Home Accessories Overclocking an amd processor in Russian. Processors

Overclocking an amd processor in Russian. Processors

Many computer users have heard that you can significantly improve the performance of your computer by overclocking its processor. In this article we will talk about how to overclock an AMD processor and introduce you to the features of this operation.

As a rule, a newly purchased computer becomes obsolete within a year or a year and a half, due to the rapid development of modern technologies. Very soon after purchase, it begins to be unable to cope with new games that require large computing resources and to slow down. Overclocking the processor will extend the life of the computer, saving a significant amount on buying a new one, or on replacing its main parts (upgrade). In addition, some people use overclocking immediately after purchase, trying to increase its performance to the maximum, because in especially successful cases it can be increased by 30%.

Why is overclocking possible?

The fact is that AMD processors have a large technological reserve built into them by the manufacturer for reliability. To understand how to overclock an amd processor, you will have to say a few words about its design. The processor operates at a certain frequency, which is set for it by the manufacturer. This frequency is obtained by multiplying the base frequency by the internal multiplier that the processor has and can be controlled from the BIOS. For some of them, this multiplier is locked, and these are not very suitable for overclocking, while for others you can change it yourself. The base frequency is generated by a generator installed on the motherboard. The frequencies of this generator are also used to generate other frequencies necessary for the normal operation of the computer. This:

  • Frequency of the channel that connects the CPU and the northbridge. Typically this is 1GHz, 1.8GHz, or 2GHz. But in general, it should not be greater than the Northbridge frequency. This channel is called HyperTransport.
  • The frequency of the North Bridge also depends on this generator; the frequencies of the memory controller and some others depend on the same frequency.
  • The frequency at which the RAM operates is also determined by this generator.

From here we can draw a simple conclusion - maximum overclocking of a computer is possible only when choosing components that function reliably in extreme conditions. First of all, these include the motherboard and RAM.

The question arises - how to overclock an amd phenom or athlon processor? There are two ways to do this - you can increase its multiplier, or you can increase the frequency of the base generator. Let's say our generator has a standard frequency of 200 MHz, and the processor multiplier is 14. Multiplying one by the other, we get 2800 MHz - the frequency at which the processor operates. By setting the multiplier to 17, we get a frequency of 3400 MHz. True, whether our processor will work at this frequency is a big question! The second way is to increase the frequency of the base generator. By increasing its frequency by 50 MHz, we will have a processor frequency of 3500 MHz (with a multiplier of 14), however, the frequencies of all board elements that depend on the generator will also increase.

System heat dissipation

As the frequency increases, the heat generation of any element always increases and a limit comes when it refuses to work at a given frequency. In order to restore its functionality, the voltage on it is increased. This, in turn, increases the heat it generates. Ohm's law says that increasing the voltage by 2 times increases heat generation by 4 times. Hence the simple conclusion - in order to successfully overclock an amd processor with a hairdryer (athlon), you need to take care of its good cooling. Moreover, if overclocking is carried out through a generator, then the motherboard must also be cooled. For cooling, both high-performance coolers and water cooling are used, and in extreme cases, liquid nitrogen.

CPU overclocking

This can be done using the AMD OverDrive utility, which allows you to overclock the processor and test its operation. This utility is produced by AMD and is designed to facilitate this process.

But many users prefer to carry out such overclocking through the motherboard BIOS. True, this path requires some theoretical preparation and knowledge. You will also need a utility that will allow you to evaluate the result - this is CPU-Z, it will show the new processor frequency and Prime95 - a utility that allows you to evaluate the stability of the system under overclocking conditions, as well as some others - to monitor temperature and performance.

BIOS settings

Depending on the type of motherboard, the settings in the BIOS may change, but we recommend setting some of them like this:

  1. For Cool ‘n’ Quiet, select Disable.
  2. For C1E select Disable
  3. For Spread Spectrum select Disable
  4. For Smart CPU Fan Control select Disable

You should also set the power plan to High Performance mode.

Remember that you perform all actions to overclock the processor solely at your own peril and risk!

Overclocking technique

It is recommended to overclock an amd athlon (phenom) processor by gradually increasing its multiplier by one step. After each increase in the multiplier, you need to check the stability of the processor at the new frequency using the Prime95 utility, and if the test fails, make another attempt by increasing the voltage on the CPU by one step. After passing the test without errors at least three times in a row, you can increase the multiplier by one more step and try to pass the tests again. By doing this, you will find the multiplier and voltage value at which the processor will be stable, and the next increase in the multiplier should result in the test failing. Once this value of the multiplier and voltage has been found, it is recommended, for continuous operation, to reduce them by one step. When overclocking, carefully monitor the processor temperature; it should not go beyond the limits set by the manufacturer.

If by changing the value of the multiplier it is not possible to achieve high overclocking, then it is worth trying the second way - increase it by increasing the frequency of the base generator.

In this short article, we talked about the very principle of how to overclock amd athlon and phenom processors, without dwelling on the details. For those who want to learn more about this, there is a lot of literature, both in paper and electronic form.


Overclocking an AMD processor using AMD OverDrive

Modern programs and games require high technical characteristics from computers. Users of desktop computers can upgrade various components, but owners of laptops are deprived of this opportunity. In this article we wrote about overclocking an Intel CPU, and now we’ll talk about how to overclock an AMD processor.

The AMD OverDrive program was created specifically by AMD so that users of branded products can use official software for high-quality overclocking. Using this program, you can overclock the processor on a laptop or a regular desktop computer.

Download AMD OverDrive

  • Preparing for installation
  • Installation
  • CPU overclocking

Preparing for installation

Make sure your processor is supported by the program. It must be one of the following: Hudson-D3, 770, 780/785/890 G, 790/990 X, 790/890 GX, 790/890/990 FX.

Set up the BIOS. Disable the following parameters in it (set to “Disable”):

Cool'n'Quiet; C1E (may be called Enhanced Halt State); Spread Spectrum;

Smart CPU Fan Control.


The installation process itself is as simple as possible and boils down to confirming the installer’s actions. After downloading and running the installation file, you will see the following warning:

Please read them carefully. In short, it says that incorrect actions can lead to damage to the motherboard, processor, as well as system instability (loss of data, incorrect display of images), reduced system performance, reduced service life of the processor, system components and/or system in general, as well as to its general collapse. AMD also states that you do all actions at your own risk, and by using the program you agree to the User License Agreement and the company is not responsible for your actions and their possible consequences. Therefore, make sure that all important information has a copy, and also strictly follow all overclocking rules.

After reading this warning, click on “OK” and begin the installation.

CPU overclocking

The installed and running program will greet you with the following window.

All system information about the processor, memory and other important data is located here. On the left is a menu through which you can get to other sections. We are interested in the Clock/Voltage tab. Switch to it - further actions will take place in the “Clock” field.

In normal mode, you have to overclock the processor by moving the available slider to the right.

If you have Turbo Core technology enabled, then first you need to click on the green “Turbo Core Control” button. A window will open where you first need to check the box next to “Enable Turbo Core” and then start overclocking.

The general rules of overclocking and the principle itself are almost no different from overclocking a video card. Here are some tips:

1. Be sure to move the slider a little at a time, and save the changes after each change;

2. Test system stability; 3. Monitor the increase in processor temperature via Status Monitor > CPU Monitor; 4. Do not try to overclock the processor so that the slider ends up in the right corner - in some cases this may not be necessary and may even harm the computer. Sometimes a slight increase in frequency may be sufficient.

After overclocking

Via AMD OverDrive (Perfomance Control > Stability Test - to evaluate stability or Performance Control > Benchmark - to evaluate real performance); After playing resource-intensive games for 10-15 minutes;

Using additional software.

If artifacts and various failures appear, you need to reduce the multiplier and return to testing again. The program does not require placing itself in startup, so the PC will always boot with the specified parameters. Be careful!

The program additionally allows you to disperse other weak links. Therefore, if you have a strong overclocked processor and other weak components, then the full potential of the CPU may not be revealed. Therefore, you can try careful overclocking, for example, memory.

Read also: Other programs for overclocking an AMD processor

In this article we looked at working with AMD OverDrive. This way you can overclock the AMD FX 6300 processor or other models, getting a noticeable performance boost. We hope that our instructions and tips will be useful to you, and you will be satisfied with the results!

We are glad that we were able to help you solve the problem.

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How to overclock an AMD processor

If you decide to overclock your AMD processor, then you should not count on a very large increase in core frequency. A clock multiplier that is too high will negatively impact the longevity of your processor. Also, its performance may, on the contrary, worsen if you try too hard to overclock a processor that is weak in power. In this article, you will learn a way to overclock the processor without changing BIOS settings and third-party software. You will only use official programs downloaded from the developer’s website. When you finally decide to increase the performance of your personal computer, follow a simple algorithm.

Go to the official AMD website and download the amd overdrive application.

Double-click on the saved file, wait a few seconds while the program prepares for installation.

Click the “Next” button highlighted in the screenshot.

Check the box next to the phrase “I accept the license agreement” to agree to the terms of use of the program. Click "Next" again.

Enter the user name and organization name if you are going to use the utility on a corporate local network. Below you will see two options about who can use this utility. Mark the very first line with a checkmark “Anyone who uses the computer”, and press the continue key again.

Select the program installation directory. Or leave this one if you're happy with it.

If you want the program icon to appear on the desktop after installation, then check the box next to the word “Yes”; if not, then “No” and click “Next” again.

Now you can start the installation by clicking on the “Install” button.

Installation of the program will last from two minutes to ten. Wait for the installation to complete.

Once it is completed, you will need to click on the “Finish” button.

Now find the amd overdrive icon on your desktop and double-click on it. You will be warned that all manipulations with the processor are strictly your responsibility and only you are responsible for the result. This is indeed a very important message, since many users do not understand the seriousness of overclocking the processor, as well as the possibility of damage to it if the power is too high.

You will be taken to the main window of the acceleration program. Go to the “Clock/Voltage” tab and on the left window you will see many lines, starting with “CPU Core 0 Speed” and below. The essence of acceleration will be to change the parameters on these lines through a special button. You don’t need the rest of the parameters, like power, at all right now. In addition, changing such parameters yourself can lead to unintended consequences.

As soon as the program calculates the entire frequency of the processor and analyzes its capabilities, a small “Turbo Core Control” button will appear. Click on it and start changing the performance values ​​little by little. Please note that there is no need to change them to the highest possible numbers - this can damage the processor.

After that, click “Ok” at the very bottom of the window and try your luck in any editor or game. Try opening several browser tabs, launching the game and see how your computer or laptop handles it now. If the changes are noticeable, you have done everything correctly, and your processor is debugged and accelerated. If you do not notice the difference at all, then the problem may lie in completely different parts of your personal computer. Load any diagnostic program and see if the processor clock speed has actually changed.

If problems arise, contact the service center of the developer of your laptop or computer. Please note that CPU acceleration does not void your computer's warranty. The warranty remains valid for all cases, except those in which you personally changed the set of components or opened the device.


Overclocking an AMD processor

AMD produces processors with extensive upgrade capabilities. In fact, CPUs from this manufacturer operate at only 50-70% of their actual capacity. This is done to ensure that the processor lasts as long as possible and does not overheat while working on devices with a poor cooling system.

Available overclocking methods

There are two main ways to increase the CPU clock speed and speed up the computer's data processing:

  • Using special software. Recommended for less experienced users. Development and support is handled by AMD itself. In this case, you can see all the changes immediately in the software interface and in system performance. The main disadvantage of this method: there is a certain probability that the changes will not be applied.
  • Using BIOS. Better suited for more advanced users, because... all changes that are made in this environment greatly affect the performance of the PC. The standard BIOS interface on many motherboards is entirely or mostly in English, and all control is done using the keyboard. Also, the very ease of use of such an interface leaves much to be desired.

Regardless of which method is chosen, it is necessary to find out whether the processor is suitable for this procedure and, if so, what its limit is.

Find out the characteristics

There are a large number of programs to view the characteristics of the CPU and its cores. In this case, let’s look at how to find out “suitability” for overclocking using AIDA64:

Thanks to the use of the AMD program, quite effective processor overclocking is ensured. It is a specific type of microprocessor for laptops and computers manufactured by AMD. As a result of its use, the performance of these devices significantly increases.
The processors have technology that makes it possible to implement complex tasks with high performance for 32-bit systems. Their latest types also have support for 64-bit computing.

In real life, the capabilities of the processor built into the system are not fully used, since this ensures an extension of its operational period. The overclocking procedure should be carried out gradually. Otherwise, significant damage to the components of the laptop or PC may be caused.
It is necessary to obtain information about the most effective applications that can significantly increase the frequency of the processor manufactured by AMD.

Over Drive is a free application for AMD 64 that is quite powerful. It is available for download on the official website of this company.
Page where you can install the application
After the initial start of the program, a dialog box opens on the screen. It provides users with information that they bear full responsibility for actions that may result in failure of the processor. After familiarizing yourself with it, access to the main page of this program opens.

Scheme of actions for overclocking a microprocessor:

Overclocking with Advanced Clock Calibration

ACC is an application that creates AMD athlon overclocking. With its help, the most accurate selection and adjustment of frequencies is ensured. Operation can be carried out not only in the operating system itself, but also in the BIOS.
In order to debug the working processes of the central microprocessor, you need to open a tab called Performance Control in the motherboard menu. The button required for this is located at the top of the main toolbar.

The effectiveness of overclocking depends on the operation of the cooling and power systems of the laptop or computer.


An important task is to increase the clock frequency of the microprocessor using a program at the moment. In addition, as a result of using the application menu, overclocking components such as memory and system buses becomes possible. This program provides a high power frequency generator and means to test the system. With their help, it becomes possible to regulate the operation of cooling systems and the temperature conditions of components.

Application principle:
  • after launching the application, open the corresponding PLL Control item on the left side of the main panel;
  • Several sliders will appear on the right side of the window, the position of one of which (Selection) should be gradually changed (moving too quickly can cause high overclocking and malfunction of the processor or other hardware components);
  • confirm the changes made using a special key.
    Using a similar scheme, it is also possible to accelerate the work processes of system buses and RAM. For these purposes, in the PLL Setup window you need to find the component required for adjustment. In the top panel you can see a device that displays the operating power of the hardware components.
The use of this application will also be possible in Russian as a result of downloading the Russifier.

When the microprocessor frequency goes beyond the set value, the agreement on the use of the hardware component is violated. If the processor breaks down, its warranty is lost, just like any other device after overclocking.

If you decide to overclock your AMD processor, then you should not count on a very large increase in core frequency. A clock multiplier that is too high will negatively impact the longevity of your processor. Also, its performance may, on the contrary, worsen if you try too hard to overclock a processor that is weak in power. In this article, you will learn a way to overclock the processor without changing BIOS settings and third-party software. You will only use official programs downloaded from the developer’s website. When you finally decide to increase the performance of your personal computer, follow a simple algorithm.

Go to the official AMD website and download the amd overdrive application. Double-click on the saved file, wait a few seconds while the program prepares for installation.

Click the “Next” button highlighted in the screenshot.

Check the box next to the phrase “I accept the license agreement” to agree to the terms of use of the program. Click “Next” again.

Next you will see a short description of the functionality of the utility, its capabilities and settings in English. Click “Next” to continue.

Enter the user name and organization name if you are going to use the utility on a corporate local network. Below you will see two options about who can use this utility. Mark the very first line with a checkmark “Anyone who uses the computer”, and press the continue key again.

Select the program installation directory. Or leave this one if you're happy with it.

If you want the program icon to appear on the desktop after installation, then check the box next to the word “Yes”; if not, then “No” and click “Next” again.

Now you can start the installation by clicking on the “Install” button.

Installation of the program will last from two minutes to ten. Wait for the installation to complete.

Once it is completed, you will need to click on the “Finish” button.

Now find the amd overdrive icon on your desktop and double-click on it. You will be warned that all manipulations with the processor are strictly your responsibility and only you are responsible for the result. This is indeed a very important message, since many users do not understand the seriousness of overclocking the processor, as well as the possibility of damage to it if the power is too high.

You will be taken to the main window of the acceleration program. Go to the “Clock/Voltage” tab and on the left window you will see many lines, starting with “CPU Core 0 Speed” and below. The essence of acceleration will be to change the parameters on these lines through a special button. You don’t need the rest of the parameters, like power, at all right now. In addition, changing such parameters yourself can lead to unintended consequences.

As soon as the program calculates the entire frequency of the processor and analyzes its capabilities, a small “Turbo Core Control” button will appear. Click on it and start changing the performance values ​​little by little. Please note that there is no need to change them to the highest possible numbers - this can damage the processor.

After that, click “Ok” at the very bottom of the window and try your luck in any editor or game. Try opening several browser tabs, launching the game and see how your computer or laptop handles it now. If the changes are noticeable, you have done everything correctly, and your processor is debugged and accelerated. If you do not notice the difference at all, then the problem may lie in completely different parts of your personal computer. Load any diagnostic program and see if the processor clock speed has actually changed.

If problems arise, contact the service center of the developer of your laptop or computer. Please note that CPU acceleration does not void your computer's warranty. The warranty remains valid for all cases, except those in which you personally changed the set of components or opened the device.

Increasing processor performance for some is a desire to have the highest available PC performance, while for others it is a necessity for stable and comfortable work. Both categories of users need proper overclocking, otherwise it may lead to unpleasant consequences and financial waste instead of the expected savings.

First of all, in this case you will need a good overclocking program that will be compatible with the motherboard. We talked about similar programs for overclocking Intel processors, and now we want to look at analogues for AMD.

This program was created specifically by AMD for users who want to get a performance boost. It is completely free, but at the same time truly effective and functional.
Let's start with the advantages, of which this program has plenty. For AMD OverDrive, it doesn't matter what kind of motherboard you have, as long as the processor is compatible. The full list of supported processors is as follows: Hudson-D3, 770, 780/785/890 G, 790/990 X, 790/890 GX, 790/890/990 FX. Actually, products are supported both new and “not the first freshness”, i.e. those released 5 years ago or more. But the biggest advantage of the program is the list of its features. It has everything for high-quality overclocking: control sensors, testing, manual and automatic overclocking. You will find a more detailed description of the possibilities by clicking on the link located just below.

The only downside that can be noted is the lack of Russian language, which, however, does not interfere with most home overclockers. Well, and the fact that Intel owners, unfortunately, will not be able to use AMD OverDrive.


KlockGen is a program that, unlike the previous one, is not as beautiful or convenient, but the main thing is that it is functional. In comparison with many small analogues, it is of interest because it works not only with the FSB bus, but also with the processor and RAM. For high-quality overclocking, there is also the ability to monitor temperature changes. The lightweight and compact utility supports many motherboards and PLLs, does not take up space on your hard drive and does not load the system.

But not everything is so wonderful: there is no Russian language again, and ClockGen itself has not been supported by its creator for a long time, so new and even relatively new components are incompatible with it. But old computers can be overclocked so that they get a second life.


This program is universal, as it is suitable for both Intel and AMD. Users often choose it for overclocking, noting such advantages as support for many motherboards, simple interface and use. One of the main advantages is that SetFSB allows you to programmatically identify the chip. This is especially true for laptop owners who cannot recognize their PLL. SetFSB works in the same way as ClockGen - before rebooting the PC, which significantly reduces possible risks, such as failure of the motherboard, overheating of devices. Since the program is still supported by the developer, he is also responsible for the relevance of supported versions of motherboards.

The disadvantages include the fact that residents living in the Russian Federation will have to pay approximately $6 to use the latest version of the program, and even after purchase there is no need to wait for Russification.

In this article, we talked about three programs that are suitable for overclocking an AMD processor. The user will have to choose a program based on the processor and motherboard model, as well as their own preferences.

As you already understand, we specifically selected programs that can work with hardware from different years of production. For older computers, ClockGen is perfect, for newer ones - SetFSB, and for owners of medium and new ones, AMD OverDrive will help.

In addition, the capabilities of the programs also differ. ClockGen, for example, allows you to overclock the buses, RAM and processor; SetFSB additionally helps identify PLLs, and AMD OverDrive has a huge number of functions for full overclocking with a quality check, so to speak.

Despite the fact that some sources suggest downloading special programs for overclocking different types of processors (Intel or AMD), it is best to increase the CPU clock speed through the BIOS. There is no proven software that can overclock the processor. This is due to technical limitations and the fact that each “stone” has its own standards for increasing the frequency. These may vary depending on the type of cooling used. We recommend that you find out the load capacity for the installed chip model and gradually change the values ​​using instructions written specifically for your BIOS version.

Exceeding the maximum permissible overclocking threshold may result in equipment failure.

Programs for overclocking video cards

Programs for overclocking video cards will help you change the main performance indicators on the hardware graphics card of your PC or laptop - voltage, permissible temperature, frequency of the processor and adapter memory, as well as the rotation speed of the cooler. In addition to editing parameters, these utilities allow you to view basic information about the installed equipment.

We emphasize that such programs should be used with external graphics devices that are not integrated into the processor or motherboard. Only in this case will you be able to get a measurable effect from changing the settings.

Among the proposed tools, we highlight them primarily because of their compatibility with the largest number of devices.

Programs for overclocking random access memory (RAM)

As with the processor, there are no stable utilities that can change the operating frequency of the RAM using the operating system. You need to edit these parameters through the BIOS; moreover, it is important that the new frequency is supported not only by the memory, but also by the motherboard. You can read the instructions for changing frequencies in the user manual for your motherboard.

You may come across the opinion that there are programs for overclocking “old” RAM (DDR) on laptops, but we were unable to find working versions of such utilities.

Programs to improve disk performance

The main factors influencing the performance of hard drives are its current state and file layout.

You can check the current state by S.M.A.R.T. analysis and, if necessary, format the device “correctly” using the HDD Low Level Format Tool; it scored the most points in our thematic one.

In addition, the performance of classic hard drives depends on how evenly the data is distributed over the surface. Many different system utilities contain a file structuring (defragmentation) function. Among the specialized solutions, we highlight and.

Windows optimization programs

We previously discussed utilities that will help optimize the operating system in a separate section.

Other Factors Affecting Performance

If you use external devices, do not forget that the communication speed depends on the protocol used. For example, it is better to connect modern phones and flash drives to a USB port that is compatible with the 3.0 protocol; it is blue.

Also, do not forget that due to the presence of malware, the computer may noticeably slow down. To protect your system, we recommend using antivirus programs; we have also dedicated a separate section to them.

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