Home Office equipment The best programming language. Rating of programming languages

The best programming language. Rating of programming languages

It's no secret that programmers are among the highest paid specialists around the world. Russia is no exception. Good programmers are also valued here. And if you're interested in a fast-growing and lucrative career, you might want to learn and become a programmer.

To help you with this choice, I have collected data from various job search sites. While this is not a comprehensive list, it does provide insight into the most in-demand programming languages ​​(demanded by employers).

9 most popular programming languages ​​of 2016

It is not surprising that SQL tops the list, since it is used almost everywhere and in a wide range. Database technologies such as MySQL, PostgreSQL and Microsoft SQL are used on servers of large and small businesses, hospitals, banks, universities, etc. Indeed, almost every computer and person with access to a database eventually touches SQL. For example, all Android phones and iPhones have access to a SQL database called SQLite, and many mobile applications developed by Google, Skype and Dropbox use it directly.

  1. Java

The tech community recently celebrated Java's 20th anniversary. It is one of the most widely adopted programming languages, used by nearly 9 million developers, and runs on 7 billion devices worldwide. It is the programming language used to develop all native Android applications. The popularity of Java developers comes from the fact that the language has long-term compatibility, which ensures that older applications will continue to work now and in the future. The only difficulty is that this language is quite difficult to master, especially for beginners.

JavaScript is another one of the most popular and powerful programming languages ​​and is used to bring web pages to life by making them interactive. For example, JavaScript can be used to add effects to web pages, display pop-up messages, or create games with basic functionality. It's also worth noting that JavaScript is the scripting language of the World Wide Web and is built into all major web browsers by default, including Internet Explorer, FireFox, and Safari. Almost every website includes some elements of JavaScript, which adds to the demand for JavaScript developers. In recent years, JavaScript has also begun to be used as the basis for Node.js, a server-side technology that, among other things, allows for real-time communication.

C# (pronounced C-Sharp) is a relatively new programming language developed by Microsoft for a wide range of enterprise applications that run on the .NET Framework. The evolution of C and C++, the C# language is simple, modern, safe and object-oriented.

C++ (pronounced C-plus-plus) is a general-purpose object-oriented programming language based on the C language. Developed by Bjarne Stroustrup at Bell Labs, C++ was first released in 1983. Stroustrup maintains an extensive list of applications written in C++. The list includes Adobe and Microsoft applications, MongoDB databases, most of Mac OS/X and is the best language for studying the performance of mission-critical applications such as "twitch" game development or audio/video processing.

Python is a general-purpose programming language that was named after Monty Python. Python is simple and easy to read (for those who know English). It is a great language for beginners and seasoned professionals alike. There are many programming courses available for Python, with 8 out of 10 computer science departments teaching coding with Python. Due to the use of Python in education, there are many libraries created for Python related to mathematics, physics, science processing, etc.

Created by Danish-Canadian programmer Rasmus Lerdorf in 1994, PHP was not intended to be a new programming language. Instead, it was created to serve as a set of tools to help its creator maintain his personal page on the Internet (in PHP). Today, PHP is a server-side scripting language that can be used to create web pages written in HTML format. PHP is a very popular language because it is easy to use for new programmers, but it also offers many advanced features for more experienced programmers.

Like Java or the C language, Ruby is a general-purpose programming language. Ruby on Rails is used to write web applications and also provides integration with the web server and database. Ruby on Rails has many positive qualities, including fast development and a wide range of libraries. It is used by many companies ranging from small startups to large enterprises. Hulu, Twitter, Github, and Living Social use Ruby on Rails for at least one of their web applications.

In 2014, Apple decided to invent their own programming language. The result is Swift, a new programming language for iOS and OS X developers. The developers claim that many parts of Swift are familiar to them from their experience working in C++ and Objective-C. Many companies in the West, including American Airlines, LinkedIn and Duolingo, have switched to Swift, and the language will become increasingly popular in the coming years.

Any master has a full set of tools, each of which is suitable for a specific task. Likewise with programming, there will never be just one language, and each language will evolve and improve over time to keep up with innovation.

That's why if you're interested in becoming a developer, it's important to become proficient in multiple programming languages ​​so you can be versatile and adaptable, and continue to learn languages ​​throughout your career.

Competition among programmers will only increase. It seems that modern children are born with knowledge already “wired”! Therefore, there is no time to relax. To understand which programming languages ​​will be at the top, you need to know the tasks that programmers will face in the foreseeable future.

The hottest areas where breakthroughs are expected in the next decade:

  1. Increasing the volume of transmitted data and models for processing it. The emergence of new optical and quantum computers with advanced capabilities.
  2. Development of human-machine interfaces and artificial intelligence technology. Semantic systems that work with speech and languages ​​(translation, Internet search, human-computer communication, etc.) will be increasingly in demand, as well as the distribution of software that can be influenced by an ordinary user.
  3. Development of neural interfaces, incl. “control of thought”, different objects, transmission of sensations and experiences at a distance.

It is obvious that information technologies will be used more and more in all other spheres of human life. Therefore, to remain on the sidelines means to be left behind.

Promising programming languages ​​from 2016 to 2025

Programming language ​​​​​​​Why is it needed?
RWith its help, you can process large amounts of data, make calculations and create graphical models.
ErlangThe main advantage is parallelism. If you need to serve millions of users, Erlang is essential.
GoDeveloped by Google, which has many features and advantages. True, today not all programmers share confidence in its promise, but time will tell.
SwiftThe brainchild of Apple. As they themselves say about it: “it is the first powerful programming language that is as understandable and fun as a scripting language.” Primarily intended for iOS and OS X developers.

The most popular programming languages ​​2016

Programming language ​​​​​​​What problems does it help solve?
SQLIt rightfully occupies the first line of the hit parade. The name itself « SQL" stands for « structured query language." And requests, as you understand, are everywhere.
JavaOver twenty years of existence, Java « leaked everywhere." Remove it from your computer or mobile device and collapse awaits you.
JavaScriptLike Java, it is used everywhere and is built into all major browsers. JavaScript is needed to create interactivity, so the demand for JavaScript developers is only growing.
C# (C Sharp)Developed by Microsoft. Simple, secure and object oriented. C# belongs to a family of languages ​​with a C-like syntax and is close to C++ and Java.
C++Used for software development and is one of the most popular programming languages. Needed to create operating systems, drivers, application programs, high-performance servers, games and much more.
PythonYou can write anything in Python: applications, games, complex calculation systems, automation scripts and much more! And the simplicity of the code makes further maintenance of programs easier. Therefore, mastery of this language greatly simplifies the life of a programmer and makes him more competitive.
PHPIt has the capabilities of complex scripting languages, but at the same time is surprisingly simple and easy to learn and use. Good for both beginners and experienced programmers.
Ruby on RailsRuby borrows the best from other programming languages, and the Ruby on Rails framework makes it even cooler. Be careful: they say it is addictive!
iOS/SwiftAnd here the future neatly seeps into the list of leaders of today. Remember when we already talked about Swift as the language of the next decade?

What trends will be popular in the future?

Alexander Pryakhin (head of the web development department) noted that the programming market in 2026 will be determined by the following factors:

  • "Internet of Things". A coffee machine with WiFi will no longer surprise anyone. Those. Microcomputers and programming languages ​​for them will develop.
  • Reduced waiting time for the user. The speed of life is increasing. And the user needs to place an order right now, and transferring money to the card should be simple and done in one click. Operating speeds are determined by both hardware and software.
  • IT services sector. SaaS, PaaS, IaaS, etc. Many people realize that using a service instead of purchasing a product is often much more profitable.
  • Information threats. Every year computing power grows and becomes cheaper. Encryption algorithms become obsolete, and hacking systems becomes easier. And the programming language must pay a lot of attention to security aspects.

It is not necessary that in 10 years the market will be dominated by new young languages. Look at Java: the language is just gaining popularity. And all because, with the rigor of classical syntax, standardization and a high entry threshold for beginners, the language has high performance, modern solutions and develops with the times.

Alexander Pryakhin

Head of Web Development Department

Before becoming a programmer, choose your first language. And do it wisely so you don't end up without a job. However, in programming there is no magic pill - any specific and unambiguous option; it all depends on the problems that need to be solved. By the way, in the “” course we teach several popular areas at once.

Now we’ll tell you which programming language is in demand in different areas. The information was collected on the job site hh.ru.

Computer programs and games

If you are interested in developing regular computer programs, C# is worth a look. It is mainly used by business application developers for Windows OS. In total, there are about 4,000 vacancies in Russia for those who speak this language.

C# is similar to Java and C++, but not as bulky, although it is also fast and powerful. It is quite easy to learn, making it a good option for beginners.

As for Android, here it is in the lead Java- about 7,200 vacancies in Russia. In principle, you can write anything in Java, because this language is quite universal, but it is most suitable for creating mobile applications.

The language is also gaining momentum Kotlin. Many believe that it will soon replace Java, while others say it's just a fancy toy that will quickly be forgotten. Time will tell, but so far there are about 1,200 vacancies for him in Russia.

It is very rare for mobile devices to be written in C#. And in Python they mainly create the server part of the application or some separate scripts.

Web development

Web developers are perhaps the most in demand. And again the division: some develop the server part (backend), others create a custom (frontend). The server part of the site is responsible for processing requests, interacting with databases, storing files, ensuring security, and so on.

The most common language among backend developers PHP- about 79% of all sites on the Internet are written on it. There are about 5,000 vacancies open for PHP programmers in Russia. It is suitable for small sites that do not need to be maintained for a long time. If the project is considered as long-term, then it is better to choose Java- he is loved in the financial, banking and government spheres.

Therefore, in vacancies for Java developers there is also a place for creators
web applications. And PHP specialists are needed specifically for creating websites. In some countries they completely forgot about it - for example, in Germany. Keep this in mind if you want to get a job as a developer abroad.

Frontend - development of the visible part of the site (interface); backend - development of the server part (processor).

On the web they also work with Python. But it’s more difficult for a beginner to break through here, because mostly people with experience are needed.

If we talk about the visual part of the site, it’s here JavaScript there are no alternatives. This is a language of scripts, reactions to user actions. JavaScript is the most popular language on our list: there are about 10,000 vacancies for JS specialists in Russia.

Among web developers, there is no question about which language to choose to create an interface. Instead, they think about which framework to choose to work with. JavaScript- and there are quite a lot of them.

Artificial Intelligence and Analytics

Although the topic of AI seems like something far away, people are already doing it now, using Java, C++, R And Python. The latter is the most popular - about 6,300 vacancies in Russia.

The task of an AI developer is to write a program that processes information following certain algorithms. By passing a large amount of data through itself, the program learns to perform some tasks.

For example, the application is given to analyze a huge number of portraits, and then asked to create its own version. By combining the faces it sees, the AI ​​generates new ones.

Check out thispersondoesnotexist.com for an example. There is another similar site, but it generates photos of cats - thiscatdoesnotexist.com. It works out better with people.

Portrait of a person generated by a neural network

Hi all! Today I want to talk about the topic “Top programming languages” in 2018. It can be shown that this issue has already been well discussed on the Internet, but I will try to give you the latest information that is available today in foreign sources. Go!

Where does the data come from?

Today there are several well-known indexes, thanks to which you can find out the popularity of a particular programming language on the Internet:

— TIOBE (an index that evaluates the popularity of programming languages ​​based on counting the results of search queries containing the name of the language)

PYPL index (popularity index of programming languages ​​based on analysis of toturial searches on Google)

— RedMonk (company that deals with analysis)

And also a list of resources that contain their personal statistics:

— StackOverflow



— Indeed

- IEEE Spectrum

If you go through all these resources, you can come to the conclusion that there are some trends in the positions of languages ​​that differ from the statistics of personal use and the demand for languages ​​in the labor market. It follows that it is impossible to compile a completely accurate list. We can only get an approximate list of trends that will await us in 2018.

TOP 2018

Let's move on to the list of languages ​​itself.

1. JavaScript/JAVA In all top positions, these two languages ​​are usually in the lead. For several years now, JavaScript has become the main language in which a large number of developers write to create dynamic UI Web platforms. If you want to go the front-end development route, then this language should be your top priority to learn this year. Java is a language in which absolutely anything is written, from games, web applications, websites to artificial intelligence. The demand for good Java specialists is very high and has corresponding compensation anywhere in our world.

2. PHP I put PHP in second place because... indeed, there are currently a huge number of job offers on the market related to this programming language. PHP was used mostly on the web to create back-end applications. Thanks to its ease of learning, there are a huge number of projects that were written in previous years in PHP and which require further support from specialists and the refinement of some personal features. If you want to become a back-end developer (especially in the Russian-speaking segment of the market) without spending years learning Java, then PHP is the language that has a much lower level of entry.

3. Python This language has a low entry level and is easy to learn, which gives it a great advantage. Less popular on the Russian market than all previous languages, but we pay just as well.

4. C++/C# Fundamental languages ​​that I put in one row. Currently, they are used to write both games and complex applications for any device. These languages ​​pay well, but are less popular due to the higher level of entry into them.

5. Ruby An excellent language if you are a complete beginner. Many languages ​​that are now in first place have borrowed their practices from this language.

6. C A programming language developed back in 1969-1973. Usually some serious systems are being sawed on it. And if you really want to do hardcore programming and get into the world of low-level programming, then this language is clearly for you.

7. Objective-C Apple Corporation's compiled, object-oriented programming language, built on the C language and Smalltalk paradigms. There are a large number of vacancies for this programming language on our market.

8. CSS Why is CSS on this list? Just ask me. After all, CSS is a formal language for designing Web pages. Yes it is! But at the moment this language is used everywhere. No modern website or application is complete without CSS. That is why he is in this top.

9. Shell(shell, aka “command line”, aka CLI, aka “console”, aka “terminal”, aka “black window with white letters”) is a text interface for communicating with the operating system. And again, this is not a programming language! No matter what operating system you develop your “creation” on, you will still use the console, because it is convenient. So it is with these statistics.

10. Go And the last language on this list is Go, created by Google. This is not the first year that he has been constantly among the top. Who knows what will happen in a couple of years. Maybe this language can enter the coveted top five. Wait and see.


Today we looked at the “Top 10 popular programming languages” that will delight us in 2018. If you are a beginner and are just taking your first steps on the web, then I would advise you to go from simple to complex. Learn HTML and CSS. Then try playing with JS to create dynamic pages and, as an option, PHP or Ruby to write a simple back-end. After working with these languages ​​for 4 months, you will be able to make a choice in which direction it is better for you to develop (Front-end or Back-end). The choice is always yours. I hope this article was helpful to you. Good luck coding!)

How can a beginner choose a programming language for future work? Assess salary levels? Demand? Based on what is easier to learn? Or take a closer look at the popularity trend lines?

In fact, you can spend a lot of time choosing the best programming language. But as soon as it comes to personal acquaintance, there will be a need to change the favorite. Today you will be offered a choice that should appeal to the vast majority of beginning geeks - a combination of ease of learning and relevance in the labor market. These two arguments are relatively easy to reliably test, so the result obtained will be close to objectivity.


We will rank them based on the demand rating. We will take a number of foreign articles (,,,) as a base, and we will confirm the Russian reality with the help of aggregators hh.ru and trud.com. The statistics, of course, are relevant on the day the text was written, and are unlikely to change much by publication.

What we will not take into account is the level of salaries and the self-sufficiency of the language, simply because of the relativity of these criteria.


Formally, Swift, of course, is not yet as in demand among employers as Objective-C, and it largely owes its inclusion in this rating to the general platform. But it is absolutely impossible to ignore the perspective in this ranking. Therefore, we recommend starting your study now. We invite you to a free two-hour.

Let's take a look at the numbers of Russian HR agencies - 471 vacancies in Russia and neighboring countries on hh.ru and 410 on trud.com. Very good for a three year old. If you add Objective-C, you can safely multiply numbers by 3.


Calling C or C++ an easy language to learn is not entirely accurate, especially when compared to Python or Ruby. But in this case, it’s worth talking about the huge amount of educational, high-quality literature, about the fundamental nature and the useful remainder that will remain in your head, even if you don’t connect your future life with them.

But if you still like languages, then there are as many as 2,325 vacancies in Russia alone on hh.ru and 12,543 on trud.com. At the same time, it is important for you to understand that if, in the case of the Swift language, these were vacancies exclusively for developers, then with C++ you may need the language not only in the usual IT field, but also for the positions of a CNC operator and an auto electrician.


Not only is JavaScript extremely in demand in the modern world thanks to the crazy development of Internet technologies, but also thanks to modules and libraries, its zone of influence began to spread to all other IT areas.

Add to this the fact that JavaScript is relatively easy to learn. Having borrowed basic things from C and gradually developed from a bonus element for HTML and CSS to an independent force, it received a digestible syntax and an extremely understandable operating logic for a beginner.

And now to the demand: 6,365 vacancies only within Russia on hh.ru and 5,565 on trud.com. These are very good numbers for those who are determined to find a job upon completion of their studies.


When it comes to the combination of ease and relevance (in that order), most developers think of Python first. This is a language tested by time and millions of students, saving valuable time both at the stage of learning and application. At the same time, the number of IT areas where you might need Python is not limited at all. Many thanks to the fans, enthusiasts and the Python Software Foundation.

It is important to note that the demand for Python specialists is much higher abroad than in Russia. However, finding a job here won’t be too difficult: 2,325 vacancies are publicly available according to hh.ru and 2,537 - trud.com.


Java is a great language in every way. This is confirmed by the statistics of TIOBE, and the most popular OS in the world, and simply by the fact that it is a fairly simple language with a very powerful ecosystem.

If we express it in Russian reality figures, then the relevance of Java is 4,628 points according to hh.ru and 4,490 - trud.com. Yes, these are not impressive results compared to some previous contenders, but, firstly, this is due to the specifics of our IT market, secondly, the growth trend is strictly positive, and thirdly, Java will still be simpler than C/C++.


This is probably not the kind of leader you wanted to see, but formally there is nothing to complain about here. It is very difficult for you to avoid using a database in modern realities, and no one has yet come up with a more universal tool than SQL. It is this fact that allows this language to firmly sit in first place in almost all such ratings.

The language of domestic figures here does not reflect real demand very clearly, but SQL’s leadership in this rating will not make one doubt. In fact, he collected 8,303 internal vacancies on hh.ru and 8,933 on trud.com.


Looking at the rating published at the very beginning, you probably have a reasonable question: “Where are Perl and C#?” It's all about that very projection onto Russian reality. For example, Perl has 581 vacancy results according to hh.ru and 577 on trud.com. This is, of course, better than Swift, but the Apple language has an obvious future, and the demand for Perl in Russia will most likely only fall.

Regarding C#, the situation is better: 906 vacancies on hh.ru and over 16 thousand on trud.com. However, the second figure should not mislead you: among the vacancies, almost half of the C/C++ developers with knowledge of C#, therefore, in terms of their totality and fundamental importance, it was the first group of languages ​​that was included in the title, and the second was modestly mentioned at the end.

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