Home Other What does Internet marketing include? What is Internet marketing - a complete overview of the concept and its tools

What does Internet marketing include? What is Internet marketing - a complete overview of the concept and its tools

Nowadays, having your own website is a conscious necessity. Online pages are created not only for self-expression, but also for the purpose of promoting goods and services. And even if the server is informational, its owner is interested in making a profit.

Creating a good website is half the battle. It is extremely important to achieve high traffic so that as many users as possible buy products, read and go to other pages using links. Internet marketers solve similar questions. Internet marketing is activities carried out with the aim of promoting online, increasing brand awareness, and customer loyalty to the products of the advertised company.

Benefits of Internet Marketing

Online sales are more effective due to the rapid dissemination of information and reaching a large target audience in the shortest possible time. Large material costs are not required, but the prices of some orders exceed the cost of traditional advertising.

Increasing sales volumes is impossible without research. Internet marketing is good because it makes it possible to make the most accurate calculations. The site owner or moderator monitors statistics on purchases and user movements around the site. Special tools allow you to determine how many people visit a site per unit of time and which links are clicked on most often. The information obtained in this way is used to develop an advertising campaign and increase the popularity of the site. Internet marketing is a science on the successful development of which business results depend.

You can learn the basics of Internet marketing for free, deepen your knowledge of SEO, contextual advertising and other promotion channels in the Cybermarketing.ru center - www.cybermarketing.ru?ref=29b1c110

Basic components of online marketing

Web marketing strategies are developed taking into account the following components:

  1. Object of promotion: product, non-food product, service, brand, personality.
  2. Suggestion: in order for consumers to pay attention to the promoted products, it is necessary to note the competitive advantages of the product and (or) offer bonuses, discounts, or participation in promotions. It is necessary to explain to the client what exactly his benefit is.
  3. Target audience: people of a certain gender, age, profession, social group who may be in demand for the proposed product or service.
  4. Conversion: site visitors are not yet buyers and clients. Internet marketing methods, which we will discuss below, help make them so.
  5. Promotion - ways to attract the target audience, achieve maximum conversion to make a profit.

Specifics of Internet Marketing

Since the virtual space differs from the real one, selling goods and advertising services online has its own characteristics:

  • continuity of time and space: advertising texts and videos are available on the Internet around the clock;
  • universality: thanks to network protocols, the same marketing campaign can be used anywhere in the world, taking into account linguistic and mental differences;
  • multi-channel: you can communicate the benefits of a product and service on a web page, by email, using FTP, audio and video recording, social networks, mobile applications, etc.

A fundamentally important point is to take into account the characteristics of the Internet audience. Users purposefully search for the information they need and can turn off advertising at any time. Therefore, the advertising message must be formulated in such a way that the page visitor has a desire to click on the proposed link, take part in a survey, write a comment, or place an order. Internet marketing is a means of stimulating purchases. Passive perception of texts is useless from a sales point of view.

How to sell on the Internet

So many. The most common ways to work with clients are:

  1. SEO. The likelihood of visiting a site (and therefore seeing an advertisement) depends on which search line the page is located on. Most often, users click on the first ten links. The remaining thousands and even millions of sites remain unclaimed. To prevent this from happening, you need to work hard on search engine optimization.
  2. E-mail - creating a thematic mailing list and placing a subscription form on the site pages. Potential buyers and clients voluntarily leave their email addresses to receive newsletters. As a result, a target audience is formed.
  3. Direct (writing personal letters). Unlike spam, such messages contain personal messages or the name of the company. This increases the likelihood of reading the letter and, consequently, making a purchase.
  4. Viral marketing. This method is implemented using tools such as the distribution of free resources (videos, computer games, applications, e-books) with links to the relevant site or with a request to recommend a page to a friend.
  5. Experiential Marketing. Marketers don’t just talk about a product, but engage the client’s sensory sphere and give them the opportunity to experience the corresponding emotions.
  6. Videos. An original, high-quality video will attract the attention of a large number of users. Perhaps someone would like to place the video on their website or recommend the video to friends.
  7. Metamarkets: virtual platforms that talk about real trade objects, manufacturers and distributors of goods.

Types of advertising

  1. Contextual. Such messages are created in accordance with the theme of the site and look like regular articles. The product or service is offered unobtrusively.
  2. Banner. One resource is advertised on another. Banner placement occurs by prior agreement with the site owner.
  3. Media. An intermediate option between banner and contextual advertising. Banners are made directly for the target audience and are placed taking into account the context of the resource.


You can increase your own sales by letting others earn money. The site owner provides partners with advertising of his resource, paying for the service with a percentage of purchases or transferring funds for clicks. Participation in affiliate programs is quite effective Internet marketing. Promoting products through other sites helps increase sales, and owners of information sites earn money from advertising.

A type of program - dropshipping - involves the independent sale of goods by the owner of another server with the deduction of a commission.

Public relations

Another effective Internet marketing strategy is working with public opinion. Articles posted on news or entertainment portals attract the attention of users and are not perceived as advertising messages.

The purpose of PR is to create a positive image of the company, product, and a positive impression of the service. The specificity of technology is the use of direct and indirect methods of working with the target audience: propaganda, explanation, maintaining communication, organizing cooperation, studying feedback.

Online store marketing

It is fundamentally important for owners of an online trading platform to attract more buyers. Specialists monitor the moment a new user appears and do everything possible to ensure that the visitor stays on the site longer. The pinnacle of professional excellence is turning a buyer into a regular client.

For sales to be successful, it is necessary to study demand and check the competitiveness of the product. The easiest way to do this is to type the appropriate query into a search engine. It is necessary to indicate not only the names, but also the characteristics of the products.

An online store needs advertising. The main advantages of such outlets are time savings and reduced prices, but this is not enough. It is necessary that as many users as possible know about the site. Contextual advertising works best to increase sales, but SEO promotion is cheaper. Advertising on social networks is quite effective. But it does not provide comprehensive information about the client’s needs. You can use other types of advertising.

If sales are less than one percent per month, then it is recommended to either reduce prices or reconsider the advertising campaign.

Internet Marketing Development

It is difficult to determine who first came up with the idea of ​​selling online. History has not preserved the name of this man. Most people spend at least eight hours at the computer and actively use the World Wide Web. On the Internet they not only sell and buy goods, but also order tickets, read books, get acquainted with abstracts and articles. No less popular are searching for cooking recipes and communicating on social networks. So we can say with confidence that modern Internet marketing is one of the dynamically developing areas of trade. A huge target audience and a simple interface contribute to successful online business.

In Russia, sales are gradually moving into the mobile sphere. Owners of sites adapted for relevant applications create SMS mailings and make callbacks. Since almost every user has cell phones and smartphones, the number of online shoppers is increasing all the time.

As development trends on the Internet, scientists indicate an increase in contextual advertising, the spread of viral marketing, the use of video platforms and the creation of meta-markets. Domestic companies are studying and implementing foreign experience in virtual trading.

A relevant story for any time. The easiest way is to copy a ready-made system without inventing a bicycle. I'm not against analytics and borrowing other people's ideas, but I think we can make mistakes when we do something just because everyone else is doing it. The majority can also be mistaken in their decisions and, as time shows, this happens quite often.

This is a saying. A fairy tale lies ahead!

Internet marketing is a component of e-commerce. It is also called Online marketing. Internet marketing is a set of activities to study the target audience, attract them to the site and convert them into your clients or partners.
Observations show a steady increase in consumer activity on the Internet. The volume of purchase and sale transactions is more than $40 million per quarter.

Thus, we can conclude that the rapidly growing Internet audience - a young, progressive, highly educated and wealthy part of society, being potential buyers, is of increased interest to most advertisers.

Marketing on the Internet allows you to expand your knowledge about the target audience, its interests, as well as inform the audience about yourself, your services and offers. Using the Internet, you can obtain the most extensive marketing information about users, their needs, etc. Using the Internet, you can contact potential clients and partners directly. no matter where in the world they are.

New forms of communication force companies to adapt to new business conditions.
In the West, the Internet has long been actively used as the main source of information for both professional and personal purposes. In Russia, Internet penetration, although not yet comparable to European or American levels, is making huge strides. And in the coming years, the Internet as the main means of communication will only improve its position.

It has long been no secret that a huge number of people with different interests, at different stages of the purchasing period, use information from the global web as the basis for making purchasing decisions. Thus, no company or individual can afford to ignore such an important advertising platform as the Internet.

All types of active marketing on the Internet

1. Corporate domain

This became a standard back in the 90s, and since then almost every campaign has acquired a corporate domain, the main purpose of which is to provide the public with information about the company, its products or highlight other important points in its activities. Corporate domains include several elements:

Corporate website

Both large companies and small businesses create websites around their brand, filling them with information about products, service, clients, and corporate values. On the one hand, the website is the face of the company and its content and design should be given a lot of attention. On the other hand, recently there has been a tendency to reduce the role of the corporate website in making purchasing decisions. Potential clients are paying less and less attention to website content and are using social media as their main source of information.


The portal creation strategy, which reached its peak of popularity in the 90s, is based on the goal of presenting all the information the user needs on one page and keeping him on one domain for as long as possible. An example of such a portal is MyYahoo. However, recently preference has increasingly been given to distributed content.


In most online marketing, microsites are used during the launch of new products or during an advertising campaign aimed at a specific market segment. In many cases, microsites are implemented as part of a company's global marketing strategy.

An example is the website MiniPringles.ru, which is part of an advertising campaign to promote Pringles chips, a trademark of the Procter & Gamble corporation.

Unfortunately, some companies overdo the use of microsites and end up with a disjointed advertising campaign that fails to effectively implement the company's unified marketing strategy.

Interactive web marketing

You can not only passively read information on the Internet. Unlike other advertising media, companies can engage in interactive communication with their target audience, using new ways to engage the audience in interacting with the product. Technologies such as Javascript, AJAX and Flash can take communication with a visitor to a company website to a new level and are now at the peak of popularity. This is a very bright moment of Internet marketing.


Network technologies can be used not only for communicating with customers or partners, but also for internal communications between employees, working with corporate databases, virtual conferences, for transferring or storing data, searching and exchanging reports. This is also one of the effective marketing methods.


These are secure sites used to communicate with partners and clients, access to which is provided by the company on an individual basis. A successful example of an extranet network is Nike.net.

In today's global economy, websites are often translated into several languages, adapted to regional market characteristics and the specifics of local marketing communications. The list of countries for which adaptation is made depends on the company’s field of activity and its marketing objectives. Almost all global brands resort to regionalization when creating websites.

2. Search engine marketing

Have you heard of Google or Yandex? Most Internet users begin searching for a product with a query in a search engine. Using tools such as search engine optimization and search advertising, you get the opportunity to place your website in search results. With proper organization of search marketing, the return on invested capital is almost always positive. I consider this element of Internet marketing to be one of the most important and effective.

Search Engine Optimization
The goal of search engine optimization is to increase the authority of a website for search engines for individual queries in order to get to the first pages of search results. In addition, search engine optimization allows you to organize your content so that it is fully indexed, ranked well, and displayed correctly for every search query.

Search advertising
Text and graphic blocks placed in search engines on a paid basis and displayed in response to specific user requests. Search advertising has maximum flexibility and is an effective means of communication for both small businesses and large companies.

3. Outgoing communications

Used to disseminate information published on the site. Popular tools include both direct mail and subscription distribution channels.
email marketing
While mailing lists were not invented on the Internet, they have become an integral part of it. Currently, email marketing consists of low-personalized email campaigns. In most cases, the conversion rate in such mailings is 2-5% and almost always provides a positive return on investment. This is also a very good method of online marketing.

Intrusive marketing

Includes pop-ups, pop-unders, Trojans and other tools whose purpose is to attract the attention of users and collect information about them. The effectiveness of such techniques is constantly decreasing, since there are many methods to combat intrusive advertising messages. On the other hand, such tools must be used with extreme caution. Remember, the market may associate your brand with the communication channels you use.

Syndicated Content and RSS

I put syndication in this category because I see it as an example of marketing moving from a push-based approach to a solicited advertising approach. Subscribing to RSS feeds is a new opportunity for the target audience to receive information that is interesting to them.

4. Brand promotion

This concept is far from new, but here we will look at it in application to web technologies. The principle of this approach is simple - where your market is, your brand should be represented.

You've probably come across different types of banners. They all work on approximately the same principle - if a banner is in the field of view of a site visitor, its content will automatically be deposited in the person’s subconscious - whether he paid attention to the banner or not. The click-through rate of most banners is usually below 1% and the success of an advertising campaign is measured by the number of times the banner is displayed (the click-through rate plays a secondary role).

This is a type of targeted advertising shown on websites in connection with its content. This is a more “intelligent” type of Internet advertising. Contextual advertising can be both text, banner, and in audio and video formats. Most often, contextual advertising is shown on blogs, entertainment sites and free web services (for example, email).

- Sponsorship / Cross-promotion

Sponsorship is especially common for media projects, blogs and podcasts. This is an effective way to promote a brand among your target audience.

Social advertising began its distribution on the Facebook website (the Western analogue of Odnoklassniki.ru). Ads are shown in relation to the interests of users indicated in their online profiles and in thematic communities popular among users of the world famous Facebook. Advertising on social networks causes a lot of discussions and is assessed ambiguously by users of social communities. In addition, there is not yet enough data to evaluate its effectiveness


Help others. People remember the help you received and will help you in return. Even if they don't help you, they will still have a good opinion of you, which can ultimately translate to the product you are promoting.


Stay on topic. Everyone should see your interest in the life of the community, your actions to attract new users and your activity in discussing topics.


The result cannot appear on the first day of your work in the community. Be consistent. Be prepared for community resistance and possible failure.


Never directly advertise a product on social media. You should interest people in visiting your site by posting an interesting article, for example. After visiting your site, people should see the product on offer and make their own decision to purchase it.


Be tolerant in your interactions with all members of your community. Don't make enemies for yourself. One enemy means dozens of his friends who can easily ruin all your work on this social network.

No spam

Don't post content that isn't interesting to your community.


Constantly study the behavior of members of your community. Determine their preferences and track changes. Adjust your behavior according to these changes.

Personal information

Write about yourself in your profile in as much detail as possible. This will demonstrate your openness to communication and desire to join the community for a long time.

Gadgets are mini-applications integrated into a program or website. Advertising in gadgets first appeared in 2007 on Facebook, LinkedIn, Bebo and other social networks. Advertising in gadgets is also possible on Google. In the very near future, advertising networks are expected to appear, which will allow advertisers to place advertisements in gadgets among many social networks and communities at once.

- Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate marketing programs allow you to pay compensation to affiliates who provide an influx of customers or potential customers. Examples of affiliate marketing include Yandex. Market, Price.ru or Epinions.com.

5. Social Connection Marketing

According to recent studies, this is the area of ​​online marketing that is currently developing most dynamically. For Western campaigns, the awareness rate about this tool for promoting goods or services is about 30%; About 20% of advertisers use social media marketing. There are no reliable statistics for Russia, but it is clear that these figures are much lower.

Some of the tools listed below are not new, but their role in making purchasing decisions is becoming increasingly important. The essence of social connection marketing is to use relationships between people to promote products/brands. Let's look at how this is implemented in practice:

For many consumer and B2B products, there are websites that publish ratings and reviews from independent experts and visitors. One of the most popular resources in this category is Eldar Murtazin’s Mobile Review website, dedicated to mobile devices. Site visitors include both a professional audience (employees of company representative offices, distributors, retailers) and ordinary users who visit the site in search of up-to-date information.

Forums, which appeared at the dawn of the Internet, are places where communities of interests and professional communities are formed. In America, more than 33% of companies use forums as an element of online marketing. “Advanced” marketers are beginning to understand the value of social networks, including but not limited to such resources as Facebook, Flickr, Twitter, etc.

Podcast Marketing

Another way to reach your target audience is through corporate podcasts. Examples: Beeline Radio, podcast from IBM, news and analytics from Alpari.


According to independent estimates, about 30% of American companies use corporate blogs in one format or another - to publish corporate news, useful information for clients, publish press releases, and also for organizing internal corporate communication. A blog is, first of all, a tool for building trust between a buyer and a seller. and this is a very effective and interesting way to communicate with potential clients.

Online video

While online video has been around for a long time, the real boom in video content on the Internet began with the advent of video podcasts and sites like YouTube, Viddler, Google Video. An example of using video is communication between the management of a company or its charismatic leaders with the target audience of the project. Another way to use video is webinars (online seminars) and webcasts (online conferences), popular in the West. Interest in such forms of communication is also emerging in Russia. For example, video conferences are regularly held by the Open University of Business and Technology.

Instant messages

Instant messaging is one of the main ways of communication for the new generation. And savvy marketers are finding ways to attract this target audience by speaking to them not just in the same language, but also using communication channels that are familiar to them.

This method of disseminating information was popularized by the English-language news portal Digg. The method is as follows - news is published by members of the community, which votes for the promotion of certain messages to the first pages of the site. Among the Russian analogues of Digg, we can highlight Habrahabr and News2.ru. The appearance of corporate news in the top ten of such sites allows you to receive a significant amount of free traffic.


The most popular microblogging platform is Twitter, which allows you to publish short messages received by your virtual friends who have subscribed to the user’s RSS feed. Other popular microblogging sites are Pownce, Jaiku. The unofficial public feed of Russian-speaking Twitter users is here.

6. Online games

Combining an online game and a social network, online games are rapidly gaining popularity.
Virtual worlds
IBM, Microsoft, Sun, Sears and other corporations are already actively testing virtual worlds like Second Life as tools for promoting products and brands.

Massively multiplayer online role-playing games (MMORPGs) allow thousands of people to play simultaneously in a changing virtual world via the Internet. The undisputed leader among MMORPGs is World of Warcraft, and in Russia - Sphere; There are also MMORPGs for children (Club Penguin). All of them provide numerous opportunities to attract clients, which are actively being explored by both Western and Russian companies.

Online Games

Increasingly, mini-games in Flash format with built-in advertising or branded elements are appearing on the Internet.

7. Other communication channels

The Internet is the best platform for introducing new forms of reaching the target audience; it is being effectively mastered by both Russian and Western marketers. Naturally, new ways to promote products are constantly emerging. Here are two examples of online communications that have appeared relatively recently, but have already managed to gain the attention of many marketers.

Internet television (IPTV)

This promotion tool has not yet been fully formed and it is not yet clear in what form IPTV will continue to develop. This is unlikely to be a simple broadcast of television content online; A completely new form of communication will appear, which will undoubtedly have an impact on the formation of an Internet communications strategy in any company.

Mobile content

Already, many websites are being developed taking into account the capabilities of mobile devices. The owners of these sites understand that the need for information exists throughout the day - including while traveling and moving. Mobile devices with Internet access are becoming increasingly widespread, which must be taken into account when developing and implementing various elements of online marketing.

P.S. this article about internet marketing

Success in implementing an Internet marketing strategy can only be achieved by using the most correct combination of all of the listed tools. Here, as in any other type of activity, a key role is played by a systematic approach to solving the problem, a clear goal setting and a precise understanding of the role of the selected tools in achieving the goals and objectives.

Online Internet marketing is just beginning to gain momentum in Russia. Russian Internet business lags behind Western ones by several years and therefore you need to recruit and master the above-described advertising and PR tools today, otherwise you may find yourself at the tail of the train called SUCCESS. Find your favorite and interesting Internet marketing methods and you will soon feel an effective return on your time spent. The main thing is to use your brain, and not just thoughts about the material blanket.

Good luck in business on the World Wide Web

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Hello! Today we will talk about internet marketing. According to the Public Opinion Foundation, almost 74 million people are on the Russian Internet, so selling anything has become much easier using the World Wide Web. This is why Internet marketing has gained such high popularity.

The concept and essence of Internet marketing

Below we will talk about what internet marketing is. The Internet today is a global environment for the implementation of all marketing points, which include:

  • Product (product) - a product or service that will be sold;
  • Price - formation and maintenance of competitive prices for the sale of goods and services;
  • Place is a point of sale of goods and services; Internet marketing uses a website for these purposes;
  • Promotion - methods and schemes that will promote a product or service; the main goal of promotion is to form a positive opinion about the product being offered, as well as its recognition among other similar products.

Since entrepreneurs benefit from having as many people as possible know about their product, they are increasingly interested in promoting and selling on the Internet.

SEO, contextual advertising, copywriting, viral texts, video, web analytics - all these are parts of one whole tool “internet marketing”. Those who want to move their business from offline to online must clearly know the goals of Internet marketing and why it is needed.

The Internet has long become not just a place for transmitting and receiving information, but an extensive platform for sales with all the attendant factors. Online sales allow you to quickly achieve high conversion, turning online resource visitors into real buyers of real products.

In addition to brands and products, information, services, ideas, in general, everything that can bring income to those who created it all, have recently been promoted on the Internet.

Web Marketing Experts divides internet marketing into 4 components. In fact, these components are the main ones for any type of marketing, so it is imperative to know them.

  1. First, you need to define a strategy for moving your business online;
  2. Next, you need to get human traffic, which over time should turn into real buyers;
  3. All information from the resource must be collected and analyzed in order to understand what people like, why they leave the resource and do not buy anything, and, in accordance with the data, improve the sales resource;
  4. To return the client to the resource again, marketing tools are used, for example, a loyalty program, a system of bonuses or discounts.

Some Internet marketers highlight the work of the site and its optimization as a separate component; others believe that the main task of an Internet marketer is to increase sales using the Internet, that is, he must increase human traffic, prepare a potential client for a future sale, sell product and attract the client to subsequent transactions using marketing techniques.

In addition to knowledge of various tools that help effectively advertise a product and conduct a PR campaign, an Internet marketer must have excellent analytical thinking. He needs to be able to collect all the data received from the (potential) buyer, analyze it (he must understand and explain the data obtained when performing actions) and use it in further actions.

Definitions vary so much because everyone has their own priorities. This problem is especially common in large companies, where online promotion and sales are handled by a huge team, in which each of its members has its own range of responsibilities, but as a result, they work together to achieve the goal.

Therefore, it is better to consider all the points of Internet marketing as a whole, as interconnected steps, rather than individual tools.

Comprehensive online promotion

It is now clear that Internet marketing is a whole range of activities aimed at achieving high results in online sales. This complex includes all phenomena, from developing a strategy to methods of retaining clients.

Strategy development includes 4 points:

  1. Analysis of target audience and demand;
  2. Market research for similar products from competitors;
  3. Site positioning;
  4. Applying marketing efforts to promote and sell a company's product.

Coming up with a product is half the battle; you need to map out a strategy for market existence, otherwise things won’t work out. To attract potential buyers to your site, you need to determine your target audience. It is clear that if this is a children's toy store, the target audience will be young mothers, and not forty-year-old men without children.

It is necessary to know your competitors in order to identify their weaknesses, mistakes and victories in order to use them in your online business (but not fanatically, buyers want originality, not a clone of another company). It is also necessary to analyze the prices on the market for similar products so that the cost is adequate and attractive to potential buyers.

Before starting to carry out specific actions, you need to draw up a clear plan: why is the product needed in general, who needs it, what will it satisfy (customer benefits), cost, what channels will be used for promotion, why them?

The reality is that many people ignore the previous stage of promotion development, since initially everyone wants a large number of buyers to come as soon as possible, and then they can figure out what to do with them.

This is an incorrect and pointless approach, since you can spend a lot of money on attracting clients, but there will be no benefit from it.

The main task of an Internet marketer is to attract potential buyers and persuade them to make a purchase (lead generation), because if there are no buyers, then there will be no sales, which means what is the point of online sales?

Lead generation tools:

  1. SEO, search engine optimization;
  2. Contextual advertising with pay per click, natural search engine optimization;
  3. Marketing using targeted advertising on social networks;
  4. Media advertising on the Internet;
  5. Email distributions to the database;
  6. Subscription to news from the Internet resource;
  7. Useful marketing (creation and distribution);
  8. Viral marketing (video, photos, texts);
  9. Promotion through discussions and forums;
  10. Promotion in communities of professionals;
  11. Partnership programs;
  12. Link exchange;
  13. Combining online and offline advertising;
  14. Creation of discount coupons in electronic format;
  15. Contests, games, surveys - anything that doesn’t overload the brain helps potential clients relax;
  16. Sponsorship.

Promotion does not stand still, and the list is quickly updated with new methods (not so long ago it was not possible, for example, to advertise your products on the VKontakte feed). In addition, methods are undergoing changes, since the principles of ranking search engines are also constantly changing, so it is necessary to regularly monitor changes in the Internet field.

It is because of this that an internet marketer is a person who is constantly learning. If he is distracted from the new methods for a while, he may no longer be able to keep up with them. To avoid such a problem, it is recommended to constantly attend events dedicated to Internet promotion, read forums, books and professional blogs.

To confidently promote a resource on the Internet, it is not enough just to know how to design a website and what content to post. You need to learn how to use web analytics systems (for example, Metrica and Analytics). They show all the changes that have occurred to the site.

Internet marketing analysis means:

  1. Analysis of resource positions in search engines;
  2. Analysis of audience, site traffic;
  3. Surveys, heat maps and eye tracking will help determine the behavior of site visitors;
  4. Analysis of people’s actions: number of purchases, subscriptions, email newsletter openings, and others;
  5. Analysis of resource statistics, determination of further actions and their implementation to improve the site.

It happens that one person does this work, but small agencies shift this work to an Internet marketer. He must regularly draw up reports on website promotion in search engines, content, conversion and be able to draw up a plan for the next period of resource promotion.

Efforts aimed at retaining a client with marketing tools such as discounts, loyalty programs, bonuses and others are called fidelization.

Thanks to it, repeat sales are carried out and the cost of the average check increases.

How to achieve such results?

  1. The site needs to be constantly optimized, content added, and ensured that it is up to date;
  2. From time to time, you need to send out newsletters with useful information to the resource’s subscriber base, for example, notify about upcoming discounts;
  3. Maintain contacts with subscribers on social networks: arrange surveys, create interesting conversations, respond to comments;
  4. Discount cards and customer loyalty programs;
  5. Compiling lists of recommendations.

The above tools are not everything, but only tools that allow you to generally imagine what fidelization is and how it works. Each of the tools is a daily work to analyze, clarify, change strategy, optimize and improve the site, and understand the psychology of site visitors.

Four Elements of Internet Marketing

There is another division of Internet marketing into 4 elements. This division is suitable specifically for Internet marketing, and not for other types of marketing.

  1. The target audience;
  2. Content;
  3. Promotion;
  4. Engagement.

According to this division, it turns out that Internet marketing consists of:

  • The process of determining the target audience (you need to determine the need);
  • Creating content for the target audience (you need to satisfy the need);
  • Promoting content to the target audience;
  • Involving the audience on the resource.

The first 3 elements are clear and have already been discussed above. Engagement needs to be clarified.

This indicator tells how interesting Internet users are to the resource where the company’s products are sold. For the most part, the demand for a product or service depends on this element. Content on the site should attract, captivate and unobtrusively force visitors to become active participants in the life of the resource.

Before you create content, you need to determine who it is being created for. If the definition is incorrect, promotion will not work and engagement will be low. Therefore, first of all, it is necessary to draw up a portrait of the target audience: determine who they are, what they need on the Internet.

Having determined the target audience, it’s time to fill the site. At this stage, you need to think about what each of the “subtypes” of the target audience (TA) wants to read about. If, say, a resource about web marketing, the target audience could be:

Next, a unique selling proposition (USP) is created. For each type of target audience separately. A resource about Internet marketing is an advantageous offer, since the site teaches how to become a marketer, shares the secrets of professionals, and you can also create a course that will teach you how to work on the Internet from scratch.

Next is promotion. It starts with the selection of keywords. You need to think about what words each of the target audience would enter into a search engine and write them down. Using these keywords, you need to write articles in which the target audience will be interested.

Interesting content and the opportunity to express your opinion and share it with other Internet users will help create an engagement effect.

Engagement on social networks

Engagement on social networks (if the product is promoted there) is the very first metric. To calculate it, you need to consider not the number of subscribers or those who joined the group (they can be fake), but the number of likes, reposts, and comments.

There is content to which visitors and subscribers react most actively—photos (53%), followed by links to resources (21%) and news (15%). But just useless photos are not the way to promote your community dedicated to the product that this public should sell. Pictures and photos must correspond to the product or service. It is advisable to supplement them with interesting inscriptions, facts, and unobtrusive advertising of your goods and services.

When viral content is published, engagement increases sharply, subscribers share the post, and attract new people to the community. Therefore, interesting viral content with product advertising is an excellent way out; this way you can get into popular posts, that is, attract even more subscribers, and therefore potential buyers.

Internet marketing methods and tools

Methods and tools for their implementation in Internet marketing will attract potential buyers to the site, and then you can advertise the product and proceed to selling the product.

SEO method (search engine optimization and promotion)

This method contains actions that are aimed at promoting the ranking of website pages as high as possible in search engines for queries. When working with this method, it is necessary to optimize the site. It should be convenient for people.

To do this, it is necessary to adjust the structure of the resource, adjust navigation and content so that visitors feel comfortable on the site, and the content is not outdated and provides useful information. To promote your site, you need to increase your external link mass and regularly review and analyze the key queries for which the resource is being promoted.

If we consider this method in terms of cost, then it is very inexpensive and gives good results for a long time, but it requires knowledge, experience and time.

SEO method tools:

  1. The most important and effective tool for selling on the Internet is a website. If it is properly developed and promoted, its owner will be able to successfully compete with manufacturers of similar products, and the sales volume will be very good. Well-known and not so well-known brands have their own online resources and pages on social networks, as this is the easiest way to let customers know about themselves. In addition, if you properly organize the content on the site, visitors will receive comprehensive knowledge about the company; they will not have to look for additional sources to obtain information. Without an Internet resource, companies lose their popularity, since competitors are more convenient for customers with their presence on the Internet.
  2. , it is necessary to promote it in search engines so that it is at least on the first page of search results for certain queries. For example, if a company produces homemade cakes, then the site pages should be on the first page of the search for the following queries:
  • homemade cakes,
  • buy homemade cakes

This is a very important step in Internet marketing, otherwise how will people learn about the resource without promotion? Poor promotion - no visitors - no sales - the business does not generate income, that is, it is useless.

Contextual advertising method

These are ads that are displayed in search engines next to the search results, at the top or bottom. Contextual advertising is also used on other resources if they are visited by a large number of people per day.

A distinctive feature of this method is that you can attract only those people who are definitely interested in the product. Ads can be customized by region, time of day and day of the week.

In addition, contextual advertising launches very quickly and it is possible to control it, unlike promotion by search engine optimization. It also stops working instantly as soon as it is turned off. It is best to evenly divide the budget between promotion by contextual advertising and search engine optimization.

Direct marketing method

This method includes those in which there is an appeal to the addressee, as well as an information feed. For example, if there are already customers, they can be informed that a new point of sale has opened or about discounts and bonuses that can be received during such and such days.

To solve this problem, a client base is used, which is formed from users registered on the site or using CRM. The main thing in direct marketing is not to send mailings to databases that were purchased somewhere. Recipients who may not be at all happy about the letter will question the company's seriousness.

Direct marketing tools:

  1. E-mail newsletter is advertising by e-mail. It is sent out very quickly; if you write the letter correctly, it will bring a tangible effect. This tool is suitable for beginners, since there is no need for special knowledge, there is no need to invest a lot of money either, the work can be done without experience. This is also an excellent opportunity to send letters only to a limited circle of people and find out their opinion by reaction to letters and through feedback;
  2. This also includes social connection marketing, which is based on human relationships to promote and sell a product.

In this method, a service or product is advertised on forums, chats, comments, in general, in real time. If you post useful information and news on your website, you can also advertise your products in real time.

Viral marketing method

It is based on good imagination and understanding of what interests a person. It is expressed in videos, pictures, photos, games, applications. They do not contain direct advertising, but they contain indirect mention of the company. The most important thing in this method is that it is interesting, so that people want to share it with others.

Viral marketing tools:

This may be useless, but attractive information for the buyer. These include scandalous stories, funny videos and cartoons, memes, pictures with captions and others.

Recently, brand advertising is even used in games. Players often wonder what kind of company the game advertises. And when a player shares his impressions of the game with his friends, he simultaneously advertises the product, since if several more people, on the recommendation of the first player, start playing, then they will also learn about this brand and, perhaps, try to find out more information about it.

Media advertising method

Suitable for initially informing that there is such and such an offer, creating a positive image. Expressed in various banners, teasers and other visual media solutions. If banners are clickable, there is a chance that a person will click on it and go straight to the page where the product or service is being sold. It is profitable to launch media advertising when demand for a product increases, some kind of promotion or special offers are launched.

  1. Banners, teasers
  2. A video can also advertise a company. Anyone today can create a video using a smartphone, a professional camera and edit with a variety of programs. To attract the attention of users (target audience), you need to create an interesting video advertising a product or company and send it by email. You can also place the video in the public domain on a service with a large number of visitors (it is advisable to also make an interesting caption). This is video marketing. There are a lot of its adherents, we can say that it is the most popular promotion tool.

PR campaign method

It can be called a free method. It consists of posting articles on entertainment platforms and news sites. It is best not to pay for placement, but to get free advertising space. To achieve this, you just need to offer an interesting news feed. The minimum that a resource will receive from such promotion is a good image.

PR campaign tools:

  1. News and articles on third-party resources;
  2. Currently, sites that publish lists of the most useful goods or services, expert reviews, and the opinions of ordinary consumers about a product are highly rated. Such a resource, if properly treated, will be able to well advertise the product produced by the company. But there is also a danger that the rating will be too low and the reviews will be bad, then the site will be “blacklisted”. But the likelihood of such an outcome is extremely low if you do the job well and are honest;
  3. And there is an expensive option that requires a lot of attention - creating public opinion. Here you need to pay for the work of journalists from well-known publications, create a news report for a popular channel, disseminate information about the company on websites, forums, social networks and beyond. Only large corporations engage in such projects because they can afford them, but the result of such promotion is very good. When everyone around speaks only positively about something, a person automatically wants to try the advertised product and doubt or confirm the opinions of others.

The choice of promotion method depends on the product or service, target audience, amount of money and promotion goals. The most effective are 4 methods in combination; in some, a couple of methods are enough. It is also necessary to engage in media planning, that is, distribute the budget between various promotion methods and tools.

The above list of tools is not complete, it is constantly growing, and original individuals come up with their own ways to promote a resource on the Internet. We must not forget that all marketing tools are useful only when you know how to use them. Otherwise, energy, time, and money will be wasted.

Finance and Internet Marketing

Is it possible to do online marketing without a budget? There are many books that will help you understand this issue, but before purchasing, you need to understand at least the basics of the problem of financing Internet marketing. If you have knowledge in this industry, then you can understand the mood of the target audience and start promoting the resource.

At the initial stage, you can do it even without investments or with a minimum fee. But just in case, as in any business, it is best to have at least a small capital that can be invested in a given situation for more effective promotion.

People who are professionally versed in Internet marketing perform approximately the following actions (with price):

  • Promote websites on the Internet (from $150 per month);
  • They conduct courses on Internet marketing, advise on independent promotion of a resource on the Internet (from $100 per hour);
  • They work with text, write blogs, write posts for social networks, articles for printed publications, create slogans and titles, translate texts for foreign publications (from $10 per 1000 characters);
  • Create media content (photos, videos, audio).

It is difficult to determine the justification of the listed services, but since demand is stable and does not fall, we can say that people are willing to pay for this activity. It is most economical to hire one person who understands Internet marketing and work with him constantly, rather than constantly contacting marketing agencies and paying them a lot of money.

The popularity of Internet marketing is only growing every year, so that soon an Internet marketer will be a mandatory vacancy in every company, just like an accountant.

A good internet marketing strategy is the key to the success of any business. The marketing strategy described above has long worked for the business of people from the West, but what about Russia? Most people ignore it. Businessmen do not yet understand that Internet marketing is the future of business. Often, businessmen’s marketers are relatives who simply receive a salary and have no understanding of promotion and market research. It is useless to think about development prospects at such enterprises.

The distrust of Russian people also slows down the implementation of Internet marketing. Often business owners refuse to do business online because they believe that people will not buy goods that they cannot touch with their hands or see with their own eyes. This is probably why Aliexpress and eBay are so popular?

In addition to mistrust of goods that cannot be touched, there is also mistrust of electronic wallets, although they are commonplace. Potential buyers believe that the money may go missing, the tax office will come “on time” to the business owners, or the sellers may receive the money and disappear. This attitude hinders the development of Internet marketing and making profits online.

True, there are changes, and the number of buyers in online stores is growing, so perhaps in a few years trust in online goods and services will be high. Such promotion will not only allow your business to develop much faster, but also to buy high-quality goods and services at the best prices without losing quality.

How to study internet marketing

  1. Textbooks

There are many textbooks on Internet marketing on the Internet that will help you get into the profession from scratch. Fans of paper versions can purchase them in the store, but the choice is not so large, and the cost may be too high.

In order not to read everything in a row (not all books are useful), you can go to professional forums and ask about interesting and useful books on Internet marketing. Typically, marketers are happy to share information.

It’s also worth reading “Encyclopedia of Search Engine Promotion” from Ingate and “Search Engine Optimization from A to Z” on seobuilding. It’s great if you have the ability to read in English, since a lot of useful books have been written in it that have not been translated into Russian. In this case, you should check out books from HubSpot - almost all e-books are free and suitable for both beginners and professionals.

  1. Magazines, blogs, forums on Internet marketing

Any newbie will find information here. You can subscribe to the most popular online publications about marketing, visit forums for marketers and SEOs. You can subscribe to watcher, searchengines (there is also a forum here). On the forums you can ask all your questions; professionals usually do their best to help a beginner. It would also be useful to look through old topics - there is a lot of interesting and useful stuff there.

Personal blogs of promotion specialists are a storehouse of valuable information that is shared for free. These are not just articles, but real experience that will help you avoid millions of mistakes. On search engine promotion you can read Roman Rybalchenko, Sergei Koksharov and Alexey Terekhov, Marina Lazareva and Andrey Zyuzikov will help you understand social media.

And this is a very small part of useful blogs. Upon request in search engines, many useful resources will appear that will teach you how to promote online professionally for free and avoid many mistakes.

The blogs of companies that engage in online promotion are very interesting. Among them are Texterra, Netpeak, Aweb. Both Yandex and Google have blogs.

  1. Internet resources

Whatever you say, the West and America have long surpassed everyone in Internet marketing. Foreign resources are everything, so knowledge of English is very welcome. Almost all marketing and many technologies came from the West, so in order to keep up with them, you need to get used to reading English-language resources. Thanks to them, we will be able to be ahead of other Internet promoters in our country. This is adult marketing.

Popular online marketing resources are mashable, searchengineland, hubspot, socialmediaexaminer. By reading foreign resources, you can always foresee that new technologies will come to us in the near future, and be prepared for them in advance.

  1. Thematic webinars, conferences, training videos

Webinars are very useful, as they often touch on issues that are not written about in published articles and books. That is, these are new ideas and features, they are never superfluous. At the same time, you can get acquainted with the tools that your colleagues use and implement them in your work, or at least try them.

Most webinars are free and recorded on video, so if you wish, you can find materials in search engines. The more experienced the speaker and the more interesting he is, the higher the likelihood that something will stick in his head, and that new thoughts and ideas will “pop up”.

You can watch free webinars at Netology, Ingate, MegaIndex (here you can also watch online conferences).

Google has useful webinars on contextual advertising. Yandex is also keeping up with the global giant.

There are also plenty of educational video courses on the Internet; the most important thing when choosing them is relevance. Information quickly becomes outdated, so there is no point in looking at and adopting useless information. The informativeness and interest of the video can be determined by the comments to it.

UsabilityLab has training videos that are required viewing for all marketers who promote resources (especially online stores) online.

  1. Thematic events

They are often closed, but there are also events specifically for beginners.

Here you can get useful information, new acquaintances from the field of activity you are interested in (and this is also useful information that they can share). It is better for beginners not to go to large conferences, as it is very expensive. They are usually held for large agencies that don't mind shelling out a couple of hundred dollars to attend a conference that may not be useful.

The main ideas of the conference, most likely, can then be read on Twitter. Small conferences are useful. There you can get useful information and meet people.

Yes, yes, they are used not only for communication and entertainment. There are many professional communities on social networks where you can glean a huge number of useful ideas and learn from the experience of others.

It is worth subscribing to the pages of companies and people who are engaged in Internet marketing - important and interesting first-hand information often appears there. These subscriptions can be an alternative to email subscriptions or even a better choice for learning online marketing. This will allow you to always be aware of events, without having to sort out electronic correspondence.

The news feed will promptly contain information about changes in search engines, new methods and tools, and advertisements for a new training course or webinar.

You can subscribe to communities and people on Twitter and Facebook or VKontakte and view them in the evenings. Useful announcements are always published on Twitter, so if you have free time during the day, you can follow the link and read marketing news. Useful information that you don’t have time for at the moment is worth adding to your bookmarks.

  1. Freelance exchanges

This is a smooth transition from theory to practice. You need to choose a convenient freelance exchange (it’s better not to choose the most popular one, since all the places there have long been occupied by people who have been working there for many years).

You don’t have to look for a job on job exchanges; you can simply look through vacancies and advertisements - from them you can glean information about what is most valued by customers, what skills are in demand and what are not - and develop what the employer needs most. You need to analyze the ads and make a list of knowledge gaps. Then replenish them with the help of the resources described above and finally enter the Internet marketing market!


Internet Marketing- this is a difficult but very exciting activity that has great prospects for the future. Analytics, psychology, mathematics, management - this is the small amount of knowledge that will be required to study and apply Internet marketing in practice. The activity will make the brain move and always be in good shape, therefore, of course, marketing on the Internet deserves interest and attention!

Learn in detail about what Internet marketing is, what tools are used to implement it in business promotion, and what effective strategies look like. What is the essence of each individual advertising tool, and what are the main components of modern Internet marketing? A detailed analysis of the concept in simple words.

The Internet has become an integral part of any business. Every entrepreneur tries to promote their goods or services on the global network, using various tools. Every second company has its own website. already number in the millions.

E-commerce is gradually beginning to prevail over its traditional brother. On the Internet it is now much easier to attract more buyers and clients, promote the company and increase the loyalty of the target audience to the brand. To do this, it is enough to resort to Internet marketing.

What is Internet marketing: a detailed analysis of the concept

Internet marketing is a set of marketing techniques on the Internet aimed at attracting the attention of the target audience (potential buyers and clients) to goods and services. They allow you to promote your website, make it popular, increase audience loyalty and get more sales.

Internet marketing is the most important component of online commerce. Without it, it is impossible to promote a product or service online and make a good profit.

“Internet marketing is the practice of using elements of classical marketing on the Internet, which also affects a mix of: product, price, place of distribution of the product and its promotion.”

Andrey Gavrikov – General Director of the marketing group “Completo”

Marketing on the Internet involves the use of a number of tools:

  • SEO promotion.
  • Email marketing.
  • Advertising on social networks.
  • Banner advertising.
  • Traffic arbitrage.
  • Video.

To achieve the best results, you must use all available online marketing tools. Each tool will be described in detail below.

A detailed analysis of all internet marketing tools

SEO promotion

SEO (search engine optimization) is search engine optimization of a website in order to increase its position in Yandex or Google search results for certain key phrases (search queries). The main task of SEO is to make a website visible in a search engine to the target audience.

Search engine optimization is as follows:

  • Placement of texts (articles) relevant to the search query on the website pages.
  • Internal linking of all website pages.
  • External links to the site (purchased link mass).
  • Optimizing images on website pages.
  • Creating convenient usability.
  • Reduced page loading speed.
  • Website adaptability for any device (PC, laptop, smartphone, tablet, etc.).

The advantage of SEO optimization is the low cost of SEO services, since most often you pay for the service once. Although, over time, the site’s high rankings begin to fall, due to the fact that competitors’ resources are constantly appearing on the Internet. And from time to time the site should be analyzed. Moreover, competitors' websites are also analyzed in order to ultimately make your resource better than theirs.

The disadvantage of SEO optimization is that it is difficult to do on your own. And even if you try to understand all the intricacies of SEO, without the proper experience you can only harm your resource. Therefore, it is more advisable to hire an experienced optimizer.

Email marketing (Email newsletter)

With the help of email marketing, you can create and strengthen reliable relationships with your target audience, which are potential or repeat buyers and clients. This is also an excellent opportunity to study people’s needs and collect their opinions on a particular area of ​​their activity.

Email marketing has a number of advantages:

  • The ability to quickly gather a base of interested people, the majority of whom will become clients of the company.
  • Minimum investment in this type of business promotion. That is, you can conduct the mailing yourself, without involving specialists. Moreover, modern services allow you to fully automate email marketing - create a series of letters that will be automatically sent out at a given time.
  • Email marketing is not spam. After all, subscribers themselves signed up for letters, which means they are interested in receiving them.
  • The newsletter allows you to “warm up” the audience, gain their trust and encourage them to take action - buying a product, ordering services, signing up for a training, etc.
  • Thanks to email marketing, customers or clients are always aware of the latest news or promotions of a particular company.
  • The ability to create communications between the company and consumers of services or goods.
  • Personalization of letters based on customer information allows you to increase the efficiency of mailing.

When it comes to implementing email marketing, the process is quite simple. It is enough to register in a special mailing service, create a series of letters and place a special form on the website. Interested users will enter their data into it (most often this is a name and email).

In addition to the automatic series of emails, you can always send a separate email, for example, with information about new discounts and promotions or with useful content.

contextual advertising

  • Contextual advertising is displayed at the top and bottom of search results for specific search queries. It can also be displayed to the right of the issue.
  • Contextual advertising is displayed in the email menu.
  • Contextual advertising is displayed on website pages. Moreover, it can be placed in any convenient place - the main thing is that it attracts attention and the user cannot pass by it.

The most popular platforms offering contextual advertising services are the domestic Yandex.Direct and the foreign Google.AdSense.

The disadvantage is the complexity of setting up an advertising campaign. If you configure it incorrectly, you can lose your entire advertising budget and not get clients. However, this can be easily solved - just hire a competent director.

Advertising on social networks (targeting)

Social networks are one of the best tools for attracting target audiences for the purpose of subsequent sales of goods and services. They are used by a huge number of people, whose attention is not so difficult to attract. In addition, social networks open up a number of opportunities for companies and entrepreneurs.

Secondly, all users use a familiar and simple interface, which simplifies feedback from the target audience and ways to demonstrate their products, services, achievements, examples of work, prices, etc.

Thirdly, social networks make it possible to provide consultations in real time, quickly respond to questions in discussions, and also conduct various surveys to study consumer demand (marketing research) and preferences of the target audience.

Fourthly, clients and customers can communicate with each other, and thereby free the community administrator from resolving a number of issues.

Sixth, you can attract new customers and community members through promotions and prize draws for certain actions.

You can also use targeted advertising on the social network, which resembles contextual advertising. Advertisements are displayed on user pages. At the same time, they are seen only by the target audience interested in what the advertisement offers.

Banner advertising on websites

This type of advertising involves purchasing space on third-party sites for an advertising banner of the required size. Sites are usually selected so that they are thematically related to the advertised product, product or service.

Banners are most often clicked on by interested people. This means that only the target audience will go to the website or online store. All this helps to increase sales. At the same time, advertising itself can be extremely effective with a monthly expenditure of only 5,000 rubles.

Video channel on YouTube

Free video hosting YouTube is also an effective tool for advertising a company. But the strategy here is completely different.

In particular, the channel constantly needs to upload video reviews of products and new products, training videos that will help people learn more about the product and confirm the company’s expertise. Posting video reviews from clients and customers has become very popular, as they inspire more confidence than reviews in text format.

For clarity, you can take a company that sells electronic cigarettes and components for them. In this case, you can post not only product reviews, but also training videos on servicing steam generators. That is, how to fill the liquid correctly, how to regulate its supply, how to extend the life of the battery, what should not be done when operating and maintaining electronic cigarettes, etc.

The video shouldn't sell. It should convey valuable information to potential customers. Then they will have complete confidence in the competence and reliability of the company. Which will have a positive impact on the popularity of the brand and the number of sales in the future.

However, if there is no desire, time or opportunity to run a commercial channel on YouTube, then it is enough to order advertising in videos from top vloggers (video bloggers). This will also give a good increase in traffic to the site and increase sales profits.

Traffic arbitrage

Traffic arbitrage allows you to attract only targeted visitors to your website using online advertising, which will allow you to spend your advertising budget profitably. In this case, affiliate programs are used, the main task of which is not to get more clicks or views, but to encourage a person to take some action.

The cheapest traffic now comes from teaser networks. And in the overwhelming majority of cases, this traffic is targeted and solvent.

That is, in essence, traffic arbitrage includes all existing tools for advertising on the Internet:

  • Contextual advertising.
  • Banner advertising.
  • Targeted advertising.
  • Advertising through affiliate or teaser networks.

This is why traffic arbitrage is a rather difficult job for an unprepared person. Therefore, it is advisable to attract an experienced specialist to carry out such a versatile advertising campaign, so that there is confidence that the budget allocated for advertising will not “go down the drain.”

The main components of effective internet marketing

The main components of content marketing are:

  • Goods, product or service. Everything must be of high quality, competitive and preferably unique.
  • Price. The cost of goods on the Internet should be lower than offline.
  • Website. The official web resource is a point of sale of goods and services on the Internet.
  • Promotion. That is, using all possible and available advertising tools on the Internet in order to increase site traffic, attract more customers and make a good profit from sales.

We should also not forget about the target audience, which needs to be comprehensively studied and analyzed. The content that fills the site’s pages deserves special attention - it should be optimized and contain information useful to the target audience.

However, you cannot achieve good results if you do not properly develop an Internet marketing strategy.

What effective internet marketing strategies look like

Comprehensive Internet Marketing

In this case, a set of tools is used to promote the site, products and services. That is, an official company website is created, a group on social networks is created, and contextual advertising is launched in search engines.

Complexity should not be understood as using all the tools at once. Not all promotion methods are suitable for a specific business. Therefore, before choosing what will be used for advertising on the Internet, it is better to consult a competent Internet marketer on this issue.

“It is necessary to study the business in detail and understand how audited business goals can be transferred, and whether they can be transferred to the Internet at all. This is the experience of Internet marketers and Internet marketing companies, which helps to correctly formulate goals and transfer them to the network.”

Vladimir Davydov is the head of the projects department of the Kompleto company.

Viral Internet Marketing

In this case, we are talking about creating a media virus that will be distributed almost free of charge to the target audience over the network. This can be various Flash animations, videos, original and unique content that has not previously been published on more than one site.

You can place such a “virus” anywhere – on a website, blog, social networks, YouTube and other Internet resources.


Of course, internet marketing is a useful tool for any business. But you need to be able to use it correctly. Any mistake can lead to serious consequences and tarnish the good name of the company.

Promoting your own business using Internet marketing is extremely difficult. This takes a huge amount of time. Therefore, it is advisable to hire an Internet marketer for such work. All expenses for his services will pay off within 1 month.

Hello, dear readers. Each of you has come across the concept of marketing in your life. This is understandable, because this phenomenon concerns not only businessmen, but also those who consume the final products or services of enterprises. Today, the World Wide Web has become one of the most popular platforms for promoting manufactured goods, therefore, marketing efforts have moved to the virtual environment, acquiring a separate name: Internet marketing. Gradually, various types of Internet marketing emerged, which every successful businessman, newbie or old-timer in the business sector needs to have an idea of.

The article below, which describes its main types and their application, will help you correctly implement Internet marketing into your business. We advise you to start reading carefully and take away as much information as possible that is useful for the development of your enterprise.

Modern business organizations today have almost all acquired electronic resources on the Internet. They contain product catalogs, information reports about the company, sections for the press and consumers, and the like. The creation of such a resource is carried out for the following purposes:

  • sales promotion;
  • image development.

If the development of an image is most often really activated by adding various types of information to a website in a specialized section, then there is no guarantee that the creation of a network platform will stimulate sales. To increase them, you need to promote it with the help of Internet marketing tools, which are skillfully used by specialists in the field.

So, let’s define the very concept of Internet marketing. This is a set of methods for accumulating consumer attention around the products or services of a company on the Internet. Simply put, the same promotion as in life, carried out using methods different from the standard marketing process due to a change in the platform of action, that is, a transition from reality to a virtual environment.

The phenomenon complex consists of four elements. In English, their name sounds like “the rule of four R (English)”, since the four elements are denoted by four words starting with the English letter R. Let's look at them in order and translate them into Russian.

Product– a product produced by a company and promoted on the Internet. Its peculiarity is the increased level of competition, since the “enemies” in the market are similar products sold:

  • online;
  • offline.

Price– it is believed that the cost of goods sold via the Internet is much lower than those laid out on shelves, since specialized sales premises are not rented for the former. In addition, some modern trading technologies also imply the absence of costs for transportation and storage of goods. One of these technologies is dropshipping, which involves delivering goods to the buyer directly from the manufacturer, bypassing the seller.

Point of sale (Place)– actually the place where goods and consumers will interact. In Internet marketing, this is not a real, but a virtual place:

  • landing page;
  • public on a social network;
  • Web site;
  • announcement, etc.

The more carefully the place of interaction is selected, the more willing consumers are to buy the product. Yes, a lot depends not on the interestingness of the product, but on the convenience of purchasing it and communicating with the seller in the process.

This point is often the stumbling block of many campaigns that cope well with other elements. Either they can’t make the site’s usability easy to use, or they can’t set sales consultants in the right professional mood. In this case, there is no point in relying on the competitiveness of the proposed product; it will not yield anything.

Promotion– another translation option sounds like “promotion”. Today, the word promotion in its original form is often used by marketing specialists, as it most fully describes the meaning of the element, which is sales promotion by developing the image of the product.

The task of Internet marketing is to maximize product sales

The main task of Internet marketing is traditional, the same as for classical marketing - to maximize sales, increase the effect of customer visits to points of sale, only in this case the points of sale are not ground-based points. This goal is achieved through various types of Internet marketing tools. In the next paragraph we look at them in more detail.

Video – Introduction to Internet Marketing

Types of Internet promotion

Let's start looking at Internet-based promotion tools.

SEO promotion

Search engine promotion of web pages is one of the types of Internet marketing. All modern network specialists know how this technology works. There are search engines, the most popular of which are:

  • Internet giant Google;
  • leader of the Runet "Yandex".

They provide users with search results for their queries. For example, “buy wooden furniture in Moscow” is one of the most typical questions. The results that appear on the search results page will be links to online stores in Moscow selling furniture made from different types of wood. Think about it, some of them got to the top search results for a reason, because others remain behind everyone else, on pages 4, 5 and beyond. Users are unlikely to ever reach these numbers when searching, which means a complete financial collapse of the business.

If recently the World Wide Web simply brought people the information they needed, today it has turned into a convenient marketplace. The number of Internet users is increasing every day, it has become possible to pay online without leaving the computer, communication technologies also do not stand still. In general, only the lazy would not take advantage of the favorable conditions of the network to set up their own business. Luckily, internet marketing works equally well for all market niches. Your site needs to appear in the top places of search engines for several reasons.

  1. The first links are perceived by buyers as the most prestigious, therefore, their credibility is at the highest level, in comparison with links that occupy positions on the fifth or sixth page of the search.
  2. The location of site links in the first rows also affects users in unconscious ways. They are noticed first, therefore, according to statistics, they attract more than 95% of attention.

These two reasons are significant enough to start selecting the right queries and adding them to the text content of the resource. Remember, specialists in the field should work with SEO optimization, so you can maximize the result in the shortest possible time. They will immediately draw up a list of requests and develop a strategy for further promotion.

Another reason that encourages you to create your own resource and optimize it with SEO technologies is to maintain the company’s image. Imagine you are selling a product that is in demand and loved by consumers. One of them wants to make a call to the company and get advice regarding some properties of the product, makes a request to a search engine and... does not find the company’s website. Believe me, a poor resource is better than none, because the reaction to its absence will be as follows: a person will refuse to buy the product and go to competitors, whose website, by the way, will be found by entering a search query. This type of Internet marketing is in demand more than ever. Don't downplay its importance.

Newsletter by email

The stereotypical thinking of modern entrepreneurs makes them associate sending emails with unpleasant spam, annoyingly drawing the attention of consumers. This idea is fundamentally wrong. Yes, many companies that hire unprofessional workers send out spam: they offer to buy a product, aggressively promote it, and only push them away.

This method differs from email marketing in its intrusiveness and assertiveness.

Table 1. Comparison of email marketing and spam

Mailing listSpam
mailing is carried out to the email addresses of people who voluntarily left a request to receive additional information on the company’s web resourceletters are sent based on illegally purchased user databases of Internet mail services
mailing is carried out to people initially interested in the brand’s productsusers did not give voluntary consent to receive the newsletter
the content contained in the letters is interesting to users, in addition, it is predicted by themboring content that is not relevant for the user who received the letter, since getting a “finger in the sky” from an illegally purchased address database is very, very difficult
this technique of attracting consumer attention is honest, it is not intrusive and does not provoke a flurry of negative emotions from the consumerinformation disseminated in a letter often contains false information or data that does not fully correspond to reality
The newsletter works to increase the level of customer loyalty to the companymailing harms the company's image

As you can see, spam is like a kind of virtual attack that does not give the user any peace. It’s especially annoying when work emails receive letters with incomprehensible content that distract attention and cause anger and rejection. You can deal with spam by enabling special settings in your mail. With their help, all incoming spam will be sent to the disposal folder of the same name, where it will remain without catching the user’s eye. It turns out that not only consumers lose from the presence of spam, but also companies that paid some money for the mail base, which ultimately went to waste.

Email newsletters work great as a lead generator – potential buyers. The fact is that it does not contain a call to purchase; on the contrary, it is about getting acquainted with the goods, due to which negative reactions are rarely caused.

Email marketing is the most effective channel for attracting consumers. In addition, it requires a modest budget, since mailing services charge a relatively small fee for the work. The process takes place in three stages.

  1. Development of a mailing strategy. It involves the development of an existing mailing list by identifying the correct target audience, its characteristics, competitive strategies, compiling a list of goals and objectives, as well as setting a deadline, frequency of mailing releases and selecting a service.
  2. Prescribing a content placement plan. This stage is carried out by determining the company’s communication style, developing a monthly plan of topics, a script, etc.
  3. Installation of an interactive form to be filled out on the website that receives consumer data.


This acronym stands for social media marketing. With the help of this type of Internet marketing, traffic is actively accumulated and consumers’ attention is attracted to a brand or an individual product.

SMM is not a specific action, but a complex of them that works to solve entrepreneurial problems and achieve business goals

The main work is being done to create selected content that will be so interesting that it can be spread across the network by the hands of registered users. A peculiarity of consumer psychology is that advertising messages distributed on social networks are perceived with a greater degree of confidence, since they actually turn into recommendations and are not subject to doubt, because the organizer does not obviously take part in the distribution. Working with the space of social networks makes it possible to reproduce the impact on consumers of a targeted nature, by selecting platforms with a specific topic where a given audience is concentrated. In addition, the social network allows you to interact with it in a suitable way.

It must be said that using social networks you can promote not only products or services, but also information content. This explains the mandatory presence of public pages from news portals on all major social networks. This is done to generate traffic.

Strategically, the SMM is divided into two groups:

  • open;
  • hidden.

Of course, SMM alone as an Internet marketing tool for the successful promotion of a company on the Internet will not be enough, but not using it means missing out on a significant part of the movement of progress.

A good social media manager should have the following set of skills:

  • knowledge of social media targeting;
  • understanding of advertising mechanisms;
  • forecasting the budget for contextual advertising;
  • holding various events such as competitions;
  • interaction with geoservices;
  • viral marketing management;
  • designing special projects, etc.

Contextual advertising

This type of Internet marketing is one of the leading tools and main components of online promotion. It represents advertisements that are displayed to the user based on the queries he makes in the search engine. Advertising contextual messages look like links at the top of the main list of resources in the search results, posters on the right side of the search page and posters on the right side at the bottom of the screen.

  • flash videos;
  • gif images;
  • Pictures;
  • links, etc.

This type of advertising has a high degree of effectiveness, lasting a short period of time. With its help, you can quickly attract the attention of a significant segment of the target audience, however, it works well only on products known to the market. It is unlikely that it will be possible to introduce a new product to a serious market due to the short duration of the resulting effect.

The following features made this type of Internet marketing a popular tool.

  1. The ability to filter out non-targeted demonstrations by regulating the time and geography of display. For example, you open a sports equipment store for residents of snowy Siberian regions. Therefore, there is no point in demonstrating the goods to Muscovites, especially in the morning. It is fortunate that search engine advertising systems allow specific adjustment of the above parameters, thereby maximizing the positive effect.
  2. Short period for receiving the first response. The fact is that as soon as you pay for contextual advertising, it begins to be shown to network users who enter thematic queries related to the advertisement. The influx of visitors starts almost immediately, which is a very pleasant property of contextual advertising.
  3. Adjusting parameters. During your campaign, you may feel like you need to change a few parameters to make things more efficient. Don’t worry, at any time you can adjust the display parameters completely free of charge, while continuing to pay for clicks, not transitions based on characteristics.
  4. No need for a large budget. Since the advertiser pays for the system in one click, you can limit the budget yourself. The cost per click is indicated initially. Even a small number of clicks brings in significant money, so contextual advertising most often justifies the expense. Select the appropriate amount and deposit it into your account. Once the funds run out, the work will stop and you can bring in the next batch of money to resume the process.

Display advertising

In another way, media advertising is called banner advertising, as it is represented by dynamic or statistical images that advertise products succinctly and attractively, briefly telling about the essence of the product being promoted and arousing special interest in it.

The advantages of this type of Internet marketing include the following points.

  1. Search results are solid text, while a banner is a media unit that attracts attention. This increases the chance of attracting the attention of a network user. This banner placement function is used mainly by the popular search engine in Russia, Yandex.
  2. One of the most used platforms for placing banners is thematic sites, due to which there is an effective “lassoing” of the target audience. For example, a recipe site is more attractive to women who are hospitable housewives, therefore, advertising a multicooker using a banner on this resource is a great idea.
  3. Graphic elements bring tangible benefits to the process of developing a brand image. Simply put, it increases the memorability of the logo, company name, and the like.

To solve your promotion tasks using banner advertising, you need to take care of the following points:

  • develop an idea;
  • write a script;
  • implementing ideas is non-trivial;
  • develop a landing page (), which a link will lead to after clicking the banner;
  • organize the placement of the banner on thematic platforms.

The budget for the company is not limited; it is formed based on the capabilities of the advertiser and the specifics of his request. Of course, to achieve a high level of efficiency, it is advisable not to skimp.

Traffic arbitrage

This term refers to the process of redirecting a network user from one electronic resource to another. Actually, these users are traffic. It is measured in people who visited the resource during the reporting time period, usually a day. It is produced by services at the request of the advertiser for a fee. In fact, one resource resells its user flow to another. This is beneficial when the seller has an abundance of visitors, and the buyer has the opposite.

Reselling traffic is carried out by purchasing it from search engine advertising systems. The most famous among them are Google and Yandex, which have stable advertising services. With the help of traffic arbitrage, information is disseminated very well and sales of products from the following areas are stimulated:

  • credit banking;
  • educational activities.

There are also entire traffic exchanges where you can sell or buy visitors, but you won’t be able to make a lot of money on them, the prices are wrong.

As you already understand, traffic is ultimately converted into sales and will bring the entrepreneur to achieve the desired goal. Its source can be absolutely any link leading to the customer’s website.


Placing affiliate links or affiliate marketing is another considered tool for promoting a resource on the network. This technology involves paying network partners who place referral links on the Internet leading to the customer’s page demonstrating the promoted product. Payment for the work of partners is made for the completion of a targeted action by the consumer. It could be:

  • click (go to page);
  • registration of a subscription;
  • purchase, etc.

With or without the profit received, the customer is forced to pay the partner, since the targeted action does not always, but potentially brings him an amount of money that exceeds the cost of the webmaster’s work several times.

  • on the pages of personal social network accounts;
  • in social network groups;
  • thematic forums;
  • own websites;
  • blogs, etc.

Advantages of affiliate programs.

  1. Rapidly increase the effectiveness of marketing companies.
  2. The budget is used to pay for targeted actions.
  3. The audience growth is solid due to clear coverage of the potential audience.


Work with videos is carried out through channels hosted on the popular hosting of the Internet giant Google - YouTube. The number of views of some of the works exhibited there exceeds several million. Because video captures a lot of attention, it is a cost-effective source of generating leads.

Videos are an effective means of attracting the attention of RuNet users

Thanks to the development of technology, today it is possible to make a suitable video at a low cost. Considering that the requirements for online advertising are lower than for television advertising, you won’t have to spend fabulous sums.

A video containing an advertising message is placed immediately before or during the display of the main video on the channel of a partner of the Google advertising network. Each partner and their channel has specific requirements, so you can rest assured that you will get the right quality for your money.

Conducting Internet-based marketing processes: advantages

Internet marketing has a number of undeniable advantages that force any practical entrepreneur to say “yes” to online promotion. Let's look at them.

  1. Completeness of information received by consumers. A big plus, since in fact the consumer is immediately aware of all the properties of the product or service, receiving comprehensive information.
  2. Traditional advertising has indicators that are significantly less successful than advertising on the Internet. Its price-quality ratio simply cannot be compared with the same criteria for online promotion. The fact is that television, radio, the press, and billboards are expensive for advertisers; the costs are rarely recouped. Yes, a wide audience is reached, but what percentage of it turns out to be the target? Extremely small. Today, expensive advertising plays the role of an image tool that builds a brand’s reputation. Online advertising accompanies the visitor’s search queries and almost always corresponds to the context of the messages he or she sets. In addition, there is a certain involvement of the potential client in the process of interaction with the company, which in the future brings the conclusion of many profitable transactions. The Internet involves showing advertising messages specifically to representatives of the target audience. Money no longer goes to waste, but works for you.
  3. Availability of studying information from anywhere in the world. While on vacation, you will be able to receive information about the work of any domestic cosmetics company that produces products with a 100% natural composition. And it is absolutely not necessary to relax in your native land.
  4. Ease of use. Internet marketing tools are available for use by any entrepreneur. Of course, it is best to turn to specialists in the field; fortunately, today each of the areas has received widespread development and there are more than enough professionals in the labor market. By the way, many of them earn extra money in addition to their official work and will gladly take on an order to promote a small enterprise. You can find the right person on, for example:
    1. Fl.ru;
    2. Etxt.ru;
    3. Freelance.ru;
    4. Freelansim.ru, etc.

If the owner of the company has an understanding of the work of search engines and the preparation of competent advertising texts, then in general he can try his luck on his own and cross out this column from budget expenses.

Let's sum it up

In the age of maximum development of innovative technologies, people began to move from standard ways of obtaining information and entertainment to interacting with the World Wide Web. Stopping watching television and reading newspapers is nothing new. And why waste time on the listed media when the Internet offers a high degree of efficiency, truthfulness and efficiency.

Shopping online is common today

Soon the market and promotion will move to a greater extent online. It is already impossible to find a company that does not have at least a simple electronic resource with information about itself and a product catalog. The absence of this is considered bad manners and makes the company uncompetitive. The monthly increase in the number of sales made on the Internet beats known previous indicators.

Communication on the Internet takes a minimum amount of time, is fast and efficient. In a few seconds you can become the owner of both an e-book and a very real sofa. Let's hope that after reading the article, you will understand the true essence and importance of promoting company products on the Internet and take advantage of this opportunity to achieve incredible success.

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