Home network hardware World Safer Internet Day. International Safer Internet Day is an official holiday in many countries. World Safer Internet Day in the year.

World Safer Internet Day. International Safer Internet Day is an official holiday in many countries. World Safer Internet Day in the year.

Human life is connected with receiving and exchanging information. The speed of these processes affects progress and labor productivity. The Internet has become a disruptive technology that has changed lives and the economy. Along with the benefits came dangers. They are associated with identity theft, malware, etc. An international holiday has been established to draw attention to this problem.


International Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually on the second Tuesday of February. In 2017 it falls on February 7th.

Who celebrates

The event is celebrated by leaders of public organizations, foundations, officials, government representatives, and employees of information security companies. Employees of institutions that protect personal data and combat malware join the celebrations. The holiday is celebrated in 90 countries around the world.

History and traditions of the holiday

The holiday originated in January 2004. It was initiated by the European Commission. Her idea was supported by non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. They perform tasks to improve the security of handling the World Wide Web.

The participants committed themselves to combating illegal content on global Internet resources and countering the spread of malware. The idea has become widespread among users and government agencies.

The theme of the event is assigned annually. It concerns current issues in the field of protecting Internet users and introducing new programs. On this day, educational events, conferences and seminars are held. Participants of public organizations talk about ways to protect personal data. The media mention the event and post thematic materials. Thematic programs and films are broadcast on television. Proposals are put forward to improve ways of handling the World Wide Web, projects to improve security, reminders and rules for using the global Internet are presented. People who are related to the functioning of the Internet exchange congratulations and gifts.

The Internet emerged as a military technology for the US Army. She soon infiltrated civilian life. 2.5 billion people use the Internet.

Participants of the Insafe organization, which advocates for Internet safety, are all countries of the European Union, Iceland, Russia, Norway.

In the Russian Federation, since 2008, the “National Internet Security Node in Russia” has been operating - an authorized member of Insafe and the International Network of Hotlines to Counter Illegal Data INHOPE.

A web interface has been created as a mechanism for eradicating dangerous content. It allows each user to leave a complaint about violations of the resource.

Safe Runet Week has been taking place in Russia since 2008 and is the official Russian part of global events dedicated to the International Safer Internet Day (SaferInternetDay) - a date that draws the attention of specialists and Internet users to the problem of “digital” security, how to use the online environment more conveniently and securely for yourself and your loved ones.

The organizer of the Week is the Regional Public Center for Internet Technologies through its project “Safe Internet Center” with the support of the Russian State Children's Library, Kaspersky Lab, RU-CENTER and many other representatives of the online industry, educational environment and government bodies.

Anniversary Week 2017 will take place from January 31 to February 7 inclusive. The Week's events will cover about 60 regions of Russia. In the Ulyanovsk region, it will be held in all municipalities under the slogan “Safe Internet - Good Internet.”

Library named after S.T. Aksakova offers for children of different age categories a rich and interesting educational and educational program aimed at preventing encounters with various risks and threats of the World Wide Web:

Children will get acquainted with the history of the development of the Internet, with the useful opportunities of the Global Network for education, reading books and communication, how to behave correctly in it in order to gain a lot of knowledge, pleasure and avoid dangers.

During the interactive conversations “Say a word about NETIQUETTE: basic rules of conduct on the Internet”, “Weblandia will tell and show: walks through the virtual jungle”, children will learn the rules of responsible and safe behavior on the vastness of the Global Network, without offending their virtual friends, they will learn to navigate useful children's Internet resources.

During the adventure quest game “The Enchanted World, or how to bypass the traps of the Internet”, passing through the mysterious and educational areas of the library, participants in the Safe Runet Week will gain knowledge on how to use various Internet applications to avoid harmful and dangerous information, mobile fraud, and protect your computer from viruses and spam attacks, resist the pressure of Internet trolls on social networks.

In the computer room, children will take part in a training course on critical analysis of websites “Check the information... Facts. Factoids. Fakes,” or “Ai-Ai, or the Madagascar little hand,” will take Kimberly Young’s Internet addiction test and take part in the online survey “Risks and Threats of the Internet” on the Aksakovka page on the VKontakte social network.

World Safer Internet Day is celebrated annually on the second Tuesday of February. In 2020 it falls on February 11th. This is an international holiday. The celebrations are attended by figures from public organizations and foundations, government officials and representatives, employees of information security companies, and employees of institutions that protect personal data and fight malware.

The purpose of the holiday is to inform people about responsible and safe use of the Internet.

history of the holiday

World Safer Internet Day began in January 2004. It was initiated by the European Commission. The idea was supported by non-profit organizations European SchoolNet and Insafe. It quickly spread among Internet users and government agencies. Insafe became the main coordinator of the holiday.

In Russia, World Safer Internet Day was first held in 2005.

Holiday traditions

Every year, a theme is set for World Safer Internet Day. It concerns current issues in the field of protecting Internet users and introducing new programs. On this day, educational events, conferences and seminars are held. Participants of public organizations talk about ways to protect personal data. Projects to improve security, leaflets and rules for using the global Internet are presented. Thematic programs and films are broadcast on television.

In Russia, the event “Safe Runet Week” is timed to coincide with the holiday. At this time, forums, round tables, and conferences are held at which experts discuss issues of threats on the Internet, protection against malware, and cyber addiction. There is a hotline with security experts.

The UN News Center reported that by the end of 2016, 3.5 billion people - 47% of the world's population - were using the Internet. The highest level of Internet access is in Iceland (98.2%), the lowest is in African countries: Chad, Sierra Leone, Niger, Somalia and Eritrea (3%).

Since 2008, the “National Internet Security Hub in Russia” has been operating in the Russian Federation - an authorized member of Insafe (European Network of Safer Internet Centers) and the International Network of Hotlines for Combating Illegal Content INHOPE. Since 2011, the Safe Internet League has been countering the spread of dangerous content on the RuNet.

(World Consumer Rights Day), held under the auspices of the United Nations.

The date was first celebrated in 1983.

On this day in 1962, the 35th President of the United States John Fitzgerald Kennedy made a historic speech in the US Congress, in which he first defined the concept of “consumer” and identified his four inalienable rights: the right to information; the right to safety of goods and services; the right to choose goods and services on a competitive basis; the right to be heard.

Created in 1960, an independent non-political non-profit association of consumers around the world - the International Organization of Consumer Unions (Consumer International, CI), subsequently supplemented the Consumer Code with four more postulates: the right to compensation, the right to consumer education, the right to satisfaction of basic needs and the right to healthy environment.

On April 9, 1985, the UN General Assembly adopted the Guidelines for Consumer Protection.

With the adoption of these principles, consumer rights gained international recognition and legitimacy. They provide guidance to governments when setting policies and developing legislation to protect consumer interests. The adoption of the UN resolution contributed to the development of international cooperation in this area.

In 1989, the All-Union Federation of Consumer Societies was created in the USSR, which included the Antimonopoly Committee, Gosstandart, Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision, consumer societies, credit unions, etc. With their help, many people were able to defend their interests in difficult situations that often arise on both sides of the counter and in the service sector.

The main defender of consumer rights in Russia is the Consumer Union of the Russian Federation (SPRF), created in December 1990. Currently, the SPRF unites over 100 republican, regional, regional, city and district public associations - the majority of all consumer rights protection organizations actually operating in Russia.

Russia first celebrated World Consumer Rights Day in 1992, when the Russian Federation Law “On the Protection of Consumer Rights” was adopted, which legislated the consumer rights of citizens, as well as the rights and obligations of organizations selling or providing services to the consumer protection system. This holiday was celebrated more widely in all regions in 1994, but it officially began in 1996 with the entry of the Russian Federation into the International Consumer Organization Consumer International.

According to established tradition, Consumer International determines the theme of World Consumer Rights Day every year.

The motto of World Consumer Rights Day 2017 is “Building a digital world consumers can trust.”

Currently, more than three billion people, which is 40% of the inhabitants of our planet, actively use the Internet, and the number of users is growing every year. By comparison, in 1995, only 1% of the population used the Internet.

The development of the Internet, mobile communications and other digital technologies has created new opportunities and challenges for millions of consumers around the world.

Most consumers are satisfied with the development of modern digital technologies, but questions remain about how to improve the quality and security of online services.

According to the Ministry of Telecom and Mass Communications of Russia, the audience of the Russian Internet in 2016 reached 85 million people, and the volume of Internet markets with electronic payments amounted to 2.27 trillion rubles or 2.8% of GDP.

According to the Association of Internet Trade Companies (AKIT), based on the results of 2016, online trade turnover is projected to increase by 18%, to 900 billion rubles; in 2017, AKIT predicts an acceleration of growth to 23% and overcoming the mark of 1.1 trillion rubles.

Russians make the majority of purchases (51.1%) in China. In general, the growth of foreign shipments to Russia in just three quarters of 2016 amounted to 87%; by the end of the year, their number reached 230 million pieces. The volume of cross-border trade in money increased by approximately 45% compared to 2015 and will amount to about 320 billion rubles at the end of 2016.

Among the events dedicated to World Consumer Rights Day in 2017 is the Consumer Summit, which will be held as part of the official agenda of the G20 Heads of State Summit in Germany. This event will bring together representatives of government and public organizations from the G20 countries to jointly identify ways to solve pressing problems in the field of online commerce and Internet security.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Safer Internet Day - 2017 “Be a change: what we need to know for a better Internet”(Be the change: Unite for a better internet)

The rapid development of computer technology, along with the global informatization of society, is qualitatively changing the life around us and giving rise to many new problems, in particular, the problem of creating an information culture and security among the younger generation.

The Internet is what we make it day by day, it is the best and friendliest to the extent that each of us is polite and positive online.

In order to promote responsible use of Internet resources, Safer Internet Day is celebrated throughout the world.

This holiday, designed to promote the safe and responsible use of online technologies, especially among children, is organized by the European network of Insafe Internet Centers every February.

This year, Safer Internet Day was held on February 7 under the slogan “Be the change: Unite for a better internet.”

The main goal of the activities carried out is to ensure the information security of students by instilling in them the skills of responsible and safe behavior in the modern information and telecommunications environment.

Pupils of grades 1-4 took part in the Computerland quest, which was prepared and conducted by computer science teachers V.E. Rokitskaya. and Afanasyeva E.E. The kids really enjoyed completing the quest tasks and gaining knowledge about Internet security. Students of grades 2-B, 3-B, and 4-C coped with the quest tasks best of all.

In order to develop stable knowledge about safe behavior online for younger schoolchildren, computer science teachers held conversations “Threats on the Internet. How to protect yourself? The children were able to test their knowledge using a multimedia distance learning course on the safe use of Internet resources.

5th grade students wrote stories “I’m online.”

An interesting and informative class for children in grades 5-11 was “Internet Safety.” Pupils of grade 8-B with class teacher Bortnik L.A. and librarian Zamch L.P. We held an interesting round table. The guys identified the threats that they might encounter online and formulated their own rules for safe behavior on the Internet. Class materials.

8th grade students prepared informational videos “How I use the Internet”

Zakharchenko E.(8th grade student)

Mikhailova V.(8th grade student)

Pupils of grades 9-11 prepared drawings, posters, and presentations on safe Internet.

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