Home Other Translator from German to Russian is the correct one to photograph. Quickly translate text from photos on Android, iOC, Windows Phone

Translator from German to Russian is the correct one to photograph. Quickly translate text from photos on Android, iOC, Windows Phone

Hello, dear friends and blog guests! In this short but informative article, I will try to tell you a very necessary thing. As you probably already guessed from the title, this is how to translate text from a photo from any language and into any language. There are such cases among bloggers, or it is simply necessary to urgently copy the desired text from a picture and translate it into some language. But this can be somewhat problematic! Since the text from the photo is not copied separately and you simply cannot convert it to text mode. What to do in such cases? Is there a way out of this? Of course there is! This is what I will tell you about now. Go...

Having found myself in a situation where I urgently and quickly needed to translate text from a photo from English into Russian, I honestly became somewhat confused and plunged into a slight stupor. Having surfed the Internet and looked for special online services that offer their services for translating pictures into text, I was also a little disappointed. Many of them did not cope with my task at all, and some only halfway (the translation was so disgusting that it was simply terrible!). Other online services for recognizing texts from pictures simply produced some kind of gibberish instead of coherent text.

We translate text from photos online efficiently and quickly!

Here is this translator who translates text from photos online quickly, efficiently and from any language in the world - Yandex translate

Did you guess it? Surely! What other online translator can help us besides Yandex?!

All you need to do is follow the link above and upload the desired picture with text in almost any language in the world, and click on the button to translate. All! Your picture with the existing text will be immediately translated correctly and you will also be able to copy this text. It is very practical and convenient! Here's a look at the screenshots of how to translate text from a photo online in Yandex translator:

Now one clear example of translating a picture into text in the Yandex translator. When you have uploaded your picture, then the Yandex text recognition service, after clicking on the “Open in translator” button:

It will immediately translate for you the required text from a photo or picture into any world language you specify. Here's how to “translate photos to text online” in the screenshot:

Now you know how to quickly and efficiently translate any picture or photo that contains text.

Yes, here I wrote about another convenient and necessary online service that can . Take a look, maybe it will be useful?

That's all for today! Good luck to everyone and see you again!

There is no doubt that sometimes you have to work with documents containing graphic images with some text in a foreign language that needs to be translated. We will now discuss how to translate text from a picture or convert it into a readable format. It should be noted that this procedure includes several main stages that need to be paid special attention to.

How to translate text from a picture: options

Let's start with the fact that any program must initially recognize text in graphic format, then determine the language in which it is written, and, finally, translate it. The main problem that most users face is not even text or language recognition, but the fact that most translation programs are not efficient enough in terms of translation. In fact, this is the so-called machine translation, which is not welcomed by many, since it may contain errors associated with the morphology of the language itself used initially.

However, if you try, for example, to translate English text from a picture, the procedure may be as follows:

  • converting graphics into text format;
  • language recognition (optional);
  • editing the original text (preferably, but not required);
  • translation.

Text recognition using ABBYY FineReader

In the first stage, when the user has an image with text in a foreign language, it should be translated into regular text format. The ABBYY FineReader software package, considered a leader in its field, is best suited for this.

Text recognition is quite simple. In the program itself, you need to open the desired graphic file (or simply drag it into the application field), then click the recognition button and wait for the process to complete. If desired, you can set the language of the source document (if there are several of them, it is possible to set a parameter such as, for example, Russian + English).


When the text is recognized, it can be copied for further pasting into any text editor or translator, but it is possible to quickly save it in any other format. For ease of use, it is better to choose the DOCX format, which is the main format for MS Word.

Inserting a fragment into text editors

Now the text needs to be inserted into the editor. When copying selected text or a fragment in FineReader into the Word editor, pasting is done from the clipboard with the corresponding command from the menu or the keyboard shortcut Ctrl + V (everyone knows this). If the initial text was saved as a file, you just need to open it using menu commands or a regular double-click on the document.

Now the most important problem is how to translate text from a picture into Word? Alas, no way. This one is simply not intended for translations. But there is a way out. The program allows you to install special add-ons in your environment (“Rue”, “Play”, etc.). After installation, an additional section appears in the editor itself on the main panel and a button for quick access to the translation operation. Just select the desired fragment and activate the translation.

How to translate text from a picture in a translator?

A fairly good translation method is to use specialized programs or online services. One of the most powerful is the translate.ru service or a similar translator program PROMPT, which is installed on your computer. In any case, you need to insert the recognized text or fragment into the translator, indicate the translation direction and press the start button. Depending on the volume, the translation may take some time. True, the online translator has limitations on the number of characters that can be inserted into the main field for the source text. In addition, it is a machine translation system. But in most cases, translation is carried out not by individual words, but by entire phrases or sentences, taking into account the specifics of their construction and even idiomatic expressions.

You can, of course, turn to resources where “live” translators perform such operations, but, as a rule, they are all paid, and the translation, based on the volume and complexity of the text, can take quite a lot of time. But in programs you can make, so to speak, a rough translation, and if you speak a language, you can do the final editing yourself.

Using Screen Translator

But here we have a program that converts source material from a picture into text, and from one language to another quickly and confidently without any transformations that were described above. The fact is that it already has built-in text recognition (Tesseract) and translation (Google Translate) engines. How to translate text from a picture using it? Very simple! To capture a text fragment, use the key combination Ctrl + Alt + Z, then, while holding down the left mouse button, the fragment of interest to the user is selected, and after a while the results appear - a window with the recognized text and below a window with the translation.

Nuances of recognition and translation

How to translate text from a picture is already a little clear. Now a few words about additional actions at all stages. To obtain a high-quality translation, it is advisable to immediately edit the recognized text fragment (correct grammatical errors, remove extra spaces or perform formatting). In the future, this will simplify the work of the translator application, since some programs may perceive the same spaces as the end of a sentence.

Machine translation is recommended to be used exclusively as a draft, since texts with a specific focus (technology, pharmaceuticals, etc.) cannot always be translated correctly due to the presence of many terms in them that are simply not present in the database of an online resource or program. But in the same translate.ru service or a similar stationary program, you can initially indicate the area of ​​​​use of the source text (computers, technology, medicine, etc.). This will make the translator's task even easier.


That, in fact, is all that concerns the translation of texts from pictures. What to use? It seems that it is best to first do recognition, then edit, and then translate in the program. Screen Translator shows good results, but by and large, none of the currently created programs can translate text from one language to another completely correctly. This is only due to the fact that any language has its own morphological characteristics.

Sometimes users need to translate a caption from a photo. Entering all the text into the translator manually is not always convenient, so you should resort to an alternative option. You can use specialized services that recognize inscriptions on images and translate them. Today we will talk about two such online resources.

Of course, if the quality of the photo is terrible, the text is out of focus, or it’s impossible to even make out some of the details yourself, no website will be able to translate it. However, if you have a high-quality photograph, translation will not be difficult.

Method 1: Yandex.Translator

The well-known company Yandex has long developed its own text translation service. There is a tool that allows you to identify and translate the inscriptions on it through a photo loaded into it. This task is completed in just a few clicks:

  1. Open the main page of the Yandex.Translator website and move to the section "Picture" by clicking on the corresponding button.
  2. Select the language you want to translate from. If it is unknown to you, leave a tick next to the item "Auto-detection".
  3. Next, using the same principle, indicate the language in which you want to receive information.
  4. Click on the link "Choose File" or drag the image to the specified area.
  5. You need to select the picture in the browser and click on the button "Open".
  6. Those areas of the picture that the service was able to translate will be marked in yellow.
  7. Click on one of them to see the result.
  8. If you want to continue working with this text, click on the link "Open in Translator".
  9. The inscription that Yandex.Translator was able to recognize will be displayed on the left, and the resulting result will be shown on the right. Now you can use all the available functions of this service - editing, dubbing, dictionaries and much more.

It took just a few minutes to translate the text from a photo using the online resource in question. As you can see, there is nothing complicated about this and even an inexperienced user can cope with the task.

Method 2: Free Online OCR

The English-language Free Online OCR site works in a similar way to the previous representative, however, its operating principle and some functions are different, so let’s look at it and the translation process in more detail:

  1. While on the Free Online OCR home page, click on the button "Choose File".
  2. In the browser that opens, select the required image and click on "Open".
  3. Now you need to select the languages ​​from which recognition will be performed.
  4. If you cannot determine the correct option, simply select guesses from the menu that appears.
  5. After completing the settings, click on "Upload".
  6. If at the previous stage you did not determine the language, do it now, and also rotate the image by the required number of degrees, if required, then click on "OCR".
  7. The text will appear in the form below; you can translate it using one of the offered services.

This brings our article to its logical conclusion. Today we tried to talk in as much detail as possible about two popular free online services for translating text from pictures. We hope that the information provided was not only interesting, but also useful for you.

Technology has turned the fantasies of the past into reality. Today, people no longer have to learn a foreign language or understand the peculiarities of its alphabet in order to translate information signs and labels in a foreign language. All you need is a device with a good camera and an online application that will translate the information you need from a picture or even directly from the camera. This saves time by not forcing users to enter information for translation, especially when it comes to large chunks of text in a foreign language.

The principle of operation of a translator from English into Russian (and vice versa) using a photo

Many people are familiar with the so-called optical character recognition (OCR) mechanisms. These are programs that are capable of recognizing typewritten text from photographs, pictures, pdf files, etc. The same mechanisms are used in modern translators.

The principle of translation from a photograph is simple. The image that the user uploads to the server goes through OCR. It automatically detects the typewritten text area and recognizes the written lines.

After the system detects the text and you select the fragment you need, the text will be automatically translated as normal, typed in the usual way. It should be remembered that the quality of the translation depends on the picture. If the text on it is barely readable, it most likely will not cope with its task.

Translating text from a photo using Google Translator

Google Translator is developing by leaps and bounds, adding new tools and features. Thus, the developers at one time added the ability to enter handwritten text, which could be written directly on the screen, followed by text recognition from a microphone and from a photograph.

In 2014, the company acquired the instant translation service Word Lens. This is undoubtedly one of the most advanced applications that allows you to recognize text from your mobile phone camera, instantly. You don't even need to take a photo of what you need to translate. You should start by translating the text from the photograph. This feature is not available in the browser, but works great on mobile devices.

Step 1. Download Google's online translator to your phone via the AppStore or Google Play. Install and run it.

Step 2. In the area above the text input field, configure the languages ​​for translation, in our case - from English to Russian. And click on the camera icon in the lower left corner.

Step 3: The app will launch your phone's camera. Point it at the text you need to translate. Once all the text fits on the screen, click on the red button and take a photo of the text.

Step 4. The application will immediately begin to recognize the text of your photo.

Step 5. Once the photo is processed, select the area you need, or all the text at once.

Step 6: Click on the blue arrow button to have the app translate all the text. As soon as you click on it, the system will take you to the familiar interface, where in the source text field there will be everything that the application was able to recognize, and just below it will be its translation.

Photo translator of text from a photograph or picture from a gallery

Everything we discussed above concerns texts translated using your camera. Translating text from photos already stored on your phone, taken earlier, or downloaded from the Internet is also easy. Repeat the same thing, but instead of taking a photo yourself, click on the button indicated by the arrow in the screenshot below. She will direct you to the Gallery, where you will be asked to select a photo. Find it and open it.

Next, the system will recognize and translate the text in the same way as in the previous case. Since the text in the example is much shorter this time, the application will translate it automatically. Go to the standard view by clicking the blue button again.

Instant translation from camera

Much has already been said about this function above. This is very convenient in cases where you quickly need to find out what is written on information signs if you are traveling abroad, or the composition of shampoo in a store if it is written in English.

To enable instant translation, you will have to open the camera again, then instead of the red button to take a photo or the button to access the gallery, click on the eye symbol in the lower right corner. The program will automatically begin to recognize individual words, translate and replace them with the result.

This translation is not the most correct and you will not be able to copy it, but it is instant because it is designed to satisfy current needs. This function will not cope with voluminous texts or if the mobile device’s camera leaves much to be desired. The translation is not always correct, since instant translation works separately for each word. However, in the case of information signs and individual words, this amazing tool will do a great job.

Translating text from a photo using Yandex Translator

Russian developers are not lagging behind foreign ones. Recently, the Yandex translator has added a function for translating text from photographs. Unlike Google, you can use it from your computer. It works on approximately the same principle.

Step 1. Go to the translator's website.

Step 2. Go to online photo translator. You will see a “Picture” link in the top horizontal menu. So, a field for inserting an image will appear on your computer screen. Click on the “Select file” button or drag the image into the field on the site.

Step 3. As soon as you insert a photo, the service will begin automatic text recognition, after which you can see the translation by clicking on the “Open in Translator” button.

Yandex offers three options for text recognition and translation:

  • by words, when the system identifies each word individually. In this case, they will be translated each on a new line;
  • by lines;
  • by blocks, as in the example under consideration.

Step 4. A new window will open in your browser with the recognized source text and its translation. Again, the quality of the translation largely depends on the resolution of the camera with which the photograph was taken, and even how evenly the lines are located in the photograph.

So, both translators do a good job of their main task - translating information from photographs, and both of them are available completely free of charge. One service is exclusively for mobile devices, and the other is for desktops. They complement each other.

Greetings, dear reader, Alexander Gavrin is in touch.

Today we’ll talk about what are online photo translators , what functionality they have and how they work.

For many people, translators in smartphones have long been familiar, which can be used at any time. Now there are services that not only translate the entered text, but can also do it directly from a photo.

How it works?

Let's say the user needs to translate the text that is on a photo or snapshot.

To do this, you need to extract the text and then translate it. To separate words from photos, you need to use OCR technology, which allows you to recognize text.

After this, the text is sent to a simple translator. If the image quality is good, any online text recognition services will do.

The scheme is built in two stages. The first is text extraction. The second is text translation using an online service or application on a PC or mobile device.

You can enter the text yourself, but you don’t always have time for this and it is a rather labor-intensive process.

To facilitate this operation, you need to combine two actions in one program. It is necessary for the application or service to recognize the text in the photo and at the same time translate it into Russian.

When using such photo translator applications, it is important to remember a few points:

Photo translators - applications

Let's look at some applications for mobile devices to get acquainted with their functionality.

Google photo translator

This application is one of the most popular in the store Google Play. Works Google translator Not only from photo, but also by manually entering text, that is, it can be used as a regular translator.


The program can easily work without Internet access. To do this, you will need to download language packs in advance. However, Google translator, translates from photo, which allows you to save space on your device.

No need to download unnecessary files. Additionally, the application has the function of speech recognition, translation of SMS messages and handwritten text.

In addition to translating foreign text, the program also displays its transcription. The application has some shortcomings regarding its actual operation, but they will probably be eliminated soon.

This app works in 30 languages ​​and also supports photo translation. There are also exercises to help you remember words.

This is convenient when learning languages. All the words you need to translate are voiced by professional native speakers. You can add your own word forms to dictionaries.


When translating from a photo, the application works well. It is only necessary that the photo is taken in good lighting and not from a side angle.

If the photo was taken in poor conditions, the text will not be recognized even partially. The program will simply display a message about the impossibility of translation.

The application is constantly updated and improved, bugs that led to crashes and incorrect operation are corrected.

This application specializes in text recognition from photos. Its special feature is that it works with 60 languages, the packages of which are already built into the program.

This means that you won’t have to download them additionally. The text you work with can be saved on your phone.


It is also saved in the program's internal files and is easily accessible for basic functions.

The huge number of built-in languages ​​slows down the scanning process somewhat, since it is necessary to initially recognize the language. To reduce work time, it is better to select the original language in advance.

A minor drawback of the application may be that it only supports standard image formats.

In addition, the translation text is not formatted; it is issued in bulk. Paragraphs and other emphasis are ignored, leaving only spaces between words.

Photo Translate

This translator from photos into Russian works online. Without the Internet, he can only recognize text. The application does not have its own database, which means it cannot be used offline.


Applications for translating text from pictures are also available on Windows Phone. The program has a simple name and sufficient functionality.

It is developed by a search engine Bing. It has an additional function of learning new words.


This is implemented through the “word of the day” displayed on the phone screen. An interesting feature is the ability to display translated text directly on top of the original.

It can be disabled. It may not be very convenient if the picture has small font and a lot of words.


Using the application, you can translate text into Russian in real time. This is convenient for translating text on the street, for example, signs, announcements and other things. The program was created by Russian developers.

When downloading, only two languages ​​are available - English and Russian. You can add 8 more languages ​​to them, but they are only available for a fee.

The application uses third-party online translators from Bing, Yandex And Google. This means that you will need an Internet connection to work.

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