Home Programs But man sky system requirements. No Man's Sky - System Requirements

But man sky system requirements. No Man's Sky - System Requirements

No Man's Sky Next is a bright, colorful action game project where you will find yourself in the endless expanses of space. Here, almost the entire universe is filled with various planets on which all kinds of life forms live. You have to go on a long and exciting journey in order to to reveal an endless number of different secrets. On your way you will meet many characters who will influence your life in one way or another. Every step you take will influence the outcome of events, so try to act thoughtfully. Here you have a lot of opportunities. warrior and fight with rivals to the death, or you can become a real merchant who will go to explore the whole world for useful resources, and then earn money from their sale. From the very bottom, you can build your perfect career. But first you need No Man. "s Sky Next download the torrent on our website using the link below, and then you need to buy a spaceship and stock up on weapons to fight your enemies.


The gamer in No Man's Sky Next acts as a scout, a traveler. He has his own ship, which only needs to be cared for and cherished, otherwise after its destruction he will have to hang out in an unknown point in space in an escape capsule. By the way, your ship can be in destroy any moment, because the abodes of space are allowed to fight each other.

Features of No Man's Sky Next

  • In No Man's Sky Next you are invited to play, live in this world, being careful. At any moment you can go broke, lose your ship, and no saves will help you - they simply don’t exist. But sometimes you want to be in space alone , without everything.
  • In the game project you will experience the happiness of Cook, Columbus and other discoverers. However, you will not find islands and continents, but entire planets. All of them can enrich or bring a lot of problems.
  • A process similar to Earth begins on the planet. However, she is still completely different. Study it to make sure of this. In addition, a different world is generated for each gamer, so there will be no repetitions.
  • As for the graphics, they turned out to be very bright and colorful, which is good news.

On this page, using the button below, you can download No Man's Sky Next via torrent for free.

A new fashionable sandbox in a cosmic spirit is now at the peak of popularity. The game's release date for Playstation is August 9, and on PC - August 12, 2016.
Many people are eager to play it, but owners of personal computers often find that it does not want to start. In this article we will try to deal with all possible problems as they arise.

No Man's Sky Minimum Requirements

Even for the starting requirements, the characteristics of an ordinary home computer may not be enough, and there are no recommended requirements for it at all. Below are the system characteristics necessary for starting. Compare them with what is available on your PC, and run to the store for spare parts. This should solve the problem where No Man's Sky crashes on launch.

Where to find No Man's Sky

A disc with a PS game sells for about 3,500 rubles and can be purchased at any computer store. For a PC, by default, the game costs about $60 and is distributed through Steam, but in Russia it is more often used for FTP games, and it’s a waste of money. So, most likely, the majority of users will download No Man’s Sky from torrents.

Installing No Man's Sky

Run the installer in administrator mode. No Man’s Sky was not developed in Russia, so if we choose a custom path for its installation during installation, it is advisable to make sure that there are no folders with Cyrillic names on this path. It's best, of course, to leave these settings at their defaults. Otherwise, the installation is no different from installing other programs.

No Man's Sky is not working!

Let's take it in order.

If the game does not want to start at all, although the hardware fully meets its requirements, you need to:

  • Try running it in administrator mode.
  • If you have an on-board video card on your computer, make sure that it is not it that is being used for the game, but EXACTLY the external video card. If you have several video cards, it is generally advisable to disable the extra ones.

No Man's Sky launches, but nothing is visible on the screen.
The symptom of a “black screen” in this case, as always, is treated, first of all, by updating the drivers for the video card. If this does not help, you should try running the game in windowed mode. If the problem is solved, then you can switch it to full screen mode. Switching between windowed and full-screen mode is usually done using the Alt+Enter or Alt+Escape hotkeys.
If this does not help, look at the settings of the game folder - all files located inside it must be both readable and writable.

No Man's Sky works, but is unstable and crashes every now and then

The game requires a lot of system resources, so it is better to disable all applications not currently in use. The most resource-intensive are antiviruses, media players and archivers in the active phase. For stable operation of the game, it is better to disable all these applications. Some antiviruses have a special “game” mode that allows you to leave them turned on, but in the most economical mode. Software updates and transferring files over the Internet also take resources away from the main application. It will be useful to increase the priority of No man’s Sky in the task manager (hot keys - Ctrl+Shift+Escape).

If the game keeps crashing, then No Man's Sky most likely needs optimization. You will have to lower the image quality settings. Turn all the settings in the game to minimum, and from there you can increase them as you go. This way you can find a balance between playability and stability.

Try turning on the vertical sync feature in the settings. It can either reduce the load on the system or increase it, depending on the circumstances. If the situation does not improve, it is better to turn Vsync back off.

No Man's Sky starts up and works, but is slow.

Despite the fact that the technical characteristics of the computer meet the requirements of the game, sometimes it starts to “slow down” or outright freeze. In this case, the solution may be to enable anisotropic filtering. This is done in the utility that comes with the video card drivers. It is also worth noting that the game runs faster on 64-bit systems.

Some problems that arise with the game are related to bugs in the code, and therefore can only be fixed with patches. For example, there is now a patch No man’s Sky PatchFix v 1.12, which solves many optimization problems and bugs in the game. The issue of sound missing in videos is still unresolved, and is also related to the software part of the product.

The developers of No Man's Sky have already earned themselves a lot of problems associated with this game. Many “deceived customers” have already turned to Sony and Steam for a refund. No Man's Sky may not be a fully developed game in terms of software, but there are no programs that are completely free of bugs. If a person demands a refund after fifty hours of play, he may be being a little disingenuous.

KMB for No Man's Sky

Since the game is a sandbox, there is no single playthrough option as such in No Man’s Sky. Only the first 4 quests are mandatory, which should serve as some kind of tutorial. From the moment they are completed, everything that happens in the game depends on what the hero is currently doing and what resources the hero has. Hints appear in the lower right corner of the screen regarding available and active quests. Otherwise, the player is left to his own devices.
There are a few things that will make life easier in the vast No Man's Sky universe.

  • Since the game was originally developed for the console, it uses a checkpoint system for saving. That is, saving through the menu or using a hotkey will not work. Checkpoints are created at certain stages during the game. This could be a checkpoint on the map, an area in which saving occurs automatically, or the result of some event. For example, the game is saved after completing a quest, or, which can be used in unforeseen cases - when leaving the cockpit of your spaceship.
  • It is true that the player in No Man's Sky is left to his own devices, but in order to survive he will need to collect resources. Resource extraction is carried out from everything that comes to hand using a multitool.

The resources in the game make up a system of elements, where they are initially divided into categories: Oxides (O), Isotopes (I), Silicates (C), neutral (N) and precious elements (D). In addition to primary elements, there are technological elements, alloys, energy sources, etc., which also refer to resources in the game.

The process of extracting resources is not difficult; any item breaks down into primary elements, which can later be used to create products or goods for sale. Technological development depends on collected resources and alloys. Some of the resources are not so easy to find, but most of them are present on any planet.

List of primary elements (within each category, elements are arranged in ascending order of rarity):

  • Iron(o) - look for on asteroids and in rocks.
  • Zinc(o) - obtained from yellow flowers.
  • Titan(o) - we look for it in yellow crystals on hot planets.
  • Carbon(s) - obtained from plants on planets.
  • Tamiya9(i) - found in red flowering plants on planets and asteroids.
  • Plutonium (and) - we look for in rocky areas, caves.
  • Eridium(c) - on the relief it is indicated by a holographic cube.
  • Platinum(c) - mined from blue crystals.
  • Crysonite(c) - like platinum, it is mined from blue crystals.
  • Nickel (n) - mined from asteroids.
  • Iridium (n) - mined from asteroids and rocks.
  • Copper(n) is in the same place as Iridium.
  • Gold(n), aluminum(n) and emeril(n) are also mined from asteroids and rocks, but are much less common.
  • Potassium (d) - obtained from round plants growing on planets.
  • Omegon (d) - obtained by cattle breeding.
  • Radnox (d) - mined in rocks.
  • Murrin (d) - obtained from plants on planets and satellites.

All precious elements are extremely rare, so they are of interest mainly as a commodity.

For various improvements and crafting, primary elements are combined into alloys, such as Aronia, Kroliy, Grantin, Herox, Lemmy, Magmox and Terumin. These alloys, in turn, are used as semi-finished products to create spacecraft and buildings.

Questions about your first steps in No Man's Sky

  • How do I fix the starter motor? You need to create 4 Karite leaves (you will need 50 units of Iron and free space in your inventory).
  • How can I fix my scanner? Requires 25 Carbon.
  • How to charge the engine? You need to find red crystals and get Plutonium from them. It is used as fuel.
  • How do I fix the Pulse Engine? You need 200 units of Eridium, two sheets of Carite and 20 units of Zinc.
  • How to charge the Pulse Motor? Obtain Tamiya 9 from plants with three or more legs.
  • How to improve the Analytical Visor? Fix Binocular Tagging Device to zoom the image and place marks on the ground.
  • Who are the Guardians? Robots guarding the territory. If you are greedy when extracting resources, they may attack if they notice it. When such a drone appears, it is better to stop mining, and if it attacks, it is better to run away. Later it will be possible to shoot them, but at first it is better to simply avoid them.
  • How to leave the planet? Repair and refuel the spaceship. Climb into the cabin and go up to the stars.

Video about the making of No Man's Sky

In the sandbox genre, it has attracted the attention of players around the world. In the game, the developers provided everyone with a set of galaxies with a huge number of planets and unlimited time for exploration. The creators of the sandbox were inspired by science fiction, magazine covers, and books depicting fictional distant worlds.

Technical side and uniqueness

No Man's Sky uses unique techniques for creating locations. When a new game starts, special algorithms generate a world that is different from those that users have discovered. The landscape, flora, fauna will be different everywhere. The resulting map is huge - the developers claim that it will take more than five hundred billion (!) years to explore and visit all the planets.

The space simulator takes up only about six gigabytes of free space on your hard drive. This is due to the fact that each point in the universe is generated only at the moment when the character gets there. When he moves to the next location, the old one disappears, but when he returns, the same one is generated as when he first visited. Thus, enormous opportunities arise for exploring and mastering a unique universe.

The video game, especially in comparison with other new products that have been released, “eats” little space on the hard drive and spends a small amount of RAM. Because of this, the sandbox graphics barely stand out from the rest. But the beauty of the picture is not due to the super drawing or detail of the image, but to the picturesqueness of the landscapes, mobs, landscapes, galaxies, and the entire environment as a whole.

No Man's Sky release date is August 12, 2016. Since that time, players have discovered about ten million different species of plants and creatures, and met representatives of alien civilizations. This is just the beginning.

What you can do in the unknown world:

1. Sail to the center of the universe
2. Extract valuable resources
3. Explore unique flora and fauna
4. Fight predators
5. Fight in space
6. Make valuable acquisitions
7. Meeting with humanoids
8. Upgrade ships, equipment and tools

Where? Why?

There is no plot, in the usual sense, here. The action begins on a random planet on the outskirts of the universe. The main goal is to get to its center. To do this, you will have to use a starship, which needs to be upgraded to travel to distant galaxies. A certain Atlas will lead you along the way. The passage will most likely take an indefinite amount of time.

Outlandish creatures

They are unique to each world. Plants and inhabitants are randomly generated, so you will meet strange and sometimes beautiful animals. In addition, if you decide to fly to the dark side of the earth, you will find other living creatures there - other animals wake up at night. The sounds made by animals will differ from each other. Give your finds names, take pictures of them. Having arrived at a special beacon, you can upload data to the network and share it with other users. For exploring nature you receive rewards.

Not all animals are safe. There is a risk of encountering aggressive predators. Weapons will help in the fight against them. Just try to scare wild animals. If that doesn't work, try to destroy it. However, you won't always succeed. And the Guardians may take a negative view of the destruction of species.

You are far from alone here

The world is populated not only by wild creatures. It is divided by factions that constantly divide space among themselves. Hostile characters may be encountered in space. You will have to fight with them. The outcome of the next battle depends on the weapon power of your ship and your experience. The forces of a friendly faction may suddenly come to your aid. A reward is announced for the heads of the pirates. Destroy them and you will become its owner. But for certain actions of the player - plundering planets, interplanetary stations, trade routes - the Guardians can place a bounty on your head.

Meet intelligent creatures on planets too. In part, this is a kind of plot. Learn the language of different civilizations, get in touch with them, gain useful knowledge and gains from this interaction.

Economy and resources

Hello Games mentions that not every celestial body will have interesting and colorful flora and fauna; most planets will be deserted. But minerals and valuable resources can be found almost everywhere. Mine gold, iron, and other metals and elements to sell and create improvements. “Units” are a universal monetary unit throughout intergalactic space. You can get them by selling jewelry found in locations and completing various mini-tasks. Spend by trading with convoys, purchasing various upgrades, ships and tools.

Star mechanic

Ships in No Man's Sky are a vital part of the gameplay. Your starship allows you to travel within one planet, to systems and galaxies. To emerge victorious from star battles and travel to distant lands, you need to upgrade your vehicle. Buy or create upgrades that expand the hero's capabilities. If you want, use and improve only your pepelats all the time, or find a wrecked ship at an abandoned station and repair it. Or you can simply purchase a new starship for in-game currency.

It's not just the means of transportation in space that can be upgraded. You also need to upgrade your tools, which are suitable for different purposes. Whether you use them as weapons or to extract resources is up to you. The suit, which determines the size of the inventory and survival in difficult conditions, can also be improved. In a spacesuit without upgrades, you will not survive in lands with high levels of radiation or extreme cold or heat. Another important device is the jetpack. A jetpack allows you to travel while flying above the ground and get out of hard-to-reach places.

It’s impossible to retell everything that is in the game. It's a huge world. You have to explore and survive in it on your own. This short review reveals only the basic part of the features available in this sandbox. Every day gamers find something new and unique. No Man's Sky is a simulator of an entire universe.

Minimum System Requirements

  • Processor – Intel Core i3-530 2.9GHz, AMD Athlon X4 730
  • Video card – Nvidia GeForce GTX 480, AMD Radeon HD 6970
  • RAM – 8 GB
  • Free space - 10 GB
  • Operating system - Windows 7 (64 bit)
  • Processor – Intel Core i7-860 Quad 2.80GHz, AMD FX-8120
  • Video card – Nvidia GeForce GTX 960 2GB, AMD Radeon R9 285 2GB
  • RAM – 8 GB
  • Free space - 10 GB



No Man's Sky is an adventure simulator with a first-person view in a futuristic setting. You will go to explore outer space and planets, some of which can interact with various forms of extraterrestrial life. You will be able to extract resources, fight in space in a variety of, randomly generated areas of the galaxy, develop and improve your own ship and complete tasks for the “bounty hunters”.


No Man's Sky is an open-world sandbox with action-adventure elements. The player must explore a huge game world while sitting at the helm of a spaceship, but there are a couple of other gameplay options. Actually, that's all.

Game world

The events of No Man's Sky take place in an alternative Universe, which is based on 256 galaxies nested inside each other like nesting dolls. To get to the next one, you need to get to the center of the current one.

There are 20 billion star systems and more than 80 billion planets in the galaxy, and it takes hours of real time to get from the edge (where the player appears) to the center. Movement within a system occurs using a hyperdrive, and between systems using a warp jump.

Due to this, No Man's Sky is the largest game created at the time of its release. Thanks to procedural generation, even the total volume of actions of all players will not allow the game world to be fully explored. When creating the stars and planets, the authors were inspired by the latest astrological discoveries.


The story of No Man's Sky is completely independent of the world. The player finds himself on an unexplored planet, after which he begins learning the basics - using technology to create objects, finding resources, interacting with the world, trading and controlling a spaceship.

Some players begin their journey on toxic planets and are forced to survive for the first hours, clinging to life and collecting resources bit by bit, while others find themselves in a paradise, surrounded by peaceful animals and rich deposits of resources.

The plot of No Man's Sky has been refined with each new addition, and if you played after release, then it's worth trying the game again - a lot has changed. For example, the character learned to think (in the Next update of 2018), conduct dialogues and insert his own thoughts, as well as will try to interpret what the alien is saying if its language has not yet been studied.

There is no backstory for the character and no strong influence of the decisions made on the plot. On the contrary, the plot of No Man's Sky is about sensations and meanings, and not about decisions and epic pathos.

Over the course of about 30 hours, the scriptwriters lead the player to the idea that our Universe is just a computer simulation. In the game, the hero encounters characters who make him think about the unreality of the No Man's Sky Universe, which was actually created by some kind of superintelligence (by which the developers mean themselves).

There are also secondary quests that may be more difficult than the main quest and require a pumped-up ship and character. The developers are constantly adding new tasks and activities, and in 2018 it takes more than 50 hours to complete them.

Single player game

At the time of release, the gameplay of No Man's Sky was simple and focused on flying in space and exploring planets, discovering and cataloging new species of plants and animals (as in), completing simple quests, hunting, extracting resources and crafting items, trading with NPCs.

With updates, other places of interest appeared in star systems - black holes, space anomalies, trading stations, as well. A number of game activities have become associated with mini-games and puzzles; for the correct solution you can get a valuable item or technology.

We began to meet both friendly natives who were able to donate the missing technology or resource, as well as hostile ones who preferred to eat the hero for breakfast. To fight them, you can use four types of weapons. You can also delve into the ruins of destroyed civilizations, build up suitable worlds, or develop your own fleet of ships.

The economy in No Man's Sky is simple - for example, searching for new forms of life brings in a small income, and for complete exploration of the planet they will give a substantial bonus. Or you can sell your surplus resources, organize expeditions, grow rare plants on a space farm, and so on.

All credits received for quests can be spent on purchasing new technologies, rare resources, items or ships. Each merchant now has his own assortment, so you need to think hard about whether to buy now or fly across the entire galaxy if the need arises later.

Multiplayer game

At the time of release, No Man's Sky offered unusual network interaction - all the names of planets and species discovered by players were distributed throughout the community, so that one could find planets “Ass” or “Front”, and extremely “original” names for species.

In subsequent updates, the game added full-fledged cooperative multiplayer for four people. When the world is synchronized, players with their characters and starships appear in the same Universe and can jointly explore the world, complete certain types of quests, and exchange resources.

In online mode, many game systems began to work, and not just “pretend.” For example, it makes sense to defend them, earn credits and collect resources, hunt each other (direct PvP between Wanderers is allowed, but you can just fly and rob caravans), and also visit each other through a teleport to half the galaxy.

Important Features

  • After the release of No Man's Sky, it received several major updates that brought the game to life. For example, and.
  • Four game modes: Standard, Survival (aggressive and strong enemies, fewer resources), Permanent death (one single life) and Creation (free construction, all buildings are available immediately).
  • The built-in character editor allows you to create an alien of any known race and customize its appearance in sufficient detail.

And opened access to pre-order registration. At the same time, system requirements have also appeared online for PC users eager to embark on an unprecedented space adventure.

As the site has learned, at the moment the developers have only published preliminary system requirements for their game. Apparently, a more detailed list will appear closer to summer. It appears that the published requirements are minimal.

System requirements:

  • Operating system: Windows 7
  • Processor: Intel Core i3
  • Video card: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 480 with 1.5 GB of memory
  • RAM: 8 GB
  • Free hard disk space: 10 GB

Looking at the system requirements of the game, we can also draw another noteworthy conclusion. The small footprint of the game installation means that everything that happens in the game will be generated on the fly and transmitted to the gamers’ screens by the server. In other words, the server will do all the work for the players' computers. This can also explain the low requirements of the game, which is huge in scale.

The release date for No Man's Sky is scheduled for June 21, 2016, the site recalls. The game will appear on the PlayStation 4 and PC platforms.

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