your smartphone to your computer. Initially the user is allocated there is only 5 GB of memory on the disk, for G8 users this number is 25, the price for expansion fluctuates around 140 rubles per year for an additional 50 GB of memory.

Don’t forget about the ability to create and edit documents online. This will allow you to create a kind of mobile office that will be accessible practically from any device. You can open access to your documents to other people, so it is possible for two people to edit one document, which can greatly help in their work. A good help is saving all parameters and settings in the cloud storage, in fact, by logging in from the new system and entering all of your data, the user will no longer have to configure anything, the OS will already be ready for use and configured as needed.

How to get extra space

You can get additional memory for free if you invite other users. For this it is worth going to system parameters and go to the subscription management section, a referral link is available here. It is worth sending it to your friends or inserting it into one of your profiles. For each participant who registers using this link, the user will receive 500 megabytes, but no more than 10 gigabytes in total.

Here the user can select the tariff he needs, and then proceed to payment. After it, you can immediately use the entire memory capacity of the OnDrive cloud.

How to sign in to OneDrive

In order to enter One Drive through a browser, you will have to go to the website http://onedrive.com and enter your credentials. If you don't have an account yet, you can register here. The interface of this service is not too different from that of other repositories. Files can be added by dragging and dropping or using special button at the top of the screen.

However, for better performance, you should download the van drive application for your computer and mobile device from here. You should also enter your data in this program. Next you will have to set up synchronization; you can copy all folders and files to the cloud, you can only copy some, or you can copy nothing. Here you should choose the best option for yourself.

On the mobile app everything looks almost the same. Required download the program, enter your credentials or register, after which you can use it.

How to download and install

On most modern devices with Windows this application is included, if this is not the case, then you can go to the storage site and select the desired option there, and then download the utility.

For smartphones, you can find the application by name in the standard store; the utility for Android is available at https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.microsoft.skydrive&hl=ru.

There is nothing special about the installation; after launch, all that remains is follow instructions. Only in the computer version you will need to select what exactly to synchronize, and in the mobile version it will be offered, in addition to synchronization, to immediately send all videos and photos to disk.

How to use the application and basic settings

In the utility itself, you can go to the parameters, several tabs will be available there. On first You can configure the program launch features. On the second tab, you should configure those directories that will be synchronized with the storage, so they can be accessed from another location using your Microsoft OneDrive account. On third tab, you can uncheck the box that is responsible for archiving data before transferring it, but it is better to leave it. The user can work with folders on the computer in the same way as always; the created folders will be displayed in the web interface. Here you can click on the file and click on share, this will allow you to send the link to another user. The link can take the following values:

For such files there are several privacy settings that will allow you to limit users' actions on it. The same actions can be performed in the mobile application, only the interface there will look a little different. Main feature The mobile version is the ability to synchronize all photos and videos, this will allow you to view the footage on your computer, without unnecessary movements and file sharing.

How the Microsoft cloud works

When working with a computer application, this technology will not be much different from a regular hard drive. All files downloaded to it will be available on the computer, and those that the user transfers to the folder will be archived and transferred to Microsoft servers, so they will appear there too. This mechanism will be observed in full synchronization. If only a few folders are synchronized, then data will only be transferred from them.

From the mobile application you can see all data, which are located on Microsoft servers, because it is from there, and not from the computer, that he will download them, if necessary. When photo and video synchronization is enabled, this data will be transferred to the cloud when new files are added or old files are changed. Thus, it can be understood that all information is stored on separate servers, which are used as an intermediate link between users or between devices of the same user.

How to remove OneDrive

In most cases, uninstalling a program is not difficult. You just need to go to control Panel, installation and removal of programs and find the necessary utility there. Then click on it and click on delete. The removal wizard will start, the user will only need to follow its instructions.

Hello, dear blog readers about . It's time to consider another one data synchronization service, a worthy competitor to other popular services.

It appeared quite a long time ago and managed to survive several major updates. The latest update can be considered the most successful.

How SkyDrive works

In terms of file synchronization, the principle of OneDrive (SkyDrive) is the same as any other file synchronization service. The OneDrive (SkyDrive) client for Windows is made similar to the often mentioned Dropbox. A SkyDrive folder is created in the system, and all files that are placed in it are immediately available on all other devices where the SkyDrive account is used, as well as through the browser.

SkyDrive volume— 7 GB of free disk space. Another option was available for long-registered users - 25 GB. When the service was updated, its size was reduced to seven GB. For those who wanted to restore their 25 GB, they had to go through activation and then everything would go back to the way it was.

You can access your OneDrive (SkyDrive) cloud storage in several ways:

— via the classic PC application;
— via a web browser;
— using a mobile application for smartphones on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and tablets;
— via the Metro application for Windows 8.

How to start using SkyDrive

Step 2: Login to SkyDrive. You need to go to this address and enter there the username and password that you registered using the link above.

Step 3: Download SkyDrive by if you have Windows. There you can also select applications for other platforms. This is required to use the synchronization capabilities. Without a computer program, OneDrive (SkyDrive) will remain a simple cloud drive.

Installing OneDrive (SkyDrive) for PC

If we consider the classic application for Windows, then it is essentially the same as the previous services discussed last time (,).

The installation process should not cause you any difficulties, with the exception of some features. When installing the application, you need to enter your username/password; if you don’t have one yet, you need to register using .

Then a SkyDrive folder is created, the placement of which must initially be set where you want it, since this parameter cannot be changed in the settings later. Although, it is possible if you first delete the connection with the computer in the settings and then log in again. True, then the re-indexing of all files from the SkyDrive folder will begin, which takes a lot of time if you have a lot of files.

There is one more feature of the application that is worth paying attention to - during the installation process, you can check the box, as in the figure below, and then all the files on your computer will become accessible from other connected computers, provided that the other computer is turned on. In this case, it will even be possible to download files remotely to SkyDrive.

Sharing: How do I send a file or folder to other people?

If you don’t like being tied to one folder, then I advise you to take a closer look at it, it is very flexible in this regard.

For any files in the folder, you can open public access, after which the browser will open and a form will appear in it for entering the email addresses of the people you need. The same can be done directly in the browser.

It should be noted that OneDrive (SkyDrive) has a big drawback in that you cannot view in one place which files you shared and with whom. It is well known to Dropbox users as Links. IN SkyDrive You can see who shared access and how it was shared in the Information Panel:

Now we've looked at the capabilities of the classic PC application, now we can move on to the most interesting thing - the web version.

Overview of the web version of OneDrive (SkyDrive)

I will say right away that the functionality of the web version has been greatly redesigned compared to the previous version. It has become much more convenient and more functional. Let's start with the appearance of the main page. It is made in the proprietary tile design, which Microsoft first used in Windows Phone 7. Using the online version has become much more convenient than before.

Files are uploaded to the storage using the button Send. In this case, you can select several files to upload, rather than just one. The maximum upload file size is 2 GB.

File Operations

All files are displayed as wide rectangles. A simple folder with files is displayed as a blue rectangle, but if it contains pictures, they are dynamically shown instead of it. Very beautiful and unusual. You can also display everything as a list.

Files and folders are grouped by type: first folders, then documents with music, then pictures. These settings cannot be changed. The usual sorting by name, size, type and custom sorting are also available. The usual operations of copying, moving and renaming files are supported. In this case, you can drag them with the mouse, just like on a computer. A file version log is available, which is already becoming the norm for decent file synchronization services.

There is a rather interesting feature for embedding files on any website. By right-clicking on any file or folder, select “Embedding”. A short instruction and a “Create” button will appear in the pop-up window; after clicking on it, an HTML code will be generated that you can paste into your website or blog. It’s bad that you can’t set an arbitrary size for pictures and folders, except for Word documents, while for spreadsheets there are a lot of embedding settings available.

Features of the web version

As you can see, the images open for preview in the browser. On the panel that appears on the right, you can view the file properties and mark the people in the photo. And in the menu at the top you can turn on a slide show, view the original, embed a picture and perform other operations with the file.

Working with office documents deserves special attention. MS Office documents can not only be viewed, but also edited, as in a full-fledged editor. This is done using the Web App service. That is, this is an online version of everyone’s favorite Microsoft Office software package with limited functionality. However, in most cases it will be enough for simple creation and editing of documents.

All other files that are not supported by the web version are downloaded to your computer by clicking on them.

In the left column of the web interface, you can see what files you have worked on recently, what computers are connected to SkyDrive, and what files have been shared with you. You can also change storage settings and go to the trash. Files in the Recycle Bin are stored long enough to be restored. This can be done using the link in the context menu. But the cart volume is limited to 10% of the storage volume, 700MB or 2.5GB. And if this volume is exceeded, then all files from the recycle bin will be deleted after three days.


What is “Redeem SkyDrive Code”?

When you decide to buy additional cloud space, after making the purchase you will receive an activation code, by entering which the storage size will increase.

How do I change my SkyDrive account?

To do this, you first need to click on the “Remove connection with SkyDrive” button in the OneDrive (SkyDrive) settings on your PC. You can now log in with your new account if you have created one. If not, then I described the process of registering a new Microsoft account after the heading “How to start using SkyDrive”

How to install OneDrive (SkyDrive) on Windows XP?

The answer is no. I scoured the Internet looking for some way, but found nothing. You can connect OneDrive (SkyDrive) as a network drive using SDExplorer. You can download it here. The installation will happen quickly and seamlessly. After it you need to find in the folder “ My computer» dark icon SDExplorer and log in by entering your username and password Microsoft Account (Live ID). About registration Live ID written in the article about mail

How to select folders to sync in SkyDrive?

In the desktop application settings there is a “Folder Selection” tab where you can choose which folders within OneDrive (SkyDrive) will be synced on the current computer. You can access settings using the context menu of the OneDrive (SkyDrive) application for PC.

Can I use two SkyDrive accounts?

In my humble opinion, even more is possible, but they cannot be combined. In addition, this makes it difficult to synchronize files, since you will have to constantly log in/out under different accounts, which is inconvenient.

Alternatively, you can use one account to synchronize files with your computer, and the second as a cloud drive through the SDExplorer program. This scheme will work quite well.

How to connect OneDrive (SkyDrive) as a network drive? ()

To connect, we need to know your CID.

Log in with your username and password to https://skydrive.live.com/(https://onedrive.live.com/)


A URL with similar content should appear in front of you in Explorer, if the URL looks like this: https://skydrive.live.com/?mkt=ru-RU, go to any folder inside SkyDriv-a, the URL should change and become similar to the one shown in the picture above.
CID in this case F9B31V3A9F7EAD78

A window will open in which you need to select the disk name and enter the line https://d.docs.live.net/F9B31V3A9F7EAD78, where
F9B31V3A9F7EAD78 - must be replaced with yours CID. If not, then you need to check the box "Restore at login", press Ready
The system will ask you to enter your username and password, if everything is done correctly, after entering a new disk will appear.

At the moment this method does not work well, so we are waiting for the code to fix everything

Is it dangerous to use SkyDrive?

From the point of view of storing important information, it is dangerous to use any cloud service with a free tariff plan. In most cases, cloud services offer paid plans that include data encryption and additional security.

OneDrive (SkyDrive) not working

Friends, if for some reason SkyDrive does not work for you, please report it in the comments. Together we will find a solution to the problem and thereby help other people who face the same problem.


Here we briefly reviewed the main features of the SkyDrive service. This is what we end up with:

— large storage capacity (7 GB);

— advanced functionality;

— clients for most popular operating systems;

— nice design;

— keyboard navigation;

— mailbox and work with documents online.

You can safely give it an “excellent” rating, because there are no serious shortcomings, and those minor shortcomings that exist now will most likely be corrected over time. Now you have to try everything yourself, test it and use it if you like it. Write in the comments what is unclear, this will allow me to make the site even better.

The next article will review another popular file synchronization service by name - a worthy competitor to all other services.

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