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What does it mean to repost a post? What is reposting on social networks

How do users show sympathy on VKontakte by tagging your materials, posts or photos? They like and repost (see).

As for likes, we have already completely dealt with this topic -. Now is the time to talk about what are VKontakte reposts and how to do them.

What is repost on VK

Any user can copy the VKontakte material they like to their page (see). Or to the page of the group of which he is the administrator (see).

This function was invented with the aim of promoting interesting user materials within the social network.

Essentially the phrase "Repost", and means copy your favorite photo, recording or video (see).

The mechanism works extremely simply. You just need to click on the “Repost” button and choose where you want to publish the material. Now I will show you step by step instructions.

How to repost on VKontakte

For example, let's imagine that I found a cool photo in my news feed. And I want to repost it by placing it on my page and in my group. What do I need to do?

Pay attention to the control unit located just below the photo. There is a “Like” heart and a megaphone icon. This is what is used to repost the post. Click on it.

A form will open in which you need to select the place where you want to repost this post. There are three options:

Let's look at each point.

Please note that for each option, adding a text comment is available (see). If necessary, enter it in the appropriate field.

This applies to reposting within VK. But you can also export your favorite post to third-party sites (see). To do this, go to the tab "Export". Here you will find a direct link to the material, as well as java-script embed code.

Good afternoon. In today's article we will talk about how to repost on VK and learn that VKontakte users can share posts on their page, in communities, and repost photos and videos.

What is repost

How to repost on VK: several ways

You can share posts in three ways:

How to repost a post on VK

How to quickly repost on VK? Take any news and click on the arrow icon below it.

Sharing the post is allowed on other social networks and even on websites. If you go to the “Export” tab, you will be able to upload a post to Facebook or Twitter, or copy the code and then post it on your blog (more about this is written in).

VKontakte has the opportunity to find out how many people shared a given post. There is a counter next to the icon. If you hover your cursor over it, a list of all those who distributed the post will appear.

How to repost in VK in a private message

Click on the arrow icon - then the item “Send by private message”, select a friend from the drop-down list:

Now the post will appear to those to whom it was sent as a message. Moreover, directly from the dialogue, a person can follow a link to go both to the public page containing the news and to the post itself in order to familiarize itself with it or read the comments.

Repost to VKontakte group

We carry out all the steps described above, only in the window that opens, select the “Community Subscribers” item. You can attach a comment, emoji, or attachment to your post.

It should be remembered that you can only repost to a VKontakte group if you are an administrator of a community. Then all your groups will be displayed in the drop-down list. Otherwise, this item will be inactive.

How to repost VKontakte from your phone

Reposting from a smartphone is done in the same way. Take the desired post and click on the arrow under it.

Then it’s like on a computer. You can select a user from those suggested or use the search, publish a post on your page or in the community, or copy the link. When you select the “More” button, the news can be sent to other social networks or instant messengers, by email, etc.

Delayed repost

A delayed repost on VKontakte is done in exactly the same way as. To do this, under the comments field you need to select “More”, and then “Timer”

The advantages of reposts or why they are needed

Now let's try to understand What are VKontakte reposts for?.

  • distributing and storing interesting and important information on the VKontakte social network. With their help, the necessary information is quickly distributed not only among friends, but also throughout the big city. Thus, social networks play the role of media. If you are afraid of losing valuable information, just repost the post on your wall so that at the right time you can quickly find it through search;
  • advertising of goods and services. By reposting you, others thereby promote you and your business, gather a target audience on VKontakte, which will then be able to use your services;
  • increasing the popularity of a public page or a specific user. If the post is really interesting, then social network users will not only read the news, but also follow the link to learn more about you or the public. This is how VKontakte promotes entire business projects or simply gathers people who are passionate about something;
  • earnings. You can earn money through reposts (but we will talk about this in the following articles).

Conclusion: reposts play an important role in disseminating information on VK!

Questions about reposts:

Question 1. Is there a limit on the number of reposts on VKontakte?

Answer: Yes, I have. You are allowed to make no more than 150 reposts of entries per day. After this, the operation will become available in 24 hours.

Question 2. How to find out who reposted?

Answer: You need to hover your mouse over the counter next to the arrow. A pop-up window will appear, by going into which you can see everyone who shared the post.

Question 3. Why can’t I repost from a group?

Question 4. Can I repost to other social networks?

Good luck to you, and see you soon.

Hello everyone, my dear readers and blog guests! In general, to be honest, I did not plan to write this kind of article, but one thing literally forced me to do it. I couldn’t even think that someone still doesn’t know what it means to repost a post on VK, but it turned out that this is a completely common thing. Well, then we will correct this situation.

In simple terms, a repost is the republishing of any finished post in another place with its full content, as well as showing the source of the original post. This means that if you liked a post, you can simply display it somewhere else, for example on your VK wall.

How to repost

You will have several options on how you can do this:

By the way, in addition to the post itself, you can leave your personal comment. Moreover, this comment can be supplemented with some picture, video or audio recording. You just need to click on the corresponding icon.

Delayed repost

By the way, if you don’t want the pepost to happen right away, then you can schedule the time of its appearance yourself. In some cases this can be a very useful feature. And this is all done very easily. You will just need to click on “More” and select “Timer” there. Well, then, I think you will understand it intuitively. Enter the time, date, and go!


Among other things, the repost has one very cool feature. which many are not even aware of, although they are in plain sight. You can share the post not only on VKontakte, but also on external resources that support html code, such as websites and forums. You can even resize this block and insert it, for example, as a banner. Quite a handy thing.)

In order to do this, you need to go to the tab while reposting "Export", then select the desired width in pixels (for example, 250), and then copy the code and paste it wherever you like.

Why are reposts needed at all?

A fair question would be: “Why is all this needed at all?” Well, there are several possible answers. Let's get a look:

Sometimes this or that news touches people so much that they make a lot of reposts. As a result, a simple post can spread so much that it becomes widely known throughout the RuNet and perhaps even turns into a meme.

And by the way, if you like to run around the expanses of VKontakte, then you can do it profitably. I suggest you visit free online marathon, where you can undergo training to master popular Internet professions, for example, “VKontakte Administrator” or “Traffic Manager of Social Networks”. Take a look, especially since it's free.

Well, this is where I will end my article for today. I hope that you found it interesting and useful. Don’t forget to subscribe to my blog updates, and of course, be sure to repost the topic of today’s article. Good luck to you. Bye bye!

Best regards, Dmitry Kostin.

What is a repost and how to repost on VKontakte

We continue to publish articles on social networks. Today's material will talk about reposts. Many users of social networks have heard about them, and there are often requests to “repost” or “repost a post.” The material is devoted to the topic of reposts, what they represent and how to repost in contact.

It is worth noting that there is a variation of the expression - “repost”. The definition of this value is as follows:

Repost(repost) - posting on your page on a social network a post created by another person and published earlier in a group (community) or on his page. The entry will be completely copied to the page of the user who made the repost, maintaining a link to its author.

In simple terms, someone published a post (photo, video, etc.) on their page (or in a group) that you liked, and you decided to publish it on your page. To do this, the social network uses the repost function by clicking on a special button. Now it will be displayed on the page and will be seen by users who follow you.

That’s actually all the tasks that reposts perform. Below we will tell you how to repost on VK.

Reposting VK is quite simple. To do this, select the entry you like and click on the speaker icon below it.

Now it will be displayed on the page and look like this.

After this, the selected user will receive a message reposting the post.

If you wish, you can add your comments to the repost. To do this, after clicking on the repost icon, in the “ your comment» enter the required text.

Now the repost will be displayed on the page with the entered text, and will look like this.

In addition to text, you can attach your photos, videos, materials and documents to the post.

Sometimes there is a need to publish a found post in your group or community. VKontakte allows you to perform these actions using reposts. To do this, select the desired post and click on the repost icon. In the window that opens, specify the value - “ Community subscribers" In the drop-down list, you must select in which group the entry will be published.

Repost with timer

The social network Vkontakte provides the ability to publish delayed reposts. You can select posts to repost now and publish them at any convenient time. This is especially true for community administrators, but it can also be useful for the average user.

To create a repost with a timer, open additional functions using the " tab More", as shown in the figure below. And select the value " Timer».

Reposts can be made both on your computer and using Vkontakte mobile applications for IOS and Android . In this case, the principle of operation is the same in any case. How often do you repost on VKontakte? Share your opinion in the comments below.

In this article, I will tell you what a repost is, why it is needed and how to do it.

The popularity of social networks has led to the introduction of special terms, such as repost, to simplify communication and understand actions. And, naturally, for those who are just starting to get acquainted with sites like Contact or Facebook, such terms mean little.

Note: I also advise you to read the article on what a hashtag is and find out why it is needed.

What is repost in simple words

Repost(from the word "repost"), repost, retweet is the resent message or the process itself. Although the definition is very simple, its meaning is somewhat deeper than it might seem at first glance.

The fact is that social networks imply very fast messaging. This means that any information, under certain circumstances, can spread just as quickly. For example, thanks to the repost function, some messages are viewed by millions of people literally within one day or even several hours.

The mechanism here is very simple, as in the case of the “rule of 7 handshakes”. You posted a message. 100 of your friends re-posted this message on their wall or in a group, that is, they reposted it. Everyone who knows these people saw the message and also reposted it (this could already be 1000 people). Friends of friends of friends did the same thing. And so on.

So, reposting is a very good tool for disseminating information, and not just sending a message. In addition, this function allows you to save a link to the original source of the message, which is usually not done when simply copying text.

What is a repost for or how is it used?

You could already understand the first use of repost from the previous subsection, but this is not all the possibilities. So, let's look at the most common application.

4. Attracting additional traffic to websites. If you paid attention, many sites have social networking buttons under the main text of the material. These buttons also allow you to repost to your profiles on various social networks. Accordingly, if an article is written interestingly, but is difficult to find through search engines, then reposting is a good opportunity to attract interest to it from media networks.

5. Often used when promoting sites in the media. You can find out in more detail what SMM is.

How to repost

Accordingly, all you need to do is click on such a button. But, it is worth considering that depending on the social network and whether you have your own groups, a small window may appear where you will need to indicate where exactly you want to repost the original message. This could be your profile, it could be a group, or maybe something else.

I would like to specifically draw your attention to the fact that inept use of the repost function can have a negative impact. For example, if you often post various advertising or spam reposts in your general feed of messages and events, then over time your friends may block your feed. This means that if you have really interesting and important information, no one will pay attention to it.

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