Home network hardware We check Xiaomi products for authenticity. How to find out the serial number and check Xiaomi products How to find out which xiaomi I have

We check Xiaomi products for authenticity. How to find out the serial number and check Xiaomi products How to find out which xiaomi I have

Xiaomi is a company whose products have become so popular that they have received many imitators, and counterfeits have also appeared on the market. It’s a paradox, of course - China is counterfeiting China, but the problem is urgent, so today we’ll look at a few simple ways to check the originality of a Xiaomi smartphone when purchasing, so as not to inadvertently purchase a fake device.

Build quality and software

First of all, when buying Xiaomi smartphones or tablets, pay attention to the build quality. All parts must be tightly fitted and carefully processed. Nothing sticks out anywhere, does not cling, does not crunch, and, in principle, is made of materials that are pleasant to hold in your hands. If you see that the plastic is frankly cheap, this is already a signal to check the device more carefully.

In addition, Xiaomi smartphones run exclusively on Android in conjunction with the proprietary MIUI shell. If in front of you is not a green robot or there is no branded shell, again, there is a reason to doubt the authenticity of the gadget.

Checking Xiaomi for originality using the application

The company itself has long been aware that its products are being counterfeited, and therefore provides a number of tools for protection. Probably the easiest way is to check your device automatically using the proprietary Xiaomi Antifake (Mi Verification) application. You can download it from the company's official website at http://bigota.d.miui.com/antifake/antifake_10302_00.apk.

Already launching the application, we see the numbers of devices that passed the test and see that the number of fakes, although inferior to the number of original devices, is actually not small.

Next, go to the website https://jd.mi.com/ and read the QR code using the program. The scanning process of your device will begin. Xiaomi Antifake will check the hardware of your smartphone, conduct a performance test to make sure, and also check the history of the device against the database. The page will be updated in the browser, and you will find out the date of purchase, receive information about warranty service, imei code, exact model, number of checks completed, and even current location. The green background of messages automatically signals that everything is ok with your device.

Xiaomi authentication by imei

In order to check whether your smartphone exists in the official Xiaomi databases, you will have to follow the link http://www.mi.com/verify/#imei_en.

The imei code can be found on a sticker on the smartphone or its box. In addition, you can spy on the imei number by entering *#06# in the dialer application.

If your device passes all these tests successfully, you can rest assured that you purchased an original Xiaomi device and not a fake.

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How to check xiaomi by imei

According to imei it says red rice, the scanner doesn’t work, why can anyone tell me?

And if the phone has 2 imei codes, how do you enter it then? I can not.

Alexander, does it not work one by one?

The Chinese gadget manufacturer Xiaomi is already considered one of the best in the world, and it is not surprising that at the moment there are many fakes of original smartphones and tablets under its brand. First of all, counterfeits come to us from China, and not everyone knows how to find out whether a particular phone is real or not. Today we will tell you how you can check Xiaomi for authenticity using the most popular methods.

Authentication via official app

The simplest and most common method is to use the official Xiaomi authentication app. To do this, go to your browser at jd.mi.com. You will be taken to the verification site, where there is only one button: Download APP. Click on it, thereby confirming the download of the application to your gadget. There is no need to close the tab. Launch the application by scanning the QR code located on the same page. There you will also see the result of checking the originality of the mobile device.

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How to check Xiaomi by IMEI

Another common way to confirm the authenticity of a gadget online is to use the manufacturer’s IMEI database. IMEI is an international mobile equipment identifier. According to generally accepted requirements, the name must be unique for each device, be it a tablet or a smartphone.
The procedure is carried out as follows:

  • Open the link mi.com/verify/#IMEI_en;
  • Select the Verify your phone purchase tab on it, thereby agreeing to have your phone verified;
  • Look at the box in which the gadget was delivered, and seeing Imay on it, enter these numbers in the corresponding line of the browser page;
  • Enter the model serial number;
  • After entering the security captcha, confirm the verification.

After completing all the manipulations, you will be transferred to another window with the results of the IMEI check.

If you don’t know how to find out the IMEI on the box, then just look for a special sticker on it containing a barcode. On it you can see both the serial number (S/N) and IMEI for Xiaomi. There is another way to get through this information. Let’s say, if for some reason you don’t have a box, then you can find out the code data by dialing *#06# into the combination. You can see the serial number verification data in the “Settings” section and the “About phone” subsection.

A very important point: in order to receive a reliable response to your request, your IP address must be detected by the system as Chinese. There are plenty of programs on the Internet that will help users from Russia with this.

Checking against technical specifications

To make sure that you don’t have a fake in your hands, you can also watch how the basic technical characteristics of the gadget are checked. Non-original devices are always equipped with lower quality components. They are accompanied by fake firmware, so it is not always possible to verify originality using them. The system can even fool the popular AnTuTu benchmark. Therefore, we recommend using the help of third-party resources according to the following scheme:

  • Go to . Here you can see the officially declared characteristics of any smartphone;
  • Download the CPU-Z program, which displays the properties of the modules installed in the phone;
  • Compare the results obtained in the program with the characteristics from the manufacturer.

In this case, you should pay attention, first of all, to the brand and frequency of the installed processor and display resolution - these characteristics are counterfeited more often than others.

How to protect yourself from counterfeiting?

The described methods can be used to check any Xiaomi model, from the first to Xiaomi Mi 5. But the best way to avoid worrying about the authenticity of the gadget is to purchase it from official representatives of the company. Since 2016, Xiaomi has had a representative office in Russia, and therefore, we hope that users will have to deal with fake Xiaomi smartphones and tablets much less often.

It was an unknown manufacturer of equipment, but in a few years it managed to make a stunning leap in development, becoming one of the leaders in the world market. With all the advantages of this status, one cannot do without some disadvantages. In particular, many counterfeit mobile devices have appeared under the Xiaomi logo, which are made by underground manufacturers. Of course, such a phone has nothing in common with the original and, by its very existence, thoroughly spoils the reputation of Xiaomi.

The quality of counterfeit smartphones always leaves much to be desired. And that's putting it mildly. Organizations that counterfeit a Xiaomi phone try to price it even lower than the original. After all, only in this case will it be possible to win the attention of the buyer. But this is by no means easy to do, since even a real Xiaomi gadget is characterized by a minimal price in comparison with its competitors. Therefore, the authors of counterfeit gadgets have to “go out” using frankly low-quality components. As a result, the smartphone fails within the first weeks of use.

It is extremely important for you and me, as ordinary consumers, to know how to determine which is a fake and which is a real smartphone from a well-known manufacturer. And in general, is it possible to find out for sure whether you are buying a genuine phone? Of course, no one will give absolute guarantees here, but you can identify some of the most important signs, based on which you will understand how to distinguish the original Xiaomi from a fake. And in this article we will introduce you to them in detail.

The box in which genuine Xiaomi gadgets are delivered is made of the most durable cardboard that can provide reliable protection for the mobile device during transportation. There must also be a barcode on the surface of the box to help verify the authenticity of the phone. Fake boxes, on the other hand, do not contain a barcode and are made of very fragile material.

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External signs

The back panel is always made of either durable plastic, pleasant to the touch, or metal. The fake back panel looks like a very cheap gloss. The main camera of a real Xiaomi smartphone has a matte, opaque film, while in fakes it is either translucent or completely absent.

On most genuine models, the back cover is non-removable, and the SIM card slot is located on the side, matching the color of the body. It does not protrude beyond the side edge. If you notice that the phone does not match any of these parameters, then it is better to refuse to purchase it.


It is worth checking individual parts of the smartphone for compliance. Very often, scammers replace the display with a low-quality and very cheap fake. Therefore, when planning to purchase a gadget, check its screen. When viewing the image, check what its resolution is and whether it matches the one declared on the smartphone.

To make sure the technical specifications are up to date, use one of the benchmarks. The most popular of them is AnTuTu. Download the program to your phone, and then launch it and see what indicators were discovered during the research of the gadget. A fake Xiaomi will always produce numbers significantly lower than those indicated in the settings. So, don’t be lazy and compare the indicators to be calm about the authenticity of your smartphone.

Software shell

Another way to distinguish a fake Xiaomi from the original is to check the operating system. A real phone always has the proprietary MIUI shell installed. If your mobile device is running any other OS, then this is a clear sign that you purchased one of the counterfeit devices.

Check on the official website

Following in the footsteps of Apple, Xiaomi offers to check the authenticity of its products on the official website. To do this, you will need a special IMEI code. It is on the barcode on the smartphone box. If for some reason you don’t have a box at hand, you can dial the combination *#06#, and the code will immediately appear on the screen. The same data is available in the settings in the category " About the phone" - « General information".

Next, go to the following address: http://www.mi.com/verify/#imei_en. Enter the code and captcha, and then click on the Verify button. You will see the test result directly on the screen. If the IMEI is real, then there is no doubt about the authenticity of the smartphone.


Now you know what characteristics the original Xiaomi and the fake have. We hope that you will be satisfied with the result of checking your smartphone and you will not have to deal with an unscrupulous counterfeit of original Xiaomi equipment.

The original origin of the mobile device is the key to its long and excellent service. When purchasing a device, there is a possibility of stumbling upon a fake, an obvious or hidden manufacturing defect. In order to avoid such an unpleasant situation, you just need to carefully read our article and find out what to check when buying a Xiaomi phone.

What to look for when buying a Xiaomi smartphone


  • The first step is that you need to make sure that the factory seal is present. Please note that the device must be supplied sealed;
  • The delivery check consists of picking up the device and carefully inspecting it for integrity and absence of external damage. The glass must be perfectly clean, without scratches or chips. There should be no play or creaking on the body;
  • To check the availability of connection to the mobile Internet, you should insert a SIM card. Dial someone's phone number and listen to whether the call is in progress and whether the recipient answers. During a conversation, pay attention to the quality of communication, the presence/absence of interference and extraneous noise;
  • The sensitivity of the sensor is of no small importance. How to check a new Xiaomi phone when purchasing if you do not have technical knowledge and special programs? Don't worry, as sensor sensitivity testing doesn't require this. Click on “SMS messages” and enter a few lines of text in the appropriate field. The appearance of typos, the need to put in effort when typing, or lack of response to touch indicates that there are problems with the screen sensitivity. Most likely, you have received a defective product.
  • Checking the sensors. Xiaomi smartphones have many sensors installed that are responsible for geopositioning, changing the vertical/horizontal position of the image, etc. To check them, turn on GPS and see how accurately your location is determined. Check whether the cards work, whether the picture turns upside down when changing the position of the device;
  • Checking dead pixels and camera performance. For this you will need a sheet of white paper. Turn on good lighting, fire up your camera and take a photo of a white sheet. Enlarge the resulting picture as much as possible and look carefully to see if multi-colored dots are visible anywhere on it. If they are not present, then there are no dead pixels in the module. To visualize the mechanism for finding them, make a request on YouTube “How to check a smartphone screen for dead pixels” and watch the video. Also try out the basic functions of the camera, check how clear the photos are and whether the filters work;
  • Checking the quality of speakers. Take the headset and insert the plug into the appropriate jack. When playing musical compositions, not the slightest noise should be heard, the sound should be clear, deep and responsive to changes in volume;
  • Checking the charging socket. It is very easy to detect its malfunction - just connect the wire included in the kit to the charging socket and microUSB input. If a green indicator appears, this indicates normal operation of the function;
  • Wi-Fi check. The process begins by connecting the wireless module and activating the access point. The signal should be well received not only near the access point, but also at a distance of 10-15 m;
  • Checking for originality. There are 3 main ways to distinguish an original Xiaomi from a copy. We described them in detail in our article on checking the authenticity of a Xiaomi smartphone.
  • There is nothing complicated about how to check a Xiaomi phone upon delivery by courier. All actions can be completed in 10-15 minutes, and the result will be the purchase of an original device, without defects or defects.

The Chinese market has long been famous for its goods, but, unfortunately, among them you can often find fakes, carefully designed by various “pirates”. Xiaomi products are also at risk. But identifying a non-original smartphone by appearance is very difficult, almost impossible for non-professionals, so there are different, more reliable methods. In this article we will talk about how to check the authenticity of a Xiaomi phone and reduce the possibility of purchasing a low-quality product to a minimum.

6 ways to check Xiaomi for originality

The first 2 methods are almost identical, but 1 gives a full guarantee that you bought the product from a reliable seller, that is, the original.

Method 1: Check through the official Mi Verify website (100%)

This is the easiest and fastest way. The verification results are 100% correct, since the algorithm reads the IMEI you entered and searches for it in the official database of released Xiaomi phones.

  1. Go to the verification page.
  2. Enter your IMEI (you can check two, but separately). To find out IMEI, look at the back of the box, or enter a special code *#06# and copy the resulting numbers.
  3. Enter the security code (captcha).
  4. If the phone/tablet is original, you will receive a green message indicating successful verification.
  5. If the device is fake, you will see a red inscription.

Method 2: How to check Xiaomi authenticity via IMEI

This method does not always work, but it is ideal for those who, for example, do not have enough internal memory to install an additional application. And here you only need access directly to the phone and an online translator.

The problem is this: the most skillful and experienced “thieves” sometimes assign official IMEI to fakes in order to mislead the user.

How to find out your IMEI

But let's try to carry out the operation anyway. First, find out your IMEI and S/N (serial number). There are two options for this:

  1. We find the factory box in which we bought the smartphone. There should be a barcode on the back. If you look carefully, you can see the necessary data on it.
  2. Or open “Phone” and enter the following number: *#06#. Do not forget about the symbols, do not change or rearrange the numbers. Immediately after the entered command, the IMEI will be displayed. To show the serial number, go to “Settings” – “About phone” and “General information”. The list that appears will definitely contain the necessary material.

We go to the official verification website, but pay attention to the language: choose only Chinese, because even when selecting English, a completely white page is displayed.

But you can enable automatic Google translation into Russian. Next, enter the above data, namely IMEI and S/N. Let's get to the captcha. Don't worry, the special Zhonga website is here to help. When all fields are filled in, click on “ Verify" The check is in progress, after which we get a window similar to the first method. We also see the date, place of purchase of the device, advanced characteristics and the final result.

Important! For this procedure to be successful, yourIP the address should only be Chinese. All this can be configured usingVPN. The virtual network is freely available in the browserOpera, or may sometimes be included in

Method 3: Identification through the AnTuTu Officer application

Also an easy method, identical to the first. Only here the program is already provided by the AnTuTu Officer benchmark ( not to be confused with standardAnTuTu). First, we perform the same procedure as with the Verification Tool. Namely:

  1. Open Google Play. After the application icon appears, download it, having first cleared the space on the internal memory, since up to 100 free megabytes may be required.
  2. We are waiting for the installation to complete. Let's go into the program.
  3. Now open the official page on the computer, do not close it until the procedure is successfully completed.

On your smartphone, click “ Start» and scan the QR code again. The real-time scan begins. As soon as it ends, we get the result.

A green screen with the name of your device means that the phone is original. If it's a fake, there may be several options. Black or red page available.

Method 4: Check by technical specifications

This is an addition to the main testing, but quite truthful. The fact is that in all real Xiaomi, the Android operating system contains the MIUI shell. Whereas non-original smartphones can have any other software. No matter how they are advertised by sellers and passed off as unique, know that genuine Xiaomi is MIUI only.

Another important fact: It is impossible to install firmware on a fake. That is, it won’t even be possible. During this operation, the phone will constantly crash, turn off, and you may see unclear symbols and screens.

All these are clear signs of imitation of the original product. And they are almost 100% correct.

Method 5: Detecting a fake based on appearance

It is not always possible to identify a fake here. The most experienced “pirates”, who earn thousands of dollars from their counterfeits, have learned to design them with such precision that the average user very often falls into a web of lies.

But, as a rule, Chinese deceivers save expensive, non-original smartphones for their own compatriots, and send cheaper and low-quality goods to other countries. They are quite easy to identify.

Signs of a fake phone

  1. Cheap, bendable plastic that constantly leaves scratches and dirty marks;
  2. Fragile body;
  3. Low quality display; the screen shattered from minimal damage;
  4. The high-spec camera takes terrible photos, the flash does not respond to distant objects;
  5. The sound is noisy, the speaker crackles, you can hardly hear the interlocutor.

Note! Some of the listed points can sometimes be observed in real Xiaomi devices, so this data is not enough to bring charges of counterfeiting.

Method 6: Authentication at point of purchase

If you buy a phone at a local store, it will be difficult to immediately identify a fake. Of course, the first thing you should pay attention to even before paying is bad appearance, as discussed above. Please ask your dealer to review the actual settings as they may differ from the specifications shown. For example, the description indicates 16 GB of internal memory, but in fact there are only 8.

Also pay attention to the packaging of the product. Depending on the device model and cost, additional gadgets differ, but in any case be sure to have a charger along withUSB- cable. And, of course, instructions (it is possible that they will only be in Chinese) and an official guarantee.

Video instruction

As an addition to this article, you receive excellent detailed video instructions that clearly show all the possible ways to check your phone for originality. You will be able to see with your own eyes every step of a certain method so that there are no problems or confusion in the process. The information is presented easily and clearly, without complex definitions and materials that only masters in the technical field know.

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