Home Office equipment Turbo gopher is the ultimate self-development technique. Turbo-gopher system - expert reviews

Turbo gopher is the ultimate self-development technique. Turbo-gopher system - expert reviews

A book called “Turbo Gopher. How to stop screwing your brain and start living” appeared in electronic and printed versions almost simultaneously. This happened in 2008. The author has not added any changes, additions or new secrets since then. There is no audio version of the system, there is a book "Turbo Gopher", reviews and research. Distributed in PDF format completely free of charge.

What kind of “gopher” is this?

But some individuals still remember that they are of the “royal” human race. The mink becomes less and less comfortable, the desire to “go out into the world” appears more often, the intellect turns on and the search for ways to change their lifestyle begins. This is where the fun begins. Rushing from one method to another, grabbing the top of knowledge and techniques, the “king” rushes between systems to no avail, cursing everything without exception. And only a few, especially gifted with consciousness and diligence, find their own way, their own system. Having begun to act consistently, in phases, in accordance with precise instructions, they grow from small and wary animals into real “kings of nature.”

Who is to blame and what to do

As you know, everyone finds the path for which their consciousness is ready. And since it is easiest to find the cause of your troubles from the outside, the process begins by blaming spoiled karma. The method is good, but ineffective. Rarely does anything change, but it warms the soul. It’s not me, it’s all my distant ancestors who screwed it up, and now I have to suffer. Have pity, good people, save me, I’m dying!

Ancestors, of course, are relevant, but only those who directly participated in the upbringing of this “king”. Who influences the origin and consolidation of human complexes? The closest people with the best intentions can become enemies of their own offspring. After all, it has been proven by a galaxy of psychologists that children copy the behavior of adults who are significant to them. And they themselves “suffered” from their parents, grandparents, teachers and other authorities. This is how “karma” accumulated.

Who are these adults? The authors of many methods, including Dmitry Leushkin, talk about this in detail. “Turbo Gopher” (reviews are mixed) clarifies some important points in your head. In addition, the system provides a simple way to solve the identified problems by replacing the control settings ingrained in the brain with the desired ones.

The man finally realized that it was his own “garbage” thoughts that interfered in different situations, forcing him to be practically a slave, a puppet of internal troubles. The “king” behaves differently. He seeks and finds an opportunity to learn to be adequate, to react and think consciously, and not under the influence of children's emotions.

Personality is “we” or “I”

It is not news that the personality of each individual consists of many “I”s or roles:

  • at work - boss;
  • at home - wife or husband;
  • with children - parent;
  • in a store - a buyer;
  • on the beach - a vacationer;
  • in the kitchen - hostess, cook;
  • in bed - lover;
  • with parents - the child himself and so on ad infinitum.

Reviews of "Turbo-gopher" confirm that the use of the system's protocols helps make a person, fragmented by multiple roles, harmonious, holistic and happy.

The main thing is to know what is stopping you

Stop worrying and start living! It’s easy to say, but how to do this and where to find the cause of life’s failures? Everyone already knows that a person makes conscious decisions under the influence of his unconscious experience. That is, at one point in time, some event occurred that left a “notch” in the internal memory of the individual. The episode itself may fall out of consciousness, and its mental shadow is deposited in the depths of the mind as the subconscious. More precisely, the emotions associated with this life episode are firmly imprinted into the inner brain and brazenly, without asking, control the behavior of their owner in such situations. From a mental point of view, this saves their owner’s life.

To cope with this “monster”, or “genie”, as the author of the “Turbo-Gopher” system calls it, expert reviews recommend contacting psychologists. Years of work on yourself, as well as the financial and mental efforts spent, will eventually bring a certain result.

And for those who want to solve problems on their own and get rid of their own troubles at an accelerated pace, there is another - an effective, fast and optimal way. About any system, including the “Turbo-Gopher”, reviews are always mixed. How many people - so many opinions on absolutely any issue. Reading and studying various systems will not achieve results. Only actions directed by focused attention lead to the goal. There is no action - accordingly, it will not be possible to wait for the result. This is true for absolutely any system or technology.

Differences from other systems

Modern psychology offers many options for clearing subconscious storerooms of accumulated “deposits” of unnecessary, often unconscious beliefs. Most of them involve the joint work of a specialist and the “king of nature” himself, who wants to deal with the consequences of his perception of life. There is a sufficient amount of literature on these topics, a lot of trainings and specialists. Unfortunately, even grievances worked through using these methods, heaps of fears, complexes and fantasies can return at any moment, ruining existence. Each of the psychological techniques can simultaneously work through only one of the problematic episodes associated with the past.

Reviews about the "Turbo-gopher" system prove that:

  • skills loaded into the subconscious depths remain there forever;
  • the ability to work on “autopilot” is used;
  • work is carried out with a whole bunch of psychological episodes and traumas at the same time;
  • time to obtain results from the application of practical actions - from a couple of weeks to 5-6 months (depending on the efforts of the “king”);
  • Regular independent work brings colossal and stable results.

The system confirms this) - one of the most effective independent ways to change your own life.

What is the system of “batch” cleansing of personal mentality based on?

The subconscious is magical. It is from there that commands and orders for the body about the necessary actions come. Whoever does not agree, let him consciously, controlling and directing every fraction of a second of the movements of his oral apparatus, try to eat an apple. moves down, then up. The tongue is like this, pushing the chewed lump into the larynx. Saliva goes from here to there. And so on.

The main part of human skills is entrenched in the depths of the subconscious and works for the benefit of its owner automatically. This is where the instructions from the conscious part of the brain to perform the necessary actions come from, and not vice versa.

It is this feature that is used in psychotherapy and the “Turbo-gopher” system. The negative reviews of some authors do not hide their indignation that this is simply a reworking of other well-known practices. However, such a statement is unfounded and far from reality. Each of the practices works with the subconscious “genie” in its own way and has the right to exist.

Stages or phases of work

Any most powerful system begins to produce results only when a person realizes the existence of a problem and takes responsibility for solving it. No amount of lamentation and tears will bring any benefit without real action and a painstaking change in one’s inner content.

In the first phase of practical work, work on opposites occurs (courage and fears, confidence and timidity). The "Turbo-gopher" system (reviews are very diverse) uses special techniques to teach you how to process various emotions. In this case, pairs of polarities can be composed independently.

In the second phase, work is carried out with the most negative and painful incidents in the past. You need to write down and work through only those situations that are easy to remember. There is no need to “dig deep”, plunging into the abyss of the subconscious.

Everything else can be worked out at the next stage, working with the automatic components of the Turbo Gopher system. Feedback from specialists about this phase has also been received. As a result of processing past situations, the emotional charge is removed and the mind is cleared. Reactions and behavior patterns associated with negative emotions that are fixed at the reflex level simply dissolve. In the future, in such a situation, a person acts consciously, and not under the guidance of a reaction to mental “garbage” from his own past. Of course, all episodes are stored in memory; only the emotional overtones of the traumatic event are neutralized.

Free automatic processors

After working with the most painful episodes from the past during the first two phases, you can begin to use the so-called protocols, that is, unique thematic tools. This is for example:

  • “Quasimuzzle” - processing of fixation and dissatisfaction with one’s external data.
  • "Mamba.ru" - problems of dating with representatives of the opposite sex for those who are especially shy.
  • “Nurse” - fear or desire to “keep a low profile.”
  • “Eye to eye” - for those who hide behind glasses from the world or from their interlocutors, afraid to look into the eyes.
  • “Slug” - complete lack of confidence in one’s abilities, actions, fear of expressing one’s opinion.
  • “Mockery” - mockery, ridicule, jokes and other similar material.
  • Blank form, template for creating your own protocols for specific or narrow topics.

As a result of correct implementation of the protocol, the problem is resolved, the pain goes away, simply disappears. The clearer the intention and observation of what is happening, the better the result and faster the speed.

How to use Auto-Mashka

No matter how much you read “Turbo Gopher”, no matter how much you study the reviews, no changes will happen without specific practical actions.

How does the Auto-Mashka protocol work? A problem is taken, for example, indecision, and all thought forms that are somehow related to this situation are written down. After reading and running the protocol, the problem “pops” and stops tormenting. For example, about indecisiveness, you could write down the following thoughts:

  • We finally need to calm down!
  • like this!
  • I will be laughed at when my shyness becomes known.
  • We need to calm down already!
  • How can I become more courageous and decisive?
  • Why am I so shy?

You need to write down all the thoughts that come into your head about the problem. When the stream ends, all this is put into “Auto-Mashka”, read out and started for processing.

The subconscious is very obedient. It has received a task and carries it out carefully. And the person can calmly go about his business. Typically, such activity is observed a day after working with the protocol on one of the topics. You need to “catch” such a moment and write down everything that comes out of your head. Then run it into “Auto-Mashka”. The result is guaranteed.

Negative beliefs, disbeliefs, and doubts are processed in the same way. They can be personal or general, like someone’s “clever phrases”, sayings, folk sayings:

  • keep your head down and be more modest;
  • be like everyone else, don’t stand out;
  • It's better to be modest, not arrogant.

All this nonsense in exactly the same sequence needs to be stuffed into the Auto-Mashka, read, launched and breathing freely.

About the search for enlightenment

Those who came to the “Turbo Gopher” system studied reviews about various other methods, tried to find their true and free selves. For those who are looking for spiritual enlightenment, who are confident in the complexity of the world order, such practices as PEAT or other psychocorrectional methods may indeed be suitable.

For those who need not just a feeling of clarity and awareness, but, above all, quick practical results, the book “Turbo Gopher” is suitable. Reviews are reviews, but you need to have your own opinion. If information has arrived, it means it’s not just like that. It is better to study, use, and only then evaluate the system after receiving the results.

Negative reviews dubbed the "Turbo Gopher" a "freebie". Freebies don’t make you sick during kickbacks, there’s no depression or desire to send all these gophers and the rest put together to hell. And not everyone is given the ability to independently and correctly “load” themselves for the coming sleep. The effect of working with protocols is that problems do not hide even deeper, they simply dissolve. Memories of previously experienced emotions and events remain. The practitioner’s reaction to previous stimuli changes radically. A shy person becomes confident, a timid person becomes brave, a guilty person becomes calm and healthy.

Financial problems are solved on their own, relationships are improved, and the body and mind become healthier. Only spiritual enlightenment does not come. Those who are looking for exactly and only this can use other, more complex and lengthy practices. After all, everyone finds what they are looking for. And many come to the “Turbo-gopher” system. Reviews of the book and the results obtained will continue to help our compatriots find their “I” in the tangled spaces of their own subconscious for many years to come.

On this site dedicated to and, we presented Turbo-Suslik as a tool that will help you get rid of overeating without resorting to diets or exercise. We argue that overeating is rooted in your psychological problems, and therefore, in order to get rid of overeating, you need to work through these problems, and overeating will disappear on its own. But why exactly Turbo-Suslik? What is it anyway, why is it needed, and what can be achieved with it? We've decided to answer these questions in more detail to better inform you of what you're dealing with on this site, as well as why you might want to use this system.

So, first question.

What is Turbo Suslik?

Turbo-Suslik is a special system of working on oneself, aimed at working through and getting rid of all psychological conditioning in a short time. What is meant by conditioning? Conditionality is:

  • Internal complexes,
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Old decisions made a long time ago and probably forgotten, but which continue to affect you and your life,
  • Automatic expression of emotions
  • Psychological addictions,
  • Negative memories
  • Past grievances, etc., etc.

All of the above is mental garbage that poisons your life and creates countless problems, both external and internal. And the TS system is aimed at quickly getting rid of this mental garbage, allowing you to achieve qualitative changes in your life and get rid of all your problems.

And what does overeating have to do with it?

Overeating is just one of many problems that plague many people today. But just like any a life problem, overeating is caused by all those mountains of mental trash that we listed in the answer to the previous question. And until you get rid of this mental garbage, overeating will always be a problem for you. On the other hand, getting rid of all mental garbage (which is what the Turbo-Suslik system is aimed at) will lead to the fact that overeating, like any problem based on your mental garbage, will disappear on its own - which is what we need.

What are the advantages of the Turbo-Suslik system?

  • Power. Turbo-Gopher uses your subconscious to work, relying on the use of special protocols that give the subconscious a command to work through certain episodes or beliefs. Since your subconscious, unlike yourself, remembers all the events that happened to you during your life, using the Turbo-Suslik system will allow you to work through those episodes and decisions from your life that you no longer remember, and thereby solve all your internal problems without exception.
  • Availability. To use this system you do not need any special education or knowledge of special terms. Everything you need to know is described in the book itself. In addition, you do not need to spend your time mastering special techniques, such as hypnosis - even taking into account the fact that TS uses your subconscious to work, you should not try to “establish contact between consciousness and subconscious” - the system will do it for you.
  • Simplicity. The system takes on a huge part of the work. You do not need to relive painful episodes of the past - since, as has been said many times, the Turbo-Suslik system uses your subconscious to work, you just need to direct your attention to a specific episode, and Turbo-Suslik itself will work through it and related episodes according to a certain algorithm in the background, taking advantage of the powerful resources of your subconscious, while you can go about your business!
  • Speed. Any technique for working with your problems is only as effective as it helps reduce the level of mental garbage that causes these problems. In this regard, the Turbo-Suslik system no equal because, unlike other systems of subconscious processing of internal material, the TS system uses batch processing of entire clusters of mental material, while other techniques focus your efforts on working only with individual episodes, experiences or beliefs. Batch processing of mental material makes this system the fastest and most effective system for processing mental material that currently exists.
  • Independence. You work independently, without teachers, groups, gurus, coaches, satsangs and master classes. This approach allows you not to waste time on useless conversations and lectures and focus instead on direct work on yourself, achieving results in the shortest possible time.

What can working with the Turbo-Suslik system give me?

  • Healing all kinds of emotional trauma, both mild and severe, associated with the most unpleasant events in your life.
  • Reducing the intensity of the manifestation of negative emotions - anger, jealousy, envy, fears, resentment, irritation and others. Your ability to experience emotions will not go away, but you will be able to react less intensely to external stimuli, and get rid of the negative emotional background that poisons the life of almost everyone.
  • Freedom from the past. The past of most people is filled with nightmarish memories from early childhood, school years, youth, etc., which continue to poison their lives to this day. As a result of working on the Turbo-Gopher system, your past will lose its power over you, becoming for you what it really is - a collection of archival memories, and you can finally begin to live in the present, ceasing to react to past events.
  • The ability to get rid of many unpleasant traits of your personality - an irresponsible attitude towards life, laziness, resentment and many others
  • General improvement of the body. TS is not aimed at treating physical illnesses, but getting rid of deposits of mental garbage, as a rule, has a positive effect on physiology.
  • Getting rid of all kinds of complexes, personal barriers, limiting beliefs and the tendency to self-sabotage. Your ability to act and think effectively will increase exponentially.
  • You will become much better at understanding yourself and people. Getting rid of mental garbage will inevitably entail an understanding of all the mental mechanisms that determine people's behavior. All people's motives will become clear to you.
  • Significant increase in personal strength and developed intuition. Once you get rid of all the mental clutter, you will stop wasting your energy on it, and your perception of reality will become pure and spontaneous.
  • What you want so much - getting rid of overeating. Working through your internal problems with the help of TC, firstly, will lead to an increase in your awareness in relation to life and nutrition in particular, as a result of which you will stop eating compulsively. In addition, you will stop wasting your internal resources on maintaining grievances from the past and mossy limited beliefs, as a result of which your need for food will naturally decrease, which will have a positive effect on your weight.
  • Finally, the most important thing - Turbo-Suslik gives you a real opportunity to radically change your life in the near future. Increasing your awareness and releasing enormous amounts of energy that you can use wisely will enable you to live and respond to things as a true master of your life, and not as a victim of circumstances.

This is not dangerous?

This system is completely safe - provided that you are mentally healthy. There is no need to be afraid that your memories will be erased and your beliefs will disappear somewhere. Yes, the emotional charge will be removed from them, but this does not mean that they will disappear on their own - you will be free to decide how much attention to pay to them, and if you decide that some of your old beliefs or memories are no longer interesting to you - you will simply discard them as unnecessary. There is no need to be afraid that the system will do something wrong to you and you will go crazy. Quite the opposite - the system is aimed at getting rid of mountains of mental trash, so you will only improve your mental health from working with this system - and radically.

Is there anywhere I can find reviews about this system?

Undoubtedly. Over the 5 years of existence of this system, a huge number of people have passed through it. On this page we have posted several reviews of people who have solved their nutrition problems with the help of this system, as well as achieved significant changes in their quality of life.

What do I need to do this system?

Provided that you have reached the age of majority and are a mentally healthy person, you only need an iron intention to change and a readiness for serious responsible work. Nothing more is needed. After reading the book, you can immediately register on the site to get started.

Okay, where can I download the system?

Below you will find a form, by filling out which you can subscribe to a free newsletter dedicated to this system. In the first letter that you receive immediately after subscribing, you will receive a link to download the book. We promise that we will not send you useless spam - all letters that you receive from the mailing list will be strictly to the point. To subscribe to the newsletter, you must enter a work email address that you use regularly.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.



To all the people who have ever strived for Freedom and who have contributed to the creation of all the techniques available today.

The creator of "TFT" Dr. Callahan, as well as the creator of "EFT" Gary Craig (USA).

To the creator of "BSFF" Larry Nims (USA).

The creator of a whole galaxy of brilliant techniques - “PEAT”, “DP-4”, “Gnostic Intensive” and others - Zivorad Slavinsky from Serbia.

Oleg Zhuravsky for the excellent idea of ​​​​combining direct work with the subconscious and any effective techniques.

To all users of the Turbo-Suslik system, who over the years since its creation have made an invaluable contribution to its development, improvement and enrichment with new technologies and materials.

To my beloved wife Oksana.

To the “Ves” publishing group, thanks to whose efforts and support you are holding this book in your hands.


Property rights to the Russian-language paper edition of the book belong to the Ves Publishing Group, St. Petersburg.

Illustration: © EcoView – Fotolia.com

No part of this book may be published or distributed in any form, including electronic, without the written permission of the copyright holder - the Ves Publishing Group, St. Petersburg.


Official part

This publication is an appendix to the book “Turbo-Gopher”, and as such has no independent value. Under no circumstances should you read it or use the techniques given here without first reading the book “Turbo-Gopher” and performing the preliminary techniques, otherwise you can seriously harm your psyche.

Neither the author, nor the copyright holders, nor the distributors of this book bear any responsibility to anyone for any consequences, either direct or indirect, that may arise from reading this book and/or using any techniques described and contained in it information.

The use of the techniques described in the book by persons under 18 years of age is prohibited. The use of techniques by persons suffering from a brain tumor, epilepsy, high blood pressure (over 180/100 mm Hg), as well as by persons with mental illness or undergoing treatment using psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers is also prohibited. The use of these techniques during pregnancy is strictly not recommended.

It is strictly prohibited to read this book and use any protocols given in it until you have fully read the book “Turbo-Gopher” and completed the preliminary practical part - Phase 1 and Phase 2. If you have not read the book “Turbo-Gopher”, or have read it, but have not completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the practice, you must immediately stop reading this book, as you may seriously harm your mental health.

Continued reading of this book means the reader's full acceptance of these terms, as well as a complete and absolute renunciation forever of any claims of any nature against the author, copyright holders and distributors of this book in connection with any results of reading and using this book or the lack thereof. In case of any disagreement with the above, you must immediately stop reading this book.

Unofficial part

I do not guarantee that using the techniques described in this book you will achieve any strictly defined results. There is a very high probability that they will happen, but I repeat – there are no clear guarantees here and cannot be. As is the case with other methods of working with the subconscious and “brains” in general, a lot depends on your initial state, that is, how deep you are “in the ass”, how “cluttered” your brain is, how many “glitches” there are and what kind of ones , how much garbage stretches from the past, how much do you even understand yourself. But the main thing is that the result depends on your willingness to receive it; and what exactly is included in the concept of “readiness” can be read in the book “Turbo-Gopher”.

If you have real, serious psychiatric problems, do not use these techniques on your own, but only with the consent and direct supervision of your treating physician. Please note that the techniques described are not intended to treat or diagnose psychiatric problems. I am not at all responsible for what may happen to you when using these techniques. By continuing to read this book, you automatically agree with these warnings, as well as with the fact that you are aware of the possibility of side effects, and undertake not to make claims against me if you “break” your “brains” completely. In other words, think before you do something. Citizens with serious mental problems, as well as idiots who do not understand what they are doing, are strictly contraindicated from reading this book.

In the process of work, it is possible to restimulate some mental material (that is, activate in a person’s mind painful experiences of the past under the influence of a meeting with a stimulus), which can cause the return of various physical states - sometimes very painful (fortunately, these are temporary phenomena), as well as various negative emotional states. As you “cleanse your brain,” the strength of your intention will increase—and quite radically—so your desires will begin to come true much faster, sometimes literally right away. And both “good” and “bad”. Therefore, a series of unpleasant (at first glance) phenomena in “external” life is possible. If you understand that you yourself, with your own intention (whether conscious or not), created them, you will be able to correct the result, but if you, like most people around you, blame other people or “circumstances” for your failures, it may not be easy for you . So, if you are afraid of temporary difficulties or changes in life that will probably begin to happen as you work, it’s better not to start, but crawl back into your warm hole and sleep on.

In the process of work, many of your beliefs and illusions will disappear, and your emotional balance will be shifted towards a calm, unemotional, balanced state and “not giving a damn.” If your illusions or beliefs, “life experience”, ideas about the world and what is right and what is wrong are painfully dear to you, as well as “snot” and hysterics (out of naivety and ignorance, people mistake for “real emotions”) - Don't do these techniques. You will also no longer be interested in any social games, which may lead to the disappearance of previous motivations and goals. If your position in society, society’s opinion of you, as well as the illusion of the importance of actions in society are dear to you, again, do not practice the technique to avoid disappointment. It should be noted that we are not talking about giving up money or material values, although many things in relation to them are likely to change.

Despite the fact that some diseases may disappear on their own in the process of clearing the mind of “garbage”, since they are a direct consequence of the presence of it, I do not guarantee that using the above techniques it will be possible to solve any health problems. Please use the services of professional healthcare providers to resolve your health problems.

The methods and techniques described in the book are intended exclusively for independent use by a mentally healthy (that is, not under psychiatric treatment) person. If you are afraid to work on your own, are not confident in your abilities, are not ready to work on your own, or need a teacher, guru or coach, do not practice these techniques.

In general, use all these techniques at your own risk. If you do not agree with anything written above, simply stop reading this book.

Dear women! Pregnant and nursing mothers are strongly advised not to use the techniques presented in this book. When using them, it is possible to release a very large amount of so-called “mental mass”, including negative emotional content, which can negatively affect your child’s health. In addition, the volume of calculations and transformations performed by the brain during the work process is so large, and the energy costs are so serious that even without negative mental masses, the health of the fetus can be damaged. Use these techniques either before pregnancy or after you stop breastfeeding.

About this book

After the release of the “paper version” of the book “Turbo-Suslik”, a large number of users asked me where they could get ready-made protocols if the practitioner did not have the opportunity to go to the system’s website. Unfortunately, I had nothing to please these people, and all I could advise them was to print the protocols on a printer for their “non-computerized” friends or relatives.

Some time ago, representatives of the “Ves Publishing Group” (where the “paper” version of “Turbo-Suslik” was published) approached me with a proposal to publish the protocols in the form of a book. I, of course, agreed: this would solve the problem of many users and would allow even those who do not have their own computer or Internet access to work with the system.

Now you are holding in your hands the result of cooperation with the Ves Publishing Group - an appendix to the book Turbo-Suslik. It contains a large number of protocols posted on the Internet on the system website. Now anyone can effectively practice using the Turbo-Suslik system with ready-made protocols, even those who do not have a computer or do not know how to use one. This publication is enough (of course, after reading the book “Turbo-Gopher”).

I remind you once again, dear readers, that this publication is a supplement to the book “Turbo-Gopher” and has no informational value of its own in isolation from it. In order to effectively use the protocols collected here, you should first read the book “Turbo-Gopher”. It contains not only the theoretical part (without understanding of which you simply will not be able to use the protocols), but also the necessary processor programs, which are subsequently used in all protocols. Without these programs, the protocols simply cannot work.

Good luck with your development!


“BSFF-cleanup” protocol

This protocol is intended for users who have previously worked a lot with BSFF and want to “clean up” the results with new processors. “BSFF Cleanup” will go through all the problems you previously processed with “BSFF” that still have some charge, and process them with “Process It.” The timer is set for 7 days (more or less safe periods). When using, the following phenomena were noticed: very heavy load on the “processor” (brain) after launch, lasting several days. Shattered state. Unexpected traffic jams appear on your way. This is a temporary phenomenon, there is no need to panic about this. While working on the BSFF cleanup, it is strongly recommended not to do anything else in order to avoid overload (although it all depends on how many different problems you have previously worked through with BSFF).

* * *

“BSFF-cleanup” protocol.

These instructions install the BSFF-sweep protocol. Starting from this moment, I ask that all previously issued instructions regarding the “BSFF-stripping” protocol, in its earlier modifications, be considered invalid, and all work under the “BSFF-stripping” protocol should be carried out only according to this version of the instructions. If any material is currently being processed under an older protocol, please transfer it to processing under the new protocol starting from now on.

BSFF cleaning START

First, you will eliminate any kind of resistance to processing the material described below, disbelief in the possibility and results of processing, as well as any kind of fear of it, processing each resistance, disbelief and fear using the protocol “ Process it».

After this, you will process all the material we have, regardless of whether you remember this material or not. If we feel reluctance to process some material, or block it in some closed areas of memory, or otherwise resist any work with this material, you will process each resistance, reluctance, blockage using the “ protocol Process it».

All problems previously processed using the BSFF protocol and their aspects in which there is still some charge.

All OUR ideas, ideas, fantasies, thoughts, theories, knowledge, beliefs, postulates and decisions that have any relation to the above-described material that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and in past lives ). And also the future (both in this and in subsequent lives), as well as those that exist now.

All OUR complexes, fears, worries and worries, in any way related to the above material, that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and in future lives).

Any kind of criticism, condemnation, unforgiveness, resentment, claims, envy, distrust, irritation, hatred, pity, anger, remorse, guilt, shame or any other type of negative attitude towards oneself, other beings, people, reality and the world in general, in connection with any of the above material in this protocol that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and future lives).

All affirmations, aphorisms, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, anecdotes, tales, myths, legends, fairy tales, stories, as well as popular opinion and worldly wisdom in any way related to this material that we knew or in any way perceived at some time - either in the past (both in this and in past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and in subsequent lives).

You will process each material, without any exception, according to the protocol “ Process it».

After processing all of the above material, you will carry out circular processing on behalf of all the people and creatures involved in the above material, as well as any god, the world and reality in general. You will identify in turn with each of these people and beings, groups, God, the world and reality in general, and you will process all of the above material, as well as any relationship of these people, beings, God, the world and reality in general to US, using the protocol “ Process it».

Process it" After that, you will integrate each of these parts with US using the protocol " Drain».

Process it»:

OUR ideas about who or what someone is, was in the past or will be in the future.

OUR expectations from him.

BSFF-strippingBSFF cleaning STOP».

Process it».

All work according to the protocol " BSFF-stripping seven earth days

End of instructions.

Protocol "Affirm-sweep"

Worker for all affirmations ever used.

* * *

“Affirm-cleanse” protocol.

These instructions are for you, OUR subconscious.

These instructions install the protocol " Affirm-stripping" From this point on, all previously issued instructions regarding the protocol " Affirm-stripping", in its earlier modifications, please consider invalid, and all work under the protocol " Affirm-stripping» follow this version of the instructions only. If any material is currently being processed under an older protocol, please transfer it to processing under the new protocol starting from now on.

Starting from the moment the processing mechanism described in this instruction is activated, after pronouncing a special key phrase (“ Affirmation-cleansing START") you will carry out completely autonomous and automatic work according to the following procedure.

First, you will eliminate any kind of resistance to processing the material described below, disbelief in the possibility and results of processing, as well as any kind of fear of this processing, processing each resistance, disbelief and fear using the protocol “ Process it».

After this, you will process all the material we have, regardless of whether we remember this material or not. If we feel reluctance to process some material, or block it in some closed areas of memory, or otherwise resist any work with this material, you will process each resistance, reluctance, blockage using the “ protocol Process it».

By material in this manual we mean...

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when we used any kind of affirmations, practiced self-hypnosis, auto-hypnosis, or used any kind of technique for programming or reprogramming consciousness or subconscious.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), if we saw other people or beings when they used any kind of affirmations, engaged in self-hypnosis, auto-hypnosis or used any kind of technique for programming, reprogramming the consciousness or subconscious, and we also read about such people in any kind of text material.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when we received any kind of information, lessons, education on the topics of affirmations, programming or reprogramming of the conscious or subconscious . Including when we read any books or other text materials on the topics of affirmations, self-hypnosis, auto-hypnosis, any kind of technique for programming or reprogramming the consciousness or subconscious.

All OUR ideas, ideas, fantasies, thoughts, theories, knowledge, beliefs, postulates and decisions that have any relation to the above-described material that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and in past lives ), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), and those that exist now.

All OUR complexes, fears, worries and worries, in any way related to the above material, that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and in future lives).

Any kind of criticism, condemnation, unforgiveness, resentment, claims, envy, mistrust, irritation, hatred, pity, anger, remorse, guilt, shame, or any other type of negative attitude towards oneself, other beings, people, reality and the world in general , in connection with any of the above material in this protocol that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and future lives).

All affirmations, aphorisms, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, anecdotes, tales, myths, legends, fairy tales, stories, as well as popular opinion and worldly wisdom in any way related to this material that we knew or in any way perceived at some time - either in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and in subsequent lives).

You will process each material, without any exception, according to the “Process This” protocol.

After processing all of the above material, you will carry out circular processing on behalf of all the people and creatures involved in the above material, as well as any god, the world and reality in general. You will identify in turn with each of these people and beings, groups, God, the world and reality in general, and you will process all of the above material, as well as any relationship of these people, beings, God, the world and reality in general to US using the protocol “ Process it».

After this, you will find all the dissociated/separated parts of OUR personality that became such as a result of any of the above episodes, as well as any parts of the personality that have any connection with these episodes, and you will process all of the above material on behalf of each of these parts, without exception, using protocol " Process it" After that, you will integrate each of these parts with US using the “ Drain».

In addition, regarding each of the above-mentioned people, beings, groups of people or beings, you will process using the protocol “ Process it»:

OUR ideas about who or what he is, was in the past or will be in the future.

OUR ideas about what he should be and how he should act and act.

OUR expectations from him.

OUR opinion about what exactly he thinks about US now, thought in the past or will think in the future.

OUR opinion about how he treats US, has treated us or will treat us.

OUR opinion about what he says about US, has said or will say.

OUR opinion about how it influences US, has influenced us, or will influence us.

OUR opinion about what he has done to US in the past or will do in the future.

In general, any thoughts, pictures, emotions and sensations in the body, connected with it in absolutely any way.

And also absolutely any OUR attitude towards him in general.

After this, you will carry out the complete procedure of forgiveness of all people, beings, groups of people involved in the material described above, God, the world and reality in general, as well as US ourselves using the “Hoppo” forgiveness protocol, which you perform in your imagination in the background automatic mode.

This processing mechanism is deactivated, and this instruction will no longer be valid automatically after all the material in our possession has been processed by you using the “ Affirm-stripping" If necessary, we may temporarily pause processing after OUR utterance of the key phrase “ Affirmations-stripping STOP».

You will process the material for US completely automatically and completely autonomously, around the clock, during OUR sleep and wakefulness, and without prejudice to sleep and functioning while awake. All work on processing the material will be done by you as gently and painlessly as possible. You will also process any disbelief in the possibility and results of this processing, as well as any fear associated with this processing, and any negative emotions or emotional states, as well as any resistance that we may have towards this processing, using the protocol " Process it».

All work according to the protocol " Affirm-stripping"will be carried out by you within three earth days or less since the initial activation of this mechanism. You will distribute the load on OUR body as evenly as possible, so as to prevent overload. The launch of the processing mechanism, as well as its stop, after pronouncing the corresponding key phrases defined above, you will signal with the help of OUR body's yawning.

OUR subconscious, you will always do everything that we have described in this instruction, starting from this moment, regardless of what state, in what circumstances, in what situation or in what mental or emotional state we are in. And we thank you and deeply appreciate and respect you for always remaining OUR faithful and devoted servant.

End of instructions.

All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form without the written permission of the copyright holders.

© Electronic version of the book prepared by liters company (www.litres.ru), 2014



To all the people who have ever strived for Freedom and who have contributed to the creation of all the techniques available today.

The creator of "TFT" Dr. Callahan, as well as the creator of "EFT" Gary Craig (USA).

To the creator of "BSFF" Larry Nims (USA).

The creator of a whole galaxy of brilliant techniques - “PEAT”, “DP-4”, “Gnostic Intensive” and others - Zivorad Slavinsky from Serbia.

Oleg Zhuravsky for the excellent idea of ​​​​combining direct work with the subconscious and any effective techniques.

To all users of the Turbo-Suslik system, who over the years since its creation have made an invaluable contribution to its development, improvement and enrichment with new technologies and materials.

To my beloved wife Oksana.

To the “Ves” publishing group, thanks to whose efforts and support you are holding this book in your hands.


Property rights to the Russian-language paper edition of the book belong to the Ves Publishing Group, St. Petersburg.

Illustration: © EcoView – Fotolia.com

No part of this book may be published or distributed in any form, including electronic, without the written permission of the copyright holder - the Ves Publishing Group, St. Petersburg.

Official part

This publication is an appendix to the book “Turbo-Gopher”, and as such has no independent value. Under no circumstances should you read it or use the techniques given here without first reading the book “Turbo-Gopher” and performing the preliminary techniques, otherwise you can seriously harm your psyche.

Neither the author, nor the copyright holders, nor the distributors of this book bear any responsibility to anyone for any consequences, either direct or indirect, that may arise from reading this book and/or using any techniques described and contained in it information.

The use of the techniques described in the book by persons under 18 years of age is prohibited. The use of techniques by persons suffering from a brain tumor, epilepsy, high blood pressure (over 180/100 mm Hg) is also prohibited.

Art.), as well as persons with mental illness or undergoing treatment using psychotropic drugs and tranquilizers. The use of these techniques during pregnancy is strictly not recommended.

It is strictly prohibited to read this book and use any protocols given in it until you have fully read the book “Turbo-Gopher” and completed the preliminary practical part - Phase 1 and Phase 2. If you have not read the book “Turbo-Gopher”, or have read it, but have not completed Phase 1 and Phase 2 of the practice, you must immediately stop reading this book, as you may seriously harm your mental health.

Continued reading of this book means the reader's full acceptance of these terms, as well as a complete and absolute renunciation forever of any claims of any nature against the author, copyright holders and distributors of this book in connection with any results of reading and using this book or the lack thereof. In case of any disagreement with the above, you must immediately stop reading this book.

Unofficial part

I do not guarantee that using the techniques described in this book you will achieve any strictly defined results. There is a very high probability that they will happen, but I repeat – there are no clear guarantees here and cannot be. As is the case with other methods of working with the subconscious and “brains” in general, a lot depends on your initial state, that is, how deep you are “in the ass”, how “cluttered” your brain is, how many “glitches” there are and what kind of ones , how much garbage stretches from the past, how much do you even understand yourself. But the main thing is that the result depends on your willingness to receive it; and what exactly is included in the concept of “readiness” can be read in the book “Turbo-Gopher”.

If you have real, serious psychiatric problems, do not use these techniques on your own, but only with the consent and direct supervision of your treating physician. Please note that the techniques described are not intended to treat or diagnose psychiatric problems. I am not at all responsible for what may happen to you when using these techniques. By continuing to read this book, you automatically agree with these warnings, as well as with the fact that you are aware of the possibility of side effects, and undertake not to make claims against me if you “break” your “brains” completely. In other words, think before you do something. Citizens with serious mental problems, as well as idiots who do not understand what they are doing, are strictly contraindicated from reading this book.

In the process of work, it is possible to restimulate some mental material (that is, activate in a person’s mind painful experiences of the past under the influence of a meeting with a stimulus), which can cause the return of various physical states - sometimes very painful (fortunately, these are temporary phenomena), as well as various negative emotional states. As you “cleanse your brain,” the strength of your intention will increase—and quite radically—so your desires will begin to come true much faster, sometimes literally right away. And both “good” and “bad”. Therefore, a series of unpleasant (at first glance) phenomena in “external” life is possible. If you understand that you yourself, with your own intention (whether conscious or not), created them, you will be able to correct the result, but if you, like most people around you, blame other people or “circumstances” for your failures, it may not be easy for you . So, if you are afraid of temporary difficulties or changes in life that will probably begin to happen as you work, it’s better not to start, but crawl back into your warm hole and sleep on.

In the process of work, many of your beliefs and illusions will disappear, and your emotional balance will be shifted towards a calm, unemotional, balanced state and “not giving a damn.” If your illusions or beliefs, “life experience”, ideas about the world and what is right and what is wrong are painfully dear to you, as well as “snot” and hysterics (out of naivety and ignorance, people mistake for “real emotions”) - Don't do these techniques. You will also no longer be interested in any social games, which may lead to the disappearance of previous motivations and goals. If your position in society, society’s opinion of you, as well as the illusion of the importance of actions in society are dear to you, again, do not practice the technique to avoid disappointment. It should be noted that we are not talking about giving up money or material values, although many things in relation to them are likely to change.

Despite the fact that some diseases may disappear on their own in the process of clearing the mind of “garbage”, since they are a direct consequence of the presence of it, I do not guarantee that using the above techniques it will be possible to solve any health problems. Please use the services of professional healthcare providers to resolve your health problems.

The methods and techniques described in the book are intended exclusively for independent use by a mentally healthy (that is, not under psychiatric treatment) person. If you are afraid to work on your own, are not confident in your abilities, are not ready to work on your own, or need a teacher, guru or coach, do not practice these techniques.

In general, use all these techniques at your own risk. If you do not agree with anything written above, simply stop reading this book.

Dear women! Pregnant and nursing mothers are strongly advised not to use the techniques presented in this book. When using them, it is possible to release a very large amount of so-called “mental mass”, including negative emotional content, which can negatively affect your child’s health. In addition, the volume of calculations and transformations performed by the brain during the work process is so large, and the energy costs are so serious that even without negative mental masses, the health of the fetus can be damaged. Use these techniques either before pregnancy or after you stop breastfeeding.

About this book

After the release of the “paper version” of the book “Turbo-Suslik”, a large number of users asked me where they could get ready-made protocols if the practitioner did not have the opportunity to go to the system’s website. Unfortunately, I had nothing to please these people, and all I could advise them was to print the protocols on a printer for their “non-computerized” friends or relatives.

Some time ago, representatives of the “Ves Publishing Group” (where the “paper” version of “Turbo-Suslik” was published) approached me with a proposal to publish the protocols in the form of a book. I, of course, agreed: this would solve the problem of many users and would allow even those who do not have their own computer or Internet access to work with the system.

Now you are holding in your hands the result of cooperation with the Ves Publishing Group - an appendix to the book Turbo-Suslik. It contains a large number of protocols posted on the Internet on the system website. Now anyone can effectively practice using the Turbo-Suslik system with ready-made protocols, even those who do not have a computer or do not know how to use one. This publication is enough (of course, after reading the book “Turbo-Gopher”).

I remind you once again, dear readers, that this publication is a supplement to the book “Turbo-Gopher” and has no informational value of its own in isolation from it. In order to effectively use the protocols collected here, you should first read the book “Turbo-Gopher”. It contains not only the theoretical part (without understanding of which you simply will not be able to use the protocols), but also the necessary processor programs, which are subsequently used in all protocols. Without these programs, the protocols simply cannot work.

Good luck with your development!


Protocol "Medunitso"

Works through periods of illness, contact with medical workers, patients, and so on.

* * *

Protocol " Medunitso».

These instructions are for you, OUR subconscious.

These instructions install the protocol " Medunitso" From this point on, all previously issued instructions regarding the protocol " Medunitso", in its earlier modifications, please consider invalid, and all work under the protocol " Medunitso» follow this version of the instructions only. If any material is currently being processed under an older protocol, please transfer it to processing under the new protocol starting from now on.

Starting from the moment the processing mechanism described in this instruction is activated, after pronouncing a special key phrase (“ Medunitso START") you will carry out completely autonomous and automatic work according to the following procedure.

First, you will eliminate any kind of resistance to processing the material described below, disbelief in the possibility and results of processing, as well as any kind of fear of this processing, processing each resistance, disbelief and fear using the protocol “ Process it».

After this, you will process all the material we have, regardless of whether we remember this material or not. If WE feel reluctance to process some material, or block it in some closed areas of memory, or otherwise resist any work with this material, you will process each resistance, reluctance, blockage using the protocol “ Process it».

By material in this manual we mean the following.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when WE thought that we were sick or were actually sick, and WE needed help (or WE thought WE needed help):

Other people or creatures;

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE were afraid:

Get sick;


Lose consciousness;

Ask for help;

Doctors and any other medical professionals;

That WE have a terrible, incurable, fatal disease;

Go to hospital;

As well as any other fears and concerns related to OUR health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE were:

They were dying;



And also any other negative associated with the state of OUR health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when we, being nearby or in contact in any other way (including information and energetic) with sick, dying or dead people or beings, were afraid of:

Get sick;

Viruses and infections;

Your own death;

Loss of ability to work (disability)

Negative energies;

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE ourselves thought, or received any information from someone - or that:

WE are sick or will get sick;

WE need help and treatment;

Without help and treatment, OUR condition will worsen and/or WE will die;

WE need surgical intervention (surgery), medications, medical procedures, examinations, a special diet, restriction or increase in physical activity, bed rest;

As well as any other information about the state of our mental or physical health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE recovered, felt better, and also experienced joy , relief and any other emotions on these or similar occasions.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when WE received any education and training on the topic of illness, health, doctors and medical workers, medicines, correct or incorrect treatment, consequences, symptoms, manifestations and outcomes of diseases from other people, Gods, beings, animals, spirits, as well as from groups of people, Gods, beings, animals, spirits, as well as from any other sources of information.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), WE saw or received in any other way information about how others people or creatures thought they were sick, or actually were sick, and they needed help (or they thought they needed help):

Other people or creatures;

Doctors and any other medical professionals;

Healers, psychics and any other representatives of alternative medicine;

Gods, higher powers, angels and any other “otherworldly” forces.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE saw or received in any other way information about that other people or creatures were afraid:

Get sick;


Lose consciousness;

Ask for help;

To be left without help and support;

Doctors and any other medical professionals;

Medical procedures and manipulations (injections, drills, examinations and any others);

That they have a terrible, incurable, fatal disease;

Go to hospital;

Surgical interventions (operations), anesthesia;

Take medications;

As well as any other fears and concerns related to their health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE saw or received in any other way information about like other people or creatures were:

They were dying;

Unable to stand up for themselves;

Experienced moral and physical suffering, pain;



Partially or completely unconscious;

Unable to control body functions;

As well as any other negativity associated with their state of health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), when WE saw or received in any other way information about how other people or beings, being close to or in contact in any other way (including informational and energetic) with sick, dying or deceased people or beings, were afraid of:

Get sick;

Viruses and infections;

Your own death;

Loss of ability to work (disability);

Negative energies;

As well as any other fears associated with this kind of contact.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE saw or received in any other way information about how other people or beings themselves thought, or received any information from anyone that:

Are sick or will become ill;

Need help and treatment;

Without help and treatment, their condition will worsen and/or they will die;

They need surgical intervention (surgery), medications, medical procedures, examinations, a special diet, restriction or increase in physical activity, bed rest;

As well as any other information about the state of mental or physical health.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives, as well as in the intervals between lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), in which WE saw or received in any other way information about that others recovered, felt better, and also experienced joy, relief, and any other emotions on these or similar occasions.

All episodes of the past (both in this and past lives), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), when WE saw or received in any other way information about how others received any education and training in the topic of diseases, health, doctors and medical workers, medicines, correct or incorrect treatment, consequences, symptoms, manifestations and outcomes of diseases from other people, Gods, creatures, animals, spirits or from groups of people, Gods, creatures, animals, spirits, and also from any other sources of information.

All OUR ideas, ideas, fantasies, thoughts, theories, knowledge, beliefs, postulates and decisions that have any relation to the above-described material that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and in past lives ), as well as the future (both in this and future lives), as well as those that exist now.

All OUR complexes, fears, worries and worries, in any way related to the above material, that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and in future lives).

Any kind of criticism, condemnation, unforgiveness, resentment, claims, envy, mistrust, irritation, hatred, pity, anger, remorse or feelings of guilt or shame, or any other type of negative attitude towards oneself, other beings, people, reality and the world in general , in connection with any of the above material in this protocol that WE have or have ever had in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and future lives).

All affirmations, aphorisms, proverbs, sayings, catchphrases, anecdotes, tales, myths, legends, fairy tales, stories, as well as popular opinion and worldly wisdom, in any way related to this material, which WE knew or in any way perceived at any time - either in the past (both in this and past lives), as well as in the future (both in this and future lives).

You will process each of this material, without any exception, according to the protocol “ Process it».

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