Home Office equipment Where to find the best weapons in Skyrim. The best weapons and armor of Skyrim Special Edition Skyrim special items

Where to find the best weapons in Skyrim. The best weapons and armor of Skyrim Special Edition Skyrim special items

Skyrim is an open world multiplayer game with over 10 million players worldwide. The main events in the fictional world are associated with the return of the dragon Alduin, who is opposed by the Dragonborn. The task of gamers is to help cope with the threat of destruction hanging over the world of Skyrim. Weapons are undoubtedly the main means of fighting the enemy. Success in the game is guaranteed only to those fighters who managed to take possession of, if not the best, then very good specimens in terms of their qualities and characteristics.

Where and how to get weapons?

For new players, the question of where to get more or less decent weapons arises at the very beginning of mastering the game world of Skyrim. Weapons, whether two-handed, one-handed, or ranged, can either be crafted through blacksmithing or received as rewards for completing quests. In the latter case, players will have a chance to get knives, axes, swords, staves, and much more that have unique characteristics. True, it will not be possible to improve them. on the contrary, it has weaker characteristics, but can still be improved. There is also another way to acquire powerful items in Skyrim - weapon mods. It is worth talking about each of the listed methods in more detail.

Crafting and Upgrading Daedric Weapons

So, if a player intends to independently make and improve items of equipment that suit him in all respects, then he cannot do without mastering blacksmithing, enchanting and alchemy. At the same time, it is important to upgrade all professions to at least level 90. Only in this case will the player be able to create high-quality items and apply more powerful improvements to them.

For example, with level 2 blacksmithing skill, a player will be able to craft a steel sword whose base damage is only 7 units. But a sword made at the maximum level deals 15 damage, and this is without any improvements or enchantments.

By the way, each subsequent improvement for Skyrim weapons can only be done in a certain place and after completing the quest. Daedric weapons are made in and are improved only after receiving the “Daedric Armor” bonus. Upgrading weapons in Skyrim is possible only with the help of certain materials: stones, firewood, strips of leather, various ingots and sharpening.

Unique weapon

Those players who don’t particularly like to spend time crafting and improving equipment items are more suitable for weapons with special bonuses. As mentioned above, it can be obtained in different locations in Skyrim. The best weapon for new players is the Phantom Blade sword, which can be picked up from the final boss of Ansilvund. The main advantage of this blade, especially if you take possession of two copies at once, is the complete ignoring of the enemy’s armor. In Volundrud you can find a good set of the Okin ax and the Eduzh sword. They also help new players cope with strong opponents.

More advanced players will like the Wuuthrad ax or the Mehrunes Razor dagger, the owner of which has a 5% chance of instantly killing his opponent. A staff can also help in the fight against a powerful enemy, with the help of which you can call an assistant into battle for a minute and a half - a Daedric creature. If the player intends to seriously fight dragons, then without the Dragon Scourge blade, which gives a +25 bonus to damage against these creatures.

In a word, to take possession of a weapon with such amazing bonuses and enchantments placed on them, you need to work hard: run around looking for artifacts in many locations, fight hundreds of mobs and complete dozens of tasks.

Weapon mods in Skyrim

Another common way to be known as a well-equipped fighter in the world of Skyrim is through weapon mods. With the help of special modifications installed in the game, you can not only change the appearance of any type of weapon, but also significantly expand its arsenal. The largest mod is Lore Weapon Expansion. With its help, you can add 33 weapons from previous series of the game to your arsenal. Some items can be purchased from merchants, some will have to be knocked out from mobs, and some will have to be made independently using blacksmithing. Other mods are designed to add specific weapons to your arsenal: shields, blades, swords, axes, magic staves and crossbows.

What are the best weapons in Skyrim?

Most gamers create sets of items that complement each other as much as possible. In addition, an important point in choosing combat equipment is the character build in Skyrim. is a good option if you take, for example, daggers in both hands. One-handed weapons in the form of swords and axes are preferred by many players, since at an optimal level of damage their speed indicators are also high.

What is considered the most powerful and lethal in Skyrim? Weapons of any type, obtained in one way or another, can only deal basic damage. Improving this indicator depends, according to the creators of the game, on the skill of using it. The more skill the player has, the more damage the weapon deals. Correctly selected enchantments cast on an item also play a big role in this.

The game Skyrim had the same effect as all the games in The Elder Scrolls series - it fired the majority of the world's population from their jobs and drove them out of their families. We will not write about walkthroughs, cheats, codes and other handkerchiefs for wiping the snot of Skyrim players. Today we will reveal to you in detail and beautifully the topic - the Daedra princes. Who they are, what they do, a description and of course all the artifacts of Skyrim, all the Daedra princes.

Daedra Princes are sometimes referred to as demons in Skyrim, but it is infinitely disrespectful to refer to them in such a manner. For they are revered by the characters of The Elder Scrolls games and the players themselves as deities. The total number of elder Daedra is 16, sometimes 17. Do not confuse them with Aedra, since Daedra princes are immortal and cannot be killed. Although sometimes I really want to.

Who are the Daedra princes - demon-like entities living in Oblivion (Oblivion). A parallel is often drawn between them with Jewish demons. Mostly evil and insidious, but often also beneficent. The Daedra Princes created the Daedra, lesser demons.

Book of Daedra

It is worth noting that each Daedra prince has his own part of Oblivion, as well as his own habitat, each one is unique. All Daedra Princes play an important role in all The Elder Scrolls games. But the most important thing is that each prince is associated with one or another artifact, unique in its capabilities.

Description of the Daedric Princes:

1. Boethiah(Boethiah). We will describe this Daedra prince first. Boethiah is a master of war, prince of the fields and prince of intrigue. If you like to deceive, take revenge, betray and make plans to kill, Boethiah is your option. There is a legend that Boethiah is neither a man nor a woman, but whatever he wants.

Boethiah and the Khajiit (Boethiah).

Champion of Boethiah

In Skyrim, Boethiah's artifact is the Ebony Mail. A class of heavy armor, but when wearing it you move much more quietly than in ordinary heavy armor, also any enemy who thinks of coming too close to you is poisoned and suffers damage every second. Boethiah's quest is filled with senseless murder, massacre and betrayal.

Boethiah Statue Skyrim

Artifact of Boethiah

2. Azura(Azura). Two-Faced Azura is the Prince of Dusk and Dawn, Queen of the Dawn, Mother of the Rose and Queen of the Night Sky. If a mortal somehow finds his way into her realm, Azura welcomes him warmly. Azura's main enemy is Sheograt. The mysterious and damn smart Dwemer were afraid of this Daedric prince. When one Dwemer proved that Azura was not omniscient, the curse was terrible. Conclusion? You need to show off less in front of a woman with power!

Statue of Azura.

But Azura is revered as well as the creator of the Dunmer and is worshiped by the Khajiit/Khajiit. The cunning race of Khajiit consider Azura to be the kitten of Fadomai's third litter. They are sure that Azura received from her mother the greatest gift possible - three secrets.

The Khajiit do not doubt for a second that it was this Daedric prince who created their race. Instilling intelligence and wisdom into the minds of the Khajiit, as well as stuffing their mouths with moon sugar (a drug).

Azura Skyrim

Azura's quest in Skyrim is very unusual. The reward for completing it can be an Azura Star or a Black Star, to choose from. Of course, the Star of Azura is more profitable, because it absorbs the souls of everyone indiscriminately, and the Black Star of Azura only NPCs (friendly characters), of course I would like to take the second reward, but I have few friends, and I want to kill as many as possible. In general, it’s not profitable to be bad - there’s not enough meat... sad thing.

Azura Artifact

3. Jyggalag(Jyggalag). He is rightfully considered the 17th Daedric Prince. Prince of Order who fought with Sheograt. Jyggalag furiously wants to seize and appropriate the kingdom of Sheograt for itself. Probably not everything is in order in the kingdom of Sheograt, although logically for Jyggalag everything is not in order everywhere. This is probably the reason for his patronage of the princes of Order.


But for ardent fans of The Elder Scrolls game series, it has long been no secret that Sheograt and Jyggalag are one and the same Daedric prince with two entities that oppose each other from time to time. Jyggalag himself claims that the culprit is the curse of the Daedric princes, who gave the form of its opposite, calling it Sheograt. Double-mindedness is common to all of us, so this Daedric prince is close to mere mortals who, with their blind desire to correct “something because”, do not restore order, but the devil. Jyggalag ranks 9th on the list of all Daedric princes.

The game Skyrim put a little bit of an orcish bolt on Jyggalag. Probably the reason for the absence of this Daedric prince in Skyrim is the fact that Jyggalag appeared relatively recently and Tamriel has not yet learned about him. There is no Jyggalag in Skyrim. And in general, it should be noted that the Daedric princes in Skyrim are pushed into the background by dragons, and this is another reason to polish their faces... beaks... what do dragons have?

Dragon Hunt Skyrim

4. Vaermina(Vaermina) second version of Vernima (Vaernima). The Daedra princes do not like Vernima because she has nightmares and torture. It's disgusting, but damn interesting! Vernima is the Prince of Signs and of course Dreams. Vaermina rules the kingdom of nightmares called "The Mire". The kingdom of this Daedric Prince does not have a constant form, it changes. But the main essence of any illusion of this world, where Vaermina rules, is nightmares.


It seems like vampirism and necromancy are the work of Vaermina. To receive the blessing of this Daedra prince, you need to imprison the innocent soul of a sentient being in a black soul stone. Necromancers adore Vaermina, depicted as a woman in a luxurious dress.


Vaermina in Skyrim appears during the quest "The Walking Nightmare", it is given by Erandur in the Peak of the Winds tavern. Vaermina has cursed the whole city and you need to save people from their eternal nightmare. But not everything is so simple in that quest. If you are loyal to the Daedric Prince, you will receive the “Skull of Night”; if not, you will also receive...

Vermina Slyrim

Artifact of Vaermina

5. Hircine(Hircine). Daedric prince identified with the hunt. The Chief Hunter of the Daedra Princes and is rightfully considered the father of the beastmen. Lives in the Hunting Grounds, has absolute power over werewolves. The Khajiit (Khajiit) revere him as the kitten of Fadomai's second litter and describe Hircine as an eternally hungry kitten.

Hircine. Daedra Prince.

In Skyrim, Hiercyn rewards the player with the Skin of the Savior or the Ring of Hiercyn. But first you will need to complete the quest “Call of the Moon”. The ring gives you the unique ability to transform into a werewolf once a day.

Skin of the Savior and ring "Call of the Moon", artifacts of Hircine Skyrim.

6. Clavicus Vile(Clavicus Vile). There is a clue in the name itself; vile translated from English means “wicked”, “mean”. Clavicus Vile - creates contracts, bestows powers, fulfills your wishes. But the trick is that Clavicus Vile loves to deceive and patronizes perjurers. The kingdom of this Daedra prince resembles an ideal village, filled with serenity and tranquility and, of course, the village is full of Westerners.

Clavicus Vile

The asshole Clavicus Vile distinguished himself by helping vampires adapt to human society. Clavicus is depicted as a horned dwarf with Barbas (a demonic beast) walking next to him. One can easily draw a parallel between the gift of this Daedric prince “Mask of Clavicus Vile” and the work “Little Tsakhes”, because the Mask of Clavius ​​bestowed “beauty” on the wearer. That is, in the eyes of beholders the person was unrealistically beautiful. But it was just an illusion.

Clavicus Vile Statue Skyrim

In Skyrim, Clavicus is no longer a dwarf and gives you a quest to return his dog Barbas. The Daedra Prince calls his partner nothing more than “mongrel.” By the way, the dog can talk. The psychedelic mind of this Daedric prince offers you the following: take away the valuable weapon by killing the dog or return it to the owner.

Artifacts Skyrim Mask Clavicus Vile

7. Meridia(Meridia). What is known is that she hates the undead and necromancy. Her kingdom is Colored Rooms. For some time, everyone was sure that it was Jyggal, until the chief designer of a group of perverts called Bethesda denied these rumors.

Meridia statue in Skyrim.

All artifacts in Skyrim of the Daedric princes are varied and unique. In Skyrim, Meridia gives those who complete her quest a sword that kills the undead like chickens. And the additional damage to the undead will be very useful in one of the final quests, the storyline.

"Radiance of Dawn" artifact of Meridia

8. Malacath(Malacath). The dearest of the Daedric princes. Malacath God of Orcs - God of Curses! All who are expelled and despised find shelter with Malacath. Also, of all the Daedric princes, Malacath is an ardent keeper of oaths and terrible curses. The kingdom of Malacath is filled with smoke and dust, corrosive smoke replaces the air and it is impossible to breathe there without the help of magic. Rumor has it that Boethiah herself turned Malacath into a Daedric prince.

Malacath God of the Orcs. Skyrim statues.

The Dunmer consider Malacath to be a "bad Daedra". Actually, orcs are “bad” for everyone, but it’s not clear why cutting down enemies left and right is bad. The orcs fall into an all-consuming rage. And no one likes the fact that huge, merciless creatures have their own faith, their own principles, for which they are ready to lay down their heads. In any case, the worship of Malacath is prohibited.

Malacath in Skyrim gives an artifact to those who complete his quest - Volendrung. An excellent two-handed weapon that destroys 50 units with one hit. the enemy's reserves of strength. The quest is given in the village inhabited by orcs "Largashbur". We need to kill giants, and we are always ready to kill.

Volendrung Skyrim artifacts.

9. Mephala(Mephala). Nasty Spider God. Spinner of Nets. Mephala - Black Hands. Hermaphrodite, Spider. In general, it’s still a blessing for the faint of heart. But there are also positive aspects - Mephala is a bisexual deity who is in charge of all secrets, secret murders, art and most importantly - sex! So if no one gives, pray to Mephala.


The most ancient and one of the most influential assassin guilds, the Morag Tong, worshiped Mephala. Oddly enough, this Daedric prince is considered good. Based on the story, she took Vivec out of his mother’s womb, reunited with him and taught the baby all the secrets, then, like a decent Daedra, she returned him back to his mother’s womb.

Mephala created the Morag Tong. Guild members killing for the glory of Mephala make her stronger. To glorify Mephala, one must kill NOT because of profit, but because of hatred. The mercenaries from the Morag Tong guild have a lot to offer, because they are all “offended by society.” You should also kill only famous personalities, because there are few unknown characters in Mephale.

In Skyrim, Mephala gives the Ebony Blade artifact, tempered in the blood of betrayal.

Ebony Blade of Mephala. Skyrim Artifacts.

10. Mehrun Dagon(Mehrunes Dagon). Dagon is the Daedric prince responsible for destruction. Players often call him Lord Dagon. Cruel and merciless pepper! Dagon enjoys: destruction, revolution, change, ambition and power. A kind of Zhirinovsky in the Elder Scrolls universe.

Mehrunes Dagon Prince of the Daedra.

Dagon lives in the Dead Lands. Seas of red-hot lava with few islands on which black citadels grew, piercing the sky. The sky in the Dead Lands is crimson, spewing thunder and lightning. Vegetation includes bloody grass and predatory flowers that produce toxic fumes. Dagon ranks 10th on the list of Daedric princes. Epic and harsh guy.

Dagon, Skyrim statues

All forest fires, floods, earthquakes and Timati's concerts are Dagon's fault. A vile four-armed fighter destroying everything in his path with a double-bladed axe.

In Skyrim, Dagon gives the dagger "Mehrunes' Razor" for fulfilling his will. A terrible weapon in capable hands. The main property of this artifact is one-hit kill. This horrific murder weapon once belonged to the Dark Brotherhood, but has caused many deaths among guild members.

Artifact of Dagon. Skyrim artifacts.

11. Namira(Namira). All spirits of shadows and darkness are subject to the Daedric Prince Namira. Also, all creatures that disgust mortals belong to Namira. The Daedric Prince lives in the Abyss of Namir. This is a woman with a faithful demon at her feet. She enjoys all possible ugliness.

Namira. Skyrim statues.

The Khajiit revere her as a descendant of Anur and Fadomai, and according to Khajiit legend, the Great Darkness acquired the name Namira. In short, scary and mysterious.

All artifacts in Skyrim are subservient to the capabilities of Namira's ring, because it allows the player to eat the corpses of killed enemies. You can get Namira's ring near Markat, right before the entrance to the mysterious Hall of the Dead!

Ring of Namira. All Skyrim Artifacts.

12. Molag Bal(Molag Bal). Father of Monsters, Prince of Wrath and also the current King of Violence and Intrigue. Molag Bal is rightfully considered the Lord of Troubles. That is, in general, everything bad happened one way or another because of Molag. The place where this Daedric prince lives is ominous. The sky there is constantly on fire, but the air is so cold that even experienced Nords find it difficult to breathe. The name of this place is "Cold Harbor" and it is covered in blood, dirt and sewage. There are also many slave pens and crypts. The beauty is, in general, indescribable. Bal's main enemy is Boethiah!

Molag Bal. The worst Daedric prince.

Some also claim that Molag Bal personally created vampires. In one of the episodes of The Elder Scrolls game "Morrowind" it is said that Bal created the very first vampire from the corpse of his enemy or Lord Deirdre. Although, the most evil fans of the game series are vying with each other to shout that Bal created the first vampire from... animal.

It should be noted that one of the books that we could read while playing the fourth part of “Oblivion” says that the first vampire was a girl named Lami Beolfeg, who was brutally and pervertedly raped by Molag Bal himself. Two weeks later, Lamy died, but was resurrected after her death in the guise of a vampire.

But that's not all. Molag Bal is considered Vivec's lover and from their perverted relationship a race of monsters appeared that lived in Vvardenfell. This pervert also watched the conception of Boethiah, whose mother had intercourse with 99 lovers.

Molag Bal and Vivec.

All Skyrim artifacts have one drawback: they are not as practical as Molag Bal’s gift. For completing a cruel quest, this Daedric prince gives you the Mace of Molag Bal. Which sucks not only strength, but also manna, which means it will be useful in the fight against any enemy. By the way, the prince himself does not care who will own it. The main thing is that every soul she kills goes to Molag Bal!

Mace of Molag Bal. Skyrim Artifacts.

13. Nocturnal(Nocturnal) or Nocturnal. Absolute Mistress of the Night. She has darkness and night in her power. Nocturnal-Incomprehensible is one of the most important aspects of the primordial Void. She lives in the Dangerous Citadel and is served by lower Daedra, called seducers.

Nocturnal statue. Lady of the Night.

In Skyrim, the patroness of the Thieves Guild, Nocturnal, generously gifts her followers. What is the price of an eternal master key that never breaks? So don’t rush to invest skill points in the “hacking” skill. This Skyrim artifact has a mystical description that says “this key opens not only doors, but also the barriers of your consciousness.” What does this mean - who knows! But it sounds nice.

Skeleton Key

14. Sanguine(Sanguine). A very Orthodox Daedric Prince who leads all the drinking and fun. But he also pushes everyone living towards the dark sides of his nature. The Khajiit call him the Cat of Blood, confident that it is he who controls the call of blood.

Sanguine Prince of Razgul.

Sanguine has an interesting connection to the bloody and dark organization Morag Tong. This became clear when the players learned that the guild’s artifacts were called “Threads of Sanguine” (20 items).

In Skyrim, you can complete his quest and receive the “Rose of Sanguine” artifact as a reward, with its help you can summon some very good things.

Rose Sanguine. Skyrim Artifacts

15. Peryite(Peryite). A kind of taskmaster, he loves to restore order in the lower strata of Oblivion, little dad. However, Peryite is considered a destructive Daedra. His favorite and main element is epidemic. Players will not meet him, but knowledge about him came from other Daedric princes.


Externally, Peryite is similar to Akatosh. Absolutely all Skyrim artifacts are varied, but the “Spell Breaker” shield, which provides protection from magic up to 50 units, will be very useful to you. and since most of the most powerful enemies in Skyrim wield magic, the Spell Breaker shield is very important. The quest to obtain it can be discovered after level 10; the refugee will show you a place called the “sanctuary of Peryite” (northeast of Markath).

Best Shield in Skyrim.

16. Sheogorath(sheogorat). Beautiful God of Madness! The logic in Sheogorath's madness is so subtle and beautiful that any philosopher nervously smokes into the bamboo on the sidelines. The Mad Lord's motives are unknown, but always lead to deeper meaning. Many consider the appearance of Sheogorath to be a hole in the shape of the universe. If you worship this Daedric prince, there is neither good nor evil for you; neither real nor unreal; no lies, no truth. Doesn't matter! At the same time, complete chaos leads to purity of mind. A subtle hint at the Joker? Maybe.


Residents of Skyrim and the entire Elder Scrolls universe are sure that when a madman says something, he turns to the Daedric prince Sheogorath, and he gladly tells the unfortunate man about what he cannot know.

Cutie Sheogorath's favorite pastime is testing the Dunmer for weakness of spirit. There are many legends where the Dunmer call on Sheogorath to help them fight other Dunmer. Half of the legends assure that Sheogorath did not betray those who summoned him...

Sheograt Skyrim

Sheogorath hates Azura, constantly fighting with her. He lives in the Shivering Isles. The Khajiit perceive him as a Cat in Heat, from Fadomaya's second litter.

The asshole Sheogorath deceived the moon from its charted path through all of Oblivion, and it foolishly crashed onto the city of Vivec. Moreover, it was installed personally by Vivec, the god-poet. No big deal here!

If Skyrim artifacts have clear characteristics, then the staff that Sheogorath gives is one of the most “unstable”. Because using it, you don’t know what will happen. This gift from the Daedric Prince is called Wabbajack! Wabbajack can easily transform any kind of living creature into any other creature. The trick is that no one knows which time!

Wabbajack. Artifacts of Scarim.

All Daedra princes cannot boast of the same popularity as Sheogorath, for he is mentioned more often than others in books. Sheogorath is served by golden saints and dark seducers

Finding Sheogorath in Skyrim is quite easy if you like to talk to everyone. In Solitude, talk to the beggar (approximately near the Bards' College). He will complain about his master. It should be noted that Sheogorath's quest is very interesting. As a reward you will receive Wabbajack. You can play with them to the point of indecency!

Video of Wabbajack in action!

17. Hermaeus Mora(hermaeus mora). Formless but revered Daedric Prince. Lord of Knowledge. Some call Hermaeus Mora - the Man of the Forest. He knows how to predict fate, reads the sky, master of the treasures of knowledge and master of memory. Are there any sclerotic readers? You should go to him!

Hermaeus Mora. Daedric Princes of Skyrim.

Hermaeus Mora lives in a place called Apocrypha, which contains Forbidden Knowledge. This is a kind of library full of volumes covered with black covers and without any titles. And only ghosts can read these volumes, which is what these wise souls do. Forbidden Knowledge, which is kept in a monastery called Apocrypha, is deadly for ordinary beings.

Hermaeus Mora

Related to the Morag Tong and revered by the Khajiit as the Tide. There is a phrase "Who can predict whether the moon foretells the high tide or the low tide foretells the moon?" In general, everything is complex and at the same time very beautiful. Those who seek knowledge revere Hermaeus More.

In Skyrim, you will receive the coolest artifact after completing the quest of this Daedric prince. This little thing is called the book “Oghma Infinium”. Which will give you such an increase in skills that you will pump up! You can get it by completing the quest of the mad scientist Septimius Segonius, who lives in the ice in the Black Reach region.

"Oghma Infinium" The best Skyrim artifact.

That's all the Daedric princes. We also described all the Daedric artifacts of Skyrim, we hope without destroying the fun in playing through this epic toy. We only tried to further warm up your interest in the game, and for those who have already completed it, think about it and again dive into the vast world of Skyrim, in search of this or that artifact. And remember, reality is much more interesting and complex than any computer game! All the artifacts of Skyrim and all the Daedric princes are not worth a walk in the park with your loved one.

God, what am I saying...

Daedric princes, women. Salty Humor Skyrim.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim - Improving the characteristics of unique items, weapons, food, potions, creatures

Game platform: TES V: Skyrim Legendary Edition​

Russian name: Improving the characteristics of unique items, weapons, food, potions, creatures​

Current version: 2.0/2.0a​

Mod language: Russian​

Size: 400 KB


The modification is presented in four options, each of which brings changes to the gameplay. The author recommends using all mods at the same time, since they, to some extent, complement each other. In addition, he (the author) recommends starting a new game on Expert or Master difficulty.

Description of the mod "ArmorWeapon&DifferentItems":

  • It is very strange that unique weapons or armor in the game have mediocre characteristics compared to ordinary ones, and are not of any importance. And it turns out that after receiving this unique weapon for some quest, when you come to your home, all that remains is to hang it on the wall for beauty. Therefore, the characteristics of rare items had to be changed so that they became truly serious things. But I deliberately did not increase their values ​​to some crazy values ​​so that there would be no distortions in the game. Otherwise, for example, you could just take any sword, call it “Nibator Blade,” give it a thousand points of damage at once and go chop without straining everyone’s heads at all levels.
  • For example, the weapons "Okin" and "Eduzh" are a regular "good ancient Nord sword" and an ax with little cold damage. With developed enchanting skill, you can get more powerful weapons by enchanting a pure ancient Nordic sword and axe. Therefore, it turns out that the entire uniqueness of “Eduzh” and “Okin” lies only in their name, and not at all in their combat characteristics, which are no different from standard weapons. Therefore, for them, as well as for many other items, the basic characteristics of physical damage and enchantment were slightly increased.
  • Now their owners with such enhanced weapons will become a little more dangerous, so be careful.

More details:

  • "Scientist's Diadem": Magic costs of all schools are reduced by 25%.
  • "Ancient Nordic Amulet": added enchantment - The skill of wearing light armor is increased by 50, attacks with two-handed weapons deal 35% more damage.
  • "Medallion of Saint Jiub": Increased physical defense to 15 units.
  • "Jagged Crown": added an enchantment to reduce the time between dragon cries by 25% and increase magic protection by 25%. Increased protection. Can be improved.
  • "Mzunda's Insight": Increased defense, increased increase in stamina to 100 units.
  • "Shield of Solitude": Added upgrade option.
  • Etherium Shield, Spell Breaker, Blade Shield - the amount of protection and their cost have been increased.
  • "Tarch of Bloodthirstiness": Defense has been increased, its properties have been strengthened, and when hit it now deals 12 damage.
  • damage from bleeding in 5 seconds. Upgrades with a corundum ingot.
  • Increased magical properties and physical defense for Ysgramor's shield. Magic protection has been raised to 30 units, the bonus to life reserve has been raised to 70.
  • Wuuthrad and Ysgramor's shield can be upgraded with ebony ingots.
  • Silver swords can be created at the forge. The heavenly dagger can also be sharpened.
  • Since the armor of comrades is improved much better than steel armor, to improve it you now need not steel, but corundum ingots. Its initial cost has also been increased.
  • The same goes for the weapons of the heavenly forge. To improve it, steel and corundum ingots are needed.
  • "Ancient Helmet of Fire Resistance": Increased protection, fire protection +70%.
  • "Ingol's Helmet": Increased protection, changed enchantment, - two-handed weapon +35%, protection from cold +70%.
  • “Savior’s Skin”: Increased physical defense, magic protection 25%, disease resistance 75%. Stamina regeneration rate +25%.
  • "Gilded Bracers": Physical protection has been slightly increased, a double enchantment has been added to increase eloquence and increase life reserve. Can be improved.
  • "Boots of the Predator": Increased defense, increased stamina regeneration to 50%.
  • Bow "Zephyr", "Dwarven Black Bow of Fate", Anga's Bow, Poacher's Axe, "Volendrung", "Wuthrad", Sword of Blades, "Mehrunes' Razor", "Glass Bow of the Deer King", "Bow of the Hunt" - their damage has been increased.
  • "Death of Firiniel": Increased physical damage, enhanced enchantment.
  • "Forester's Friend": Increased physical damage, added fire damage enchantment.
  • "Curse of the Aegis": Increased physical damage, added enchantment of cold damage.
  • "Storm Fang": Increased physical damage.
  • "Blade of Bloodskal": Increased physical damage. A fire wave strike deals 50 damage.
  • Akaviri Sword: Increased physical damage.
  • "White Frost": Weight has been reduced, physical damage has been increased, and the ability to upgrade has been added.
  • "Jagged Pickaxe": Increased physical damage. Increases Smithing skill by 25 and adds 25 lightning damage.
  • "Dragon Scourge" and "Horker Scourge": Increased physical and magical damage.
  • "Troll Scourge": Increased physical and fire damage.
  • "Pale Blade": Increased physical damage and magical curse.
  • “Phantom Blade”: Physical damage has been increased, its ability to increase additional damage has been strengthened.
  • "Froakie's Bow": Increased physical damage. Magic damage has been replaced with Hunter's Mastery, the same as on the poacher's axe. Due to this, the useless bow of the Froakie hunter became a good small weapon for hunting at the initial levels. With its help, you can hunt for a living at the beginning of the game, selling animal skins.
  • "Curse of the Red Eagle" - Increased physical damage, enhanced enchantment.
  • "Wren": Increased physical damage and added an enchantment to steal stamina.
  • "Valdr's Lucky Dagger": Increased physical damage, attack speed increased by 10%.
  • "Radiance of Dawn": Increased physical damage. Increased fire burn from 10 to 15 units. To improve this weapon, you need ebony, gold and silver bars.
  • The "Fierce" sword is now two-handed, because Lioness Mjoll specializes in two-handed weapons.
  • Long Hammer: Weight reduced even more.
  • "Defender's Club": Increased physical damage. Possibility of improvement has been made.
  • "Strangler" and "Bloody Scythe": increased attack speed by 10%.
  • Borvir's Dagger and Rundi's Dagger: Increased physical damage. Added electrical damage enchantments.
  • "Bloody Spike": Increased physical damage, increased health absorption to 25 units.
  • Miraak's Sword: Increased the power of magical enchantment.
  • "Cooler": Increased cold damage.
  • "Gust of Wind": Increased physical damage.
  • "Cleaver": Increased physical damage, enhanced enchantment.
  • When equipped, it no longer takes 5, but 100 units from the owner. health. Therefore, be careful with his equipment when your health is low, your character may die.
  • "Executioner's Axe": Increased physical damage, added double enchantment for the chance to paralyze the enemy and capture souls. Can be improved.
  • "Okin" and "Eduzh": Increased physical damage, enhanced enchantment.
  • "Black Blade of Gauldur" and "Black Bow of Gauldur": increased physical. damage to leveled items.
  • Armor of Azidal, Armor of the Death Seal, Armor of the Guild Leader, Armor of the Black Guardian: The protection value of each of their parts has been increased.
  • Death Seal Armor: Increased enchantment power.
  • Linwe Armor: Slightly increased the amount of protection for each of its parts. Increased armor stamina +50 units. Prohibition on removing enchantment.
  • Ancient Shadow Armor: Defense has been slightly increased, an enchantment has been added to increase stealth skill, and a poison resistance enchantment has been added.
  • Nightingale armor: The protection value of each of its parts for all leveled items has been slightly increased.
  • Nightingale armor: Reduced weight, added enchantment to increase stamina and magic resistance.
  • Nightingale Gloves: Enchantment to increase lockpicking and damage skills for one-handed weapons.
  • Nightingale Boots: Enchantment to increase footstep muffling skills and increase carry weight.
  • Nightingale Hood: Enchantment to increase illusion and shooting skills.
  • Nightingale Blade and Nightingale Bow: slightly increased physical damage, increased attack speed by 10%.
  • Ancient Falmer Armor: Renamed to Snow Elf Armor, slightly increased the defense value of each part.
  • Ancient Falmer Crown: Renamed to Snow Elf Crown.
  • Auriel's Shield: increased defense.
  • Auriel's Bow: Damage increased.
  • Sword of Harkon: Increased damage, upgraded with ebony ingots.
  • Increased damage and cost of Dawnguard weapons.
  • Dawnguard weapons and shields have an attack bonus against vampires, so to improve them you need not only steel, but also silver ingots.
  • Dawnguard Shields: Added to an existing enchantment, magic resistance property by 25%. Health regeneration by 50% for heavy armor shields and increased stamina by +70 for rune shield.
  • The protection and weight of light and heavy armor of the Dawnguard have been adjusted.
  • Silver bolts are now used instead of steel bolts. The amount of their damage has been increased to 12 units. Same with bolts of fire, ice and electricity.
  • Slightly increased the damage of all crossbows.
  • The Dawnguard helmets have a good enchantment for fighting against vampires, but there is no ability to add your own enchantment. To make the helmets truly useful, a +35% shooting enchantment was added to them. Now the effectiveness of crossbows with such helmets will increase significantly, and it will be exactly as Dorak said about crossbows: “There is nothing better to shoot at vampires.”
  • The duration of the Candle Light spell has been increased to three minutes.
  • Spell "Magic Light" - duration increased to seven minutes.
  • Spells "Oak Flesh", "Stone Flesh", "Iron Flesh", "Ebony Flesh" - the duration of action has been increased to three minutes.
  • The duration of the "Courage" spell has been increased to seven minutes.
  • Changed the weight of Dwemer castings, beams and melting plates to comparable values ​​to Dwemer ingots. Added the ability to smelt other Dwemer trash into Dwemer ingots.
  • Reduced weight of logs. Now you can chop wood in large quantities without overloading.
  • To smelt one iron ingot you now need 2 pieces of ore.
  • Reduced the weight of dragon bones and scales.
  • Changed the weight of animal skins to the correct values ​​and increased their value.
  • The cost and weight of horker fangs and mammoth tusks has been increased.
  • The cost of the Centurion generator core has been increased. Due to its increased cost, it now makes sense to collect these cores not only for beauty, but also for sale.
  • The merchant's clothes and boots have an enchantment to improve the price. Rich clothes and an outfit of shining clothes are enchanted to increase eloquence. Another type of rich clothing and its boots are left without enchantment so that you can put your own on it.
  • One type of blacksmith's apron was enchanted to increase blacksmithing skill, the other was left blank and renamed "apprentice's apron." After casting your enchantment, you can rename it later as you wish. By collecting a complete set of a blacksmith's apron, blacksmith's boots, blacksmith's gloves, a ring and a blacksmith's amulet, you can get a good bonus for increasing your weapon and armor improvement skill.
  • You can get a stronger bonus by enchanting your items if your enchanting skill has been increased to 100.
  • The monastic robe has its own enchantment added, most suitable for magicians who use restoration magic. Of course, it cannot be compared with the robes of the College of Winterhold, but it is better suited for the servants of the monasteries of the goddesses Mara and Kynareth.
  • The duration of spiders and spheres summoned by the Etherium Staff has been increased from 1 to 7 minutes.
  • Rose of Sanguine: increased the duration of the Dremora summoning to three minutes.
  • Runvald's Staff, Gathnor's Magic Staff, Staff of Secret Power, Magnus' Staff, Yorick Goldurson's Staff - the power of spells has been increased.
  • Clavicus Vile's mask has increased magical characteristics.

Dragon Priest Masks:

  • Azidal, Dukan, Zakrisosh - left as is without changes.
  • Miraak - Increases the regeneration of life, stamina and magic by 75%, 100%, 125% by level masks.
  • Konarik - Physical defense has been slightly increased.
  • Vokun - Spells from the schools of witchcraft, illusion and change consume 35% less magic.
  • Volsung - Prices are 25% more favorable, carrying capacity is increased by 30, the wearer can breathe underwater.
  • Krosis - Hacking, archery and alchemy skills increased by 35%.
  • Morokei - Magicka regeneration increased by 175%.
  • Nakrin - +100 to magic, spells from the school of destruction and restoration consume 25% less magic.
  • Otar - Increased resistance to fire, cold and electricity by 40%.
  • Ragot - Increased stamina by 175 units.
  • Hevnorak - no changes.

Description of the mod "AmuletsAedra":

  • Aedric sanctuaries and amulets at the beginning of the game provide minor bonuses, which are reduced to zero as the character grows. Over time, with developed enchanting skills, you can create amulets, and even find in the game ones that are significantly superior to aedric ones in the strength of their properties, thereby greatly reducing their significance. Therefore, the properties of the sanctuaries and their amulets and the magnitude of their impact were changed.
  • At first glance, someone might say that they will give too strong an advantage, especially at the initial levels. But just at the beginning, when the character is still weak, this will help him survive. .
  • Those who played on a higher difficulty than “adept” will understand. In addition, for different characters you can now choose amulets and shrines that are more suitable for their specialization.

Altars and amulets:

  • Amulet of Zenithar - Increases carrying capacity by 125.
  • Amulet of Akatosh - Increases magic resistance by 35%.
  • Amulet of Dibella - Increases eloquence by 25.
  • Amulet of Julianos - Magic is restored 150% faster.
  • Amulet of Kynareth - Increases stamina regeneration rate by 125%.
  • Amulet of Mara - Restoration magic spells consume 35% less magic.
  • Amulet of Stendarr - Increases armor class by 100.
  • Amulet of Arkay - Health is restored 500% faster.
  • Amulet of Talos - Reduces the time between screams by 25%.
  • Amulet of Saarthal - Spells from all schools of magic cost 25% less mana.
  • Amulet of Gauldur - +100 to increase magic, health, stamina. Magicka, health, and stamina regeneration increased by 75%.
  • Amulet of Kin - Damage caused by animals is reduced by 20%, archery is increased by 50%, increases stamina by 50.
  • Sanctuary of Zenithar - Prices are 35% cheaper.
  • Sanctuary of Julianos - Increases your magicka by 150.
  • Shrine of Akatosh - 35% better control of ranged weapons.
  • Shrine of Arkay - Increases life by 150.
  • Sanctuary of Dibella - Increases Speech by 35.
  • Shrine of Kynareth - Increases stamina by 150.
  • Sanctuary of Mara - Restoration magic spells are 30% more effective.
  • Sanctuary of Stendarr - Increases shield blocking by 35% more damage.
  • Shrine of Talos - Reduces the time between screams by 25%.
  • Shrine of Auriel - Handle ranged weapons 50% better.

About the shrines of Akatosh and Auriel:

  • Akatosh is the main Deity of the Nine. The elven version of Akatosh goes by the name Auriel. The power of the Snow Elf Sanctuary has a stronger effect.

Description of the mod "RenewedMonsters":

  • The size of centurions, giants, mammoths has been reduced by 10-20%, but their lifespan has been increased. I know that fans of gigantomania, who grew up on South Korean or Japanese games that killed monsters the size of a ten-story building, will not like this, but let them not be indignant and simply do not use this mod. Because it looks stupid when your character, with his height not even reaching the giant’s waist, picks his sword at his left or right heel and kills this giant. With such a difference in height and, accordingly, weight, the giant should break all the bones of your character with a kick, or the dragon should smear the Dovahkiin on the ground with a blow of his tail. But the size of the dragons had to be left the same only because it led to distortion in the display of the animation when finishing off the dragon.
    Also, with its large original size, the Dwemer centurion should be an indestructible and dangerous machine, at least for melee fighters and archers, so its size was also reduced.
  • But despite the above, Dwemer spiders and their lifespan were increased so that they looked like dangerous creatures, and not small cockroaches.
  • The life reserve of skeletons and regular draugr has been increased.
  • Bears, sabertooths, spriggans, mammoths and horkers, and frost spiders have increased life reserves and regeneration. It’s not that easy to kill them, especially at low levels.
  • Mud crabs have become stronger.
  • Wolves are now deprived of the ability to hit with a stagger that they had before, but they have an increased health reserve and a small amount of life regeneration has been added.
  • Dragons' lifespan has been increased. Now it takes a little more effort to kill them.

Description of the "FoodDrink&Potions" mod:

  • For some reason, the developers did not bring to mind the effects of food at all. Food in this game was essentially junk, and using a pot by the fire was also unnecessary.
  • The author decided to change this situation so that it makes sense to prepare food for oneself, buy it in taverns and at the market, and inspect barrels of food and bags. All this will give you a good feel for the bonuses that food now gives, and not just as before, it only gave a few units of restoration to health or stamina.
  • Eating meat products now increases health regeneration. Cooked food has the greatest effect rather than eating it raw.
  • Fried foods and various baked goods can only be cooked using an oven. It is nonsense to cook fried goat's ham or similar dishes in a cauldron. Food is boiled in saucepans, but not fried or baked.
  • Eating vegetables and fruits increases mana regeneration.
  • Alcoholic drinks increase stamina regeneration.
  • The rate of regeneration of health, mana and stamina was deliberately increased slightly so that the need to use restoration potions would not disappear. High regeneration is set only for skooma, so that there is interest in its use.
  • Skooma greatly increases mana and stamina regeneration.
  • Sleepy tree sap increases your mana, health, and stamina.
  • Increased the strength of mana, health, and stamina regeneration potions.
  • The amount of restoration of mana, health and stamina potions has been doubled.
  • The duration of potions that increase life, mana, and stamina has been increased from one minute to three.


  • DLC Dawnguard
  • Dragonborn DLC
  • Hearthfire DLC


  • Mods are compatible with others that do not affect changes in the parameters of the listed items, food and drinks. As a last resort, you need to place these esp files lower in the list of mods to give them a higher priority.
  • They go well with SPERG-4.0 and the iNeed and Living Takes Time mods. It is better to slow down the speed of time to eight; this can be done through the console with the command “set timescale to 8”.


  • Archives for Skyrim Special Edition with SSE prefixes.
  • "Mod with separate esp. files" v2.0.
  • "Mod with 3 combined esp. files into one file" v2.0a.
  • "Mod with separate esp. files" SSE 2.0.
  • "Mod with 3 combined esp. files into one file" SSE 2.0a.

You can't imagine anything more standard.​

  1. Place the esp files from the archive in the Data folder of your game and connect the mod in the launcher.

Becoming a legendary hero is much easier when you have a couple of powerful artifacts at hand. There are a lot of them, but which ones are the best of their kind? This guide contains the best one-handed weapons in the game, which are perfect for those who set out to master it on the Nintendo Switch!

Best One-Handed Equipment in Skyrim

Skyrim has so-called unique items that are really worth getting. They are almost never found on sale; to get hold of them, you will have to complete dangerous missions and go to the most remote areas of Skyrim.

If you are tired of going aimlessly, completing all the tasks in a row and getting some useless ones, then this guide is for you. In it we have collected the best one-handed weapons of different classes, and also included methods for obtaining them. A true guide for the treasure hunter and gunsmith enthusiast!

The best unique daggers in Skyrim

There are a lot of unique daggers in the game, but we’ll only focus on a couple of absolutely amazing ones. They will be useful to anyone who relies on stealth and lightning strikes from the shadows: Mehrune's Razor and Blade of Woe.

How to get the Mehrunes Razor weapon

A compact weapon that has very good base damage (11), but is valuable primarily for its magical properties. Each strike from Mehrunes' Razor has a chance to kill instantly, making this weapon superior to all others.

To obtain Mehrunes' Razor, you must complete the Pieces of the Past quest by killing Silus Vesuius. The quest itself becomes available only after reaching level 20. The courier will bring a letter in which Dovahkiin will be invited to the vicinity of Dawnstar. To start the task, you need to talk to the above-mentioned Sil Vesul.

How to get the Blade of Woe weapon

It has higher base damage (12), and the enchantment will be useful in any battle: each blow with the Blade of Woe absorbs 10 health from the enemy.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from one of the game characters during the quest “Death Incarnate”. It is part of the Dark Brotherhood storyline.

By the way, you can get a dagger much faster if you start following the goals of the quest “Death Incarnate” even before officially joining the Brotherhood. It is enough to simply kill Astrid and take the Blade of Woe from her lifeless body. There is only one downside to such a quick method: after what you have done, you will not be able to join the Brotherhood.

The best unique maces in Skyrim

The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim has a blunt weapon to suit every taste. You can find something cool for any situation; the unique maces in the game alone are enough to arm a small army. But only one mace is good enough to deserve to be called the best - The Mace of Molag Bal.

How to get the Mace of Molag Bal weapon

This Daedric artifact is dangerous even without the magic it contains: the base damage is 16. Each blow with a mace burns 25 stamina and magical energy, which allows you to effectively fight against magicians.

But that's not all: if the enemy dies within 3 seconds after Moghal Bal's Mace hits him, then his soul goes into a soul stone, if he has one in his inventory.

The Mace of Molag Bal is a reward for completing the daeric quest “House of Horrors”. In the city of Markarth, near one of the houses, the Watcher Tyranus will contact Dovahkiin, asking for help in clearing an abandoned house from Daedra worshipers. The task will begin as soon as you enter the house. Then everything will happen quite quickly, but don’t wait for what will happen!

The best unique swords in Skyrim

Swords are the most popular weapon class, and there are more unique blades in the game than any other dangerous hardware. Among them there are both good and very good. And there are better ones. These are the ones we will be talking about: Miraak's Sword, Chillrend, Dragonbane, Soulrender and Bloodscythe, Gauldur Blackblade.

How to get the weapon Miraak's Sword

This sword was added in the latest official expansion - . And for true connoisseurs of edged weapons, this is almost a reason to fork out money. This weapon has a good base damage rate, as well as a powerful enchantment that absorbs the stamina of enemies.

To obtain the Sword of Miraak, you must begin the Dragonborn storyline by traveling to the island of Solstheim. Almost immediately after landing, the main character will encounter two cultists who will tell him about the very first dragonborn, and then try to kill him.

There will be many more adventures, and only at the end of the quest “At the Summit of Apocrypha” will Dovahkiin finally be able to take possession of the Sword of Miraak. The main thing is not to forget to search the body of the killed villain. Yes, it all takes a long time, but the reward is worth it!

How to get a weapon Cooler

A glass sword (sounds crazy, but standard logic in the world of the Elder Scrolls does not work), the blows of which cause cold damage. An excellent choice against adversaries who are vulnerable to this element. As another nice bonus, it has a chance to paralyze affected opponents. Well, the damage is good, you can’t argue with that.

The Cooler is the personal weapon of the head of the Thieves Guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to obtain the Cooler is to pick it up from Frey's house during The Pursuit. The dagger is in a locked box, so you will have to work with master keys.

By the way, the strength of the Cooler depends on the strength of the character. Therefore, you should not rush to complete the task, because you can get a weapon that in the future will turn into a useless toothpick. The power of the Cooler is determined the moment Dovahkiin first enters Mercer Frey's house.

How to get the Dragonsbane weapon

In The Elder Scrolls 5: Skyrim you often have to deal with dragons, so there is nothing better than getting a weapon that is “tailored” for battles with hefty winged reptiles. The Dragon Scourge enchantment deals additional damage to dragons and also strikes all enemies with lightning.

As with the Chiller, the power of this weapon depends on the character's level, so it may be worth pumping up a little before running for the Dragon Scourge.

The katana can be found in the Temple of Heavenly Harbor during the quest “Alduin's Wall”. The task is plot-based, so it will be difficult to miss it. The dragon scourge lies in the room, which is located a little further from the main hall of the Temple. You can also find Blades.

How to get the Strangler and Bloody Scythe weapons

Actually, these are two separate weapons, but only together they deserve to be called one of the best swords in Skyrim. They appeared in the game with the release of the Dragonborn expansion and perform well when the character picks them up. Both the Strangler and the Bloody Scythe are excellent at absorbing magical energy and health, and also reduce the enemy’s physical and magical resistance.

To get both blades, you need to reach level 36, and then you will have to sail to the island of Solstheim, where the story of “Dragonborn” develops. All that remains next is to find the book “Deathbrand” in Tel Mithryn or on Raven Rock and complete the task of the same name.

How to get the Black Blade of Gauldur weapon

Another weapon, the effectiveness of which is determined by the strength of the character when he first enters the location of the acquisition quest. In the best case, the base damage of the Black Blade of Gauldur will be 36. This is very cool, and the sword can still be improved at the forge, having the perk for forging Dwemer equipment.

Also included with good combat power is an enchantment that restores the health of the blade owner.

You can get the Black Blade of Gauldur as a trophy at the end of the Forbidden Legend quest. To start the quest, you need to find the book “The Lost Legends of Skyrim,” which will tell you where you can find Gauldur, the famous Nord warrior of antiquity. The book itself can be found in almost any city.

If for some reason all copies of the book were lost, then you can find another one in Reachwater Rock. In the end, Dovahkiin will have to go to Folgunthur - the last abode of the dead Gauldur.

The best unique axes in Skyrim

Not as versatile as swords, axes are still very popular, especially among the wilder Nords. Among the heap of various rubbish, only two truly good axes can be distinguished: Okin and the Dawnguard Rune Axe.

How to get Okin weapons

A very impressive looking ax in the Nordic style. It deals cold damage, burns the enemy's stamina, and has a base damage of 12. It's worth upgrading, since it only requires the perk for forging steel equipment.

To get Okin into your calloused hands, you need to complete the Silenced Tongues quest. You can take it at the very end of exploring the Volunruud mound. Actually, Okin is a reward for completing the quest. By the way, Okin has a related weapon - Eduj, but it is not as cool as it might seem at first glance.

How to get the Dawnguard Rune Ax weapon

As its name suggests, this piece of Tamriel's military brilliance is included in the expansion pack.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim contains a lot of loot that no player can have the same supply after a couple of minutes of play. Weapons are of course vitally important, but what should you choose?

Now Skyrim is coming to Nintendo Switch and PlayStation VR, we're revamping our Skyrim guides to make sure new adventurers have everything they need to get the most out of this massive game. In this guide we are talking about weapons.

In truth, there aren't many absolute best weapons in Skyrim, thanks to the fact that some use of enchantments and other mechanics can make almost any weapon viable on any difficulty - even your bare fists! With that said, some of the most famous weapons in the game are unique weapons that can be found in certain locations or through certain quests. Each unique weapon has its own set properties, a unique name, and very often an enchantment that will give it some special advantage.

What weapons do you have in Skyrim, you can write about it in the comments!

Best Skyrim Daggers

There are over ten unique daggers in the game, but we're going to focus on a couple that we think are particularly excellent. If you're building a character for stealth play, they can prove to be quite a significant weapon for you to have for quite some time.

Mehrunes' razor

Mehrunes' Razor is a decent little dagger thanks to its base damage status of 11, but what really sets it apart is its enchantment. Any strike with Mehrunes' Razor has a chance to instantly kill an enemy.

To get the Razor of Mehrunes, you need to complete the Pieces of the Past quest and kill Silus Vesui at the end of the quest. You will be prompted to complete this quest once you reach level 20 through a courier, or you can stumble upon the quest by walking around Dawnstar; where they will tell you about the Silus Museum, that’s where you need to go to start the mission.

Blade of Woe

This dagger is even more powerful than Mehrunes' Razor with a base damage of 12, and its enchantment is useful for fighting powerful enemies - each blow absorbs 10 health points.

The Blade of Woe can be obtained from NPCs during the Death Incarnate quest, part of the Dark Brotherhood faction quest line. You can also follow the early steps of the quest and kill Astrid during the quest "With Friends Like These". You will be able to take the Blade of Woe from her body, but you will no longer be able to join the brotherhood.

Weapon Damage Weight Upgrade with Ingot, Perk Effect
Dragon bone dagger 12 6,5 Dragon bone, dragon armor No
Blade of Woe 12 7 Steel Ingot Drain 10 health
Mehrunes' razor 11 3 Ebony Ingot 1.98% chance to kill instantly, infinite charges
Daedric Dagger 11 6 Ebony Ingot, Daedric Smith No
Stalhrim Dagger 10 4.5 Ebony armor Frost spell enchantment is 25% stronger

Best Skyrim Maces

There are even fewer unique maces in the game, but some of them are still impressive. Maces are really meant for people who want to master the real power of the character and deal devastating blows to their enemies.

Mace of Molag Bal

This artifact is quite powerful, with a base damage of 16. It also comes with an enchantment that takes away 25 points of damage, stamina and magic. On top of that, if the target dies within 3 seconds, you will fill the soul gem.

The Mace is given to you after completing Daegric Quest House of Horrors. In the city of Markarth, a leader named Tyranus will ask you to help find an abandoned house. As soon as you enter the house with or without a hint, this quest will begin. Finish the quest, take the mace.

Best Skyrim Swords

Swords are, of course, the most common weapon class you'll find in Skyrim. There are many of them, they are unique and scattered throughout the world. For you, we have collected the best examples that are worthy of being seen.

Miraak's Sword

Players of the original Skyrim may not be familiar with the Sword of Miraak since it was added in the Dragonborn DLC, but it's a pretty damn good weapon. The sword absorbs stamina thanks to its enchantment, and it has consistent damage.

To get your hands on it, you will need to start quests with the dragon priest by going to the island of Solstheim. When you are ready, two priests will tell you about the "first dragon" and try to kill you. This will start the DLC quest line. After several quests, you will be taken to the final Dragonborn quest, at Apocrypha Summit. You will be able to pick up this weapon as loot from a corpse at the end of this quest. It's a long process to get there, but it's worth it.


Chiller is a glass sword and is great for enemies who don't like frost damage. His spells inflict frost damage and have a chance to paralyze enemies.

The weapon is held by the leader of the thieves guild, Mercy Frey. The easiest way to access it is to find it in Frey's house during the thieves guild quest "The Purist". It is proudly displayed in its case and has an expert lock that you can pick to gain access to it. Keep in mind that this weapon is level dependent, so how good it is will be determined by your level.

Curse of the Dragon

Do you spend an awful lot of time in Skyrim fighting dragons? Curse of the Dragon means it deals extra damage to dragons. This sword is level dependent, so its performance will be partially determined by your level when you first pick it up.

The Dragon's Curse is found in the Sky Temple during the Walls of Alduin quest and is an important step in the game's main story. In order to take it you need to find a room next to the main chamber of the temple.

Strangler and Bloody Scythe

Two more weapons that were added to the Dragonborn DLC. These two swords were designed to be double-bladed. When activated, the player gains a powerful enchantment to absorb magic and health, reducing the target's defenses from further physical and magical attacks.

You will need to reach the Dragonborn quest line to get to Solstheim. Once you reach level 36 or higher, you will find a copy of the book, Deathbrand, inside Tel Mithryn or Raven's Rock Temple. You will receive both of these weapons through the quest.

Black Blade of Gauldur

Gauldur's Black Blade is another level-dependent weapon, meaning its effectiveness will be determined by your level when you first find it. The best version of it is used at level 36. As a weapon of the ancient Nord, the Dwarven Blacksmith's Fist will help you make it even more deadly.

The sword can be picked up during the quest “Forbidden Legend”. You can start this quest by reading the book Lost Legends - this will begin the search for the legend of Galdur. You can find one of the books naturally; you will find it on the body of a dead adventurer in the Reachwater cliff. Later in the quest you will find yourself in the ruins of Golguntur - upon completion, this sword will be your reward.

Best Skyrim Battle Axes

Battle axes are a less popular weapon than the sword. We've selected a couple of axes to show you.


Okin is a cool Nordic battle axe. It contains a frost enchantment, and is dangerous for the enemy's stamina, health, and also has a stable base damage of 12. It can be upgraded and leveled up with a forged piece of steel.

To enjoy Okin, you need to do the quest Silence of Tongues. You can find it in the rubble of Volundrud by exploring around - you will find notes that will start pushing you towards the quest. Eventually you will receive this weapon as a reward.

Dawnguard Rune Ax

As the name of this weapon suggests, it can be found in the Dawnguard DLC pack. It uses solar damage against undead, and the amount of damage increases with each undead enemy you have killed with an ax since the last sunrise - this is its unique effect.

To get this weapon, simply purchase the Dawnguard DLC. Eventually you'll come across the Lost Relic quest. These are quests that will send you on a quest to find a random artifact, but if you keep doing these quests, you will eventually receive that item.

Battle axes and hammers, Greatswords

For players who like to play with two-handed weapons, Skyrim has quite a few unique types of axes, hammers and swords. So we grouped them together.


If you don't like elves, this weapon is definitely for you. It deals even more damage to elves, and that's on top of its base damage set at 25. It also looks pretty bloody, to be honest.

In order to become the owner of this weapon, you need to complete the “Final Duty” task, and for this you will have to join the “Companions” faction. The Last Duty is the final quest for this faction. You can take Wuuthrad's ax on the statue by activating it.

Ax of Sorrow

It is described as a very powerful weapon - it has a base damage of 22. It can be upgraded at the forge.

The ax can be found in the Daedra search. Once you reach level 10 or higher, you will want to find Lod near the entrance to Falkreth. When given the chance, kill Barbas with the axe. You must use an ax to kill him. You can save it as a reward.

Bloodthirsty Blade

Originally added in the Dragonborn DLC, this greatsword releases an energy blast when you make an attack. The energy blast also deals 30 damage.

You need to start the Dragonborn main quest and then head to Raven Rock Mine. Chat with Cresius at the entrance to the mine and begin the quest “The Last Descent”. You will find the blade near the remains of Gratian Kaerellius later in the quest, in the Bloody Swamp.


This massive hammer has a slightly vicious appearance and an absolutely ridiculous base damage of 47. It also absorbs stamina, very useful for a weapon of this size of this deadly nature.

The Daedric Prince will give it to you as part of the “Cursed Tribe” quest. To accept this quest, you need to go to the Orca fortress in Largashbur. Try to save the life of the orc Ugor, who will then help you in this quest.

Best Skyrim Bows

Bows are useful for players who like to stay at a distance and shoot enemies with a hail of arrows. Here is our selection of long range bows.

Nightingale onion

The Nightingale Bow is actually owned by Karliah, a member of the thieves' guild and a temporary follower of Dragonborn for some of that guild's quests. His spell allows him to freeze and shock the target, which is very convenient. This is a level dependent weapon, so its power will depend on your level when you get it. The best version is at level 46 and above.

To become the owner of the Nightingale Bow, you will have to join the Thieves Guild and follow your quest line. By the end of this quest series you will receive the Blindsighted quest. This bow is a reward for completing this quest. He also gives you a bone key, so this is a really useful quest.

Glass Bow of the Deer King

This bow has a charm that blesses you for every 20 animals you kill with a bow, ideal for hunting. Blessing does the most, but it also provides a significant boost to health and stamina while the bow is equipped.

You can get the bow from Falas Selvane at the old trading post. It's on the island of Solstheim, so it's part of the Dragonborn DLC. The bow can be taken by stealing it or simply buying it.

Gauldur's Black Bow

This item has priority based on your level, that is, its effectiveness will be determined by your level when you first equip it. The best version is at level 36.

The bow can be picked up during the quest “Forbidden Legend”. You can start this quest by reading the book Lost Legends - it will start with finding the legend of Galdur. If you don't find one of the books naturally, you can take it from the dead adventurer in Reachwater Cliff. The quest will eventually lead you to Geirmund's Hall, where you will fight Sigdis Galdurson. The bow will be your reward.

Weapon Damage Weight DPS Upgrade Effect
Improved Dwarven Crossbow 22 21 N/A Dwarven Blacksmith Ignores 50% armor
Dragon Bow 20 20 15 Dragon bone, dragon armor No
Auriel's Bow 13 11 13 Refined Moonstone, Elven Blacksmith 20 sun damage tripled if target is Undead.
Marshmallow 12 10 12 Dwarven Blacksmith Arrows are 30% faster than a standard bow
Daedric Bow 19 18 9,5 Ebony Ingot, Daedric Smith No
Nightingale onion 19 18 9,5 Ebony Ingot 30 units Frost Damage

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