Home Other Production and printing of photo albums. Production and printing of photo albums How much does it cost to print a photo book

Production and printing of photo albums. Production and printing of photo albums How much does it cost to print a photo book

The production of photo books occupies the main place in our company. The main product of our production is a Premium class photo book. It differs from books of other technologies in that it is based on double-page spreads made on classic photographic paper.

School tablets from RUB 361.
Graduation photo books from 518 rub.
Photo books in soft photo covers from 568 RUR.
Photo books in a hard photo cover from 1178 RUR.
Photo books in fabric and eco-leather from 1,700 rubles.
Photo books in genuine leather from RUB 3,005.

The production time for photo books to order is from 2 days.

* Photo book printing within 24 hours is available only for products with a photo cover or leatherette with standard embossing and for orders placed before 7:00 (Mon-Fri) by prior agreement with managers

Individual embossing + 2 days to the photo book production time

Additional options (boxes, photo inserts, metal inserts, gilding of edges) can increase the period from 1 to 3 days

Orders placed after 07:00 go into production the next day.

Orders placed on Saturday or Sunday go into production on Monday.

In production, we do not divide photo books into Light, Standard, Premium, etc. We give you the opportunity to use ours to create the one you need. You can order a regular photo book in a thin photo cover, or a book in genuine leather on silk paper with embossing or a metal insert.

Today this is the highest quality method of printing images, which no one can surpass yet. Printing is carried out on Noritsy 3702 HD equipment on FujicolorCrystalArchivePaper photo paper, providing high quality printing with an unprecedented resolution of 640dpi. Our equipment makes it easy to display the natural beauty of the shooting location that the photographer saw with his own eyes when taking photographs.

Typographic (laser) printing

Laser printing is slightly inferior in quality to the wet method, but its cost is much lower. We get bright, rich prints of excellent quality using the potential of the KonicaMinoltaBizHub PRO C6000. The high gradient of the equipment ensures smooth transitions and allows you to convey the smallest nuances of the image. An undeniable advantage of the laser method is the ability to print on both sides of the sheet. In production we use glossy and matte papers.

Digital printing on HP Indigo 5500

The HP Indigo 5500 Digital Press in a 7-color configuration allows us to print on almost any paper and use unique inks. The creation of a special protective layer provides unlimited versatility of the materials we use, and the automatic back sealing system guarantees increased accuracy of alignment of the front and back sides of the sheet. We can print any image. For us, the impossible is not enough!

Photos have not been printed in large volumes for a long time; they are more often stored on electronic media. We often want to look through pictures and immerse ourselves in warm memories, but we deny ourselves this pleasure because we need to take out a laptop or sit near a personal computer. Now you can view pictures without special equipment, just open photobook.

What is a photobook?

Photobook is a modern format for photographic design. Now there is no need to print photos and then collect them into thick photo albums. Just select the book format and upload photos to the online editor. Photos are printed on pages that are later collected into a single book.

Types of photo books:

  • Wedding photo book. An important life event must be captured. The number of professional photographs often exceeds the hundred mark. There is simply no point in placing the entire volume of photographs in frames, but the decision to collect them in a photo book will allow you to enjoy the memories of this day.
  • Children's photo book. The birth of a child is an important stage in the life of any family. The child grows quickly, and in routine problems we may miss some important points. A book containing photographs of a child will help refresh memories of such an interesting time in our lives.
  • Travel photobook. Vacation is a busy time when we forget about work, family problems and daily routine. You want to save vivid impressions so that you can enjoy warm memories later. If you collect photographs in a photo book, you will again feel that thrill from the emotions you experienced.
  • Family photo book. It is with our family that we are connected with bright and colorful memories that we want to capture as a keepsake.

Photobook formats

Types of photo books

Photo book in soft cover with a regular spread.

Photobook in hardcover with a regular spread.

Photobook calculator


Security zone(Red line)

Text and other important design elements should not extend beyond the safety zone.

Format before cropping(black line)

Place general design elements, such as the background, to the edge of the field. Do not leave blank fields.

Advantages and disadvantages of a photo book.

The advantages of a photo book include:

  1. Uniqueness. Printing houses offer to create a photo book using a selected template or your own layout.
  2. Save time. After spending a couple of hours, you will receive a photo book with photographs, and you will not have to sort, label and come up with titles for the pictures in the photo album.
  3. Any size. A photobook allows you to save photos in different sizes. So on one page you can save from one to several photographs, and on another spread you can place one photo that seems most successful to you.

The only disadvantages include the time it takes to make a photo book. But you must admit, the result is worth the wait.

Where to order a photo book in Moscow inexpensively?

There are many offers on the Internet for printing photo books in different formats. But we advise you to contact the printing house directly, bypassing intermediaries. This way you will not only save time, but also money.

The Format printing house offers a variety of photo book templates for all occasions. In addition, you can create a unique layout that will have a different design.

We work only with professional equipment that produces bright and rich colors when printing. The paper for the block of sheets is thick - matte or glossy at your choice.

The cost of a photo book depends on the number of pages printed, the type of paper chosen and other important parameters. Immediately after sending the sketch, we send the photo book for printing. Upon completion of the process, the order is sent to the logistics department responsible for delivery. The photo book will be delivered to all regions of Russia.

Printing house "Format" - photo book printing in Moscow with delivery to the customer.

A photo book is the best way to store your memories. The thoughtful composition and palette perfectly convey the atmosphere of the event to which the album is dedicated. Thanks to thematic backgrounds and frames, touching or funny inscriptions, a selection of photographs turns into a logical and complete story. Modern technologies and high-quality materials preserve the brightness and clarity of images for many years.

The Axiomatika Smart Print printing house prints photo books in any edition - from one unit to several hundred copies. Our production operates 24/7, so urgent orders are completed as quickly as possible. The minimum time required to assemble a photo book is 4 hours. Fast and inexpensive delivery of finished products is carried out throughout Russia. Residents of Moscow can pick up printing materials themselves from our office.

Photo books are produced with personalized covers, which are decorated with frames from the family archive, graduation photos, and wedding photos. Standard brochure sizes are 10×10, 18×18, 20×15, 20×20, 28×20, 25×25, 30×30 cm. In addition, you can cheaply order printing from us with individual parameters (up to A3 size ( 297x420 mm) The pages are made from coated or photographic paper, specialized cardboard. Thanks to the high quality of printing and excellent color rendition, the albums look like first-class art publications.

Popular photobook formats

Paperback magazine type brochure. The pages are assembled into a spread using adhesive seamless binding (CBS). The technology guarantees high strength and accuracy of execution. The number of pages in a block can reach 80 pcs.
Number of pages40
Materialcoated paper, 150 g.
Paper typematte
Format20 x 15 cm
Price860 rub.
Hardcover photo book. Additionally, you can order matte or glossy lamination of the cover. This will make the design even more attractive and expressive. In addition, the coating will increase the strength and wear resistance of the brochure. Minimum number of pages - 28 pcs.
Number of pages40
Materialcoated paper, 150 g.
Paper typematte
Format20 x 15 cm
Price1500 rub.
Edition with panoramic spreads in soft or hard cover. The photobook opens 180 degrees, so the images in the spine are not lost. Basic number of pages - 20 pcs.
Number of pages20
Materialcoated paper, 150 g.
Paper typematte or glossy
Format10 x 10 cm
Price990 rub.

An order to print an album can be placed in the online editor mode. You can choose one of hundreds of thematic templates or send a ready-made layout. In addition, we accept orders for the production of printing in any form.

We all love to take photographs, to capture good moments in our lives - birthdays, weddings, anniversaries and emotional meetings with friends. Previously, photographs were printed in photo salons and stored in albums, but today, in the age of digital technology, all photos are stored on electronic media, disks, flash drives and others. Unfortunately, we very rarely take out a disk with photographs to look at it, and in the worst case, if something happens to the disk, we will completely lose the precious memory of past years. A completely new solution was photobook printing, which will preserve memorable photographs for many years.

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Photobook- this, one might say, is an improved form of a photo album, which also looks much more beautiful and interesting. Remember how you used to have to print out photographs, look for a suitable photo album for the required number of photo cards and sign each photo, because without a signature it is sometimes difficult to remember a past event. Today, making a photo book is much easier and faster, you just need to send all the photos to the manager of the Offset Moscow printing house, write the desired captions for them and indicate the subject of the photo album, then in electronic form you will receive a version of the photo book, which will subsequently be printed and delivered personally.

Photo books differ from a photo album in the way they are made; everyone knows the principle of a photo album, but few know about photo books. carried out using digital printing, photographs are applied directly to the pages of a photo book, after which they are bound, which is where the name itself comes from, because the sheets are bound together with a book binding. You can create a photo book in both hardcover and softcover.

Order a photo book

Creating a photo book requires a creative and responsible approach, because for each person photographs carry different emotions and memories. Order a photo book It is possible for any specific celebration or in order to capture a certain period of life. So, the most popular are: wedding photo book, children's photo book, class photo book, kindergarten photo book, graduation photo books, school photo books and many others.

You can order printing of photo books as a gift for family and friends with whom you share photos; such a gift will undoubtedly be appreciated by both the recipient and other guests of the celebration.

Photo books to order

Photo books are a fairly new way of arranging photographs in the modern world, and the OFSET MOSCOW printing house was one of the first to produce photo books in Moscow. Photo books to order Our designs are distinguished by high print quality, good product assembly and durability. So, if you are looking for where to order a photo book, then you have come to the right place. Call the numbers provided, write an email, or click the “Order a quote” button and we will contact you.

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