Home Office equipment Activation and inclusion of XVM (Deer Measuring) statistics. XVM mod for “World of Tanks”: activating statistics and enabling the display of statistics in the game Installing xvm for world of tanks

Activation and inclusion of XVM (Deer Measuring) statistics. XVM mod for “World of Tanks”: activating statistics and enabling the display of statistics in the game Installing xvm for world of tanks

Maude Olenemer | XVM for World of Tanks this is not the most popular mod for many tankers. According to statistics from the XVM website, it is used daily by more than three and a half million players around the world. Its popularity is due to the fact that it allows you to see the following information:

    • player efficiency rating when loading a battle and in the battle itself
    • their win percentage
    • number of fights
  • estimated chance of winning the battle taking into account all the indicators above

All output information can be configured in configuration files and displayed. For example, not the overall percentage of a player’s wins for all tanks, but only for a specific one, and so on. This made Deer Measuring highly customizable and a very popular mod.

It is made on the basis of XVM, which is also a very popular modification, because it allows the player to completely change the game interface and add the following to it:

Improvements without which a modern tanker simply cannot play:

  • damage log
  • smart mini-map with all the necessary data and indicators
  • tank light indicator in ears
  • base capture indicator, showing how many invaders are on the base and how soon it will be captured
  • modified markers above the equipment
  • ping in the hangar and on the login screen
  1. The main functionality of the Deer Measuring mod:

There are still a lot of chips hidden in it and jokes which you will be able to learn over time by using it. This page presents the deer meter for World of Tanks, also called the user meter, in the latest version and with the most detailed instructions for setting up and installing each of its components.

In order for you to install and configure the deer meter as comfortably as possible, our website team has done the following for you:

    • manual installation as an archive
  • automatic installation using a convenient and thoughtful installer

But remember one truth, once you install a deer gauge for WOT, you are setting yourself up for further torment and burning of chairs. After all, you will actually find out how many crayfish live in the World of Tanks universe.

Why two versions of the Reindeer Measuring Fashion?

Based on numerous requests from visitors to our portal, it was decided to make two options for installing the deer meter, because not everyone has good PCs, and for some XVM functions to work, additional resources are needed, which, unfortunately, are not available on a weak PC. Therefore, both in manual and automatic installation mode, two options will be available:

    1. Deer gauge Full
  1. Deer gauge Light

The Full Fashion version of the deer meter will include everything that can be included in XVM, the Light version will only have the deer meter and hit log.

  • informative carousel in 2 or 3 rows,
  • installation of standard vehicle markers
  • different types of damage log
  • manual switching of ratings

The development of Olenemer began with a mod called OTM - OverTargetMarkers. The mod displayed additional information on tank markers during the battle. OTM is now part of XVM. With its help, you can add almost any information about the player and his combat vehicle to the marker.

The next feature for which XVM earned the nickname “Deer Messenger” is the visualization of statistics in battle, in the loading and post-battle screen. This function allows you to understand before the start of the battle what you can expect from whom and draw up a rough plan of action. In addition, when the statistics display is turned on, the chances of winning are automatically calculated.

Hitlog is a counter of damage caused, expanded over time to a full-fledged “log of fire contacts.” In its standard configuration it shows the technique, number of shots fired and damage dealt, but like OTM, the hitlog can be customized to your liking.

A useful feature for experienced players with a well-pumped crew is a mod that changes the visualization of the “Sixth Sense” skill. Changing the icon, however, does not change the gameplay, but is only customizing the appearance of the game client to suit your preferences.

The XVM mod also changed the base capture bar. It does not display abstract “base capture points”, as in the standard client settings, but the number of invaders and the time remaining until a successful capture. This helps you quickly understand the state of affairs and decide on further actions in relation to the bases - whether to go to shoot down a capture, whether to help your allies, how much time you have for this, etc.

Last but not least, the improvement is the minimap mod. In fact, it was XVM who created the fashion for changing the minimap and it also contains the most thoughtful and useful functionality in battle. On the minimap, the reindeer surveyor can show:

  • The maximum rendering distance square is the maximum distance beyond which you will not see the enemy, even if he is in the backlight.
  • Maximum detection range radius
  • The viewing radius of your tank, taking into account modules and crew skills
  • The direction of the barrel of your combat vehicle and the horizontal aiming angles
  • A tank model next to an enemy or ally marker
  • Place of last sighting of the enemy or last contact with an ally if he went out of radio range

Please note - XVM does not contain , or other popular mods. You can install them in addition to XVM, but you should do so with caution, keeping backup copies of your mod build installed on the game client. Despite the fact that the default XVM configuration is quite well thought out, the authors of the mod provide the ability to edit all parameters, and descriptions of macros, fields and other customizable elements are provided with detailed hints contained directly inside the mod files. If you want to create your own configuration, you can use two ways.

The first is to edit manually. To do this, go to the res_mods\xvm directory and rename xvm.xc.sample to xvm.xc Open the xvm.xc file in Notepad or another simple text editor (Word, Wordpad, etc. - not suitable!) and edit the visualization parameters . The instructions are inside the file.

The second way is to use the online XVM configuration editor. The online editor somewhat limits your editing capabilities, but eliminates possible problems with typos, incorrect naming of variables, scripts, etc. Don't forget to save the created configuration.

The third option is to use a special program for setting up the reindeer meter -. The program contains extensive options for customizing the XVM configuration, surpasses even the online editor from the creators of the mod and is recommended for use by them. The program interface is intuitive, as are the functions of the reindeer meter that you can configure through it.

Installation is performed almost like any other mod. “Almost” because in addition to the files for a specific version of the game, a folder “res_mods\xvm” is created, containing part of the files necessary for the functioning of the mod. The XVM installation procedure is as follows:

  • Download and unpack the archive with the mod.
  • Copy the contents of the unpacked file to “res_mods”.
  • Confirm replacing files if necessary, otherwise XVM may not work. It is advisable to install the mod on a clean client.


Deer Measuring is the most popular mod for many tankers. According to statistics from the XVM website, it is used daily by more than three and a half million players around the world. Its popularity is due to the fact that it allows you to see the following information:

  • player efficiency rating when loading a battle and in the battle itself
  • their win percentage
  • number of fights
  • estimated chance of winning the battle taking into account all the indicators above

All displayed information can be configured in configuration files and displayed, for example, not the overall percentage of a player’s victories for all tanks, but only for a specific one, and so on. All this made Deer Measuring highly customizable and a very popular mod.

It is made on the basis of XVM for World of Tanks, which is also a very popular modification, because it allows the player to completely change the game interface and add the following improvements to it, without which a modern tanker simply cannot play:

  • damage log
  • smart mini-map with all the necessary data and indicators
  • tank light indicator in ears
  • base capture indicator, showing how many invaders are on the base and how soon it will be captured
  • modified markers above the equipment
  • ping in the hangar and on the login screen

And this is only the main part of the functionality of the mod. It still hides a lot of tricks and jokes that you can learn over time by using it. This page presents the deer meter for World of Tanks, also called the user meter, in the latest version and with the most detailed instructions for setting up and installing each of its components.

In order for you to install and configure the deer meter as comfortably as possible, our website team has done the following for you:

  • manual installation as an archive
  • automatic installation using a convenient and thoughtful installer

But remember one truth, once you install the deer meter for WOT, you set yourself up for further torment and burning of chairs. After all, you will actually find out how many crayfish live in the World of Tanks universe.

Based on numerous requests from visitors to our portal, it was decided to make two options for installing the deer meter, because not everyone has good PCs, and for some XVM functions to work, additional resources are needed, which, unfortunately, are not available on a weak PC. Therefore, both in manual and automatic installation mode, two options will be available:

  1. Deer gauge Full
  2. Deer gauge Light

The Full version will include all the mods that can be included in XVM, the Light version will only have a deer meter and a hit log. So if you are the owner of a weak PC, we advise you to install “Deer Measuring Light”. To configure additional XVM features, open the "Add-ons for Reindeer Measuring" folder and there you will find a settings file for:

  • informative carousel in 2 or 3 rows,
  • installation of standard vehicle markers
  • different types of damage log
  • manual switching of ratings

In our deer meter build, we use a tool for switching ratings right in the hangar, which was developed by famous player ProTanki. In order to change the rating displayed in the deer meter, you just need to click F6 and after that you will see the following message.

With this modification you can change the rating to one of the following:

  • eff - four-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • xeff - two-digit efficiency rating (PE);
  • wn6 - four-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • xwn6 - two-digit WN6 (Wot-news);
  • wn8 - four-digit WN8;
  • xwn8 - two-digit WN8;
  • wgr - four-digit rating from WG;
  • xwgr - two-digit rating from WG;
  • xte - two-digit rating taking into account average damage and number of frags;
  • r - rating configurable on the official website (more details below);

After updating XVM to version 6+, it became possible to switch deer hunter ratings directly on the official website of the modxvm mod, in your account settings.

In the latest update, we added this feature to our ratings switching mod. In order to change the displayed rating on the site, you first need to enable this feature in the hangar by pressing the key F6 and switching the rating to "r" (look at the picture below).

After that, follow these steps:

  1. Go to modxvm.com;
  2. Log in to your personal account;
  3. Go to Settings;
  4. Select to display your preferred rating.

Deer gauge from the site.

We present to you the first and currently best deer meter installer for World of Tanks. It was based on the deer meter from ProTanka and this already says a lot. With its help, you can easily install XVM and configure it as you need.

In the installer, you can enable or disable each of its elements, which allows you to customize the mod as finely as possible. You can install only a deer gauge and that’s it, or you can install the maximum package of all add-ons that will help you in the game.

Another feature of the installer is that you can change your XVM configuration as much as you like, reinstalling the mod with different options and knowing that you will always only get what you last selected.

Well, its biggest advantage is the update manager. By installing the deer meter from the site once, you will always be aware of the release of new versions of the mod and can easily update to its latest version by simply running the installer, which will already know which installation items you chose last time and you just have to quickly click Next and Install.

Updating the mod to the latest versions will minimize game crashes and give you the opportunity to always use the most optimized and stable version of the mod.

Installing XVM:

Copy the res_mods folder to the game folder.

Enabling website statistics (statistics activation): - NECESSARILY!

To configure additional XVM services, such as statistics, displaying the chance of winning and others, you need to go and log in to the official website of the mod (modxvm.com) and activate the necessary ones in the “Settings” section in your personal account.

If you receive a message like this when entering the hangar, this is the first sign that you have not activated XVM services.

To enable statistics you need to do the following:

  1. Click on "more details" or on the site link and you will immediately find yourself on the XVM website. (look at the pictures above)
  2. If you are not yet logged in to the site, click "Log in", select your region and enter your account information.
  3. Select the "Settings" tab and select the XVM services you need by checking the box next to the one you need. (look at the pictures above)
  4. Click on the "Add client" button (if it is inactive, click on "Update statistics")
  5. Re-login to the server.

After all these manipulations, you should see the following message in the game:

If it does not appear, try repeating all activation steps again. For the laziest, we have prepared a video that explains and demonstrates in detail each step of activating statistics:

If you are tired of looking at statistics, then you can turn them off on the same official website by simply unchecking the box next to “Player statistics in battle” and that’s it.


IN: The display of statistics does not work, the deer meter does not work, it does not show the chances of winning, what should I do?

IN: I get the message "Network error. XVM statistics are not available, try again later."?

ABOUT: The problem is not with your deer tracker or computer, it's all with the XVM statistics server. Please wait and the mod will resume working over time.

ABOUT: Apparently you do not have the necessary fonts installed. If you downloaded the deer meter on our website, install the font that you will find in the downloaded archive.

IN: Am I seeing multiple tank names on the minimap?

ABOUT: After the release of the latest update, a built-in smart mini-map appeared in the game, and in order to remove duplicate inscriptions on the mini-map, you need to disable their display in the settings in the game (look at the picture below).

IN: After installing one reindeer tracker on a clean client, tanks in the hangar disappear (LTB, E-25, etc.).

ABOUT: We go along the path to drive C:/users/name/appData/roaming/wargaming.net/wot/xvm and delete everything in the xvm folder. (you must first enable display of hidden files and folders)


By default, the deer meter is set to four-digit WN8. But it can be changed to any other right in the hangar (how to do this is written). After installation, do not forget that statistics need to be activated. (read more)

Download the reindeer meter from the website (7.9.3) as a convenient installer from 05/28/2019:

IMPORTANT! Below are ways to solve problems with the game freezing after a battle, when switching between allies after death, and when opening contacts.

1) To remove freezes after battle, you need to disable XMQP (data exchange with allies) in the XVM settings on the modxvm website. Log in there with your account and turn off this option (uncheck the box next to it).

If you don't do this, the game will constantly freeze or take a very long time to hangar when exiting combat.

2) If you see the error “Error loading comments timed out Comments are disabled” in the notification center and there is a freeze when opening contacts, do the following:

Installation using the installer:

Version #1:

To update the mod to the latest version, simply run the installer and reinstall the mod again. He will remember all the items that you chose before.


Important! Avast users are experiencing false positives from their antivirus. There are no viruses in the mod, as proof, we provide you with a link to the results of the installer check on Virustotal.

What should I do if something doesn’t work for me or crashes?

If your game crashed due to a mod, before writing this in a comment, please download the python.log file (located in the game folder) to Yandex, email or Google drive and paste the link into your comment. This is the only way we can catch all the bugs and make the mod better.


(eXtended Visualization Mod) is definitely the most popular modification for World of Tanks. At the moment, this mod is actively used by more than 3,700,000 players around the world. This modification is better known as “User Meter” or “Deer Meter”.

The main and original purpose of the XVM modification is to display the efficiency rating or efficiency in battle, as well as the percentage of victories for all players of both teams. Possessing this data, XVM also calculates the team’s chance of victory, which, although practice has proven, does not mean anything and does not guarantee, but is still sometimes interesting. True, it is much more interesting to find out about the chance of victory after the end, in the results of the battle. This kind of functionality will be very useful for many players, allowing you to plan your travel at the beginning of the battle, looking at the effectiveness of the players and identifying dangerous opponents on whom you should focus your attention or, on the contrary, avoid, leaving for last or for your stronger allies.

There are eight rating display options to choose from, two-digit and four-digit. Wot-news, Wargaming algorithms or efficiency ratings are used for calculations.

Over time, the XVM modification has acquired additional pleasant functionality that increases the information content of the interface. Among its additional features are convenient markers above vehicles that allow you to better see the damage you inflict thanks to a different color; modification of the base capture bar will allow you to see the time before capture and the number of vehicles in the circle, and much more.

Among the particularly useful features of the mod, it should be noted that the tank icons in the team’s ears are replaced with alternative ones, which allows you to determine the team’s setup much faster, as well as turning the ears themselves into a minimalist mode, leaving more space for viewing on the screen. It is also impossible to overestimate the light markers in the same ears, which make it possible to determine which enemy tanks are currently in the light, which were discovered during the battle, and which vehicles are still unknown around what corner.

Among the features that are not so required to install, but are quite useful and visually pleasing, it is worth remembering the seven icons for displaying the “Sixth Sense” to choose from in combination with a 10-second voice-over of the light timer, which allows you to better navigate in battle. It is possible to add an asterisk to the marker of each player, which in its color will display the degree of danger of the player, which will make it possible to approximately assess the danger during skirmishes or duels, without distracting your gaze from the list of commands. It is also possible to display the number of hit points of each tank in the ears, but you should use it only if you have a fairly powerful machine, as it significantly drains the FPS value.

Do not forget that for a modification to work, it is not enough to simply install it! After installation, you should go to the official XVM website and activate it online.

The most popular mod for World of Tanks for displaying statistics directly in battle and in the hangar, as well as many interface improvements.

Updated to version XVM-7.8.7 for World of Tanks


Mod XVM- Extended Visualization Mod is essentially a continuation of the OTM mod, the creators of which expanded it and supplemented it with a deer hunter. Deer measurer(aka deer meter or user meter) is an extended combat statistics of players during battle. Shows the winning percentage of players and highlights their nicknames depending on their skill (seen in the screenshot).

Here is one of those mods that simply must be installed on your World of Tanks 1.3 client. The mod consists of two parts - the XVM itself (interface modification) and statistics, or also known as the XVM Stat.

The XVM mod will allow you to slightly improve the game by slightly expanding the capabilities of the game interface. The modification allows you to make such features as:

  • Display player statistics.
  • Changed tank markers. Now it has become even easier to customize them for yourself. The settings are very flexible.
  • The damage log is a very useful thing in battle for those who are interested in how much health you took away from your opponents right during the battle.
  • - you can put your picture in res_mods/icons/SixthSense.png.
  • Customization of the loading screen, list of players and statistics during battle.
  • Adding icons of clans and players to the game.
  • A modified capture bar that shows the number of invaders and the time remaining until capture.
  • Improved minimap with model names and the location of the last enemy sighting.
  • And much more...

How to install XVM deer meter?

Installing XVM: download the archive and unpack the contents into the root of the game. For example D:\Games\World_of_Tanks.

Example path to config files: E:\Games\World_of_Tanks\res_mods\configs\xvm

Config and setup of the reindeer meter

The mod is controlled by a special settings file - "config". Starting from the version of the reindeer surveyor for World of Tanks 0.8.6, the work of the config was changed - it was divided into a larger number of files, each of which is responsible for its own part of the mod. This was done for convenience and to create structure.

ATTENTION! For the config to work, you need to rename the file res_mods\configs\xvm\xvm.xc.sample to xvm.xc, and inside the file change the line $("default/@xvm.xc":."") to the path to your config.

The standard config files are now located in this path:


Please note that the game version is not listed in the path. That is, the mod is installed as it should be here - res_mods/1.3/..., and the config files separately!

How to enable the display of deer surveyor statistics?

What do the numbers on the deer meter mean?

Next to each player we see the following numbers (example): 1k 1100 49%. Let's look at what each of them means.

In our specific case:

  • 1 to- reduced and rounded number of fights. 1k = 1000 fights, since “k” is kilo, that is, a thousand. 10k = 10,000 and so on.
  • 49% - player’s win percentage.
  • But between them stands another figure 1100 , the meaning of which many do not understand. This number is an unofficial rating of a player's efficiency.

World of Tanks efficiency rating

The effectiveness rating is a conditional numerical value that determines the player’s effectiveness in battle. The mod developers themselves give the following definition of efficiency rating: " a qualitative characteristic that determines a player’s effectiveness in battle".

But how is it calculated? A very cunning one was invented for this. There you can also read how to change it to 4-digit.

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