Home Accessories YouTube is official. How to download any video from YouTube using one key

YouTube is official. How to download any video from YouTube using one key

YouTube has simplified video editing based on complaints from copyright holders ... of an already uploaded video. Now this can be done automatically Service YouTube introduced a new tool that allows you to automatically trim already uploaded videos... remove videos for insults and hidden threats Earlier in December YouTube announced stricter rules for publishing videos. The service promised to delete content... but also hidden or implied threats against someone. YouTube also announced plans to block offensive content, such as discriminatory... Book publishers allowed Yandex.Video and YouTube to be permanently blocked ..., said a representative of 15 book publishing houses in Russia to the Yandex.Video service and YouTube Russia is facing eternal blocking due to violation of the law... tel" by writer Liu Cixin - its illegal audio versions were posted on YouTube and Yandex.Video. Now services are required to delete illegal copies of the book... on the eternal blocking of Yandex.Video and YouTube in Russia,” said Ryabyko. He added that YouTube There is a mechanism for voluntary removal of links to... A five-year-old Russian woman entered the top 3 highest paid bloggers ... $18 million. This is the third figure for the year among bloggers Youtube of all ages The American magazine Forbes has compiled its annual ranking of the highest paid bloggers Youtube. This year, the third place in the ranking was taken by five-year-old Anastasia... . Kaji tops the Forbes ranking of the highest paid for the second year in a row. Youtube-bloggers. The second place went to the Dude Perfect channel, which has five... Mail.Ru Group will launch a YouTube competitor “in its own way” ...similar to how it does now YouTube. Dobrodeev, however, clarified that it would be “not a frontal attack.” YouTube”, and the service “in its own way”. How... . “We will set ourselves the task of increasing the time spent, catching up YouTube, increase the amount of content consumed outside the social graph,” Dobrodeev said. Mail.Ru Group as a holding is inferior to its owner YouTube Google by monthly national audience size. In September on mobile... YouTube named the most popular videos of the decade ... the song See You Again. Google named the most viewed videos in YouTube in Russia and the world Mark... also made it to the top five with the video Make This Video The Most Liked Video On YouTube, in which participants throw chicken eggs at each other. YouTube and Instagram are experiencing an outage ... Users YouTube and Instagram complained about service failures. About this... Downdetector, which monitors the operation of popular Internet resources. Failure in work YouTube occurred around 02:06 Moscow time. The majority of users (60%) complained about... watching videos, 24% reported that their website did not work YouTube, and another 16% of users were unable to log into their account... YouTube promised to remove videos for insults and hidden threats ... -blanche to insult someone,” they note in YouTube. VKontakte will give you the opportunity to put dislikes The need for change in YouTube explained by the fact that insults and harassment... affiliate program YouTube, which will deprive them of the opportunity to earn money here. Ivleeva asked Medvedev about the timing of the “closure” YouTube Halprin also warned that YouTube can delete... Google named the most viewed videos on YouTube in Russia and the world ... and parodists Google Russia named the most popular videos in YouTube this year. As it turned out, most often in the Russian segment... and a film by Yuri Dud. In Russia the most popular video in YouTube became the cartoon “Chinili and the Big Secret” - a parody of blogger Syenduk on... with the video Make This Video The Most Liked Video On YouTube, in which participants throw chicken eggs at each other. Next comes... Ivleeva asked Medvedev about the timing of the “closure” of YouTube ... bloggers “No one is going to close anything” Block Russians’ access to YouTube not planned, the head assured during an interview with journalists from Russian TV channels...” “No one is going to close anything. YouTube as it was, so it will remain, and those who earn from YouTube, will be able to earn money,” Medvedev said. Premier..., anything” - from power plants to airplane flights. Sponsored links in YouTube-channels brought Russian bloggers ₽3 billion Answering Ivleeva’s question... Dodon invited residents of Moldova to communicate with him via YouTube ... will answer questions from citizens of the country every weekend in his YouTube-channel and social networks. He wrote about this in... Advertising links in YouTube channels brought Russian bloggers ₽3 billion ...in some cases shows higher performance than direct video advertising YouTube, explains Vyacheslav, director of digital media placement at the Carat agency... . The second largest advertiser in the influence marketing segment in the Russian language YouTube analysts named the airline ticket aggregator Aviasales, which for eight months of 2019 ..., admitted that Rocketbank “is investing in joint content with influencers on YouTube" The press service of the platform for learning foreign languages ​​SkyEng confirmed... Producer Parfenov explained the disappearance of “Namedni” from his YouTube channel ... titles of new releases of Leonid Parfenov's author's program published on his YouTube-Parfenon channel, due to disagreements with the NTV channel. About this... TV channel. In January, Leonid Parfenov announced the restart of the program on his YouTube-Parfenon channel. Eight issues were published. In April, the NTV channel... was supposed to go out without Parfenov's participation. Leonid Parfenov launched his YouTube-Parfenon channel in February 2018. The channel description says... Wylsacom explained the victory in the ranking of Russian-speaking YouTube bloggers ...Video blogger, presenter YouTube-Wylsacom channel Valentin Petukhov explained his victory in the rating of Russian-speaking... Minecraft and pranks helped bloggers overtake Dudya and Urgant ... -20 there were only two politicians - passing maps in Minecraft on YouTube discussed more readily, Brand Analytics notes Brand Analytics experts have compiled... . Entertainment channels remain the most engaging and discussed in the Russian-language segment YouTube, however, situationally, in the wake of the general agenda, “serious... Analytics” are breaking into the top, pointing to the growth of Navalny’s channel. "The most violent reaction in YouTube It’s not political events that cause it, but the passage of maps in Minecraft,” concluded... A comment on a YouTube video has received more than 1 million likes for the first time. ... User comment YouTube collected more than 1 million likes for the first time. Its author is Seth Everman - ... a bad guy"). In the photo he used for his avatar in YouTube, he has no hair. @SethEverman At the end of August, Eilish first...

Society, 10 Sep, 09:54

Timati removed the clip from YouTube that collected a record number of dislikes ... Gufa called “Moscow”, which received a record number of dislikes in Russian YouTube, disappeared from the site. As of Monday morning, the video published... there was no one there,” the performer wrote. The video “Moscow” appeared in YouTube the day before the elections to the Moscow City Duma, which took place 8 ... global ranking with the largest number of dislikes among all content YouTube The video took 40th place. Mass protests in Moscow...

Society, 09 Sep, 20:44

Timati and Guf's clip received more than 1 million dislikes on YouTube in two days ...ranked with the highest number of dislikes among all content YouTube. The video sequence of the video consists of filming the capital's sights from above. IN...

Business, 04 Sep, 18:46

Google and YouTube will pay a record fine for collecting children's data ...the beginning of children's privacy laws in the United States. Google and YouTube will pay $170 million for collecting personal information about children without... targeted advertising. As noted in the complaint from the Federal Customs Service and the prosecutor, although YouTube claims that its content is intended for a wide audience, individual channels... and must comply with the law. In addition to the Google fine and YouTube are required to implement a system that will allow channel owners to flag content for... Google will pay a fine of up to $200 million for collecting children's data on YouTube ... million following an investigation into alleged violations of the Children's Privacy Act at YouTube, Politico reports, citing a source. The information was confirmed by the interlocutors of The... that the complaint was filed by a coalition for the protection of privacy. According to them, YouTube collects personal information from minors online and then uses it... . According to him, what is important is what conditions the FTC will set for YouTube within the framework of the agreement. In mid-July, Google admitted that... Google blocks 210 YouTube channels due to unrest in Hong Kong Google has disabled 210 channels of its video service YouTube, who “coordinatedly uploaded videos” dedicated to protests in Hong Kong. About... YouTube has limited access to a video that insults the Russian flag Video hosting YouTube at the request of Roskomnadzor (RKN) limited access to a video with offensive... that Google rejected three RKN notifications demanding to remove from YouTube recording of the burning of the Russian flag in Odessa. In the service itself... that they will force the American company to comply with the law. In June YouTube blocked videos of leaders of gangs and extremist organizations insulting the coat of arms of Russia... Roskomnadzor reported three requirements ignored by Google Google ignored three notifications from Roskomnadzor demanding that the video be removed YouTube, in which the state symbols of Russia are insulted. TASS reported this... will fulfill the requirements, as before YouTube deleted materials that insulted Russian state symbols. In mid-June YouTube blocked videos of leaders of gangs and extremist... A rating of mobile applications - “time wasters” has been compiled ... minutes a day. FBReader managed to get ahead of, among other things, YouTube, in which people spend 35 minutes a day. At... The author of the Skibidi video became the creative director of Svyaznoy-Euroset ... . To date, it has received over 268 million views on YouTube. The dance that the artists perform in the video launched the global flash mob Skibidi... Roskomnadzor demanded to stop advertising illegal events on YouTube ... to prevent advertising of unauthorized public events on the company's video hosting site YouTube. This is stated in a message on the department's website. According to Roskomnadzor, “a number of structures that have YouTube-channels purchase advertising tools from video hosting, such as push notifications... An episode of Masha and the Bear has been watched more than 4 billion times on YouTube. ... "Masha and the Bear" called "Masha plus porridge" looked at YouTube more than 4 billion times, reports the Animaccord studio, which produces the cartoon... in the Guinness Book of Records 2019 as the most viewed cartoon on YouTube. The studio's message is confirmed by data from the video service. The billion views milestone has been surpassed... WSJ learned about plans to create YouTube Kids ...children's access to adult content is a change in normal settings YouTube. Now, after watching one video, the user automatically switches to the next one... the viewer will see a video that may turn out to be “not harmless,” notes the WSJ. IN YouTube emphasize that against the backdrop of the growing popularity of video hosting, the company is thinking... YouTube blocked videos insulting the Russian coat of arms ...Video hosting YouTube blocked videos of leaders of gangs and extremist organizations in which ... rapper Husky unblock his video “Judas” on YouTube Roskomnadzor added that it sent a notification YouTube on the basis of the requirement of the Prosecutor General’s Office for the implementation of federal law... to state symbols” (Article 30 of the Federal Law). At the beginning of June, management YouTube stated that it had decided to ban chauvinistic videos, as well as those that... YouTube decides to ban chauvinistic videos ... Management YouTube decided to block videos of a chauvinistic nature, as well as videos challenging... that the concept of chauvinism includes videos that promote nationalist ideas. YouTube decided to produce interactive shows “In addition, we will be deleting... Hook, in fact took place,” the message says. In the manual YouTube noted that this system will be fully operational in a few... The author of the video about the “Romanian invasion of Ukraine” thanked Matios ...warm feelings for Ukraine. "I heard you are my biggest YouTube-fan. And I want to thank you personally. Don't worry, Mister... The chief military prosecutor of Ukraine called the security forces because of the video in YouTube Earlier, the chief military prosecutor announced on Facebook that a meeting would be held with the heads of Ukrainian law enforcement agencies in connection with what was published on YouTube-channel 03192 with a video with a scenario of the alleged “annexation” by Romania in the “union... The chief military prosecutor of Ukraine summoned the security forces because of a video on YouTube ...with the leadership of the country's security forces in connection with the appearance in YouTube video about the annexation of Western Ukrainian territories by Romania. Wrote about this...

YouTube YouTube YouTube unblocked the latest episodes of Parfenov and Dudya's programs ... YouTube unblocked the latest episodes of the author's programs "vDud" by Yuri Dud and "Namedni" ... March due to the fact that they did not meet the new rules YouTube, according to which when placing advertising integrated within programs, this fact...

Society, March 28, 15:25

Representatives of Parfenov explained YouTube’s decision to hide the release of “Namedni” ... . “Video of the first release of “Namedni. 1946" has not been removed. Just hidden. U YouTube new rules: now when placing advertising integrated within programs, this... On March 28, everything will be corrected and access to materials will be restored. YouTube deleted new releases of Parfenov and Dudya's programs. The release of the project “Namedni... 1946” was published on March 18. Later it became known that YouTube deleted Parfenov’s video, as well as the episode of the “vDud” program by journalist Yuri...

Hello, dear readers of the blog site. Today I want to talk about the world’s largest video hosting site called YouTube (in Russian it is often called YouTube, or simply pipe).

In fact, this treasure trove of video clips is now the third most visited site in the world (after Google and) and the basis for this success was the fact that it, in essence, occupies an intermediate place between video hosting and social networking.

In this article, I will try to look at it both through the eyes of an ordinary video hosting user, and through the eyes of the author of a video channel on YouTube, who uploads his creation there and tries to promote it.

YouTube - how to use video hosting

Many webmasters bring additional visitors to their sites from the pipe in this way, and some are trying to make money on YouTube in various ways, including becoming a partner of this most popular video hosting in the world. But first things first, and due to the very large amount of information, often instead of tedious text with a series of screenshots, I will use videos taken from the same one.

Let's start by asking you a question - what project can be considered young? But nevertheless, it can still be called a young project. At the age of one and a half years, my blog was just, figuratively speaking, getting on its feet and did not bring me any income at all. And this, in general, is considered normal among webmasters.

The YouTube project is a completely different matter. In the spring of 2005, it was opened by several people who had previously worked on an equally famous project. And already in the fall of 2006 (a year and a half later) I paid them more than one and a half billion dollars for this service. This is monetization of a young project, this is what I understand.

What is noteworthy is that Google actually bought a competitor to its own Google video service, which in 2009 had already stopped accepting new videos for downloading and gradually faded into the shadows against the backdrop of the rising star of YouTube. In 2007, a Russian-language interface was added to the pipe, which undoubtedly contributed to its popularization in the post-Soviet space.

As I already mentioned at the very beginning, YouTube is now the third most popular in the world, which is confirmed. Many Internet users spend as much time on it as on social networks. Yes, and it’s understandable, because it has many of the attributes of social networks - ratings (ala likes), the ability to leave comments and rate the comments of other users.

The owners of the channels, who fill this giant video hosting with materials, have the opportunity to edit the videos they have uploaded directly in the browser window, flexibly configure the audience to whom they will be available, and be able to add inscriptions (for example, navigation, an offer to subscribe to their channel, etc. ) directly on the video, insert links to your site in the description and even sign an agreement with YouTube about displaying advertising in your videos and receiving a share of the profits from this profitable business.

Let's first take a look at the opportunities provided by the service to an ordinary user who does not even bother to register on it in order to be able to leave comments. So, by logging into www.youtube.com, you will immediately see search tools that will help you navigate this sea of ​​video content:

You can enter the query you are interested in in the search bar, or try to look for something in a structured catalog that breaks down all the videos available on YouTube into categories. Nowadays a separate subdomain is no longer used for the Russian-language version of the pipe.

The preferred language and your country of residence are determined automatically, but if suddenly this choice does not suit you, you can always scroll to the end of any YouTube page and select the Russian language and country at the very bottom:

Language and country can be selected from the corresponding drop-down lists, and using the third one you can enable Safe browsing mode on YouTube so that all videos on frivolous topics and other rude things are blocked.

By the way, enterprising Russians earn quite interesting money there. They post short (a few seconds) videos with frivolous pictures and an offer to follow the link located in the description of this video to watch them in full.

Well, after clicking on the link, the naive user is transferred to an adult paid site, for which the enterprising Russian webmaster receives a certain number of tugriks in his pocket. It is clear that YouTube deletes these videos very quickly, but they manage to be indexed by Reactive Google and even end up in the top of its search results, like something new.

Moreover, they multiply in huge quantities and, most likely, in a programmatic way, which complicates the fight against them. Oh, those Russians... Affiliate programs for official earnings on YouTube not for us - we need it quickly, a lot and, preferably, now and at once. In general, it makes sense to use safe browsing mode at least to cut off this kind of spam.

In general, the search problem on this service is quite acute. None of the search engines have yet learned to properly analyze the content of videos, so their ranking for your request will be based on an analysis of their title, tags and description for the presence of words from the user’s request, and also taking into account its popularity (number of views , likes and comments) and links from external resources.

All this would be great if all owners of YouTube channels understood the essence of this process and correctly filled out the fields with information about the video they posted. But this is far from the case, and therefore poorly designed stories are often impossible to find, even if their content fully corresponds to your request. Additional search filters that can be used in the pipe do not help much either:

When you go to the video viewing page, in the right column you will be able to see similar masterpieces (according to YouTube), and at the bottom of the video you will see the name of the channel and a button to subscribe to the mailing list of messages about added videos in it:

You've probably noticed that lately YouTube has begun to often embed advertisements not only on pages, but also in the videos themselves. Sometimes it appears at the beginning, and sometimes it pops up at the bottom of the viewport while it is playing (see screenshot below). Owners of video hosting, i.e. They share income with the authors of the videos, but not always and not with everyone.

Some channel owners became official partners of YouTube and got the opportunity not only to pocket approximately half of the income from advertising introduced into their videos, but also additional opportunities to design their channel. But we will talk about this in more detail below.

In the viewing window itself, you can adjust the sound volume, and by moving the mouse cursor to the timeline, you can see what will be shown next (does not work on all videos yet):

What’s remarkable is that you can move along the timeline not only by clicking the mouse, but also using the keyboard. The top number line of keys will allow you to move through the video (5 - middle, 0 - beginning, etc.), and you can also fast forward or backward by ten percent using the arrow keys on the keyboard.

Also very useful is the gear icon, which allows you to select the resolution for this video. The fact is that when uploading a video to YouTube, it is converted and the user, depending on , is free to choose the resolution he needs. Well, a little further on there are buttons for enlarging and viewing in full screen, as well as returning to viewing in a window (it would be stupid to watch HD in a window, and not on the full screen).

Now let's take a look at what's located directly below the video you're watching. You have the opportunity to express your attitude towards him (like/dislike). Next, you are given the opportunity to add video material to your favorites, where they can be arranged into playlists and configured to display them for other YouTube users.

How to embed a YouTube video on your website?

The embed code itself is based on , which guarantees its functionality in all popular browsers.

Well, it's time to look into the other world of YouTube, i.e. look at it through the eyes of the author of the channel, who is even trying to make money on it, or through the eyes of a webmaster who uses this video hosting (dash social network) to attract additional visitors to his resource. Go.

Registration and creation of your channel on YouTube

If you didn’t need to register to view or insert the video code on your website, then in order to upload your masterpieces to this video hosting, you will still have to register and create your own channel. This is quite easy to do, besides, if you already have one, you just need to log in to YouTube.

Let's first talk about making money on YouTube, and only then we'll talk about how to add videos to this video hosting and how to do it correctly to create favorable conditions for promoting your video to the top searches that take place within this service.

Thanks to successful promotion, you can earn a lot - either directly from the video dump, or by attracting visitors to your site from it.

How and how much you can earn on YouTube

In the bourgeoisie, YouTube has already become a full-fledged source of income for those who can generate good and high-quality (sometimes relatively) video content, which can in turn attract a large number of views. The service is ready to make a deal with such channel owners partnership agreement and pay them more than half of the income received from displaying advertising in the videos of this very owner.

At one time it was quite easy to link your YouTube and YouTube accounts, after which you had the opportunity in the channel settings to activate advertising and start receiving income from this business. But now this freebie is covered up (at least for RuNet). However, there is still a possibility become a YouTube partner by filling out the appropriate application (click on the button circled in the screenshot "Apply Now"):

Pay attention to how professionally this video blogger’s video is made - you can even put it on television now. And this is no coincidence. This respected comrade (Bennet1890) runs the most professional, in my opinion, video blog in Russian. What’s remarkable is that he teaches exactly how to do this without spending any astronomical sums on filming and editing.

Annotations for videos are also very conveniently implemented (you can do this with the YouTube functionality), which allow you to subscribe to the channel and go to view the previous and subsequent video blog post.

He has a very good presentation of the material and professional post-processing (I’m not going to write a video blog, but I watched a dozen episodes of his creation in one breath). If you watched this video, you realized that the official path to obtaining a partnership is not so thorny and, as it turned out, even faster than trying to get through intermediaries.

The only thing the Googlers have gotten to the bottom of is the use of music without the consent of the copyright holder, but even this problem can be solved and the answer to it is Bennet1890 on his YouTube channel. I advise you to familiarize yourself with these videos in more detail, especially if you yourself plan to make money from this in the future (notice that the Google context pops up on his video).

Another thing is that you probably shouldn’t count on such large amounts of income as were given below for bourgeois video bloggers. Income from regular Google Adsense in RuNet and in Burzhunet differs significantly (if not by an order of magnitude) and this will most likely be the case when trying to make money on YouTube.

However, no one is stopping you from generating content that will not have language barriers (how could this be?). Then at the shows in the bourgeoisie you will be able to warm your hands very comfortably.

But even in RuNet there are serious players who are already quite possibly making decent money from cooperation with this largest video hosting site in the world. Well, for example, still the same TeachVideo has thousands of videos in its arsenal with a huge number of total views. Previously, he sold discs with his own, but now he has found an alternative way to monetize. It is possible that YouTube is the future for modern information products (training courses).

An even more impressive player in this market is a YouTube channel called Mosfilm. There you can watch films that are classics of Soviet cinema. Moreover, these will be full versions in good quality and completely legal. I think that it can pay off well abroad, where there are quite a lot of our former compatriots who want to feel nostalgic, and advertising prices are much higher.

P.S. While I was writing this article, I registered several accounts in the pipe (I received several Gmail mailboxes) and used several previously registered accounts. I just wanted to find out all the nuances before writing about it. So, under one of the accounts I created a channel not tied to mine and decided to describe the process of adding the first video (I clicked the “Add video” button).

Remarkably, YouTube offered me to monetize my future videos:

As an experiment, I decided to try again to get an account in Google and created a channel for it on the pipe, again not tied to Google+. I went to the page for adding the first video, but no longer received any offers for monetization. It looks like my account on YouTube and Google Adsense have been linked (it was registered to this email a couple of years ago).

Is this an accident, or was I mistaken when I said a little higher that linking YouTube and Adsense for RuNet is no longer possible, it’s hard to say (there is instructions for tying them). In general, I cannot check this, but you, dear readers, can. I would be grateful if you write about the results of the experiment in the comments.

Well, I will briefly describe the process of monetization using Adsense advertising. IN YouTube account settings There are options for advertising.

For my other account in the pipe Channel monetization is available:

By clicking on the “Monetization Settings” button, you will receive the necessary explanations on where advertising will be shown and where you can collect your money (in Adsense, having previously linked it with YouTube):

But on the second tab you are given the opportunity to disable display advertising directly in the video on YouTube. It is not possible to disable Adsense display advertising on a page with a video:

As a YouTube user, you have probably already noticed that there are usually two types of advertising in videos. Or this is an ad window that pops up at the bottom of the viewing area (overlay) with the ability to close it (In-Video Overlays):

After you have sorted out these three checkboxes, click on the “Commercial use” button. After that, go sequentially to the settings of all videos that you plan to monetize (start making money from them) and check for the presence of the appropriate checkboxes:

If I had unique videos that would make sense to post and promote on YouTube, then I would also describe tracking the income received from advertising. I can assume that, most likely, a corresponding column will appear in Adsense (for example, I have a column there that takes into account the income on my blog at blogspot.com), although I could be wrong.

Uploading videos to YouTube and promoting videos

At the very top of the YouTube page you will see an “Add Video” link. Follow it. I would like to immediately note that the service has a limit on the duration of uploaded videos (no more than 15 minutes). This was done as part of the fight against downloading movies and TV shows, which, as a rule, are long.

However, removing this restriction is quite simple. At the very bottom of the new video download page you will see a link "Increase limit".

By clicking on it, you will be asked to indicate your cell phone number, after which you will receive a confirmation code in the form of an SMS. The phone is tied to a specific person, and now, if you decide to upload pirated products to YouTube, you will have someone to ask and to whom to file claims and claims (possibly in court).

I also advise you to immediately link your YouTube account to the social networks Facebook and Twitter. Then, when a new video is added, it will immediately be announced on these social networks, which will attract additional attention to it and help promote the video in YouTube searches:

What’s noteworthy is that after I agreed to monetize my channel (described just above in the text), I no longer had a time limit when adding videos. Apparently the information from my Adsense account allows me to fully verify my identity even without indicating my cell phone number.

During uploading videos to YouTube from your computer, you will need to fill out the fields with the name of the video, its description and tags:

You need to very clearly understand that this is your main tool for internal optimization of videos for internal search on this service and for external (in Yandex or Google). Keywords must be used in the title and you can not write anything other than them.

You can also go to the “Commercial Use” tab and check the “Earn with ads” box, if this is allowed for your channel (read more in the text a little higher):

You can select keywords through or use YouTube’s own tools - Keyword tool .

But the last option has huge gaps - for many requests it simply does not have statistics. Although, based on one of your keys, he can also select a lot of variants of phrases with these keywords or an associative series:

In the tags (you can use at least a hundred of them), you also need to indicate the keys and it is by them that videos will be selected from the “Similar” column, located to the right of the one being viewed. The same principles apply here that I described in the article about.

If you want to increase traffic to your site using videos posted on YouTube, be sure to include the video at the beginning of the description link to your site or an article on the topic. You can use about 5,000 characters in the description, but only about 140 characters will be available when viewing (the rest is hidden under the “Expand” caption). That is why the link should be placed in the introductory part of the description.

By default, your videos will be available for viewing by all YouTube users, embedding them in other people's sites and blogs is allowed, and all users of this video hosting will be able to leave comments on it. For successful promotion, you need to leave everything exactly as it is. Why?

Yes because influence promotion several factors at once:

  1. Presence of keywords in the title, description and tags for video material (on-page optimization)
  2. The ranking is also affected by external links placed on this YouTube page (from social networks, from your website surrounded by thematic text, and even purchased links with the necessary keys in the anchor). This can be called external optimization.
  3. All other things being equal, those videos that have more views, comments, and those that are more liked by users will receive greater relevance. This turns out to be a kind of analogue of behavioral factors when ranking ordinary sites.

The video you uploaded to YouTube will be available again process. To improve its perception, to encourage subscription to your channel, to create video navigation and for other purposes, you can use the “Annotations” tab:

YouTube also gives you the opportunity to mock a video in a very easy-to-learn editor "Improve Video":

Here you will have buttons at your disposal that allow you to remove hand shake when shooting (Stabilization), select the optimal lighting solution (Auto-correction), roll back all changes made (Restore original video) and much more. The editor is very simple, but not the only one that YouTube can offer you.

You can use more powerful video editor, which will allow you to cut a video, insert transitions, music and mix it with other videos available to you:

You can see how much there is YouTube provides video creators. There is the already mentioned more powerful video editor, as well as other useful and not so useful tools. In general, I advise you to at least briefly familiarize yourself with this diversity.

Well, in conclusion, I want to say that YouTube has its own analytics system, which allows you to very clearly track views and other statistical information for all videos you have uploaded:

After reading it, I concluded that views taken not only on the official website, but also on other resources where the code of this video was inserted are taken into account. And this, by the way, explains why I and other bloggers so often receive offers to post video content on similar topics on their blog. Thus, the authors receive additional views and grow in searches on YouTube, and their earnings also grow.

How to make huge money on YouTube - the basic theory The meeting place cannot be changed: Mail.Ru tower, November 10, CyberMarketing 2018

YouTube video hosting is becoming more popular every day not only abroad, but also in the CIS countries. Searching and watching videos begins with visiting the YouTube home page. original name YouTube translated as “Your TV.”

YouTube video hosting is loved all over the world for its convenient functionality, constant innovations and ample opportunities. This video hosting site is one of the most visited, and its content is diverse and includes both professional and amateur videos and educational programs. You can store video material, show, rate, comment, and even enable video monetization on your channel.

YouTube home page - login

To go to the main page of YouTube you can use the link:

The most popular and famous video hosting in the world YouTube is constantly evolving: functionality and user interface are being improved, players and channel designs are being updated. And not very long ago, the entertainment resource released the promised children's application “YouTube Kids” and a paid subscription to the channel.

Search and watch videos on the YouTube home page

The interface of the YouTube home page is very convenient and logical. Using the window " Search", you can find any video you are interested in. Since the search on the YouTube channel is performed through the Google system, there will be no errors with the results found. After entering the desired video material, you can use “ Filter", setting all the important search criteria.

By clicking the " Menu"(top left), select the category of the video you are interested in. You can search for the channel you are interested in in “ Channel catalog".

On the YouTube main page you can both watch and download videos to your computer, but you can use other online services or browser extensions for this.

YouTube (YouTube) - video hosting has existed for more than 13 years and is getting better every year. It was founded by former employees of the Californian branch of PayPal based on FLV technologies. It was these technologies that made it possible to show video in relatively good quality and convert it to the desired format. Although the size of the video was minimal, the image was of high quality. As soon as the entertainment resource YouTube.ru appeared, it almost immediately became popular.

Just a year later, Google is buying video hosting for almost $1.66 billion. And Google’s own Video turns into a search resource that searches for YouTube videos on the main page of the main search engine. After the advent of the entertainment service, there was a precedent and then video hosting workers had to delete almost 30 thousand videos. At the same time, many famous companies in the world began showing their own videos through YouTube.

Two years after its founding, YouTube becomes multilingual and domestic users access the Russian version of video hosting. And the very first material that was uploaded to the Russian-language version was a video by Peter Nalich (clip “Guitar”).

Watch online on the YouTube channel page

On the main page of YouTube you can find: films, TV series, cartoons, clips, music, private videos, reviews, etc. There are many different topics of materials here. What unites the video posted here is the lack of compliance with copyright law. Therefore, most popular films and TV series cannot be found here. Famous foreign films are most likely presented as " Trailer".

Longer fragments may appear in the results, attempting to further redirect to another web page.

Features of the YouTube main page: watch videos, upload your own video material. Hosting (Yutub.ru) converts it into an accessible format and places it in its online storage. The posted video can be copied by posting it on a social network page or sending it by email.

Moderation of YouTube video hosting, although strict (in most cases, violations are detected automatically), is impossible to keep track of everything and therefore prohibited materials often appear on the service. But if the copyright holder writes a complaint, the video will be deleted and the offending user’s page may even be blocked.

YouTube (YouTube) is a video hosting service. This is a site where you can watch videos: music videos, programs, films, cartoons, jokes and much more. Internet address: youtube.com.

What is YouTube

How to watch videos

If you need to access YouTube from a computer, then open the site youtube.com in the browser. It looks like this:

If from your phone, then launch the YouTube application. It looks something like this:

Video hosting offers you to watch popular videos. If you click on any of them, it will open in a larger size and buttons for controlling the video will be available.

To search for videos on a topic, type a query in the search bar. In the computer version it is located at the top of the site.

In the application, the search bar is hidden under the magnifying glass icon at the top ().

How to use the site

You can search and watch videos on YouTube without registration. We go to the site, enter a request, open the video and watch. But if the user has a Google account, then additional opportunities open up for him:

  • Commenting
  • Likes and dislikes
  • Channel subscription
  • Bookmarks
  • Story
  • and etc.

If you use YouTube through an application on Android, then most likely you already have an account. In this case, there will be an icon with a letter in the upper right corner. It opens your account settings.

Also, those who have Google mail have an account. So if your email name ends with gmail.com, then you don’t need to register - just log in with your details.

Account creation

Account creation- This is a registration in Google. You just need to answer a few questions about yourself and come up with a password.

1 . At the top of the site youtube.com click “Login”.

2. Select “Create an account” → “For yourself”.

3. Fill out the form: first name, last name, email address. Comes up with a password to log into YouTube.

4 . We go to the email address that you specified in the application form. There will be a new letter from Google with a numeric code inside. We print it on the registration form.

5 . We indicate the day, month, year of birth and gender. It is not necessary to provide a telephone number.

6. We agree to the terms of service. To do this, click on the blue arrow button several times and click “I Accept.”

The account has been created. Now you need to log in - to do this, click on the “Login” link in the upper right corner of the site. When logged in, a name icon will be shown in the right corner.

All sections of YouTube are now available: Subscriptions, History, Watch Later and others.

After registration, you can log into your account on any device: computer, phone, tablet, TV.

Channel subscription

A YouTube channel is a separate cell that is allocated to the user for uploading his files. All added videos will be dumped there. You can subscribe to channels to receive new videos.

To subscribe, just click on the “Subscribe” button under any video from this channel or on its main page. This feature is only available to those who have an account.

As soon as a new video is released on the channel, you will receive a notification about it. All your subscriptions will also be stored in your account.

Uploading your video

To upload your video, click on the “Create video or recording” icon and select “Add video”.

Then click "Create Channel".

After that, click on “Select files to upload” and open the desired file through the window - double-click on it with the left mouse button.

After this, you need to wait a little while the file downloads. The waiting time depends on the file size and Internet speed.

After downloading (and even during it), you can specify the title, description, tags and other information about the video. You can also configure access to it: make it open to everyone or restrict viewing.

To access the videos you have uploaded, click on your icon on the YouTube home page and select “My Channel”.

YouTube bloggers

A YouTube blogger is a person who publishes videos on certain topics that interest him. Usually he takes them off himself. Videos can be either thematic or about everything in the world (personal).

Example of thematic channels: Not yet Possible- interview, Wylsacom- review of technology. Example of a personal blog: Parthenon.

There are also so-called lets play. During the let's play, the blogger plays some video game and comments on what is happening. Let's plays often take place in real time, that is, users watch the live broadcast and take part in the process, giving advice in the chat.

In addition to single bloggers, there are entire teams and studios that shoot videos and post them only on YouTube.

Why do they need this?

Most of those who post videos on YouTube do it for money and fame. Views, likes, subscriptions are indicators of the success of the channel. And a successful channel attracts advertisers.

The most common tool for making money is built-in advertising from Google. But this is not the only source of income. For example, let's players earn money mainly through donate. Others place advertisements within the video itself.

For example, in the middle of the video, the blogger begins to advertise some service or gadget.

However, not all bloggers use video hosting only to make money. For some, a channel can be an image project: an opportunity to promote their name, draw attention to a certain problem.

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