Home Other Download the program for creating a wall newspaper. Programs for creating posters

Download the program for creating a wall newspaper. Programs for creating posters

Of course, by turning to professionals, you can quickly get a lot of ideas how all the elements of your corporate identity or advertising campaign will look. However, not every company, especially a small and start-up one, can afford these expenses at the stage of business formation. The choice is obvious: in this case, you should try to make a layout yourself. Even if you don't have any experience in this field, there is a chance to create a fairly high-quality layout design for free.

At your service is a catalog of templates developed by specialists from the Printing House.

Without undue modesty, we will say that we have extensive experience in typographic work. It was he who allowed us to structure all possible requirements for printed products in the catalog and allow clients to use its templates for free. Create a layout online begins with choosing the type of product: business cards or flyers, letters of encouragement or certificates. Select the one you need from the list and let's get to work.

How to make a layout

The algorithm for working with the catalog is very simple.

  • Choose your favorite design option.
  • Enter all the necessary information without missing a single item (which you definitely don’t need can be deleted with one click of a button).
  • Edit fonts and sizes.
  • Adjust the text so that it does not exceed the boundaries of the print.
  • Select the paper quality and weight for your products.
  • Select the required number of copies and click “Add to cart”. After this, your order will be processed by the managers of the printing union “Print”.

The advantages are obvious:

Working in the printing industry for many years, we often encounter with standard tasks. Therefore, we have already thoroughly studied all the pitfalls, worked out the ideal scheme for online design, and provide templates for printing any of your products.

  • We provide all templates for free. This means that creating a layout won't cost you a penny. Agree, it's nice! In addition, you can prepare several options before settling on one.
  • You can arm yourself with any of the ideas seen on our website. This means that not just one designer or even a design bureau will take part in creating your layout, but the creators of all the options presented in the catalog.
  • A real opportunity to save money without sacrificing quality. We check every design option before we provide it to you. See for yourself - free design can be good!
  • Own printing house guarantees fast and high-quality printing of an already created layout.
  • Prompt delivery will allow you not to waste time: no standing in traffic jams, everything will be brought to you directly to the office.

Summarizing: Creating a free mockup of your products is the first step to creating a turnkey corporate identity. Make it together with the printing union “Print” and you will not regret the decision to save on design.

Layout designer from the printing house “Print” - what is it?

Do you ever have the feeling that you are overpaying for something that you could do yourself and much better than the specialist you hired? If we are talking about printing, then this feeling is not inflated self-esteem, but a completely adequate assessment of the situation. After all, a very large part of printed products is produced according to the same templates - except that the pictures and text change. And you can easily replace them yourself if you have a special tool. And you have it!

Let me introduce you to a free layout designer developed by our printing house specialists. It is intended for those who want to prepare a design layout themselves, without turning to professional designers or freelancers. Of course, its possibilities are not limitless, it will never be able to replace professional programs like Photoshop or CorelDro, but even the most inexperienced user can create a simple layout with it.

Our online layout designer works. This means that to use it you will need an Internet connection and a regular computer, laptop or tablet. There is no need to download or install any additional software. It’s all very simple: open the website, do some work, save the layout, and send it to print. Agree, this significantly speeds up the work. There is no need to look for a free designer, fill out endless briefs, or waste time on approvals and revisions. Even the obvious savings on payment for the work of layout designers is not as pleasing as saving your time.

With the help of the constructor it is produced development of various types of printing designs, each of which is covered in a separate article in this section. There we describe in detail how best to make this or that layout and what subtleties should be taken into account. In the same block, we propose to talk about how the layout designer works in general, without touching on special cases.

Layout design development in this designer it is made absolutely free, since you do it yourself, and we only provide the tool and templates (there are several hundred of them in our database). You can use any of them an infinite number of times and not pay a penny for their use. And since design development takes place online, you can do this at any time convenient for you, day or night. In general, when will the muse or His Majesty visit the deadline =)

Free Online Editor: Pros and Cons

Of course, our graphic layout designer has both advantages and disadvantages. Before you decide whether to make your own layout, let's first reveal the whole truth about this editor:

The advantages of a free designer

Saving. This is perhaps the most obvious advantage, which follows from the name. Since the online editor works for free, you can save on paying a freelance designer or the salary of a full-time specialist who can do more important work in the free time.

Speed. In the time that you would spend filling out the brief and agreeing on the details with the designer, you will have time to make not one, but even several layouts.

Absence of “deaf telephone numbers”. There is a famous expression: “if you want the job done right, do it yourself.” With our designer, you don’t have to worry about being misunderstood, choosing the wrong shade, or getting the company name mixed up. You will definitely find a common language with yourself :).

No creative torment. There are several dozen templates at your disposal. Even if absolutely nothing comes to mind, you can use any of them and get high-quality results.

Disadvantages of the graphic editor:

Limited functionality. Since the designer is intended for use by people without special design education, it is difficult to call it a full-fledged tool. It allows you to perform basic actions with strictly defined types of printed products and is unlikely to be able to replace professional graphics programs.

Non-uniqueness. Our templates often look very attractive without additional processing. Therefore, they are often used in full, replacing only text and contact information. This speeds up the work, but increases the chance of seeing exactly the same image on someone else.

As you can see, although there are few shortcomings, they still exist. Therefore, it is better to learn about them before you use our online constructor for free. So that there are no unnecessary misunderstandings later.

Where does the creation of a design layout begin?

Making a design layout begins with choosing the type of product you need. On our website you will find layout tools six most popular types of printing. For each of them in our database there are many templates that can be changed to your taste: change the color, add and remove details, insert a QR code, and so on and so forth.

For specialists who are ready to create a similar design layout for money, prices may vary from a thousand rubles to several tens of thousands. The amount is significant, and if you add to it the payment for work on edits, which many designers require, then for some customers the final cost will become completely unaffordable.

Printing house “Print” offers to design a layout absolutely free of charge. It can be based on one of several dozen ready-made templates that are already in our library. We've tried to organize these templates by topic and application, so you can easily find the one that's right for you.

Lifehack: Some of our templates are located in several constructors at once (adjusted for size and format). So, if you need to maintain a single corporate style for business cards, leaflets and stickers, you can find a similar template in each of the designers and quickly create a complete set of printing.

In addition to other advantages of using our designer, the preparation of design layouts for printing in the “Print” printing house will be done automatically and our employees will not have to spend additional time on it. This means your order will go to print faster.(of course, if you decide to print your artwork right away rather than saving it for later).

Well, it seems that we have already talked about all the formalities, it’s time to start the most interesting part - layout design layout.

Types of design layouts

Depending on what kind of layout design you are going to order, the requirements for its design and style will differ. In our opinion, all layouts can be divided into the following categories:

Personal. Their main goal is to tell about their owner. At a minimum, this should be the First Name and Last Name, and at the maximum, a place for a photograph must be provided in the layout. We also have such templates.

Artistic- perhaps the most non-standard of all. Creating these in our constructor will be somewhat problematic. Still, a template is a template, and even with great effort it is impossible to turn it into a unique work of art. If you need something truly extraordinary, you should turn to a designer or even an illustrator.

Fortunately, Ekaterinburg and other talented cities have already generated quite a few design layouts. Some of them look quite specific and are not suitable for all tasks. Others, on the contrary, are very versatile and will look great almost always - no matter whether it is a personal or business layout. Therefore, you can be 100% sure that you will be able to find a practically ready-made design layout for almost any occasion, without leaving our website. The cost of developing a design layout in this development will be zero.

Are there really designers who are willing to work for free? These also happen, but most likely at some point someone probably paid the designer for this work, but the “expiration date” for it has long expired and now everyone can use the template. But don't be afraid of accusations of plagiarism - our design layout software allows you to rework and change the layout very carefully. So that even the author himself will not understand that this design, the original layout, was created on the basis of his work.

Making an advertising design layout

The design of an advertising layout requires special attention from the creator, because it is designed to effectively promote a product or service. This means it must be original, attractive, informative, selling and not too expensive. After all, his main goal is increase company profits, and not sell at a loss. Since our designer works for free, the cost of your advertising will be lower than it could be. All that remains is to think through the design and it’s done.

The development of printing design in this case requires not only bright creative ideas, but also meaningfulness.

To ensure that all your advertising investments pay off, try to name the main goals of your future printing products before you open the layout editor. Formulate, or even better, write on paper - what do you expect from this advertisement, how to respond to it people must react, think over the most effective scenario for you (should people take promotional products with them, store them, or immediately exchange them for goods, etc.). Even the personality of the promoters who will be handing out your advertisements can influence the future layout. Don't be afraid to take your time at this stage. In the future, you will easily catch up with it, because the more thoughtful your plan is, the less thought will be required in the process of its implementation.

We can say that graphic design of layouts for advertising products should be as utilitarian as possible, performing certain tasks, and not the embodiment of the author’s creative plans without regard to practicality. This is the only way you can consider your advertising campaign effective.

Layout design lesson

If until now you thought that make your own layout design very difficult, we hasten to assure you otherwise. We understand perfectly well how difficult it is to master design skills from scratch, to understand all the intricacies and subtleties of layout, and at the same time you still need to somehow manage to continue doing your direct work, taking care of your family, and relaxing. We wanted to free you from unnecessary worries, so we tried to simplify our editor as much as possible.

Now, when creating design layouts online, you don’t have to worry about and try to understand such highly specialized categories as indents, tolerances, formats, and so on. We have already taken into account all the complex requirements for design layouts from the very beginning. Forget about them once and for all! All you have to do is open our free layout editor and start the most enjoyable part of development - thinking through the details. Let me give you some simple but very useful tips.

Let's take an example from experienced layout designers:

Try designing printing layouts in several ways. You have an endless number of attempts to create the perfect layout. So why stop at first? It would be optimal to make about three to five design layout options and conduct an impromptu focus group among colleagues and specialists - which one is better. An outside glance, by the way, will help you get rid of possible typos and shortcomings in time. After all, even the best eyes tend to become blurred and not notice obvious flaws.

With the technical characteristics that our program uses, preparing a design layout for printing will go unnoticed by you. Therefore, you should not take the image beyond the safety lines we have indicated unless you are 100% sure that you are doing it correctly.

If possible, do not send the design to print immediately after you make it. It's best to inspect your finished work again in the morning, or at least switch for a few hours and do something else. This way you can see your layout with fresh eyes. Most likely, you will want to make some additional edits.

If you follow these simple tips, you won't have to feel embarrassed for your work. We think that your friends will ask for the contact information of the cool designer who made these excellent layouts for you. And you can casually answer: yes, I drew it myself, “on my knee.” A wonderful prospect, isn't it?

How the best design layouts come about

Many people mistakenly believe that a good layout is a beautiful layout. Or one that they paid a lot for. Or one that was designed by a very cool designer. All this is very far from the truth. The most important quality is efficiency. Ask yourself: Does my layout achieve its intended goals? And if you answer “yes” - congratulations! You did a good job.

How do you know if you can develop a layout?

We have already repeated more than once, and you probably remember, that the methods of creating a design layout may differ depending on the goals, financial capabilities, level of complexity and other conditions. If you need a design layout, first analyze what it should be like, and can you do everything you have in mind? Does it seem hopeless? Open our editor and try it out. You don't have to take this activity very seriously. Rather, on the contrary, try to create something funny and amusing. For example, the business card of the famous Zhdun.

After just a few minutes of exercise, you will feel confident and understand that you don’t have to spend money on design development services. It is within your power to cope with this task without outside support.

Of course, it happens differently. You can be absolutely sure that you will easily master our constructor, but it turns out that it does not have the functions you need. In this case, it is better to first consult with our manager (suddenly you simply did not notice the right button or do not know how to use it). And if our specialist cannot help you, you will have to take a closer look at third-party designers.

The last pro:

Online layout editor can make your life a lot easier, and the online layout editor is free and will also save you money. The employees of the printing house “Print” really like to do both. Therefore, we will be very glad if you appreciate our designer. Try using our constructor right now. We hope you will like it so much that the need to make layouts will never be your headache again, but will turn into another thing that you do with pleasure.

How to make a layout without flaws

We hasten to dissuade those who believe that it is more profitable and faster to buy a model than to make it yourself. In reality, creating layouts for money or for free makes little difference. You are equally likely to discover a masterpiece design online or get a pathetic hack for your hard-earned money.

Free layouts from the “Print” typography designer were once also created by professional designers. Moreover, their quality already confirmed by experts our printing house, and all technical requirements necessary for printing are strictly observed. And on the contrary, making layouts from a third-party designer can result in unforeseen problems.

Why does this happen?

The fact is that not all professional designers specialize in printing. Your contractor may be an incredibly talented and creative person, but not know the basic requirements for pre-press preparation. The layout he makes will be amazing with its original idea and perfection of details, but will be completely useless for the printing house. We can say that sometimes our simple graphics editor knows more about printing than an experienced designer with a higher education.

In addition, in order to complete the work efficiently, it is necessary to spend several years, either by a student who, by definition, does not have much experience; or a person, not only for training, but also for gaining experience. It is unlikely that you are ready to pay for fairly primitive work at the highest level. This means that someone who does not want to spend a lot of time and effort for its production in order to receive the minimum payment. There is a high probability that he will do the job “carelessly.”

That's why we highly recommend at least try to create a layout for free before turning to other specialists for help. If you still decide that this job is too tough for you, then use our tips to choose a good designer.

Signs of a good designer:

The designer must have experience working with printing. All printing houses have approximately the same requirements, so it will be enough if your hired specialist managed to develop at least a couple of layouts in the category that interests you.

The designer has his own portfolio, and he is not shy about showing it. Before trusting a specialist with your order, study his previous work. It's good if these are graphic images. It’s even better if he can show you their implementation in reality (the so-called “author’s copy”)

If the designer doesn’t even try to ask clarifying questions about what you would like, what your company does, what layouts you consider successful and which ones not so good, there is a chance that he doesn’t care at all about what the result will be. With this approach it is very difficult to do quality work.

We hope this information will help you make the right choice.

How to make a layout yourself

The online editor of printing layouts on our website is designed in such a way that people of different levels of education and with minimal design skills can handle it. Layout development occurs step by step, all the points that need to be completed in the process are clearly marked. So if you follow our tips, you can easily create a mockup online in minutes.

Note! To make it easier for you to make your own layouts, the diagrams are all standardized and brought to a single size and format. So you can easily replace the template right on the fly if you suddenly decide that another one more fully expresses your creative intent. In this case, the text already printed on the template will not be affected, even if most of it is entered. All that remains is to adjust its location - after all, graphic elements do not always match and can overlap the text.

We can say with complete confidence that the online graphic layout designer that exists on our website is one of the best editors of this type. But if you suddenly have examples of even better developments, let us know. Perhaps we will take someone else's experience and make our construction set even more perfect.

If you still have any questions, you can look for answers to them on our website or contact us in the chat.

Poster Printer is a program for printing posters and posters of large formats, such as A3, A2, A1, A0 on household printers adapted for printing sheets of smaller standards. Using this utility, the user can print a large-format image without using special equipment. The principle of operation of the utility is simple: it automatically splits a large format image into several segments, each of which is equal to a standard A4 sheet. In order to complete the creation of a large poster or poster, you need to print A4 sheets and glue them together.

In addition to sheets of sizes A3, A2, A1, A0, the program allows you to print photo wallpapers and large images measuring up to 10 by 10 meters. Other programs provide similar capabilities, but unlike more powerful professional editors, special skills and knowledge are not required to work with Poster Printer. This utility is simple and convenient: if you want to print a large poster quickly and without problems, you only need to download Poster Printer for free and you can start working. After printing is completed, the sheets can be easily connected to each other using glue or tape.

The Poster Printer uses a photograph, drawing or image in formats such as JPG, GIF, BMP, EMF, WMF as a source. It is also possible to print posters from Excel and Word documents. In addition, it is possible to import images from a scanner, digital camera and copy data from standard Windows OS applications. If necessary, you can print not the entire poster, but only part of it. Poster Printer supports not only English, but also Russian, metric and imperial measurement systems, as well as WYSIWYG printing.

Main advantages of Poster Printer

  • Large size poster printing.
  • Support for popular formats.
  • Convenient Russified interface.
  • Printing a separate section of the poster.
  • Import from Windows, scanner and camera.
  • Possibility of preview.

The Poster Printer interface allows you to create a large poster or banner in just a few minutes: you just need to select an image, set the dimensions and send the file for printing. You can view images before printing in the preview window.

The process of creating a poster can seem quite challenging, especially if you would like to see it in modern styles. Special online services allow you to do this in just a few minutes, but you should understand that in some places registration may be required, and in some places there is a set of paid functions and rights.

You can create posters online for amateur printing and/or distribution on social networks and on various websites. Some services can help you do this job at a high level, but you will have to use specially designed templates, therefore, there is not much room for creativity. Plus, working in such editors only implies an amateur level, that is, there is no need to try to work professionally in them. To do this, it is better to download and install specialized software, for example.

Method 1: Canva

An excellent service with wide functionality both for photo processing and for creating high-level design products. The site works very quickly even with a slow Internet connection. Users will be pleased with the extensive functionality and a large number of pre-prepared templates. However, to work in the service you need to register, and also take into account that certain functions and templates are available only to owners of a paid subscription.

Step-by-step instructions for working with poster templates in this case look something like this:

  1. Click on the button on the website "Get Started".
  2. Next, the service will prompt you to go through the registration procedure. Choose a method - "Register via Facebook", "Register via Google +" or “Log in with your email address”. Authorization via social networks will take a little time and will be done in just a couple of clicks.
  3. After registration, a questionnaire may appear with a short survey and/or fields for entering personal data (name, password for the Canva service). On the last questions it is recommended to always choose "For myself" or "For learning", since in other cases the service may begin to impose paid functionality.
  4. Afterwards, the primary editor will open, where the site will offer training in the basics of working in a reactor. Here you can skip the tutorial by clicking on any part of the screen, or go through it by clicking on "Find out how to do it".
  5. In the editor, which opens by default, the A4 sheet layout is initially open. If you are not satisfied with the current template, then do this and the next two steps. Exit the editor by clicking on the service logo in the upper left corner.
  6. Now click on the green button "Create design". All available size templates will appear in the central part, select one of them.
  7. If none of the proposed options suits you, then click on "Use special sizes".
  8. Set the width and height for the future poster. Click "Create".
  9. Now you can start creating the poster itself. By default you have a tab open "Layouts". You can choose a ready-made layout and change pictures, text, colors, and fonts on it. Layouts are fully editable.
  10. To make changes to the text, double-click on it. At the top, the font is selected, the alignment is specified, the font size is set, and the text can be made bold and/or italic.
  11. If there is a photo on the layout, you can delete it and install one of your own. To do this, click on an existing photo and press Delete to remove it.
  12. Now go to "My", which is in the left toolbar. There, upload pictures from your computer by clicking on "Add your own images".
  13. A window for selecting a file on your computer will open. Select it.
  14. Drag the downloaded image to the photo space on the poster.
  15. To change the color of an element, simply click on it a couple of times and find the colored square in the upper left corner. Click on it to open the color palette and select the color you like.
  16. When you're done, you need to save everything. To do this, click on "Download".
  17. A window will open where you need to select the file type and confirm the download.

The service also gives you the opportunity to create your own, non-template poster. This is what the instructions will look like in this case:

Creating a poster in this service is a creative endeavor, so study the service interface, perhaps you will find some other interesting functions or decide to use paid features.

Method 2: PrintDesign

This is a simple editor for creating printed layouts. There is no need to register here, but you will have to pay about 150 rubles to download the finished result to your computer. It is possible to download the created layout for free, but it will display the service’s watermark logo.

On such a site it is unlikely that you will be able to create a very beautiful and modern poster, since the number of functions and layouts in the editor is very limited. Plus, for some reason there is no built-in layout for A4 size.

When working in this editor, we will only consider the option of creating from scratch. The thing is that on this site there is only one example of templates for posters. The step-by-step instructions look like this:

  1. Scroll down the main page to see a full list of options for creating printed products using this service. In this case, you need to select the item "Poster". Press “Make a poster!”.
  2. Now select the sizes. You can use templates or set your own. In the latter case, you will not be able to use a template that is already included in the editor. In this instruction we will look at creating a poster in A3 size (instead of AZ it can be any other size). Click on the button "Make it from scratch".
  3. The editor will then begin loading. To get started, you can insert a picture. Press "Image", which is located in the top toolbar.
  4. Will open "Conductor", where you need to select a picture to insert.
  5. The uploaded image will appear in the tab "My Images". To use it in your poster, simply drag it onto the work area.
  6. The picture can be resized using special nodes located at the corners, and it can also be freely moved throughout the workspace.
  7. If necessary, set the background image using the parameter "Background color" in the top toolbar.
  8. Now you can add text for the poster. Click on the tool of the same name, after which the tool will appear in a random place on the workspace.
  9. To adjust the text (font, size, color, highlighting, alignment), pay attention to the central part of the top toolbar.
  10. For variety, you can add a few additional elements, such as shapes or stickers. The latter can be seen by clicking on "Other".
  11. To view the set of available icons/stickers, etc., simply click on the item you are interested in. After clicking, a window will open with a complete list of elements.
  12. To save the finished layout to your computer, click the button "Download", which is at the top of the editor.
  13. You will be redirected to a page where the finished version of the poster will be shown and a check for the amount of 150 rubles will be provided. Under the receipt, you can select the following options − "Pay and download", “Order a print with delivery”(the second option will be quite expensive) and “Download PDF with watermarks to view the layout”.
  14. If you chose the latter option, a window will open where a full-size layout will be presented. To download it to your computer, click on the button "Save", which will appear in the address bar of the browser. In some browsers, this step is skipped and the download starts automatically.

Method 3: Fotojet

This is also a specialized design service for creating posters and placards, similar in interface and functionality to Canva. The only inconvenience for many users from the CIS is the lack of Russian language. To somehow remove this drawback, it is recommended to use a browser with an auto-translation function (although it is not always correct).

One of the positive differences from Canva is that there is no mandatory registration. Additionally, you can use paid elements without purchasing an extended account, but such elements of the poster will display the service logo.

Step-by-step instructions for creating a poster using a prepared layout look something like this:

  1. Click the button on the website "Get Started" to get started. Here you can additionally get acquainted with the main functionality and features of the service, although in English.
  2. By default, the left panel has a tab open "Template", that is, layouts. Choose the most suitable one from them. Layouts marked with an orange crown icon in the top right corner are only available to paid account holders. You can also use them on your poster, but a significant part of the space will be taken up by the logo, which cannot be removed.
  3. You can change the text by double-clicking on it with the left mouse button. Additionally, a special window will appear with a choice of fonts and settings for alignment, font size, color and bold/italics/underline.
  4. You can also customize various geometric objects. Just click on the object with the left mouse button, after which the settings window will open. Go to the tab "Effect". Here you can adjust the transparency (item "Opacity"), boundaries (point "Border Width") and fill.
  5. You can consider the fill setting in more detail, since you can completely disable it by selecting "No Fill". This option is suitable if you need to highlight an object with a stroke.
  6. You can make the fill standard, that is, one color covering the entire shape. To do this, select from the drop-down menu "Solid Fill", and in "Color" set the color.
  7. You can also set a gradient fill. To do this, select from the drop-down menu "Gradient Fill". Under the drop-down menu, select two colors. Plus, you can specify the type of gradient - radial (coming from the center) or linear (going from top to bottom).
  8. Unfortunately, you cannot replace the background in layouts. You can only add any additional effects to it. To do this, go to "Effect". There you can select a ready-made effect from a special menu or make settings manually. For independent settings, click on the inscription at the bottom "Advanced Options". Here you can move the sliders and achieve interesting effects.
  9. To save your work, use the floppy disk icon in the top panel. A small window will open where you need to give the file a name, its format, and select the size. Users who use the service for free have only two size options available - "Small" And "Medium". It is noteworthy that here the size is measured by pixel density. The higher it is, the better the print quality will be. For commercial printing, it is recommended to use a density of at least 150 DPI. After completing the settings, click on "Save".

Creating a poster from scratch will be more difficult. This manual will cover other main features of the service:

Print large format posters, banners and signs with special RonyaSoft Poster Printer software! This program will allow you to save on large-format printing orders, allowing you to print on a regular printer. It does not require special large-scale printers and plotters. Instead, the program will automatically split the large image into a number of smaller pages and print them using your home or office printer. Create large prints with poster making software!

Create Large Posters in Just a Few Simple Clicks

There is no need for a long and tedious study of Corel or Photoshop. All you need to create a large-sized poster is to select a picture, specify the dimensions, and send it for printing. The program for printing posters will take care of all technical aspects, automatically process the image, cut fragments, and print on the required number of pages in the format supported by your printer. Once printed, simply glue the pages together. Your own poster is ready. And no special technical devices were required! A standard printer, tape or glue and scissors are all you need to create a unique poster.

Unleash Your Creative Potential

Create your own attractive poster yourself! It doesn't matter if it's your favorite family photo or a digital photo, a piece of your own art or a painting, poster maker software will provide stunning results. Express yourself and create your own living room poster for everyone to see. Just use your imagination. Get more space for your greatest creative moments - with the new RonyaSoft Poster Printer it's very easy to do! Your friends will certainly be pleasantly surprised by your own posters and photo wallpapers.

Save Money While Making a Huge Impact Poster

Using poster design software gives you the ability to print large scale posters on standard sized paper. Use A4 sheets, glue them together and create the perfect banners or posters without paying extra for specialist large format printing!


  • Print large scale graphics on standard paper
  • Automatically splits large images into multiple standard-sized pages
  • Large format printing of posters up to 10 x 10 m
  • Several methods for optimized image enlargement (Bilinear, Bicubic, Hermite, Lanczos)
  • Support for raster and vector images (bmp, gif, jpg, png, tiff, wmf, emf)
  • Support for TWAIN sources (scanners and digital cameras)
  • Partial printing
  • Triple size templates
  • Metric measurement system (mm, cm, inches)
  • User interface in multiple languages
  • Beautiful skins


In order to print your poster or banner, you need a standard printer (US; DIN format A5, A4 or A3) or a wide format plotter (DIN format A2, A1 or A0). The Poster Creator program supports printers from various manufacturers: HP, Canon, Epson, Lexmark, Brother, etc. And, of course, a Windows PC with a Pentium IIII 1500 processor and 512 Mbit RAM memory. The poster making program is compatible with Windows XP (32 and 64), Windows Vista (32 and 64), Windows 7 (32 and 64), Windows 8 (32 and 64), Windows 10 (32 and 64).

Poster generators

Some inspiring
Pinterest accounts

4 simple rules for creating
posters if you don't have enough
poster designers

Pay attention to who you are making the poster for.

The text must be readable

The perception of the text takes priority over style. Complex and ornate fonts should be avoided whenever possible. They can convey a certain mood and aesthetic, but there is no point if the viewer has to concentrate for several seconds to understand what is written on the poster. It is also important to pay attention to size, letter and line spacing, and color combinations.

All these factors influence how the mind perceives what is written on the poster. By working with the same font of the same color, you can create text that is both ideal from a perceptual point of view and completely unreadable.

The radical aesthetics of the futurists implied a maximum departure from conventional forms in all creative fields, including graphic design.

Don't overload the poster

Most often, two fonts are enough for a beautiful poster, sometimes three. If you use more, you will most likely end up with a clutter of text, the poster will “spread apart” and will no longer be perceived as a whole. The same goes for flowers. Using color too generously can distract the viewer from the text.

Rules can be broken

Like any creative work, typography does not tolerate very rigid boundaries. Everything discussed above has many exceptions in many cases. It’s strange, for example, to make a rave poster without using flashy acidic colors. It is only important to understand why the poster should look this way and not otherwise, so that in the context it looks adequate and harmonious. In the end, often the designer initially understands what and how needs to be done in order to fully realize the concept of the work, and is guided only by his own feelings.

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