Home Computers What does the sdek track number look like? SDEK postal tracking

What does the sdek track number look like? SDEK postal tracking

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The transport company SDEK has been operating in our logistics solutions market for about 16 years, however, the company’s services have become familiar to a wide range of people not so long ago. Initially, when creating the company, the goals were much more modest, and the plan only included the development of the Siberian region and the Far East. However, in 2014, SDEK opened its first office in Beijing, making it the number one delivery service focused on courier delivery from China to Russia and the CIS. Tracking SDEK shipments is available at all stages of the package moving from sender to recipient. Recently, the number of sellers offering SDEK delivery has not increased significantly, and has even made sending goods through SDEK a regular process. Basically, various equipment is sent through SDEK - smartphones, tablets and other electronics. Considering that delivery is by courier, small items are sent quite rarely.

The transport company SDEK positions itself primarily as a courier express delivery to the door, something like FedEx, only in our realities. Let's try to figure out how successful they are, whether SDEK tracking of shipments from China is available and how long it takes for parcels to be delivered.

Despite the fact that SDEK cargo tracking using an invoice is available on the company’s official website, we will send it via SDEK using a track code, the tracking process itself will not change in any way, the track code will simply act as the invoice number.

The thing is that parcels coming from China through SDEK, as a rule, reach the border with Russia by local forces, who assign them track codes, after which SDEK picks up the parcels that have successfully passed customs clearance and after that SDEK tracking of the cargo begins across Russia.

At the moment, the following track code formats are typical for SDEK cargo from China:

  • ETSSD1000808985YQ
  • YDACK5000035364YQ

As you can see, the CDEK track code format has nothing to do with the UPU format, therefore, it will not be possible to track such parcels as regular postal ones. However, SDEK tracking of goods using the invoice. We would like to note right away that the letters in the track code format may differ from the letters in the example, but from the general mask you can understand that the cargo belongs to SDEK. At the beginning of such a track code, as a rule, there are 5 letters, followed by a ten-digit number that ensures the uniqueness of the shipment and at the end two letters, at the moment it is “ YQ", other variations are possible in the future.

You can track SDEK shipments, as already noted, on the transport company’s official website in the tracking section, as a result of which you will see something like the following picture.

By the way, after entering the track code and clicking “Track”, in addition to the status of the parcel movement, the number of the invoice created for you will be indicated, by which you can also track your parcel traveling by SDEK.

First of all, buyers are usually interested in the speed of delivery, and only after that quality, service, etc. Delivery times for SDEK cargo from China to Russia currently range from 15 to 25 days. This means the time from the actual shipment, and not from the moment the track code is issued. For example, the parcel is actually sent usually on the 2-3rd day from the moment the track code is issued, good ones too, but their delivery can take up to 7 days.

So that you can clearly imagine the route of SDEK cargo from China to Moscow, we will try to describe the typical route for moving such a parcel. After the actual shipment, it is sent to Suifenhe, usually arrives there in 4-6 days and is handed over to the customs service. Customs clearance takes about 4-8 days, depending on the load at the checkpoint. After successfully passing through customs, the parcel finally arrives at the disposal of the transport company SDEK. Geographically, it is located in Vladivostok. The next day she reaches Khabarovsk, from where she departs by plane to her destination.

SDEK courier delivery operates from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., so if, for example, your parcel arrives at its destination after 6 p.m., delivery will be scheduled for the next day. The courier will contact you in advance and agree on a convenient delivery time.

In the aisles of the Moscow Ring Road, you can reassign a new delivery location for free, if necessary, this can be done either by phone or on the website, at, you can also set a new date there, for example, if you are currently out of town. In addition, you can independently pick up the parcel at the SDEK pick-up point (POP) in your city; see the addresses on the official website of the transport company.

Pickup from the SDEK pick-up point is available after your parcel has arrived at its destination and is in the company’s warehouse. If you plan to pick it up from the pickup point yourself, without waiting for the courier, we recommend that you call first and notify the employees that you will be picking up the parcel yourself. SDEK pick-up points in Moscow, where you can also find pick-up points for SDEK orders in your city.

If you need to receive a parcel from SDEK, but you can’t manage it in time, then the courier can give the parcel to your relative, for example, but just in case, make sure that upon receipt he has a photocopy of your passport in his hands, it may not always be necessary, but once in a while no need to.

In conclusion, we can say that tracking SDEK shipments does not cause any difficulties; moreover, after the parcel arrives at the warehouse, you will receive an SMS notification. Reviews about SDEK are overwhelmingly positive, so if you are on the same or offered such delivery, then try it and you won’t regret it.

In cases where the goods arrive with mechanical damage, the seller is almost always to blame; there is no point in blaming the transport company. We always recommend, after ordering a product, to ask for a better package of the parcel, the sellers always agree without further ado, one message can radically change the situation, so don’t be lazy and once again write a few lines to the seller before the actual shipment.

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Using the website’s online service, in a few clicks you can find out the exact location of your parcel or postal item delivered by the courier company SDEK.

The courier delivery and dispatch service “SDEK Logistics Solutions” provides services for express courier delivery of parcels, cargo and postal items throughout the Russian Federation. It is worth noting that SDEK is considered the number one postal service, focused on courier delivery of parcels from China to Russia and the CIS.

In just a few clicks you will quickly find out the exact location of your SDEK parcel.

How to track an SDEK parcel?

It is very simple to track the transportation and delivery of a parcel by the SDEK postal company: to do this, you need to enter the unique identifier of the parcel in the tracking line. It should be noted that the format of SDEK identifiers is somewhat different from the usual track code formats (At the beginning of the identifier, as a rule, there are 5 letters, followed by a ten-digit number, and two letters close the number). After specifying the track number, click on the “Track” button and find out the most up-to-date information about the location of your mail item.

How long to wait for an SDEK parcel?

Official delivery times are not specified, but as a rule, parcels arrive within 30-45 days. Such long terms are due to the high workload of customs in China and the Russian Federation, as well as the fact that the parcel is delivered in China by land transport.

Where to pick up a SDEK parcel

Immediately after the parcel arrives at the delivery point, you will receive an SMS message indicating the address where the parcels are delivered. We advise you to pay attention to the operating hours of this department.

The most popular types of SDEK shipments

  • Parcel - standard delivery of parcels in Russia;
  • Trunk express, efficient and economical delivery of parcels and cargo throughout Russia. Transportation is carried out by land transport;
  • Parcel - delivery of goods throughout Russia;
  • Express light - urgent delivery of light cargo (up to 29 kg). The service is relevant for the delivery of documentation, both in the Russian Federation and within your city;
  • Chinese Express - economical delivery of goods from other countries to the Russian Federation for trading companies.

Is it possible to change the address or date of delivery of a SDEK parcel?

Please note that you can change the address and delivery mode yourself. This functionality is available on the company website.

So, if necessary, you can:

  • Adjust the delivery date and time.
  • Cancel courier delivery and arrange pickup.
  • Select another SDEK branch to receive the parcel.

In the field of postal services, after Russian Post, the second most widespread and geographical coverage area is the SDEK courier service, which delivers items and cargo throughout Russia, including from abroad.

For most users, the SDEK website is familiar with the delivery of parcels from Chinese stores and.

Delivery by SDEK

Delivery of CDEK from China is possible only on the territory of the Russian Federation, and until the mandatory customs clearance procedure, the parcels are in the hands of Chinese carriers - partners of the SDEK company. Thus, before the shipments are transferred to the SDEK service, parcels can be tracked using the track numbers of their Chinese carrier partners. However, using this number, tracking SDEK orders is possible until the very end, until the moment of delivery.

How to track your CDEK order

These tracking codes consist of five letters in front, ten numbers and end in YQ.

Examples of SDEK tracking numbers:

  • ZESZE---YQ (ZESZE1234567890YQ)
  • DLLEM---YQ (DLLEM1234567890YQ)

After sending the parcels to SDEK, the parcel number is assigned according to the invoice and is tracked on the website cdek.ru

The SDEK invoice number is usually ten digits, but there are also eight-digit track numbers.

How does CDEK delivery work?

In October 2017, frequent complaints appeared about delays in the delivery of SDEK parcels from China. A representative of the CDEK company explains this with a new scheme for receiving parcels from China. Now all parcels are first sent centrally to Moscow, and then distributed to their destinations. In China, parcels are delivered to the city of Suifenhe, bordering Russia, by land transport or through the port of Humen (Beijiafengxi), where they already undergo customs control. From Moscow, shipments are sent to other cities.

Since the SDEK service is a courier service, delivery is carried out to the recipient’s door. The SDEK courier delivers parcels from 10 to 18 hours, having previously called the phone number specified in the order and agreed on the delivery time. In almost all cities of Russia there are offices and points for issuing orders, addresses and telephone numbers of SDEK are on the website cdek.ru, you can track orders here.

Also, tracking SDEK using both Chinese track numbers and invoice number works perfectly on the parcel tracker

Delivered: Nikita Stetskov Alekseevich

Delivered: PO Box

Delivered: Agafonov A M

Delivered: Alexander

Delivered: Alexey

Delivered: Alexey Makeev

Delivered: Diamond

Delivered: Belkin Alexander Alexandrovich

Delivered: Belogolov Sergey Vadimovich

Delivered: Belskaya Yana Vladimirovna

Delivered: Buralova Nina Lavrentievna

Delivered: Burmatov Andrey Alexandrovich

Delivered: Vedenkov Pavel Viktorovich

Delivered: Vladislav

Delivered: Vlad Lavrichenko

Delivered: Voloshkova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Delivered: Voroshilov Andrey Vitalievich

Delivered: Gorbunova Elena Viktorovna

Delivered: Gordeeva Maria

Delivered: Gridina Natalya Sergeevna

Delivered: Davydova Anastasia Sergeevna

Delivered: Dzerkaliy Alexander Sergeevich

Delivered: Doronin Artem Nikolaevich

Delivered: Druzhkin Nikolay Sergeevich

Delivered: Evgeniy

Delivered by: Evgeniy Pyatigorsky

Delivered: Zaitsev Dmitry

Delivered: Zvripova Elvira Tagirovna

Delivered: Ivanov

Delivered: Ilyukhin Igor Anatolyevich

Delivered: "Institute of Arts and Information Technologies"

Delivered: Kamsky Alexey Konstantinovich

Delivered: Kuznetsov Nikolay

Delivered: Litvinova Diana Fedorovna

Delivered: Marifjon Akhmadjonov Makhamadzhonovich

Delivered: Hope

Delivered: Nelyapina, Elena, Yurievna

Delivered: Send back to 1125971227

Delivered: Pertsev Valery Vladimirovich

Delivered: Ponomarenko Vadim Sergeevich


Delivered: Prokusova Anna Viktorovna

Delivered: Ramazan Kozhiev Alanovich

Delivered: Reunova Larisa Gennadievna

Delivered: Romanov Evgeniy Andreevich

Delivered: sdek

Delivered: Semenova Irina Leonidovna

Delivered: Valentin Vasilievich Skripkin

Delivered: Slobodyanyuk Nikolay Nikolaevich

Delivered: solashchenko

Delivered: Soloschenko

Delivered: Sotnik Sergey Aleksandrovich

Delivered: Employee

Delivered: Employee Andrey

Delivered: Employee Sotr

Delivered: Tarasov Igor Sergeevich

Delivered: Tatiana

Delivered: Timchenko Yuri

Delivered: Tikhomirov Andrey Alekseevich

Delivered: Filatov Gleb Alekseevich


Delivered: Khasanov Nail Miyassarovich

Delivered: Khrebtova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Delivered: Tsarkova Victoria Lvovna

Delivered: Chernygin Vyacheslav Sergeevich

Delivered: Churin Vladlen Valerievich

Delivered: Shemyakhin Anatoly Yurievich 5212 147625

Delivered: Shilov Vyacheslav Anatolyevich

Delivered: Shchegolev Oleg Valerievich

Delivered: Yuri Khisamutdinov

Delivered: Yuri Yakovlev

Returned to the warehouse in the recipient's city

Returned to delivery warehouse

Returned to delivery warehouse

During customs clearance (abroad)

In the process of customs clearance (RF)

Handed over

In a transit city

Speaker: Bondarenko Igor Anatolyevich

Speaker: Volkov Pavel Denisovich

Speaker: Viktor Fedorovich Lavrov

Delivered by: Borisovish Fedorov Igor

Delivered by: havanskaya Larisa Vladimirovna

Delivered by: Ivanekin Sergey Ivanovich

Delivered by: kendenkov Gennady Vasilievich

Delivered by: kochekaeva Elena Sergeevna

Delivered by: Korodov K A

Delivered by: Plyakin Andrey Vladimirovich

Delivered by: raimova Zuxra

Delivered by: ystinova Natalya Valerievna

Delivered by: Yurchenckoff Stanislav Petrovich

Delivered by: Anastasia Georgievna Bornichenko

Delivered by: Voinova Anastasia Mikhailovna

Delivered to transit city

Delivered by: gogko

Delivered by: Gumerov Ainur Aidarovich

Delivered by: Eva Khenasovna Ramilia Solovyova\"

Delivered by: Zamula Vyacheslav

Delivered by: Imanov Timur Salimovich

Delivered by: Dmitry Sergeevich Kabachkov

Delivered by: Komlev Vladimir Alexandrovich

Delivered by: Legostaev Andrey Mikhailovich

Delivered by: Lutsenko Igor Alekseevich

Delivered by: Vasily Vladimirovich Magonov

Delivered by: Mazaev Anatoly Vasiliev/\"evich

Delivered by: Merzlyakov Eduard Leonidovich

Delivered by: Nekrasov Oleg Vladimirovich

Delivered by: Nelly Pogodaeva MUHAMETOVNA

Delivered by: Nikita Zimin

Delivered by: Romanyuk Natalya Anatolyevna

Delivered by: Rudometova Tatyana Aleksandrovna

Delivered by: Sergey Vitalievich Leverkov

Delivered by: Stepanyan Ruzanna Rafailovna

Delivered by: Tkalich Evgeniy Vasilievich

Delivered by: Falko Alexey Sergeevihs

Delivered by: Shafikov Ildar Robertovich

Delivered by: Yurkov Igor Yurievich

Delivered by: Yakupov Linar Rafisovich

Completion of customs clearance

On delivery by courier

Not delivered

Waiting for delivery by courier

Shipped to Russia

To track your parcel you need to take a few simple steps.
1. Go to the main page
2. Enter the track code in the field with the heading "Track postal item"
3. Click on the "Track parcel" button located to the right of the field.
4. After a few seconds, the tracking result will be displayed.
5. Study the result, and especially carefully the latest status.
6. Forecasted delivery period is displayed in the track code information.

Try it, it's not difficult ;)

If you do not understand the movements between postal companies, click on the link with the text “Group by company”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

If you have any difficulties with the statuses in English, click on the link with the text “Translate into Russian”, which is located under the tracking statuses.

Carefully read the "Track Code Information" block, there you will find estimated delivery times and other useful information.

If, when tracking, a block is displayed in a red frame with the heading “Pay Attention!”, carefully read everything that is written in it.

In these information blocks you will find 90% of the answers to all your questions.

If in the block "Pay Attention!" it is written that the track code is not tracked in the destination country, in this case, tracking the parcel becomes impossible after the parcel is sent to the destination country / after arriving at the Moscow Distribution Center / Item Arrived at Pulkovo / Arrived in Pulkovo / Left Luxembourg / Left Helsinki / Sending to the Russian Federation or after a long pause of 1 - 2 weeks, it is impossible to track the location of the parcel. No, and nowhere. Not at all =)
In this case, you need to wait for a notification from your post office.

To calculate delivery times in Russia (for example, after export, from Moscow to your city), use the "Delivery Time Calculator"

If the seller promised that the parcel would arrive in two weeks, but the parcel takes more than two weeks, this is normal, the sellers are interested in sales, and that’s why they are misleading.

If less than 7 - 14 days have passed since the receipt of the track code, and the parcel is not tracked, or the seller claims that he sent the parcel, and the status of the parcel “the item pre-advised” / “Email notification received” does not change for several days, this is normal, You can read more by following the link: .

If the status of the mail item does not change for 7 - 20 days, do not worry, this is normal for international mail items.

If your previous orders arrived in 2-3 weeks, and the new parcel takes more than a month, this is normal, because... Parcels go on different routes, in different ways, they can wait for 1 day to be sent by plane, or maybe even a week.

If the parcel has left the sorting center, customs, intermediate point and there are no new statuses within 7 - 20 days, do not worry, the parcel is not a courier who is delivering the parcel from one city to your home. In order for a new status to appear, the parcel must arrive, unload, scan, etc. at the next sorting point or post office, and this takes much more time than just getting from one city to another.

If you do not understand the meaning of such statuses as Reception / Export / Import / Arrived at the place of delivery, etc., you can look at the breakdown of the main statuses of international mail:

If the parcel is not delivered to your post office 5 days before the end of the protection period, you have the right to open a dispute.

If, based on the above, you do not understand anything, read these instructions again, and again, until you are completely clear;)

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