Home Computers What is PlayStation Store? When are there discounts on the PlayStation Store? Buying PS4 games on American PSN.

What is PlayStation Store? When are there discounts on the PlayStation Store? Buying PS4 games on American PSN.

PlayStation Store, or PS Store for short, is Sony's network service for digitally distributing games and media content. The PS Store was originally created to support the PS3 console. The service turned out to be successful, and a large number of players used its services. It is not surprising that Sony not only continued to support it, but developed and improved the PS Store. One of the most attractive features of the service is the ability to purchase digital versions of games, often at discounts. In this article we will explain what the PlayStation Store is in more detail. You will also find out when the PS Store has discounts on games.

How to log into PlayStation Store

In order to log into the PS Store service, you will definitely need the Internet, as well as the following devices:

    PlayStation 3 or PlayStation 4 or PlayStation Vita consoles;

    PC (you need to go to the official PS Store website).

To access the contents of the online store, you must create an online account. There are two types of subscription: free and paid PS Plus. We will talk about the latter separately below. For any type of subscription, you will be required to provide an email address and also come up with a unique online identifier. You can purchase games from the PS Store using either a credit card or prepaid PSN Card vouchers. Just enter the code from the card and the amount will be credited to your account.

What is PlayStation Plus

PlayStation Plus, or PS Plus, is an extension of PSN that provides its subscribers with more games (including free games) for an additional fee. These are the benefits of PS Plus:

    access to the online component of PS4 games (that is, you can play online with other players in games such as Bloodborne, Call of Duty, etc.);

    the ability to download digital versions of selected Sony games once a month (for example, in August 2018, PS4 owners could download Dead by Deadlight and Mafia 3 for free);

    additional discounts and closed sales.

Let’s say right away that you shouldn’t expect AAA projects immediately after their release as free in PS Plus. Games usually become free on the service a year or two after release.

In August 2018, Sony is giving away Mafia III and Dead by Deadlight for free

Problems with PlayStation Store

Unfortunately, like any online service that is very popular, the PS Store is not protected from errors and freezes. Over the years, the service has suffered from hacker attacks and connection problems. Now Sony has set up the servers and there are almost no problems. You can always check the service status on a separate page: http://status.playstation.com/

When are there discounts on games on the PlayStation Store?

Let's face it - many players sign up for the service to buy digital versions of games on the cheap during sales. It’s not bad to buy a PlayStation exclusive for half or even a third of the price. For example, the original price of Bloodborne: Spawn of Blood is 2,700 rubles, but during discounts the game can be purchased for 999 rubles, and sometimes even cheaper. The same goes for the rest of the exclusives.

However, timing discounts in the case of PlayStation is not easy. There is no clear schedule. If on Xbox Live everything is simple and clear (discounts every week, updated on Tuesday), then on the PlayStation Store discounts are divided into different categories:

    offer of the week (usually for a big-budget game from a big publisher, for example, Battlefield or Assassin's Creed);

    seasonal discounts (summer sale, Halloween sale, etc.). They are the easiest to guess. For example, the summer sale usually starts at the end of July;

    themed sales (for example, “Hits of Japan”);

    separate discounts only on digital games;

    discounts for PS Plus subscribers.

PS Plus subscribers can count on even more discounts

It’s worth mentioning separately about sales for the New Year. They're called the "December 12 PlayStation Store Deals": every two days during a given month, a selected (usually AAA) game gets a big discount.

Only released games usually receive a discount on the service after 2-3 months (for example, God of War 2018). If you want to always be aware of discounts, we advise you to follow the official Sony Twitter, and also look at the information on the website https://psprices.com/region-ru/index

You can buy consoles and enjoy the capabilities of the PS Store in the PiterPlay store

Buying a PS4 is the door to the world of cutting-edge games of the decade, also in excellent quality, without unnecessary thoughts about the performance of your hardware. In principle, this set of advantages of the console is already enough for an average gamer. However, for PS4 users (besides, there are a lot of tricks, many of them will allow you to pay less for quite expensive (for the CIS) games, and some will not pay for them at all. So, our top 5 secrets of buying games for PS4:

Buying PS4 games for two

The Playstation Network actually includes the ability to purchase games for two people, which reduces the price by half. Let’s say right away that you must completely trust the second person, since you need to provide him with your PSN account, and he will give you his. Actually, here is the method for buying PS4 games for two with a friend:

  1. Transfer information about your PSN account login and password to a friend
  2. Go to the PS4 settings, then to “Activate as primary PS4 system”, there select “Deactivate”.
  3. A friend logs into the same PS4 settings under your account and, on the contrary, selects “Activation with main account.”
  4. You take the password and login of your friend’s account, log in under it, and in the same settings activate it as the main one.

Voila, now each of you can download each other’s games, and if your PS+ subscription is active, you can even play the same game online at the same time. The subscription works according to the principle: the PS+ of an activated account applies to all deactivated ones, and free games from PS+ are available to everyone. But to prevent them from expiring, you must always renew your subscription on the same account.

This method has only one small inconvenience related to the fact that when you turn on the console, it must be connected to the Internet in order for your friend’s games to be available. Nevertheless, such sharing of PS4 games is absolutely legal; Sony themselves have left this opportunity to share purchased games between friends and relatives. If they did not want to put up with such a function, they could simply make a rigid connection of the console to one account. So use it to your health without fear of getting banned!

Share Play

Share Play is another PS4 feature that lets you play together, but only pay once. This feature allows you to create a local game session over the Internet with any PS4 user. The latter may not have the game you want, but will still be able to join your session. To launch Share Play, you need:

  1. Launch the game on PS4
  2. Press the SHARE button on the gamepad
  3. On the screen that appears, select “Pass the controller to the visitor” and then select “Co-op”

After these steps, another controller will appear in the running game, which can be controlled by a second player via the Internet. And once again: he doesn’t need to buy the game. What are the limitations of the Share Play mode: the maximum number of participants is 2, and they must be friends on PSN; The duration of one session is 60 minutes, then you need to reconnect; Saves and achievements are saved only by the owner of the game. In general, this mode does not have any serious disadvantages; it is an official way to invite a friend to play a game together that he does not own. Only on the Internet, and not on the same couch.

Buying PS4 games on US PSN

This trick is directly related to saving on purchases of PS4 games for your loved one. For Sony, Russia and the CIS countries are considered Europe, and therefore our pricing policy is appropriate. In the USA, prices are sometimes slightly and sometimes significantly lower than in Europe. From here it becomes possible to buy games directly on the American PSN. What is needed for this:

  1. Create an American account on your console (select country USA)
  2. Top up your wallet using special dollar cards (you won’t be able to attach a Russian bank card to an American account)
  3. Go to the PS Store and buy the game you want

This method of saving on PS4 games is suitable only for those who are not afraid of the English language; Russian will not be available in games. In addition, if you want to play online from an American account, you will need a separate PS+ subscription for it. The subscription will not be distributed from your main account.

Coupons and promotional codes in Mvideo and Eldorado

Finally we get to the disc versions for PS4. Most often, when released, games on media and digital versions cost approximately the same. However, if nothing can be done with the price in the Russian PSN, then reducing the price in retail stores is quite possible. For example, in Mvideo there is a coupon for 500 rubles for any purchase up to 2500 rubles (which corresponds to the price of a PS4 disc). Also very often, both Mvideo and Eldorado organize promotions with coupons for SMS. Coupon denominations: from 1000 to 7000, you can pay up to 30% of the purchase, which also suits us. In addition, there are bugs with these coupons (picture above). So in October 2017, it was possible to purchase games (and everything else) virtually for free. Using promotional codes it was possible to pay off the entire purchase price. The main thing you need to keep an eye on when using promotional codes is the stop lists of stores; products are added there to which any promotional codes are not applicable.

Buying games with a PS Plus subscription

One of the benefits of a PS Plus subscription, along with free games every month, is additional discounts for subscribers. These are often discounts for AAA pre-orders (usually 10%), as well as “enhanced” discounts. List . So the discount on the promotion for an ordinary PSN user can be 30%, and for a PS+ subscriber 60%. Therefore, it’s always worth considering whether it’s cheaper

Games for Sony PlayStation 4 are often superior to computer versions in terms of graphics quality and other features. This is due to the fact that during the development process they are optimized for a specific technical platform. Thanks to this, developers can use complex special effects and other original solutions.

Many gamers believe that a gamepad is suitable for controlling a limited number of games. But practice shows that after a short training it becomes no less convenient than a keyboard and mouse. Therefore, you can buy games from a wide variety of genres for PlayStation 4:

  • Action/Shooter - “action films” with first and third person views;
  • automobile, aviation and other simulators;
  • strategic games - turn-based and real-time, military, economic and urban planning;
  • RPG - role-playing games in which the gamer constantly improves the skills of his character;
  • Adventure/Quest - adventures with a logical component.
There are other games for PlayStation 4 - the number of genres is in the dozens.

Distribution form
Most users prefer to buy PlayStation 4 games recorded on CDs. They can be produced both in regular boxes and in gift editions. The latter usually include additional materials - posters, postcards, three-dimensional figures, books and much more.
But there is another way to purchase. The digital version gives you the right to download the game from the official website, which takes less time than sending a disc. In this case, the user only has to enter the code and wait for the installation to complete.

Modern games in Eldorado
Our online store offers affordable prices for applications for game consoles. Its catalog includes games for PlayStation 4 from many well-known developers. We deliver discs in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, Vladimir and other cities of Russia.

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