Home Programs System requirements for Total War: Rome II on PC. System requirements for Total War: Rome II on PC How much does Rome total war 2 weigh?

System requirements for Total War: Rome II on PC. System requirements for Total War: Rome II on PC How much does Rome total war 2 weigh?

Before purchasing Total War: Rome II on PC, be sure to check the system requirements provided by the developer with your system configuration. Remember that the minimum requirements often mean that with this configuration the game will launch and run reliably at minimum quality settings. If your PC meets the recommended requirements, you can expect stable gameplay at high graphics settings. If you want to play at quality set to “ultra”, the hardware in your PC must be even better than the developers indicate in the recommended requirements.

Below are the system requirements of Total War: Rome II, officially provided by the project developers. If you think there is an error in them, please let us know by clicking the exclamation mark on the right side of the screen and briefly describing the error.

Minimum configuration:

  • OS: XP/Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8
  • Processor: 2 GHz Intel Dual Core / 2.6 GHz Intel Single Core
  • Memory: 2 GB
  • Video: 512 MB DirectX 9.0c with Shader Model 3 support
  • DirectX 9.0c
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space
  • OS: Windows 7 / Windows 8
  • Processor: Intel Core i5
  • Memory: 4 GB
  • Video: 1024 MB
  • DirectX 11
  • HDD: 35 GB of free space

In addition to checking the system requirements of Total War: Rome II with your PC configuration, do not forget to update your video card drivers. It is important to remember that you should only download the final versions of video cards - try not to use beta versions, as they may have a large number of unfound and unfixed errors.

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The last decade has not spoiled strategy connoisseurs with a large number of very high-quality projects in this genre. Masterpieces of the early 2000s often did not find a worthy replacement in sequels, and the top new products can be listed on one hand. Total War: Rome II is like a breath of fresh air for a stagnant genre that is still truly appreciated and loved by many players from all over the world. The developers managed to ensure that their brainchild immersed gamers in the history of the ancient world, its culture, and its unique and inimitable atmosphere.

Features of Total War: Rome II

In general, the laudatory odes to the project sung in the first paragraph are unlikely to surprise any strategy connoisseurs. The entire Total War series is rightfully considered the standard of the genre, and the first part of Rome was, of course, one of the best games in the series. The authors spent a lot of time, money and effort on creating the sequel, but the agonizing wait of fans turned out to be more than justified. Even before the game went on sale, everyone understood perfectly well that the game would be thoroughly reworked, everything would be changed - from the gameplay mechanics to the scale of everything that was happening.

The developers have organized the campaign in such a way that the player, willy-nilly, will have to carefully observe everything that is possible. Simply gathering a group of legionnaires and occupying someone else’s territory with their forces is by no means everything, because keeping it under your control is much more difficult than capturing it. For such purposes, one will have to not disdain even crude, or even cruel, methods - from the destruction of dissenters to preventive repression, so that others are discouraged. The demolition of barbarian huts and the subsequent construction of stone houses, aqueducts and streets paved with paving stones will certainly strengthen your influence.

It is also advisable to work carefully with the population in Total War: Rome II, instilling a system of Roman values. Not to mention the fact that you can only trust your trusted people to manage the captured area, and not just anyone. That is, the depth of the game has increased significantly; now the player willy-nilly will be forced to study history, taking into account its various aspects, from political to cultural and economic. The player must monitor the mood of the population - as soon as he miscalculates somewhere and leaves the people dissatisfied, riots and unrest will immediately break out.

The well-known phrase “Bread and circuses for the people” is relevant here, as it was then in real life. Something will be missing - if you please, see illustrations of how difficult it is for the people enslaved by us to live, how they are badly influenced by a foreign language and culture. Don’t pay attention to this - be prepared for large-scale uprisings, which will be much more difficult to hush up than leaving everyone more or less satisfied.

It won’t all end with monitoring the mood of the masses - as you know, personnel decides everything, so the player needs to select them especially carefully. That all high military officials, agents and similar characters must have suitable reliable companions, political positions in the state must also be occupied by your people, and not someone from the outside - this will require effort, but it is worth it.

See that cities develop and grow, conduct diplomatic negotiations, respond in a timely manner to events that cannot be predicted - for example, earthquakes and other natural disasters. Of course, the larger the territory under your control, the more difficult it will be to maintain this control - there are an incredible number of all sorts of small details that will have to be taken into account. As a result, the game turns into a whole puzzle - every step you take will need to be carefully calculated. Moreover, with such a scale of the map and the abundance of all kinds of factions.

The creators of Total War: Rome II decided to rely on historical accuracy in their brainchild - abstract rebels have sunk into oblivion, and they have been replaced by more than real barbarians and free cities. As a result, each turn can take a considerable amount of time to complete, because the player needs to wait for the actions of the next provincial official. They can, for example, beg for money, offer trade, and so on. The game is replete with all sorts of historical information, and the events themselves regularly refer to events that actually happened in history - everything is done very believably.

True, this approach led to some shortcomings - the project lost the spectacular scenes created on the game engine, the passionate speeches of commanders before battles disappeared, and so on. And the player, who has not yet really understood anything, at the very beginning of the game is faced with all the problems of a national scale. For those who have completed the tutorial and/or are familiar with other games in the series, there should not be any particular difficulties.
But simple beginners risk abandoning the campaign without understanding it - failures often drive people crazy, and without proper preparation, failures are very likely here. Speaking of training, it clearly demonstrates the developers’ approach to Total War: Rome II. Judge for yourself - a good 3 hours are allotted for this, have you seen this somewhere else? The setting of the training campaign is the entire Apennine Peninsula, then still tormented by the Samnite Wars.

Almost all the innovations turned out to be successful, and you will notice this very soon, barely looking at the new map - not only is it huge, but also the detail of the elaboration excites the imagination. If earlier we had abstract cities surrounded by fortresses, now we have the most serious settlements, in which both infrastructure and all kinds of buildings, temples, theaters are clearly visible... Yes, there are even slums behind large settlements.

Another innovation is that instead of one settlement, provinces now include several villages at once. All cities can be managed from the same menu - very convenient. Also, now the formation of the army is not the prerogative of city authorities, but directly of the military authorities, which is also a big step towards realism. Combat at sea has also changed, but it's still not the game's strongest feature, thanks in large part to the fact that ships are desperately bunched together. As you understand, a tactical arsenal with such an approach is unlikely to be rich.

But to transport your army from a large landmass to some island, you no longer need to cram all the personnel into one single ship, risking losing everyone at once. All soldiers from now on board transport ships, which sail separately, and will also be able to fend for themselves at sea if necessary. Also, the fleet is a faithful ally of the infantry; if necessary, you can land soldiers in a strictly designated place, often by sea it is faster than by land.

While the strategic mode in Total War: Rome II has been thoroughly shaken up, the tactical mode has undergone virtually no changes. The main thing worth noting is the emergence of the opportunity to use the terrain for your benefit. Again, realism has been added (hid behind a mountain - they won’t see you from the other side), and the game has become more interesting, because the enemy has been carefully trained by the developers to do the same. The increased scale of the overall action also contributed to the interestingness of the tactical battles; how could we not do without it.

The AI ​​of opponents has become significantly smarter in the sequel - opponents can easily deceive you in ways that you would not expect from it, at least at first. For example, it costs them nothing to hide in hilly areas, keep forces in reserve, lure you into places where it will be difficult to fight back and tactical superiority is completely on the side of the enemy - these are just a couple of examples. In fact, you can talk a lot on this topic, especially since enemies sometimes do not even hesitate to run away from you all over the map, avoiding a collision.

Against this background, there are rare but accurate miscalculations, the consequences of which for the opponent are usually sad, but on the whole the picture is very positive. In addition to the many other advantages of Total War: Rome II, one cannot fail to note the excellent atmosphere, the presence of custom, fully customizable battles, as well as historical battles. The multiplayer is generally good too.


The sequel to the legendary strategy was, of course, a great success. It has its advantages and disadvantages, but the former look much more convincing compared to the latter. The impression is slightly spoiled only by the game’s gluttony for system resources (what else was worth waiting for, with such detail?), periodic stupid errors of artificial intelligence and small purely technical flaws. But, immersing yourself in this unique atmosphere, seeing the amazing attention of the authors to small details and experiencing the huge number of possibilities in this game, you are unlikely to remain indifferent to it. If only you can be considered a connoisseur of strategies. For those, Total War: Rome II is a must-read.

Total War Rome 2 is a global historical strategy developed by the British company Creative Assembly.

The gameplay will allow you to take control of one of the nine real-life factions from the dawn of the Roman Empire. The gamer has at his disposal the economic, social and political components of management, which allow him to interact with more than a hundred states for dominance in the Mediterranean arena.

An extensive global map, divided into boundaries of influence, clearly displays the state of affairs, allowing you to make changes through all kinds of missions and game tasks. Game mechanics take into account: the supply of provisions, the population of various economic entities, the centralization of power in the capital region, and much more.

Military affairs in Total War Rome 2 is now unthinkable without the services of various agents. Thus, a dignitary is able to misinform the enemy army by changing the orders of higher authorities. The spy masterfully sneaks behind enemy lines, killing high-ranking officials, setting fires and mass poisonings. Each such agent is endowed with a development tree, which allows him to specialize in all possible aspects of sabotage and espionage.

Diplomatic relations between states have undergone significant changes and now serve as a real deterrent. The conclusion of non-aggression pacts and peaceful alliances bring significant variety to the gameplay. Violation of the conditions will immediately be reflected in the form of fines and the inability to negotiate.

Total War Rome 2 release date

Release date of the project exclusively for a personal computer - September 03, 2013 Worldwide.

Regarding tactical battles, they have undergone a number of significant improvements. Large-scale battles of countless armies are recreated as realistically as possible. The redesigned artificial intelligence now reacts in a timely manner to changes in the course of the battle, occupies advantageous points, attacks from the rear, and uses naval landings. The gamer has at his disposal not only fearless infantry and cavalry units, but also unique troops of elephants and camels. The presence of such unusual units in Total War Rome 2 undermines the morale of the enemy, often forcing them to flee. In most cases, the outcome of a battle is decided not by the size of the army, but by the competent tactical decisions of the commanders. Weather conditions and the atmosphere inside the army are now an important aspect that affects the rates of desertion, as well as unexpected death.

Visually, the project has modern and detailed graphics. Unique game landscapes recreate in detail the harsh northern climate and the heat of merciless deserts. The new dynamic camera capabilities take the player into the thick of things, allowing you to witness large-scale historical battles.

Total War Rome 2 system requirements

Minimum requirements:

  • OS (operating system): Windows XP
  • 2 GHz Dual Core
  • RAM: 2 GB
  • Hard drive: 35 GB
  • with 512 MB memory
  • DirectX: 9
  • Keyboard
  • Recommended system requirements:
  • OS (operating system): Windows 7
  • Intel Core i5 or better
  • RAM: 4 GB
  • Hard drive: 35 GB
  • with 1 GB memory
  • Sound Card: DirectX Compatible
  • DirectX: 11
  • Keyboard
  • The Total War series has been the most popular among tactical strategies for many years. She is also considered the founder of this genre - since ancient times, in these games you had to take a tactical approach to the task assigned to you. You didn't have a base, like in a standard strategy game, where units would be produced - here you are given a certain number of soldiers and other military units that you need to control in certain situations. As the name suggests, part of the series, called Rome, tells gamers the history of the Ancient World, inviting them to take on the role of an ancient Roman commander. Naturally, old games did not require much from computers. This does not apply to Rome: Total War 2 at all - the system requirements for this project are quite high, but this can be justified by the fact that the graphics and battle physics here have become much better.

    operating system

    This game definitely pleased gamers, since the system requirements stated that it supports the Windows XP operating system, which almost no game released after 2013 currently does. In the case of Rome: Total War 2, the system requirements look pretty good. Naturally, this is in comparison with those projects that appear in parallel with this game. But when compared with previous games in the series, there is quite a big step forward here. On the one hand, this is good, since the game has become more realistic and has broader capabilities. But on the other hand, owners of not the most powerful computers will not be able to run this project, which will undoubtedly upset them. After all, it is unlikely that Windows XP owners can afford the PC configuration that will be discussed below. After all, for Rome: Total War 2 the system requirements are not at all gentle - you don’t even have to look at the minimum ones, since you won’t get any pleasure from the process.


    In order to run this game, you will need a dual-core processor with a frequency of at least 2 GHz - but it is still better if it is at least 2.6 GHz to make it worthwhile to do it at all. Constant brakes and the lack of ability to properly control your troops because of them are unlikely to please you. However, it’s worth immediately taking a look at what the system requirements for Rome: Total War 2 are in this aspect, necessary to run the game at maximum settings. It is recommended that you have not a dual-core, but a quad-core processor with the above frequency, and then you can get rid of all the unpleasant glitches and slowdowns in the game Total War: Rome 2 PC. Release date, system requirements, input device support - this is all important information. But if the game won’t launch for you, then there’s no point in learning anything more about it.


    The most important attribute of your computer, responsible for the launch and normal functioning of both computer games and other programs, is RAM. Each running program takes up a certain amount of memory while it is running, and if you don't have enough of this memory, your computer starts to slow down. In order to run this game calmly and safely, you will need at least two gigabytes of RAM - these are the system requirements for Total War: Rome 2. Gaming news, naturally, did not discuss this project so loudly, because they had other topics, for example, Watch Dogs or the new release of Call of Duty, which amazed everyone with their sky-high demands. But it’s still worth keeping in mind that if you don’t have two gigabytes of RAM, you won’t be able to play this strategy. And to get maximum enjoyment, you need to have at least four gigabytes of RAM. When the system requirements for Total War: Rome II were announced, fans of the series were not very happy, but quickly came to terms - after all, progress is the best way out for any series, and everything has its price.

    Video card

    No one was surprised that the required amount of memory was 512 megabytes - for 2013, in which this game was released, this was a normal figure. The developers did not demand anything supernatural from those who want to run the strategy at maximum settings. They just need to make sure that their card has at least one gigabyte of video memory - then there should be no problems at all. It is always worth remembering that in new releases of the series the graphics component is much higher than before, so it is advisable to try to play new projects on the best computer in order to be guaranteed to get a lot of positive impressions, and not slowdowns, lags and freezes at every turn.

    Hard drive space

    This game will take up thirty gigabytes on your hard drive, so prepare for this in advance - clear some space so you don’t have to do it in a hurry later. There are rarely any problems with installation, since you can always find out how much space the game will take up before you start installing it. However, in most cases, the system simply will not allow you to start installation if the selected disk does not have enough space for this. But there are also startup problems, which can also arise due to the fact that there is no space left on the disk. So follow the instructions carefully - if you need to free up 30 gigabytes, then this must be done, otherwise the game will not install or launch.

    release date

    The only secret that Total War: Rome II still hides is its release date. You already know the system requirements, so you can also tell us about when this project appeared in the world. September 3, 2013 is the release date of this game for Windows. For OS it appeared exactly a year later, on September 3, 2014.

    The specifics of PC gaming are such that before you begin, you must first familiarize yourself with its system requirements and relate it to the existing configuration.

    To do this simple action, you do not need to know the exact technical characteristics of each model of processors, video cards, motherboards and other components of any personal computer. A simple comparison of the main lines of components will suffice.

    For example, if a game's minimum system requirements include a processor of at least Intel Core i5, then you shouldn't expect it to run on i3. However, it is more difficult to compare processors from different manufacturers, which is why developers often indicate names from two main companies - Intel and AMD (processors), Nvidia and AMD (video cards).

    Above are system requirements. It is worth noting that the division into minimum and recommended configurations is done for a reason. It is believed that meeting the minimum requirements is enough to start the game and complete it from beginning to end. However, to achieve the best performance, you usually have to lower the graphics settings.

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