Home Computers How to check your browser for viruses. Checking your browser for viruses Is it possible to check your browser extension for viruses?

How to check your browser for viruses. Checking your browser for viruses Is it possible to check your browser extension for viruses?

It has built-in Protect active protection technology, which is responsible for Internet security. Protect can block a malicious site, check a downloaded file for viruses, protect against password theft, and warn that entering a bank card number on a page may be dangerous.

Checking files

Needed to protect against viruses after downloading a dangerous file

What is the danger

Files you download from the Internet may contain malicious code. Opening them is dangerous - with the help of viruses, attackers steal, change or delete information, slow down the operation of computers, or even block it altogether.

Malware is also often used to intercept passwords, send spam, and infect other devices on the network.

How protection works

Protect starts checking the file during the download process. It sends information that may indicate a threat to the anti-virus cloud on the Yandex server. The entire file is not transferred, so the verification is very fast. Often this is enough to decide whether there is a danger.

In complex cases, the antivirus asks the browser for additional information about the file or its fragments in order to conduct a more thorough analysis.

If a file is dangerous, Protect will temporarily block it. This file cannot be opened in any program until you decide what to do next - delete or unlock. Of course, it is recommended to choose the first one.

Not all people resort to using an antivirus on their PC or laptop. Automatic computer scanning consumes quite a lot of system resources and often interferes with comfortable work. And if suddenly your computer starts behaving suspiciously, you can analyze it for problems online. Fortunately, today there are enough services for such verification.

Below we will consider 5 options for analyzing the system. True, it will not be possible to carry out this operation without downloading a small auxiliary program. Scanning is carried out online, but antiviruses require access to files, and doing this through a browser window is quite difficult.

Services that allow scanning can be divided into two types - system and file scanners. The former check the entire computer, the latter are able to analyze only one file uploaded to the site by the user. Online services differ from simple anti-virus applications in the size of the installation package, and do not have the ability to “clean” or remove objects susceptible to infection.

Method 1: McAfee Security Scan Plus

This scanner is a quick and easy verification method that will analyze your PC for free in a few minutes and assess the security of the system. It does not have a malware removal function, but only notifies you when viruses are detected. To start scanning your computer using it, you will need:

The program will begin scanning and then display the results. Click on the button "Fix Now" will redirect you to the purchase page for the full version of the antivirus.

Method 2: Dr.Web Online Scanner

This is a good service with which you can check a link or individual files.

In the first tab you are given the opportunity to scan the link for viruses. Paste the address into the text line and click " Check".

The service will begin the analysis, after which it will display the results.

In the second tab you can upload your file for verification.

  1. Select it using the button "Choose file".
  2. Click "Check".

Dr.Web will scan and display the results.

Method 3: Kaspersky Security Scan

Kaspersky antivirus is capable of quickly analyzing a computer, the full version of which is quite well known in our country, and its online service is also popular.

In the next window you can see additional information about the problems found by clicking on the inscription "More details". And if you use the button "How to fix everything" the application will redirect you to its website, where it will offer to install the full version of the antivirus.

Method 4: ESET Online Scanner

The next option for checking your PC for viruses online is the free ESET service from the developers of the famous NOD32. The main advantage of this service is the thorough scanning, which can take about two hours or more, depending on the number of files on your computer. The online scanner is completely deleted after finishing work and does not leave any files behind.

ESET Scanner will update its databases and begin analyzing the PC, after which the program will display the results.

Method 5: VirusTotal

VirusTotal is a service from Google that can check links and files uploaded to it. This method is suitable for cases when, for example, you have downloaded a program and want to make sure that it does not contain viruses. The service can simultaneously analyze a file using 64 (currently) databases of other antivirus tools.

  1. To check a file through this service, select it for download by clicking on the button of the same name.
  2. Next click "Check".

The service will begin analysis and display results for each of the 64 services.

To scan a link, do the following:

  1. Enter the address in the text field and click on the button "Enter URL."
  2. Next click "Check".

The service will analyze the address and show the verification results.

Attention. Yandex Browser warns you when you go to a dangerous site, but is not a full-fledged anti-virus product. At the same time, Protect technology protects the browser from computer threats that antiviruses do not block. For complete protection, we recommend using both.

  1. How does blocking happen?
  2. Interaction with antiviruses
  3. Disabling protection

Why Yandex.Browser blocks infected pages

Attackers distribute malware that interferes with the operation of the computer, stealing, distorting or deleting information. Dangerous programs enter your computer through removable storage media or the Internet. The browser protects you from malware that spreads over the Internet.

If the page is infected with malware, the browser will warn you about it.

How does blocking happen?

Before opening a page, Yandex Browser checks it against the list of infected pages. The addresses of infected pages are stored in a special database, which is updated by both Yandex and our partners. The page found in the database is blocked.

If a dangerous page is not detected in the database, but the browser sees it as a threat, the main characteristics of the page are sent to Yandex, where a detailed check is carried out using machine learning algorithms. If a page is considered dangerous, it is blocked and a warning page is shown. You can:

    Close page. Click the button Leave the page.

    View a copy of the page before infection. Click the button Secure copy.

    Find out more information about malware. Follow the link to a page with complete infection data.

    Go to dangerous page. Click the button Ignore this warning.

If you need to open a dangerous page

Take the following safety precautions:

Please note that these measures do not protect against infection, but only reduce its likelihood and help eliminate the consequences.

Interaction with antiviruses

The protection mechanism in Yandex.Browser does not conflict with other security applications (antiviruses and firewalls). If an antivirus is installed on the system, it can detect malware before the browser. In this case, you will see a message from the antivirus, not the browser.

If Yandex.Browser blocks your site

If Yandex Browser has blocked your site as infected, remove the malicious code. During the next indexing, the Yandex robot will exclude your site from the list of dangerous ones.

Got a virus in your browser and now ads keep popping up? It's terribly annoying. Yes, and curing a browser from viruses is not so easy. They still need to be found, and many modern antiviruses simply do not see this infection. Actually, that’s why you see pop-up windows, and also advertising pages that constantly open (for example, Vulcan or other casinos).

So what should you do if your browser is infected with a virus? Find and get rid of it :) Especially for this purpose, below are 6 effective ways to remove a virus from your browser. And as a bonus, here are a couple of useful tips on how to protect your computer or laptop from re-infection.

How can you tell if your browser has been infected? This can be seen by the following symptoms:

Where do viruses come from in the browser?

Modern users very often install games, programs, extensions and do not even look at what they are installing. Just click “Next, next, done” - and now another adware virus has quietly crept into your Windows system. As a result, pop-up windows appear, advertising pages open, etc.

And in 99% of cases the user himself is to blame. Why? Yes, because usually browser virus treatment is required after:

You can also add the lack of antivirus on your PC or laptop. Of course, it won’t protect you from all viruses, but it will still detect and remove some. And if you think with your head and manually check suspicious files with an antivirus, this will help you avoid many problems. You can be sure of this.

How to clean your browser from viruses and advertising

We’ve sorted out the causes and symptoms of viruses, now let’s move on to the main thing. So, how to get rid of adware in your browser? It all depends on what kind of infection you caught. However, below are step-by-step instructions, following which you can cure your browser from various ad viruses.

It is universal and suitable for any Internet browser - Google Chrome, Opera, Mozilla Firefox, Yandex Browser, Microsoft Edge. So all users can use it.

So, to get rid of viruses in your browser, follow these steps:

Run a full antivirus scan of your PC or laptop

Check your browser add-ons

Some extensions install themselves. Therefore, go to your browser and check if there are add-ons that you did not install. It is also recommended to delete those that you do not use.

Check installed applications

To open them, go to Start - Control Panel - Programs and Features.

Sometimes malicious modules are installed as regular software (for example, Webalta). To remove a virus that runs ads in your browser, you just need to find it and remove it from this list.

Check your browser shortcut

If, after launching it, the page of Vulcan or another advertising site immediately opens, then most likely the problem lies in the shortcut. Sometimes viruses write in the shortcut properties (in the “Object” field) the address of the site, which opens when the browser starts. To resolve this issue, delete the shortcut and create a new one.

Check the hosts file

Also, many viruses edit this file. As a result, when you open a popular website, another one opens (outwardly it looks the same, and you won’t notice the difference). And then messages appear asking you to send SMS, pop-ups, aggressive advertising, etc. There are two ways to remove this adware virus. The first is using the AVZ antivirus utility. And the second one is done manually. For this:

  1. Go to C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc.
  2. Open the hosts file using notepad.
  3. Remove extra lines. A normal hosts file should look like this:

Programs to clean your browser from viruses

There are also special programs for removing viruses in the browser. They see what antivirus programs missed and help get rid of malicious adware.


The first excellent program for cleaning your browser from advertising and viruses is AdwCleaner (link to the official website).

This utility will perform a quick search for viruses in the browser and find all advertising toolbars, banners, and malicious scripts. It can also clean shortcuts, files and the registry.


Another effective program for cleaning browsers from viruses. It will quickly scan your PC or laptop and help you get rid of pop-ups and annoying ads (link to official website). It has more than enough capabilities to find a virus in your browser and remove it.

Browser protection from ads and viruses

And finally, as promised, I will give some useful tips on how to protect your browser from viruses:

  1. Install an antivirus on your laptop or PC. It can be free. The main thing is to remember to update it (or turn on auto-update). In half the cases, it will help you remove the virus from your browser. Or rather, to prevent infection. I recommend reading: .
  2. Install a program to remove adware viruses. What antiviruses miss, special utilities like AdwCleaner or HitmanPRO will notice. With this combination, no infection will simply get onto your PC. And for your own peace of mind, periodically run a browser scan for viruses (for example, once a month).
  3. Install a browser extension to block ads. It can be Adblock or Adguard - at your discretion. And if you want to disable advertising on your favorite website or blog (in order to support its owner financially), just add this web resource to the exception.

And most importantly: think with your head! Do not download suspicious exe files (especially if you need a movie in avi or mkv format), do not follow unknown links, and do not go to dubious sites.

As they say, the best antivirus is the one that sits on the other side of the monitor :) That is, the user. If you violate the rules described above, then no antivirus will help you. You need to be extremely careful on the Internet - remember this!

While working in the browser, pop-up ads (usually advertising) appear that you can’t close the first time? Don't recognize the home page or search engine? Are you automatically redirected to web pages you don't know? Have unfamiliar extensions appeared that you did not install? Are there new icons in the toolbar? Does the browser logo look weird? It is obvious that your browser is infected with a virus. How to solve this problem? Read about this below in our article - step by step, in detail.

Let's start with something simple. Namely, how to check your browser for viruses online.


If you still have questions, we invite you to watch a video describing the process.

Video - How to check your browser for viruses, security and errors

Redirect virus detection and removal

Step 1: Enter Safe Mode

The redirect virus removal process is generally the same for all versions of Windows from XP to Windows 8.

Windows 8 users can switch to Safe Mode.

Step 2: Check your proxy settings

Important! Browser redirect viruses may use a remote server that is not the one you normally connect to. By disabling this, you will already have taken a big step towards removing the virus.

Check your system's proxy settings:

Step 3: Managing Browsers

At this point, it will be unclear where the browser redirect virus comes from, and this will be the case until you check the reports from the removal tools.

Once this is done:

Virus removal tools

There are currently several tools available that can be used against the redirect virus.

The best way would be to download and run the Kaspersky TDSSKiller rootkit remover, followed by the reliable MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Free. For additional checks, use HitmanPro.

  • Kaspersky TDSSKiller;
  • MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Free;
  • HitmanPro;
  • Google.

Kaspersky TDSSKiller

MalwareBytes Anti-Malware Free

This program will automatically launch after installation and a message will appear recommending that you update. Click "Fix Now" to run the first scan. When it is completed (the program may ask you to click the "Update" button first), the program will display a list of threats found. Click "Quarantine All" and then "Apply Actions".


After installation (a one-time run option without installation is also available), HitmanPro scans your computer (including browsers) for stubborn rootkits, malware and other harmful files. Files will be displayed as they are found. Once the scan is complete, click "Next" to remove them.

You will need to click "Activate Free License" to get a free 30-day trial for HitmanPro if you do not plan to purchase it.

Once these scans are complete, finish with your regular PC virus scanning software, which can be a free antivirus utility such as Avira, AVG or Kaspersky, or a premium package such as BitDefender Internet Security.

We hope you found the article useful and you can easily clean your browser of viruses.

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